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Mrs. Julian’s News!

Sepetember 2019
Contact Information:
Phone: (508)758-2521
Dates to Remember
August 30th- No school
September 2nd - No school
September 10th - Book Order due
September 12th - Open House
Welcome to Kindergarten! It’s hard to believe the (5:30pm-7:00pm)
summer is over and our school year is beginning!
September 18th - Early release day
During the first several weeks of school we will
September 30th - Picture Day!
develop a sense of community through games,
songs and activities. The children will gradually
become familiar with the daily routine, classroom
centers and materials, and the school rules. I look All About Food
forward to getting to know all of the children and Please keep in mind we are a NUT FREE
families as the school year progresses. classroom. All snacks must be nut free.
You should have received allergy
information with your placement letter.
Specialist Schedule
Monday: Art (Mrs. Anderson) 12:50-1:40 Snack: Students will need to bring in their
Tuesday: Physical Education (Mr. C.) 12:50-1:40 own snack and drink each day. Snack time
Please have your child wear sneakers and is approximately 10-15 minutes, so the
comfortable clothes! snack will need to be quick. If possible,
Wednesday: Library (Mrs. Johns) - Books are due please send in an extra snack (nut free) in
every Wednesday 12:50-1:40 a Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name.
Thursday: Computer (Mrs. Lourenco) 12:50-1:40 In the event your child forgets their snack
Friday: Music (Mrs. Dowling) 12:50-1:40 they will have this extra one here. Snack is
in the afternoon, so be sure your child
knows what items are for lunchtime and
Supplies what items are for snack time.
Please be sure your child brings a backpack to
school everyday. It is needed to transport his/her Lunch Money: Please pack money in his/her
kindergarten folder, papers and projects to and bag in the SAME place each day/week, so it
from school. is easy to find. It is advised that you add
money to your child’s school lunch account
Also, be sure to write your child’s name or initials on
for the days that they choose to purchase
EVERYTHING he/she brings to school. The inside tag
a lunch. You can add money online at
of hats, mittens, etc. You can send
Early Release Days cash/checks to school to add money to
Wed. Sept 18th will be an early your child’s account as well, but please
release day. Dismissal will be at make sure it is in a sealed envelope and is
12:20. We will still have lunch at clearly labeled with your child’s name and
school, but we will not be having grade.
*When buying a school lunch, milk is
snack on this day. If you have
included. If your child would like purchase a
any dismissal changes on this
small bottle of water instead they may do
day please send in a note with
so. Please be advised that the water is an
your child. additional charge.
Reading Information
Dismissal Changes: If there is any change As part of the reading series, we have a
regarding the plan for dismissal, a note must be focus letter of the week. However, all of
sent in with your child in the morning. This will be the letters/sounds are reviewed and
sent to the office. Please do not send dismissal reinforced throughout every unit.
changes to my email, as I cannot guarantee that it During the first four weeks, we will be
will be checked before the end of the day. working on alphabetic principals and
*Please remember to put all notes, whether for looking at the letters A through Z. The
me, the nurse, or for the office, in the clear front week of Sept. 30th, our focus
pocket of your child’s home to school folder. This letter/sound will be Mm. Also, the children
makes them easily visible for your child as well as are introduced to high-frequency words.
for me. These are words that are used over and
over in text. Please frequently review
I will do my best to check my email during the these words at home, so your child
day, but with our busy kindergarten schedule, I becomes familiar with them. I
may not be able to reply right away. Please know highly suggest putting them on index
that I will respond as soon as I can. Hand written cards (spiral bound index cards work well)
notes are appreciated for things that need my and keeping them with the student
attention first thing in the morning. Again, I ask readers that are sent home. The
that they be placed in the clear front pocket of high-frequency words for the month of
your child’s folder so they are easily visible for September:
both the children and teachers. Weeks of Sept. 3rd & 9th - I, am
Weeks of Sept 16th & 23rd - the, little
Email: If you would like to be contacted via email Week of Sept. 30th to, a - Phonics: Mm
as things come up during the year, I would ask
that you send me your email address at some Math
point this week. This way I will have it readily The math curriculum that we use at Center
available. school is GO MATH. During the month of
September we will be exploring the
Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conference dates
numbers 0-5. We will learn to recognize
are Thursday 10/24 and Friday 10/25. Families will and write each number as well as match
have the opportunity to sign up for conferences on object quantities to each numeral. Also,
the Bloomz app or on the night of Open House. each day we complete a Math Meeting as a
whole group. We explore calendar skills,
BLOOMZ: This year I will using the Bloomz app for count the days in Kindergarten, add
some reminders and sign ups, as well as share numbers to the hundreds chart, and much
pictures of our kindergarten fun! Along with this more! AND, we sing and dance about many
newsletter you will find directions on how to sign other math concepts!
up with our unique class code.
Author of the Month
The Little Things That Help A Lot:
We will be studying an author each month
1. Please encourage your child to use the
we are in school. This month’s author is:
bathroom just prior to leaving for school.
Mother Goose. We will be learning many
This helps cut down on bathroom trips during our
Mother Goose rhymes in school such as:
morning meeting.
Itsy Bitsy Spider, Jack and Jill, Humpty
Dumpty, etc.
2. Please try to limit the small objects that are
worn to school (bracelets, watches, necklaces,
keychains...), These items often become
distractions to your child’s learning. Toys are not
permitted at school.
Parent Volunteers
Center School Stars
I would like to thank the parents who are
eager to volunteer in the classroom and
This year at Center School, we are all going to be
to work at home. I will be using
stars! In order to become Center School stars, we,
volunteers in the classroom, but not
as a Center School community, are going to learn
until late fall. This gives the children time
the same rules and those rules are going to apply
to learn our rules and routines. Once
in all classrooms and specialists areas. We will be
volunteers do start in the classroom,
defining what these rules mean and how they will
they will be needed during our
look in our classroom throughout September.
Writing/Work times. A CORI form must
be completed prior to volunteering in the
The rules are:
classroom. (You can pick one up at the
S tay safe
Center School Office.) If your schedule
T reat others how you want to be treated
does not allow you to volunteer during
A lways do your best
school hours, you may be interested in
R espect your classmates, the teachers, and the
becoming an “at-home” volunteer. Simple
assembling or cutting projects can be
sent home for you to complete at your
Please talk about these rules at home and what
leisure. Please be sure to sign up for
they mean to your child. We will also be learning
volunteer opportunities when you come
what these rules mean to us, within our classroom
to visit during Open House. I greatly
and how they affect the world around us.
appreciate any and all work completed by
parent volunteers.

We will celebrate each child’s birthday in our classroom throughout the year. For their special day we will
sing them a song, interview them about their favorite things, and create them a class birthday book.
(This will include a picture drawn by each of their classmates and teachers). Due to food sensitivities, we
will not be celebrating birthdays with special treats or snacks. If you or your child feels that you need
to send something in there are many food alternatives, such as, pencils, bookmarks, or stickers. Thank
you for your cooperation. Also, if your child has a summer birthday, we would love to celebrate his/her
half birthday!

Rest Time Book Order

All Kindergarten children participate in a daily rest Each month I will send home a flyer
time. We ask that children come to school with a from the Scholastic Book Club. For all
towel the length of their bodies. This way they have books ordered our classroom earns points
something from home that they can rest on. for FREE books! You can order online, or
Children can leave towels in their cubbies for the send in a check with the book order to
week, but will bring them home to be washed over school. If you order online our class
the weekend. As the year progresses, they will be access code is HXCJR.
given the opportunity to read or write quietly during
rest time. In the beginning of the year however, all
children will rest.

The first book club is due

Picture Day! Wish List
Each month I will be asking for various
On September 30th your child will have an items for our classroom. Donating to our
opportunity to get their individual picture taken. classroom is strictly OPTIONAL!
(Class pictures will be taken at a later date.) A form The following items are some items that
will be going home prior to the date of the pictures could be donated to our classroom during
explaining more about the pictures and how to go the month of September:
about ordering them.
• Hand Soap
• Lysol Wipes
• Baby Wipes
• Magic Eraser
• 3M Command Strips/Hooks
• Hand sanitizer
• Paper Towels
• Plastic Cups
• Plastic Spoons/Forks
Monthly Projects • Band-Aids
• Tissues
Each month I will be sending home a small project • Ziploc Bags of all sizes- snack,
for you and your child to complete together. Each sandwich, quart and gallon
project will include instructions on how to complete • Seasonal Stickers
it. Once completed students will get to share their • Old Cards (for writing center)
projects with their classmates and we will display • Envelopes
them in our classroom. It is my hope that this • Velcro Dots
activity will help students get to know one another
better and help to build our classroom community.
I am looking forward to seeing your families

I am looking forward to wonderful year with your family!

Mrs. Julian

The first book club is due

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