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Phileas Fogg

Phileas Fogg is a theatre company in London who make shows and they had given one show
with us. There were two persons (named: Alexa and Ben) of Phileas Fogg theatre company
who came to the Netherlands to do the show with us. The story was about children and how
they live in the Victorian age. The children lived on the streets, worked in a factory or in a
mine. They showed us what the children did on the streets, in a factory and in a mine.

My role was a chimney sweeper, named Prize.

There were four chimney sweepers, so I was one
of them. We played a piece were Prize needed to
go into the chimney but Prize didn’t want to go
into it. But he had to go. When Prize was in the
chimney, he died. The other three chimney
sweepers and the boss of the chimney sweepers
were a bit confused when they saw that Prize
was death.

There were some new words I have learned during the show. These are the new words I
have learned: chimney, chimney sweeper, church and also a word that means children who
work in the mine. I don’t know how to write the word but it sounded like thosher. These are
the words I have remembered. Perhaps there were more words I didn’t know, but I haven’t
remembered them.

Alexa and Ben of Phileas Fogg theatre company learned us the show we needed to perform
later to the parents. They did it very well and were easy to understand. They didn’t use very
difficult words, that made it easier for me to understand the story. When I didn’t understand
them, they made gestures or depict it.

I would like to say to the people of Phileas Fogg theatre company that the show was great.
The show was: interesting, nice and very funny. Also the actors, Alexa and Ben of Phileas
Fogg theatre company did their job very well and had a nice work method. I understood the
story and what they sad good. The last thing I want to say is that I found it very nice to do
and know for sure if I can do it one time again, I would do that.

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