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Talanta 63 (2004) 139–148

Glass and polymeric membrane electrodes for the measurement

of pH in milk and cheese
Praveen Upreti a , Lloyd E. Metzger a , Philippe Bühlmann b,∗
a Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, 1334 Eckles Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
b Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, 207 Pleasant St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

Received 12 September 2003; received in revised form 5 December 2003; accepted 10 December 2003


While there is a considerable interest in the food industry in determining various analytes using ion-selective electrodes (ISEs), only few
reports describe their use for direct measurements in food. In this study, the suitability of glass electrodes and ionophore-based solvent
polymeric ISEs for the determination of pH in Process cheese, Cheddar cheese and milk was investigated. The liquid junction potential
between a 3 M KCl bridge electrolyte and diluted as well as undiluted Process cheese was found to be negligible. Reference electrodes with
ceramic plug and sleeve-type junctions performed well, although precautions needed to be taken to prevent plugging at the junctions. While
the protein rennet casein posed no problems in pH measurements, the extraction of neutral lipophilic compounds or hydrophobic peptides into
solvent polymeric membranes was evident, resulting in some loss of selectivity for monovalent cations upon exposure to cheese. However,
it was found that ISEs based on tridodecylamine (R3 N) as ionophore and o-nitrophenyl octyl ether (oNPOE) as plasticizer can be used to
accurately measure the pH of milk and, after desensitization of the electrodes in a cheese emulsion, of diluted Process cheese. Since pH
measurements with a glass electrode showed that emulsions of cheese moderately diluted to a cheese content of 70% have the same pH as
undiluted cheeses, it is possible to determine the pH in cheese with ionophore-based ISEs. R3 N membranes also performed well in undiluted
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: pH measurement; Ionophore; Ion-selective electrode; Cheese; Milk; Dairy products; Glass electrode

1. Introduction At the outset of this study, it appeared very likely that

lipophilic food components from food samples might be ex-
Various polymer membrane-based ion-selective elec- tracted into polymer membranes ISEs and severely affect
trodes (ISEs) have been developed [1–3]. The membranes measurements, as was similarly reported for urine analy-
of the majority of these ISEs contain lipophilic complex- sis [5]. However, there was no published literature regard-
ing agents that selectively bind to their target ions. Such ing this possibility and its implications on the performance
complexing agents are referred to as ionophores or carriers of polymer membrane ISE for applications in the dairy
[4]. The large number of ionophore-based ISEs developed industry. Therefore, the severity of the possible problem
over the last 37 years made it possible to use ISEs in var- had to be assessed. Presumably, problems encountered in
ious types of routine analyses [3,4]. We are interested in the direct analysis of milk and cheese using any polymer
exploring applications of ionophore-based ISEs to on-line membrane-based ISEs are similar. We chose to measure the
measurements in food processing and the direct analysis of activity of the hydrogen ion (pH) rather than that of another
food products in the laboratory, since the mineral compo- ion since this parameter can be measured independently
sition is used in nutritional labeling of final food products with the glass electrode. Methods to measure the activity of
and in controlling food manufacturing processes. many other ions—rather than the concentration of free ions
or their total concentration—are not available as readily. In
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-612-624-1431; this paper, we describe the application of polymer-based
fax: +1-612-626-7541. and glass pH electrodes for the analysis of pH in cheese
E-mail address: (P. Bühlmann). and milk.

0039-9140/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
140 P. Upreti et al. / Talanta 63 (2004) 139–148

The pH is an important control parameter for natural as followed by a series of further sample preparation steps.
well as Process cheese manufacturers. Natural cheese, such It appears that the cheese samples were diluted to avoid
as Cheddar cheese, is manufactured by concentrating the problems with fouling of electrodes and drifts during mea-
lipid and protein portion of milk using acids and/or coagulat- surements [14,17,18], but few details on actual difficulties
ing enzymes and then ripening it for various lengths of time encountered with cheese samples were reported. Instead,
to get the desired flavor and texture. The pH is measured dur- the literature focuses on the successful sample preparation.
ing cheese manufacturing because it is an indicator of acid For example, Kaneda et al. [14] attributed the problems
development by lactic acid bacteria added to the milk. With faced in measurements of the nitrate activity in cheese to
the advent of mechanized, automated cheese-manufacturing the high sample concentrations of lipids, proteins and other
systems, on-line measurements of pH are desired. The pH interfering ions such as, halides, inorganic anions, bicarbon-
of natural cheese affects proteolysis, growth of non-starter ates, and organic carboxylates. To overcome complications
lactic acid bacteria, the amount of calcium bound to pro- from such interferents, they subjected samples to dilution,
teins, all of which influence the flavor and texture of the final homogenization, heating and cooling (to melt and solidify
product [6,7]. Process cheese, on the other hand, is manu- the lipids, facilitating their elimination by separation), cen-
factured by blending natural cheeses with emulsifying salts trifugation (to separate lipids and proteins), treatment with
(disodium phosphate, trisodium citrate) and heating to pro- silver resin (to remove chloride ions) and aluminum resin
duce an emulsion. The pH of Process cheese can affect its (to remove proteins and citrates), and filtration. To the best
functional properties, such as its viscosity, meltability, hard- of our knowledge, reports on direct measurements of H+ or
ness, and stretchability. For instance, an increase in pH from any other ions in cheeses using polymeric membranes have
5.2 to 6.7 decreases the viscosity and meltability of Process not been reported.
cheese [8]. The importance of pH for cheese makers, the problems
Glass electrodes are commonly used in the dairy laborato- encountered during measurements, and the scarcity of rele-
ries for pH measurements. The majority of these electrodes vant literature made a systematic study of pH measurement
are combination electrodes, i.e. the reference and measur- with polymer-based ISEs and glass electrodes desirable. We
ing electrodes are combined in a single body. Their sensing chose Process and Cheddar cheese as representative cheeses,
membranes consist of glass and make them highly selective and two H+ ionophores, tridodecylamine (R3 N) and octade-
to H+ . However, they are brittle, which is a major concern cyl isonicotinate (ETH 1778), as representative ionophores.
for on-line measurements. Fouling of glass electrodes due R3 N has an extremely high selectivity for H+ but is not suit-
to protein and lipid adsorption on the electrode surface has able for measurements at low pH, where Donnan failure may
been reported [9,10] and proper removal of adsorbed pro- occur [19]. In contrast, the less basic ETH 1778 has a lower
teins has been recommended [10,11]. Importantly, only little H+ -selectivity but is suitable for measurements in acidic so-
information about the general guidelines of proper handling lutions [3,20–28]. Because the response characteristics of
of glass electrodes to measure pH in cheese has been pub- polymeric membrane ISEs depend also upon the plasticizers
lished [10]. Moreover, issues related to accuracy, precision, and membrane matrices [29], two plasticizers (o-nitrophenyl
and response time specific to cheese measurements have not octyl ether, oNPOE, and bis(2-ethylhexyl) sebacate, DOS)
been reported. and two membrane matrices (poly[vinyl chloride] and sil-
Recently, non-glass electrodes have also found applica- icone rubber) were evaluated. Simultaneous measurements
tion in the food industry. In general, these electrodes have were made using polymer-based and glass electrodes, and
a pH-sensitive field-effect transistor (pH-FET) housed in an then compared with one another.
epoxy or other plastic body, making them less brittle than
glass electrodes. Since the surface of a pH-FET is hydrated
silicon nitride, and is, therefore, very similar surface as the 2. Experimental
glass electrode, pH-FETs and glass electrodes can be ex-
pected to exhibit very similar properties when used for mea- 2.1. Reagents
surements in cheese. The use of quinhydrone electrodes has
also been suggested for measuring pH in cheese, especially Reagents of the highest commercially available grade
in cheese varieties that are low in moisture [10]. Because were used. Deionized and charcoal-treated water (18.2 M-
their use involves lengthy sample preparation and is not cm specific resistance) obtained with a Milli-Q PLUS
based on a direct measurement, their usage in dairy labora- reagent-grade water system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA)
tories is very limited. was used for all sample solutions. Potassium tetrakis(p-
Polymeric membrane ISEs were also used for food analy- chlorophenyl)borate (KTpClPB), sodium tetrakis[3,5-bis(tri-
sis. Their application to measure sodium, calcium, chloride, fluoromethyl)phenyl]borate (NaTFPB), and o-nitrophenyl
fluoride, iodide, and nitrate in foods was described [12,13]. octyl ether (oNPOE) were purchased from Dojindo Lab-
In particular, they were used to measure nitrate [14], chloride oratories (Kumamoto, Japan); bis(2-ethylhexyl) seba-
[15], and fluoride [16] in cheeses. The sample preparation cate (DOS) and poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) from Fluka
typically involved a high dilution of cheese (20–50 times) (Buchs, Switzerland); tridodecylamine (R3 N) and octadecyl
P. Upreti et al. / Talanta 63 (2004) 139–148 141

isonicotinate (ETH 1778) from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, for the membranes were as follows: R3 N/DOS, 56.0 (±1.0);
MO, USA). The Dow Corning® 3140 (silicone rubber) ETH 1778/oNPOE, 53.3 (±2.3); R3 N/oNPOE, 56.6 (±1.1);
sealants was a gift from Dow Corning (Midland, MI, USA). ETH 1778/DOS, 52.9 (±2.6); silicone rubber, 50.6 (±3.2).
The pH half cell glass electrodes were of the Inlab® type
2.2. ISE membranes (Mettler-Toledo Process Analytical Inc., Wilmington, MA,
USA). A commercial combination type glass electrode (Type
Five types of polymeric membranes were evaluated. They 6157, Denki Kagaku Keiki, Tokyo, Japan) was used only
will be referred hereafter as R3 N/DOS, ETH 1778/oN- for comparison for the experiment described in Section 3.1.
POE, R3 N/oNPOE, ETH 1778/DOS, and silicone rubber The glass electrodes were calibrated with pH 7.00 and pH
membranes. ETH 1778/oNPOE and ETH 1778/DOS mem- 4.00 calibrating buffer (Ricca Chemical, Arlington, TX, or
branes consisted of 3.00 mg ETH 1778, 3.00 mg KTpClPB MCB Manufacturing Chemicals, Gibbstown, NJ), certified
(76 mol% relative to the ionophore), 100 mg PVC, and traceable to NIST standard reference material, and exhibited
200 mg plasticizer (oNPOE or DOS). Silicone rubber mem- response slopes of 57.5 ± 0.5 mV per decade. Glass elec-
brane contained 20 mg R3 N, 6.00 mg NaTFPB (18 mol% trodes were thoroughly cleaned with water and 95% ethanol
relative to the ionophore), 40 mg DOS, and 334 mg com- between measurements in cheese samples. The emf values
mercial silicone rubber sealant, which consisted of >60% obtained with cheese samples were corrected for the differ-
hydroxy-terminated dimethyl siloxane, 10–30% trimethy- ence in the liquid junction potential between the reference
lated silica, and 5–10% methyltrimethoxysilane. Curing electrode and cheese samples (as determined in this study),
of silicone membranes occurs at room temperature upon and the liquid junction between the reference electrode and
exposure to humidity. calibration buffers, as calculated with the Henderson approx-
Circles of ∼7 mm diameter were cut from the prepared imation [30]. The correction corresponded to a difference
master membranes and mounted on Phillips-type electrode in pH of 0.02. Measurements with cells comprising two pH
bodies (Glasbläserei Möller, Zürich, Switzerland) equipped half cell glass electrodes in series suffered from excessive
with tubular glass assemblies incorporating an internal noise pickup unless the connection between one pH half cell
Ag/AgCl reference electrode (Möller). and the input to the voltage follower op-amp was tied to
ground, either directly or through a resistor.
2.3. emf measurements Resistance measurements were performed using the
method of potential reduction by a known shunt [31,32].
Double-junction sleeve-type Ag/AgCl reference elec- Selectivity coefficients were determined using the fixed in-
trodes (Mettler Toledo, Switzerland) and ion meters (Law- terference method (FIM) [33–35]. Activity coefficients were
son Labs Inc., Malvern, PA, USA) were used for all emf calculated according to a two-parameter Debye–Hückel
measurements. The cell assembly for the potentiometric approximation [36].
measurements was as follows:

Ag|AgCl|3 M KCl, AgCl sat.||outer filling solution|| 2.4. Preparation of rennet casein, lipids, and cheese
sample|membrane|inner filling solution|AgCl|Ag suspensions and emulsions

The outer filling solution for the reference electrode was Process cheese has the unique property of forming stable
3 M KCl (unless noted otherwise). Membranes with R3 N as emulsions in water and producing macroscopically homoge-
ionophore were used with an inner filling solution contain- nous mixtures. In contrast, blending and diluting of Cheddar
ing 1 mM NaCl, 10 mM Na2 HPO4 , and 10 mM NaH2 PO4 , cheese produces suspensions and not emulsions. All suspen-
and were conditioned in water for at least 24 h. About 48 h sions and emulsions were prepared by mixing appropriate
conditioning was required for silicone rubber membranes in amounts of cheese and water using an electric blender. In the
order to obtain Nernstian responses. Because of the limited case of Process cheese, the suspension was then heated in
sodium ion discrimination provided by ETH 1778, mem- a microwave oven to ∼37–39 ◦ C to form an emulsion. The
branes with this ionophore were used in combination with an mixture was left to equilibrate at room temperature prior to
inner filling solution containing 1 mM LiH2 PO4 and 1 mM measurements.
NaCl, and were conditioned in 10 mM LiH2 PO4 (pH 5.4). A mixture of water and edible rennet casein (30 mesh;
Response curves of ionophore-based ISEs were obtained New Zealand Dairy Board, Wellington, NZ) was used as
by measuring the emf with ionophore-based ISEs and cali- a representation of proteins in cheese. Rennet casein is
brated glass electrodes in water to which aliquots of 1 mM not completely soluble, but stirring during measurements
H2 SO4 were added. The response curves shown in Fig. 7 kept it suspended. Lipids were extracted from Process
are corrected for the difference of the liquid junction poten- cheese by suspending shredded Process cheese in petroleum
tials at the reference electrode in calibration and in sulfate ether:diethyl ether (50:50, v/v) and then decanting the or-
solutions (≤1 mV) using the Henderson approximation [30]. ganic phase with the dissolved lipids into an aluminum pan
The response slopes (mV/decade ± 95% confidence limits) and evaporating the solvents.
142 P. Upreti et al. / Talanta 63 (2004) 139–148

-79 sleeve-type reference electrodes with 1.5, 2.0, or 3.0 M KCl

as outer filling solution were placed in a sample of diluted
-79.25 Process cheese and the emf was measured over 2 h (to ex-
emf (mV)

clude the possibility of a slow response or memory effects).

-79.5 Between KCl solutions of different concentrations, the ref-
erence electrodes were cleaned, refilled with the respective
-79.75 concentrations of KCl (1.5, 2, or 3 M), and left for equili-
bration in the solutions of the corresponding KCl concentra-
-80 tions for a minimum of 3 h. After the cheese experiments,
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 all the reference electrodes were cleaned, refilled with 3 M
(a) Csat/C KCl and equilibrated overnight. These electrodes were then
placed in a 3 M KCl solution and the emf was determined to
account for (minor) electrode-to-electrode differences. The
1 potentials measured in cheese samples by the three refer-
ence electrodes were adjusted for the electrode-to-electrode
0.5 differences, and the corrected values were used to deter-
emf (mV)

mine liquid junction potentials (Fig. 1b). Our results show

that there is no significant liquid junction potential at any
-0.5 level of dilution of Process cheese. The averages of the ex-
perimentally determined liquid junction potentials are all so
-1 close to 0 mV that the error bars in Fig. 1b may appear com-
paratively large. However, since the typical error of a pH
0 20 40 60 80 100 measurement in a routine laboratory is of the order of 0.02
(b) % Process cheese (w/w)
pH units, which corresponds to 1.2 mV, the errors depicted
in Fig. 1b are indeed well within an acceptable range.
Fig. 1. (a) Liquid junction potential for 100% Process cheese as determined Liquid junctions for the reference electrodes can be of dif-
by the method of Bjerrum. (b) Liquid junction potentials at different ferent kinds (for example, ceramic or fiber junctions, ground
dilutions of Process cheese with respective standard deviations represented
by vertical bars.
glass sleeves, double junctions) [12,37]. Because of lower
manufacturing costs, resistance to chemical degradation, and
ease in incorporation, the most commonly used junctions
3. Results and discussion in commercial combination pH electrodes are porous ce-
ramic junctions. The ceramic plug typically has a diame-
3.1. Liquid junction potential ter of ∼1 mm and is fused into the shaft of a combination
electrode. The outer filling solution can continuously flow
Part of the electrochemical cell, the reference electrode through that plug, for example at 0.01 ml day−1 mm−2 of
is very important in determining the emf of the cell. The cross-section [12,37]. However, ceramic plug junctions are
liquid junction potential between the sample and the bridge often prone to blocking [12,37], affecting the outflow of
electrolyte of the reference electrode can be affected by the outer filling solution and, in turn, the liquid junction poten-
concentration of the chemical species in the sample solu- tial. Therefore, the performance of a combination electrode
tion, its pH, viscosity, and the presence of suspended parti- with a ceramic plug junction was compared with that of a
cles [12]. Recognizing that liquid junction potentials might sleeve-type junction electrode by monitoring the pH of 20%
be a possible source of systematic errors in direct measure- Process cheese (w/w) over 20 h (Fig. 2). For this purpose, the
ments of pH in cheese, we determined the liquid junction pH sensitive glass membrane of a commercial combination
potential between the reference electrode and Process cheese electrode was bypassed by identifying the relevant leads and
samples using a method suggested by Bjerrum [37]. This measuring the emf of a pH half cell glass electrode relative
method is based on the assumption that the liquid junction to the reference half cell of this combination electrode. Con-
potential is inversely proportional to the concentration of the currently, the emf of the pH half cell was also measured rel-
KCl solution in the salt bridge contacting the sample and, ative to a sleeve-type reference electrode and relative to the
therefore, vanishes at infinite concentration. Thus, the liquid pH sensitive half cell of the combination electrode with the
junction potential can be determined by extrapolation of the glass membrane. Interestingly, Fig. 2 shows no significant
experimentally observed potentials for finite concentrations difference in the performance of the ceramic plug junction as
of KCl to infinite concentration. This approach is illustrated compared to the sleeve-type junction. The somewhat larger
in Fig. 1a for undiluted Process cheese as the sample. amount of noise for the ceramic plug junction is likely due
In order to determine the value of the liquid junction po- to the higher resistance of this junction, possibly increased
tential at different levels of dilution of Process cheese (ratios by partial clogging. Therefore, precautions should still be
cheese:water from 20:80 to 100:0), three double-junction taken to avoid blocking of ceramic plug junctions. Notably,
P. Upreti et al. / Talanta 63 (2004) 139–148 143

emf (ionophore) - emf (glass)

60 2
40 2
emf (mV)

-20 3
1 4
50 mV
0 5 10 15 20
Time (h) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Fig. 2. Response in 20% Cheddar cheese as measured with a pH half cell Time (s)
glass electrode relative to reference electrodes with a sleeve-type liquid
junction (1) and a ceramic-plug type liquid junction of a combination Fig. 3. Addition of 20% Process cheese aliquots (indicated by arrows)
electrode (2). The response of a pH half cell relative to the pH half cell to a phosphate buffer of the same pH: to correct for changes in the pH,
of the combination electrode is also shown (3). the emf as observed with a glass electrode was subtracted from the emf
as measured with the membrane electrodes. (1) ETH 1778/oNPOE; (2)
ETH 1778/DOS; (3) R3 N/oNPOE; (4) R3 N/DOS. Responses are separated
vertically to enhance clarity. (Outer filling solution of reference electrode:
Fig. 2 shows that both the phase boundary potential at the 1 M lithium acetate.)
two glass membranes and the liquid junction potential at the
reference electrode remain amazingly stable over a period
as long as 20 h. This is particularly remarkable when con- based ISEs, the pH of 20% cheese emulsions (w/w) was
sidering that 20% cheese emulsions contain such high levels measured using a pre-calibrated glass electrode. A 10 mM
of proteins and lipids that they totally lacks transparency. lithium phosphate buffer with the same pH (e.g. 5.42) was
then prepared. A reference electrode, half-cell glass elec-
3.2. Measurements in cheese using polymeric trode, and two ionophore-based ISEs (R3 N/DOS and ETH
membrane electrodes 1778/oNPOE) were placed into this buffer, and aliquots
of a 20% cheese emulsion (w/w) were added. Despite the
The results described above demonstrate that with proper matching of the pH of the added cheese and the buffer
handling there are no drifts of the liquid junction poten- solutions, some changes of the pH (up to 5–30 mV for the
tial due to cheese, and that the liquid junction potential is highest cheese concentrations) were found upon addition of
negligible. Therefore, experiments were started with poly- the cheese, possibly related to the release of calcium ions
meric membrane electrodes containing the ionophores R3 N from casein and subsequent binding to buffer phosphate. To
or ETH 1778. Membranes with R3 N and DOS as plasti- account for this effect, the change in the emf as observed
cizer as well as membranes with ETH 1778 and oNPOE as with the glass electrode was subtracted from the emf values
plasticizer were reported previously for pH measurements measured with the ionophore-based ISEs.
[20–28]. ISEs with R3 N/DOS membranes exhibit Nerns- Fig. 3 shows the thus corrected potential versus time pro-
tian responses and an excellent selectivity in the pH range files, each arrow indicating the addition of a further aliquot
of 4.5–11.0. For measurements in blood serum, their per- of a 20% emulsion of Process cheese. Clearly, the R3 N/DOS
formance was found comparable to that of glass electrodes and R3 N/oNPOE membranes did not respond to any inter-
[9,38–40]. On the other hand, ISEs with ETH 1778/oNPOE ferents that may be present in cheese. In contrast, the re-
membranes were used under acidic conditions (such as in sponse curves for ETH 1778/DOS and ETH 1778/oNPOE
the gastrointestinal tract) and were recommended for the membranes showed a distinct step for every aliquot of added
pH range from 8 to 0 [22]. Therefore, we expected that the cheese emulsion. After addition of 100 ml of cheese emul-
ETH 1778/oNPOE ISEs might be better suited for cheese sion, the corrected emf had risen by about 50 mV. Since
measurements (pH 4.8–5.4) than R3 N/DOS ISEs. However, changes in pH are already taken into account by subtraction
since it is well known that not only the ionophore but also of the emf as measured with a glass electrode, these steps
the type of plasticizer affects the membrane performance correspond to responses to some type of interferent.
[29] and, in particular, that oNPOE has been reported to Interestingly, between the additions of individual aliquots,
provide a wider measuring range than DOS [29], it became the corrected emf of the ETH 1778-based membranes re-
necessary to distinguish the effects of ionophore and plas- mained stable. Because gradual extraction of interferents of
ticizer. Therefore, ETH 1778/DOS and R3 N/oNPOE mem- low concentration limited by mass transfer from the sample
branes were also prepared. into the sensing membrane would be expected to result in
In order to investigate if any components of cheese in- slow responses, the responses observed here are indicative
terfere with pH measurements performed using ionophore- of one or several interfering cations occurring in relatively
144 P. Upreti et al. / Talanta 63 (2004) 139–148
emf (ionophore) - emf (glass)


2 2
emf (mV)


50 mV 70 mV

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 4. Response of membrane electrodes in 5% rennet casein for 1 h. To Fig. 5. Noisy response of membrane electrodes on addition of aliquots
correct for changes in the pH, the emf as observed with a glass electrode of cheese fat to lithium phosphate buffer (indicated by arrows), possibly
was subtracted from the emf as measured with the membrane electrodes. due to the resistive oil film on the surface of these electrodes. (1) ETH
(1) ETH 1778/DOS; (2) ETH 1778/oNPOE; (3) glass. Responses are 1778/oNPOE; (2) glass; (3) ETH 1778/DOS. (Outer filling solution of
separated vertically to enhance clarity. (Outer filling solution of reference reference electrode: 1 M lithium acetate.)
electrode: 1 M lithium acetate.)

of time, the responses became very noisy. Two typical re-

high concentrations (this interference possibly enhanced by sponses are shown in Fig. 5. As can be seen from the re-
extraction of electrically neutral lipids or peptides into the sponse curve of the glass electrode, clogging of the liquid
membranes). junction is not responsible for the high noise level. A pos-
To explore how representative Process cheese is for cheese sible explanation may be the formation of a resistive oil
in general, we also tested Cheddar cheese. Since Cheddar film on the surface of these membrane electrodes, which
cheese forms suspensions but no emulsions, experiments would be consistent with the observation that the noise level
analogous to those for Process cheese were performed with returned to a much lower level after the electrodes were
20% Cheddar cheese suspensions (w/w). Again, membranes washed with water. In addition, the noisy responses observed
based on R3 N showed neither steps nor drifts in the cor- on addition of aliquots of lipids were very different from
rected potential upon addition of cheese aliquots, while the the low-noise stepwise responses that were observed when
responses of ETH 1778 membranes exhibited steps with the aliquots of cheese were added.
addition of every aliquot. The steps added up to 12 mV after Consequently, the interference from cheese as observed
addition of 100 ml of cheese suspension (data not shown). with ETH 1778 membranes does not appear to be primarily
Further experiments were conducted to explore the rea- a response to the major protein rennet casein or a compo-
sons behind the interferences from cheese as observed with nent of the lipid fraction of cheese. Moreover, considering
ETH 1778 membranes. To explore whether the interferences the stepwise and quick nature of the response, as discussed
from cheese are a direct response to proteins or lipids (the above, the experimental data suggest that the interference
two main constituents of cheese), ISEs with ETH 1778 mem- arises from cations occurring in cheese in relatively high
branes were inserted into lithium phosphate buffer of pH concentrations. A possible candidate is Na+ , which is the
5.4, and aliquots of 5% rennet casein or cheese lipids were most common inorganic cation in Process cheese (∼3%
added. The electrodes showed no significant responses to on a weight basis). Moreover, membranes based on ETH
5% rennet casein and were free of any significant drift when 1778 are well known to have a lower discrimination to Na+
observed for 1 h (Fig. 4). (KH+ ,Na+ −5.6) than membranes based on the ionophore
Rennet casein is the major fraction of protein in young (or pot
R3 N (KH+ ,Na+ −10.4) [3,28]. However, calculations on
freshly manufactured) cheeses. While an interference from
the basis of KH+ ,Na+ and the activity of Na+ in the sam-
rennet casein due to its extraction into membranes was not
apparent in our experiments, this does not preclude any effect ples indicate that the observed responses to cheese are not
of proteins. Indeed, proteins are broken down into smaller only from Na+ interference. Other inorganic and also or-
peptides during ripening of cheese. This protein breakdown ganic cations present in cheese may contribute as well. The
may produce lower molecular weight hydrophobic peptides possibility of extraction of hydrophobic peptides into the
that may be extracted into polymer membranes and cause membranes cannot be neglected.
interferences. Another ion that is present at high levels (∼0.03 M
When aliquots of pure cheese lipids were added to the or 1.5%, w/w) in cheese is lactate. This anion is formed
phosphate buffer, there was typically no initial indication of by the decomposition of lactose by lactic acid bacteria.
interference. However, after an apparently random amount Co-ion interference could be a possible concern for the
P. Upreti et al. / Talanta 63 (2004) 139–148 145

membrane-based electrodes [19], and hence experiments Table 2

were conducted to study the possibility of such interfer- Response times (t90% ) of membrane electrodes as compared to glass
ence for our membranes. For this purpose, R3 N membrane
electrodes were placed in a 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer Electrode Response time Response time (s)
(s) in buffer in 20% cheese
(pH = 6.0), and 200 ml of 1 M sodium lactate (pH = 7.0)
Glass 8.4 57.8
was added in several aliquots while recording the emf (data
R3 N/oNPOE 11.4 57.5
not shown). However, no emf response and, therefore, no R3 N/DOS 12.0 54.3
co-ion interference from lactate was observed.

3.3. Effect of cheese on selectivity of R3 N membranes

Continuous exposure of these membranes to cheese does
Because membranes with R3 N as ionophores appeared result in slight loss of selectivity, which appears to be due
suitable for measurements in diluted cheese irrespective of to extraction of neutral compounds such as lipids or hy-
the plasticizer, the effect of cheese on the selectivity and re- drophobic peptides into the sensing membranes (see also
sponse time of these ISEs was investigated. It was shown Section 3.6).
previously that the exposure of ionophore-based membranes
to neutral lipids occurring in urine deteriorates the potentio- 3.4. Effect of cheese on response time of
metric selectivity due to extraction of those lipids into the R3 N membranes
sensing membranes [5]. To determine if the selectivity for
R3 N membranes similarly deteriorates on prolonged expo- The response time is another important characteristic of
sure to cheese, selectivities for monovalent cations (Na+ , ISEs and is often reported as t90% [41], i.e. the length of
K+ , and Li+ ) were measured before and after 48 h of expo- time between the instant at which the polymer-based ISE
sure of R3 N membranes to a 20 and 100% Process cheese and a reference electrode are brought into contact with a
emulsion. As Table 1 shows, there were some changes in new sample solution and the instant at which the potential of
the selectivities for these cations. In particular, the selec- the cell has reached 90% of the final value. Response times,
tivity coefficients for Na+ and K+ rose by up to two units t90% , for ISEs and glass electrode were compared by plac-
upon exposure to cheese. To explore if lipids are the cause ing glass and membrane electrodes along with a reference
of this selectivity loss, membranes were exposed to a lipid electrode in lithium phosphate buffer, and adding drops of
extract for ∼24 h. A similar decrease in selectivity to cations 100 mM H2 SO4 in three discrete steps. In addition, response
as observed on exposure of electrodes to 100% cheese was times were also measured in 20% Process cheese solution.
obtained. Moreover, unlike in any of the other long-term No significant differences between the response times and
exposure experiments, there was a significant increase in response behaviors of glass, R3 N/DOS and R3 N/oNPOE
the membrane resistance of up to an order of magnitude membrane electrodes (Table 2) were observed. Apparently,
upon exposure to cheese. For example, the resistance of a the response times were limited neither for the buffer sam-
R3 N/oNPOE membrane rose from 0.3 to 3.2 M. ples nor the cheese emulsions by properties of the electrodes,
These results show that the selectivity of R3 N membranes but rather by the time it took to change the pH in the bulk
is remarkably robust but not immune to exposure to cheese. of the samples.

Table 1
Change in selectivities of polymer membrane ISEs before and after exposure of membranes to Process cheese and lipids
Cation Initial After 48 h exposure to After exposure to lipids

20% Process cheese 100% Process cheese

(a) R3 N/DOS
KH+ ,Na+ −11.25 −10.51 −9.56 −10.07
KH+ ,K+ −10.70 −9.54 −8.86 n.d.
KH+ ,Li+ −10.93 −10.67 −10.19 >−7.0

(b) R3 N/oNPOE
KH+ ,Na+ <−12.83 −11.51 −10.43 −8.83
KH+ ,K+ −12.18 −10.39 −8.86 −8.23
KH+ ,Li+ <−11.72 <−11.72 −11.12 −9.95

(c) Silicone rubber

KH+ ,Na+ −11.8 −11.5
KH+ ,K+ −11.5 −8.9
KH+ ,Li+ −11.6 −11.2
146 P. Upreti et al. / Talanta 63 (2004) 139–148

3.5. Silicone membranes 6.00


In view of the small but nevertheless significant selec- 5.80

Process cheese
tivity losses of PVC-based membranes upon exposure to 5.59
cheese, we explored the suitability of alternative membrane 5.49 5.50 5.48 5.48
matrices. Since silicone rubber membranes were previously

5.40 5.34
reported for measurements of bodily fluids with significant
protein and lipid components [3,4], PVC-free silicone mem- 5.20 Cheddar cheese
branes were considered as alternatives. 5.01
4.98 4.99
Silicone rubber matrices have been optimized for elec-
troanalytical analysis with the addition of higher amounts 4.80
of lipophilic ionic additives and an appropriate plasticizer 0 20 40 60 80 100
[42]. Membranes without plasticizer were reported to ex- % Cheese (w/w)
hibit super-Nernstian responses for pH < 7 [42]. As Table 1
shows, the silicone membranes exhibited selectivities inter- Fig. 6. Effect of dilution on pH of cheese diluted with water.
mediate between PVC-based R3 N/DOS and R3 N/oNPOE
membranes. Since these membranes contain a small amount trodes to the same 20% Process cheese emulsion, there was
of DOS (10%, w/w) to reduce their electrical resistance, it a continuous decrease in the emf as measured with the same
is not surprising that they do not exhibit much better se- R3 N membrane electrode, whereas the pH as measured with
lectivities than corresponding PVC/DOS membranes, which a glass electrode remained perfectly constant. To explore
contain the same plasticizer, albeit in a much higher con- this further, a similar experiment was conducted in which
centration. Membranes with Nernstian response were then R3 N membrane electrodes were also exposed repeatedly to
exposed to 20% Process cheese emulsion for 48 h and resis- the same cheese emulsion, but before every exposure, a new
tances and selectivities were measured before and after expo- response curve was measured. It was found that there was
sure. After exposure to cheese, the discrimination of potas- a consistent shift of the response curve after every exposure
sium deteriorated from KH+ ,K+ −11.5 to −8.9, making sil- to the cheese sample (Fig. 7). Evidently, this drift cannot be
icone membranes slightly less selective than the PVC-based explained by interfering ions.
R3 N/DOS and R3 N/oNPOE membranes. These results show A possible explanation for this drift seemed to be the
that the plasticized silicone membranes behave similarly as extraction of neutral compounds such as lipids or hydropho-
PVC membranes. bic peptides from cheese samples into R3 N membranes,
leading to an interaction of those compounds with the
non-protonated R3 N ionophore and, concomitantly, an in-
3.6. R3 N membrane electrodes for pH measurements crease in the concentration of the free H+ concentration in
in cheese the membrane. If this hypothesis is true, more accurate pH
determinations are expected when a R3 N membrane is con-
Since the above experiments indicated a more severe loss ditioned by complete equilibration with a cheese sample,
in selectivity upon continued exposure of R3 N membranes to because this is expected to result in the presence of an equi-
100% than to 20% Process cheese, and also because blended librium concentration of those neutral compounds in the
but undiluted Process cheese samples have a high viscos- sensor membrane during the measurement of the response
ity and are somewhat more difficult to handle when using
conventional electrode bodies, it became of interest to know
whether moderate dilution of cheese affects its pH. Although 320
buffering properties of cheese due to the presence of pro- 1
teins, phosphates, and citrates has been well established, it 300
has not been reported up to what level a cheese sample can be
emf (mV)

diluted without changing its pH. Therefore, we determined 3
the pH of cheese samples at various levels of dilution with 260
water using a pH glass electrode. Our results illustrate that
the pH of Process and Cheddar cheese remains unchanged
upon diluting up to 30% (w/w) (i.e. cheese:water = 70:30 220
on a weight basis; see Fig. 6). These results show that the
pH in pure Cheddar and Process cheese can be determined
4.25 4.75 5.25 5.75 6.25
upon blending and moderate dilution with water.
The pH of diluted cheese samples was then measured
with R3 N membranes. In preliminary measurements, it was Fig. 7. Shift of the response curve for R3 N/oNPOE on repetitive exposure
observed that on repeated exposure of R3 N membrane elec- to 20% Process cheese.
P. Upreti et al. / Talanta 63 (2004) 139–148 147

Table 3 a R3 N/DOS ISE were nearly as good, while the silicone

Comparison of pH of milk and diluted cheese samples as measured with membrane electrodes performed poorly (Table 3). These
glass and polymeric membrane electrodes
results indicate the suitability of PVC-based ISEs for mea-
Electrode Milk 20% Process 70% Process surements of pH and possibly other ions in milk.
cheese cheese
Glass 6.71 (±0.004) 5.93 (±0.013) 5.62 (±0.015)
R3 N/DOS 6.76 (±0.019) 5.68 (±0.023) 5.63 (±0.265)
4. Conclusions
R3 N/oNPOE 6.70 (±0.011) 5.92 (±0.085) 5.77 (±0.129)
Silicone rubber 6.13 (±0.017) n.d. n.d.
Whether glass or polymeric membrane electrodes are
Standard deviations indicated in parentheses.
more suited for clinical samples has been debated, but few
explicit statements can be found in the literature. While it
curves. In view of this, we desensitized R3 N membrane is clear that a high impedance and fragility are disadvan-
electrodes overnight (∼8 h) in a 20% Process cheese emul- tages of glass electrodes, protein adsorption to glass and
sion. Response curves were then made again before each of polymeric membranes has never been compared in detail.
several exposures to a 20% Process cheese emulsion. The Considering recent advances in the understanding of poly-
pH values thus observed show that there was no significant meric membrane ISEs [46], it is evident that the adsorption
difference between the pH determined with R3 N/oNPOE of a thick layer of proteins onto an electrode may affect pH
electrodes and the pH measured with a glass electrode measurements either by increasing the response time due
(Table 3). The pH of the 20% Process cheese emulsion was to slow diffusion of the sample to the sensor surface, or by
found to be 5.93 ± 0.013 as determined with the glass elec- producing a local pH that differs from the pH in the bulk of
trode and 5.92 ± 0.085 as determined with the R3 N/oNPOE the sample. Whether these effects are more pronounced for
electrodes. Not surprisingly, the pH response curves this glass or polymer membrane electrodes has been debated.
time overlapped completely (data not shown) and lacked For example, Simon et al. reported that the performance of
the drift observed with R3 N membranes that had not been a glass catheter electrode deteriorated rapidly, “probably as
desensitized (as shown in Fig. 7). An apparently similar a result of protein adsorption”, while a membrane electrode
effect of beneficial desensitization was previously reported operated for several hours without deterioration [9]. On the
for the use of calcium ISEs in surfactant solutions [43]. other hand, Meyerhoff commented that protein adsorption
Since the pH of 70% Process cheese and undiluted cheese is less pronounced in the case of glass [47].
are the same, we similarly measured the pH in 70% Process This study demonstrates that glass electrodes perform
cheese using desensitized R3 N membranes (Table 3). The well for measurement of pH in milk and cheeses. It shows
standard deviation for the pH of a 70% Process cheese emul- that liquid junction potentials at a reference electrode with
sion was found to be higher than for the 20% Process cheese a 3 M KCl bridge electrolyte and Cheddar/Process cheese
emulsion, presumably indicating a larger interference from samples are negligible if a double-junction sleeve-type elec-
those neutral interferents. trode is used. While the protein rennet casein does not cause
any drifts or serious changes in the response times of sol-
3.7. pH measurements in milk vent polymeric membranes, over time there appears to be
some extraction of electrically neutral compounds, such as
The promising results with R3 N membranes and diluted lipids or hydrophobic peptides, into polymeric membranes.
cheese led to the question of whether R3 N membranes can It is ironical that problems associated with the extraction of
be used to measure the pH in milk. When cheese is made cheese components into ISE membranes can be overcome
utilizing automated-equipment, online monitoring of the precisely by allowing this extraction to occur. After desen-
pH of milk in the cheese vat is important and desired by sitizing the membranes in a cheese emulsion, accurate pH
cheese-makers as an indicator of acid development. The pH measurements with R3 N/oNPOE membranes in diluted Pro-
changes in milk during the initial steps of cheese-making cess cheese and milk can be made. However, the standard
can affect the composition and functional properties of the deviation is larger than for measurements with a glass elec-
final product (cheese) based on its influence on equilibria trode, in particular at high cheese concentrations.
between complexed and free forms of inorganic cations and While further advances in membrane technology are re-
anions [7,44,45]. quired for direct pH measurements with ionophore-based
To study the feasibility of pH measurements in milk, ISEs in undiluted cheese, the necessary improvements
Grade A pasteurized, homogenized, Vitamin D-enriched may be comparatively minor in nature. This is particularly
milk was obtained from a local supermarket and the pH was promising not only because it may make the replacement
measured five times directly with glass and ionophore-based of the fragile pH glass electrode with an ionophore-based
electrodes (Table 3). The resulting pH value as measured electrode possible, but also because it opens a venue to
with a R3 N/oNPOE membrane was 6.70 ± 0.011, which measurements for other ions in dairy and other food prod-
is in excellent agreement with the value of 6.71 ± 0.004 ucts using ionophore-based ISEs, for which, typically, other
as measured with a glass electrode (Table 3). Results with sensors do not exist. For example, the direct measurement
148 P. Upreti et al. / Talanta 63 (2004) 139–148

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