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United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,270,023
May et a1. [45] Date of Patent: Dec. 14, 1993


A process for producing sodium carbonate from a vari
ety of crude ores and brine containing sodium bicarbon
[76] Inventors: Frank H. May, PO. Box 3087, Mesa, ate and sodium carbonate without the use of calcium
Aril- 85275; Fred C- Home, 14940 E- carbonate. The process includes the steps of reacting
Janine Dr Whittier, Cali? 90605 the raw materials containing sodium bicarbonate and
[211 App]. N03 969,061 sodium carbonate with a bicarbonate ?ltrate containing
_ ammonium chloride brine solution under heat, produc
[22] ?led: Oct 30 1992 ing ammonia, carbon dioxide, and a mother liquor con
[51] In. on ........................ .. c011) 7/12; c0113 7/26 raining an aqueous Solution of sodium chloride which is
[52] US. Cl. .................................. .. 423/182; 423/194; recycled. This solution may contain also sodium bicar
' 423/421; 423/424 bonate and sodium carbonate to enhance production.
[58] Field of Search ................. .. 423/425, 206 T, 421, The mother liquor is separated and reacted with ammo
423/422, 186, '189, 190, 423, 424, 427 429, 132, nia and carbon dioxide collected from the reacting step
194 to crystalize sodium bicarbonate and produce an ammo
[56] References Cited nium chloride brine solution which is recycled to react
with the crude ore. In summary, the process will pro
U'S' PATENT DOCUMENTS duce the equivalent sodium carbonate related to the
3,505,009 4/1970 van Darnme-van Weele 423/423 ammonium chloride content of the bicarbonate ?ltrate
211m}; 6 all- ------------ - in addition to the dissolved sodium carbonate values in
, , mo et a. ....... . . . .. - - i -

4,564,508 1/1986 Fairweather at a! us/189 the recycled ammonlum chloride brine. The solution
4,584,077 4/1986 Chlanda et al. . 423/206 T Flay be camed m" 0 ,med cmle Fabove Pound r
4,743,439 5/1988 Ready ............................... .. 423/421 Instead heated ammmum @1011 mm $1m111 may
be pumped directly into the ore body in situ. Alterna
FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS tively, heated sodium chloride solution may be passed
1567911 5/1973 Fed. Rep. of Germany . through an underground ore deposit and the resulting
49-10197 1/1974 Japan . solution reacted with ammonium chloride brine solu
726024 4/1980 U.S.S.R. . tron. '

Primary ExaminerDavid Brunsman

Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Edgar W. Averill, Jr. 6 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
I, A, 15 19 /

,5 NH3+CO2 F24
BRtNE 5 Z,

3 souns 23/ *2:
,8 mums
emu: TOWERS com-"ml
l r25
e02 Nance,


JJ J5 35 f 37
US. Patent Dec. 14,1993 Sheet 1 of 3 5,270,023

['76- I SODIUM
r rm /5 m r
rl?, -NH3+CO2 P24
BRlNE Z5 2/

/ /7 $
SOLIDS 2;) by

7 K25
co2 _ NcHCO3

V fl?

3: F34 r35 r36 [.37

US. Patent Dec. 14, 1993 Sheet 2 of 3 5,270,023


f/z r/z

' 39 TRONA 4/
BRINE """ "- V J



M 56*

4a 47
\ L, w 42\

SONI' Vl 43 45
.54 NH3+CQ2 HEAT
sou0s<- FILTER b
h 44
57 52 F5] 5/

+ + T r49


' 3] r34 r35 r36- / 37

US. Patent Dec. 14, 1993 Sheet 3 of 3 5,270,023




I C [L7
EPIUJIIQN________ " m4

\ flay
_______ __ II _TREATMENT
STORAGE ----------- -- J :
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; CARB II r1
rf/ II r-l/Z + +

II r32
f3; (37
1 2
CARBONATE, SODIUM BICARBONATE AND FIG. 1 is a flow sheet of a ?rst variation of the pro
ASSOCIATED COMPOUNDS cess of the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a ?ow sheet showing a second variation of
BACKGROUND OF THE DISCLOSURE the process of the present invention.
The ?eld of the invention is conventional mining and FIG. 3 is a flow sheet showing an in situ version of
milling and solution mining and the invention relates the process of the present invention.
more particularly to the production of sodium carbon DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
ate or sodium bicarbonate from crude ores such as EMBODIMENTS
trona, nancolite, naturally occurring brines, or complex
carbonate minerals. In the past, the Solvay process was The process of the present invention is designed to
commonly used for the production of soda ash, but the utilize a modi?ed ammonia soda (Solvay) process for
Solvay plant facilities in the United States and in other the recovery of naturally occurring deposits of soluble
environmentally sensitive areas around the world have carbonate minerals. The process eliminates the basic
been shut down and abandoned since substantial requirements for raw material sodium chloride, carbon
amounts of calcium chloride were produced and there dioxide, water and limestone or calcium carbonate. The
was no practical manner of recycling a disposal of this process involves a leach cycle to effectively dissolve the
by-product. The Solvay process reacts the sodium radi 20 ore and is efficient in recovering essentially all dissolved
cal in sodium chloride with the carbon dioxide present and reacted carbonate values contained in each leach
in limestone using ammonia as an interminable reactant. cycle without the use of evaporation. This process oth
Most domestically produced soda ash is produced erwise is identical to the ammonia-soda process. The
from buried naturally occurring deposits of trona (so process can be designed to produce the equivalent so
dium sesquicarbonate) in the Green River Basin in Wy 25 dium carbonate related to the ammonium chloride con
oming. The ores are mined through deep shafts by con tent of the bicarbonate ?ltrate in addition to the dis
ventional room and pillar or long wall mining methods. solved sodium carbonate values in the recycled sodium
Soda ash is recovered by one of two common processes chloride brine.
referred to by the industry as the mono hydrate process The basic process utilizes the ammonium chloride
and the trona process. Both processes have the follow 30 ?ltrate from the bicarbonate ?ltrate step as a recycled
ing disadvantageous: numerous operating steps; lack of brine. The brine is heated and reacted with the mined
ef?ciency, high manpower requirements; and high capi raw material ore or injected into the underground ore
tal and operating costs. body to produce a recycled saturated brine. The hot
ammonium chloride brine acts as a strong acid and
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION reacts with the solid or dissolved carbonate minerals to
It is the object of the present invention to provide a regenerate the sodium chloride equivalent of the ammo
process which directly recovers sodium carbonate, and nium chloride and evolve ammonia and carbon dioxide
sodium bicarbonate values from naturally occurring in accordance with the following reaction in the case of
trona ores:
ores, and brines requiring no or minimal amounts of
extraneous reagents with a minimum of undesired by 40
product production.
The present invention is for a solution process for
producing sodium carbonate from crude ores contain The sodium chloride is recovered in the reaction
ing sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate without solution. This solution is ?ltered and treated to remove
the use of calcium carbonate or sodium chloride as raw 45 dissolved impurities and later reacted with the evolved
materials. The process comprises the steps of reacting ammonia and carbon dioxide in the carbonation-sodium
the crude ores with a bicarbonate ?ltrate containing bicarbonate crystallization step of the process. The
ammonium chloride brine solution under heat to pro crystallized sodium bicarbonate is ?ltered and calcined
duce ammonia, carbon dioxide, and a mother liquor to produce anhydrous sodium carbonate and evolved
containing an aqueous solution of sodium chloride, 50 carbon dioxide and water which are recovered and
which is recycled. This solution may also contain so recycled to the carbonators. The sodium carbonate is
dium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate, to enhance recrystallized as the monohydrate and dried to produce
production. This mother liquor is combined with the the re?ned sodium carbonate product. The re?ned
ammonia and carbon dioxide to crystallize sodium bi product is equivalent to the sodium carbonate values
carbonate from the solution leaving a ?ltrate containing extracted from the crude ore.
ammonium chloride brine solution which is returned to The basic process is versatile and can be designed to
the reacting step. The sodium bicarbonate crystals are recover carbonate values from mined ore, subterranean
then treated and puri?ed in a normal manner and typi or surface deposits and from sodium chloride saturated
cally converted to sodium carbonate. This process may brines. Many carbonate deposits contain varying
be carried out either above ground on mined ore or in amounts of solid sodium chloride. With this process,
situ by injecting the bicarbonate ?ltrate directly into the sodium chloride is bene?cial in serving to saturate dilu
ore body. Hot sodium chloride is injected and the re tion water including that resulting from processing
turned solutions are reacted with ammonium chloride hydrated ores such as trona. Experiment has shown hot
brine and sent to carbonating towers. Alternatively, hot saturated sodium chloride solutions to be an effective
ammonium chloride is injected directly into the ore 65 reagent for dissolving and recovering soluble carbonate
body and results in the product of NH4 and C02 under minerals. A recycle leach process with saturated so
ground and saturated NaCl returned to the surface and dium chloride brines is effective at temperatures of 80
the gases are collected and sent to carbonation. C. and above. However, the rate of solution and con
3 4
centration of dissolved salts favors the higher tempera sures and temperatures as in the Solvay process, and is
ture leaching process. The preferred temperature of filtered at 29 where the ?ltrate passes through line 13 as
operation is at about 100 C. or above. Some variations ammonium chloride brine.
of the process include a saturated sodium chloride recy The sodium bicarbonate crystals pass into conven
cle step for recovery of the soluble underground salts as tional calciner 30 where the evolved water and CO2
a saturated solution and carrying out the decomposition pass through compressor 31 and into the sodium bicar
as an aboveground reaction. The concentration of bonate crystallizer 28. The soda ash then goes to storage
leached salts can vary in relation to the amount of dis area 32 where it can be passed through a repulper 33, a
solved inert salts such as sodium sulfate or potassium crystallizer 34, a ?lter 35, and a conventional dryer 36
salts. The solution of trona in the saturated sodium to provide the ?nal soda ash 37.
solution, apparently reaches saturation at a point satu A variation of the process of FIG. 1 is shown in FIG.
rated with respect to both sodium bicarbonate and 2 where the recycled sodium chloride brine is saturated
trona. At the 100 C. leaching temperature, sodium with trona by a preliminary leach step before sending
bicarbonate decomposes and some evolution of carbon
the saturated solution to the carbonators. Thus, the
dioxide is evident as the ore is ?rst contacted with the
mined ore 10 is crushed at 11 screened at 12 and passes
hot leaching solution. The decomposition reaction is, in into a dissolver 38 which is maintained at about 100' C.
effect, a reverse carbonation reaction and would in
crease the carbonate concentration and adjust the solu or above at 39 to create a decomposition reaction and
tion to a composition saturated with trona. create a saturated brine 40. Brine 40 passes through a
A hot saturated sodium chloride recycle leach pro 20 settlor 41 where the tailings 42 are ?ltered at 43 and exit
cess can be used to advantage in conjunction with the at 44. A wash brine stream 45 is then mixed with the
proposed process as a method for solution mining trona trona saturated brine 46 and passes through line 47 to
ores. The 100 C. trona leach solution, when cooled to reactor 48. Ammonium chloride brine, which has
26 C. crystallized trona in an amount equal to 7 pounds passed through the sodium bicarbonate crystallizer
per 100 pounds of the leach solution. The dissolved 25 through ?lter 50, is mixed with the saturated brine 40 as
trona remaining in solution was determined, based on it exits line 51 upstream of the reactor. The reactor is
30 C. solubility data, to be equal to 5.04 percent by heated and, as described above, produces ammonia and
weight, making a total of 12.04 pounds of trona leached carbon dioxide which pass through line 52 to a carbon
per 100 pounds of saturated leach brine. Using these ation tower 53. The sodium chloride exits the reactor
values and 100 units of water as a basis for calculations, through line 54 and passes into a treatment tank 55, is
it is possible to estimate the production ef?ciency of the ?ltered at 56, cooled at 57 and passes into the carbon
process for recovering and processing underground ation towers 53. As above, the sodium bicarbonate crys
deposits of trona. With the above data and assuming the tals are ?ltered at 50 and passed through calciner 30.
ammonium chloride brine to contain 20 gm. ammonium The gases of carbon dioxide and water vapors are com
chloride per 100 gm. of water, the estimated yield of 35 pressed at 31 to the hydrostatic operating pressure of
sodium bicarbonate would be approximately 52 gm. per the towers and recycled to the ammonium bicarbonate
100 gm. water or 36 gm. per 100 gm. brine. These re crystallizer 49. The soda ash passes into storage area 32
sults are not corrected for water balance and are possi and then can be puri?ed as above through repulp 33,
bly lower than the true values because of the free car crystallizer, 34, ?lter 35, and drier 36 to provide the
bonate in the saturated brine not evaluated or used in pure soda ash 37.
the calculations. Returning now to the sodium chloride brine solution
A ?ow diagram of the process is shown in FIG. 1. exiting reactor 48, a portion of this may be recycled to
The mined ore 10 is passed through a crusher 11 and the dissolver 38 through line 58 and a brine storage tank
through a screen assembly 12. It is mixed with ammo 59 may be used to keep the appropriate solution volume.
nium chloride brine stream 13 which has been heated as The in situ process of the present invention is shown
indicated at 14 and passed into a heated reactor 15. A in FIG. 3 where an underground ore deposit is indi
small amount of sodium chloride brine 16 is added to cated by reference character 100. A pump 101 recycles
the ammonium chloride brine to prevent crystallization. trona saturated brine 102 through ore deposit 100. This
The reaction would typically be carried out at an atmo recycled leach liquor consisting largely of trona satu
spheric or above pressure, 100 C. The reaction which rated brine may be diluted slightly with sodium chloride
takes place in the reactor is generally as follows: brine through line 104. The sodium chloride brine has
exited reactor 106 through line 105. The slightly diluted
trona saturated brine 102 is passed through a settlor to
separate any insoluble tailings. The process stream is
The gas streams of ammonia and carbon dioxide pass 55 next separated into two controlled streams, one going to
through line 17 to carbonation towers 18. The sodium the reactor 106, and the other to the ammonia carbonat
chloride brine solution passes through line 19 to a set ing towers 108. The saturated sodium chloride leach
tlor 20 and through a ?lter 21 and the tailings 22 are brine going to the reactor is combined with the bicar
removed. The brine solution may be treated as with the bonate ammonium chloride ?ltrate and injected into the
addition of precipitating or puri?cation reagents as reactor where the decomposition reaction takes place.
shown at 24 and passed through a second ?lter 25 The evolved ammonia and carbon dioxide are sent to
cooled at 26 and passed into carbonation towers 18. the ammonia soda carbonators 108 where sodium bicar
There, the carbon dioxide, sodium chloride, and ammo bonate is crystallized by the carbonation reaction. The
nia cause the sodium bicarbonate to crystalize by the sodium bicarbonate is crystallized at 112 and then
carbonation reaction. The carbonation tower is typi 65 passed through the purifying and calcining steps de
cally operated at the normal pressure and temperature scribed above consisting of ?lter $0, calciner 30, storage
used in the Solvay process. The reaction is completed in area 32, repulper 33, monohydrate crystallizer 34, ?lter
crystallizer 28 which is also operated at typical pres 35, drier 36 to provide the puri?ed soda ash 37. The
5 6
second controlled stream from settlor 107 passes rates, or phosphates. These soluble impurities will not
through a treatment tank 109 where materials such as adversely affect the application of this invention, in fact,
carbon or ?lter aids, etc. may be added as needed, is these ions commonly occur with saline brine deposits
?ltered at 110 cooled at 111 and passed into the carbon which in some cases can be recovered economically by
ating towers 108. this method.
The processing of either trona or nacolite ores pro If the process of the present invention is used to solu
duce an excess of carbon dioxide which would be used tion mine nacolite deposits, the carbon dioxide is in
to compensate for losses. The bicarbonate ?ltrate (am balance if the desired product is sodium bicarbonate. If
monium chloride brine) is sent to the reactor to produce the desired product is soda ash, however, an excess of
the regenerated sodium chloride brine which is recy l0 carbon dioxide is available for use or disposal.
cled to the underground ore deposit to complete the The present embodiments of this invention are thus to
be considered in all respects as illustrative and not re
The process for recovering the values from nacolite strictive; the scope of the invention being indicated by
deposits does not involve a recycling dissolving cycle the appended claims rather than by the foregoing de
due to the low solubility of bicarbonate in sodium chlo 15
ride solutions. This would be the case for any low solu
scription. All changes which come within the meaning
bility mineral. The underground extraction process and range of equivalency of the claims are intended to
would involve the injection of the heated ammonium be embraced therein.
chloride brine directly into the deposit and recovering What is claimed is:
the evolved ammonia and carbon dioxide along with 1. A process for producing sodium carbonate from
the regenerated sodium chloride brine. Aboveground crude ores containing sodium bicarbonate and sodium
operation would involve the direct reaction with the carbonate without the use of calcium carbonate, said
mined ore if available. In either case the reaction prod process comprising the steps of:
ucts would be recycled to the carbonators to produce reacting the crude ores containing sodium bicarbon
crystallized bicarbonate and the ammonium chloride 25 ate and sodium carbonate with a bicarbonate ?l
brine ?ltrate for recycle. Both trona and nacolite as raw trate containing ammonium chloride brine solution
materials generate an excess of carbon dioxide which is under heat to produce ammonia, carbon dioxide, a
more than adequate to compensate for losses in the mother liquor containing an aqueous solution of
bicarbonate calcining step. sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, and, sodium
The process, when used to recover different composi 30 carbonate, and a solids portion of ore tailings;
tion mineral deposits, would have to be modi?ed ac separating said ammonia and said carbon dioxide
cordingly. For example, if the mineral being processed from said mother liquor and solids portion:
was a sodium sulfate containing brine or solid mineral, separating said mother liquor from the ore tailings;
solid phase sodium sulfate would crystallize during the combining said mother liquor with said ammonia and
decomposition reaction step. This could be recovered 35 said carbon dioxide to crystallize the sodium bicar
as a separate product or disposed of as tailings. Other bonate and sodium carbonate as sodium bicarbon
compounds, such as Gaylussite or Dawsonite would ate crystals and a bicarbonate ?ltrate and said bi
require the separation of calcium carbonate or alumi carbonate filtrate containing ammonium chloride
num in some form as separate products or as insolubles brine solution;
from the regenerated sodium chloride brine. separating the sodium bicarbonate crystals and the
Solubility data for the point saturated with sodium bicarbonate ?ltrate containing ammonium chloride
bicarbonate and trona in saturated sodium chloride brine solution;
solutions are as follows: returning said ammonium chloride brine solution to
said reacting step; and
45 passing said sodium bicarbonate crystals to a calciner
Weight % to convert the sodium bicarbonate to sodium car
Temp. bonate.
Deg. C. Na2C03 Nal-lCO3 NaCl H20
2. The process of claim 1 wherein said reacting step is
30 2.53 1.68 24.01 71.78
35 3.01 1.34 23.92 71.73 carried out in situ by injecting said bicarbonate ?ltrate
45 3.04 1.99 23.91 71.06 50 containing ammonium chloride brine solution, heated,
60 3.28 2.20 24.12 70.40 into ore body containing a carbonate ore.
100' 4.69 3.72 24.01 67.58 3. A process for producing sodium carbonate from
'(Eltimated from experimental data) crude underground ores in situ, said crude ores contain
'Searles lake brine 70' F., Weight %
NaCl 16.50 ing sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate said pro
Na2SO4 6.82 55 cess comprising the steps of:
KCl 4.82 pumping heated sodium chloride-containing brine
Na2CO3 4.80 into the crude ores containing sodium bicarbonate
Na2B4-07 1.51
Water by difference 65.22 and sodium carbonate to produce a saturated chlo
'Teeple ride solution;
withdrawing said saturated solution to an above
The present invention provides an economical pro ground reactor and adding ammonium chloride
cess for recovering quality soda ash, sodium bicarbon brine solution to produce ammonia, carbon diox
ate, or sodium sesquicarbonate products by solution ide, a mother liquor containing an aqueous solution
mining. mining. Because of the extensive recycling and of sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, and, so
lack of abundant end liquors and tailings, the process is 65 dium carbonate, and a solids portion of ore tailings;
environmentally sound. In the cyclic method of the separating said mother liquor form the ore tailings
present invention, the sodium chloride saturated injec into a first and a second portion;
tion solvent may contain other chlorides, sulfates, bo separating said mother liquor from the ore tailings;
7 8
separating said mother liquor into a ?rst and second passing said alkali values to a dryer and then to a
stream; calciner to convert the sodium bicarbonate to soda
combining the ?rst stream of said mother liquor with ash and to produce carbon dioxide; and
said ammonia and said carbon dioxide to crystallize returning said carbon dioxide from the calciner to
the sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate as 5 said combining step.
sodium bicarbonate crystals and a bicarbonate ?l 5. The cyclic process for recovering alkali products
trate and said bicarbonate ?ltrate containing am of claim 4 wherein said reacting step is carried out in
monium chloride brine solution; situ by heating said carbonate ?ltrate and injecting said
recycling the second stream of said mother liquor to carbonate ?ltrate containing heated ammonium chlo
said pumping step; ride brine solution into an ore body containing a carbon
separating the sodium bicarbonate crystals and the ate ore.
bicarbonate ?ltrate containing ammonium chloride 6. A process for recovering alkali products from a
brine solution; crude underground ore body containing sodium bicar
returning said ammonium chloride brine solution to bonate and sodium carbonate, said process comprising
said reacting step; and 15 the steps of:
passing said sodium bicarbonate crystals to a calciner pumping a hot brine solution containing sodium chlo
to convert the sodium bicarbonate to sodium car
ride and ammonium chloride into said crude under
bonate. ground ore to produce a saturated trona solution;
withdrawing said saturated trona solution to an
4. A cyclic process for recovering alkali products 20 above-ground heated reactor;
from mined, crushed and sized trona ore comprising: reacting said saturated trona solution with a recycled
reacting said crushed and sized trona ore with a hot ammonium chloride brine solution to produce gas
saturated aqueous ammonium chloride solution to eous ammonia and carbon dioxide, a mother liquor
effect the dissolution of the ore in a heated reactor containing an aqueous solution of chloride, sodium
to produce gaseous ammonia and carbon dioxide, 25 bicarbonate, and sodium carbonate, and a solids
and a mother liquor containing sodium chloride, portion of sediments from said crude ore;
sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate and a mud separating said mother liquor into a ?rst stream and a
stone and shale portion of ore tailings; second stream;
separating the resultant mother liquor and gasses combining said ?rst stream with the ammonia and
from the mudstone and shale solids portion of the 30 carbon dioxide produced in said reacting step in
ore; carbonating towers to crystallize sodium bicarbon
combining, in carbonating towers, said mother liquor ate to produce crystallized sodium bicarbonate and
with said gaseous carbon dioxide and ammonia to a ?ltrate containing an ammonium chloride brine
produce crystallized alkali values and a carbonate solution;
solution; 35 heating said second stream and recycling it to said
separating the crystallized alkali values from the car pumping step;
bonate solution in said carbonating tower, said passing said crystallized sodium bicarbonate to a cal
solution comprising a carbonate ?ltrate containing ciner to convert the sodium bicarbonate to sodium
an ammonium chloride brine solution; carbonate; and
reheating and returning said ammonium chloride passing said ammonium chloride brine solution to
brine solution to said reacting step and repeating said reacting step.
said cycle of recovery; i 1 i i ii





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