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KLE Technological University

School of Electronics and Communication Engineering

C Hackathon 2019

Assignment 1
• Students are suggested to write modular programs (using Functions).
• Use proper coding standards and documentation formats
• Submission Questions to be submitted by all students in a folder named
their USN.

Questions for Practice:

1. Print pattern with following order:


2. Program to display all substrings of a string

3. Given a string consisting of alphabets and digits, print the frequency of each digit in
the given string. (ex: input: a11472o5t6 , output: 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0)
4. Write a program to reverse a given array
5. Write a program to reverse a given string without inbuilt function.
6. Write a program to display prime number between the given range of numbers.
7. Write a program to implement a calculator.
8. With following operations
a. Addition d. Division
b. Subtraction e. Modulus
c. Multiplication f. Power
9. Write a program to display the binary form of a number.
10. Given a number n, the task is to find the XOR from 1 to n.
Examples :
Input : n = 6
Output : 7 (1 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 = 7)

Input : n = 7
Output : 0 (1 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 ^ 7 = 0)
11. Find the nth Fibonacci number.

Questions for Submission

1. Given a positive integer denoting n, do the following:

• If 1<n<9, then print the lowercase English word corresponding to the number (e.g.,
one for, two for, etc.).
• If n>9, print Greater than 9.
• Input Format: The first line contains a single integer denoting n
Output Format: If 1<= n <=9, then print the lowercase English word corresponding
to the number (e.g., one for 1, two for 2, etc.); otherwise, print Greater than 9
KLE Technological University
School of Electronics and Communication Engineering

C Hackathon 2019

2. Print the following pattern

Input : n=4 Input : n=5
Output : Output :
1234 1234
9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
5678 13 14 15 16

3. Printing the following pattern

Input : n=3 Input : n=4
Output : Output :
333 44444
313 44144
323 44244
333 44344
4. Print the following pattern
Output : 1
5. Find the maximum a subsequence of an array which yields Maximum sum.
6. Given an array A[] and positive integer K, the task is to count total number of pairs in the
array whose sum is divisible by K.
Note : This question is generalised version of this
Examples: is divisible by '4' i.e., (2, 2),
Input : A[ ] = {2, 2, 1, 7, 5, 3}, K = 4 (1, 7), (7, 5), (1, 3) and (5, 3)
Output : 5 Input : A[ ] = {5, 9, 36, 74, 52, 31, 42},
Explanation : K=3
There are five pairs Output : 7
possible whose sum
7. Find the second largest element from an array.
8. Find the largest prefix and suffix in a given string.
Input: abcbcaaabcbc
Output: abcbc
9. Find the largest sub-string which is in alphabetical order.
10.find HCF and LCM of two numbers
11. Find element with the maximum set bits in an array
Given an array arr[ ]. The task is to find an element from arr[ ] which has the
maximum count of set bits.
Input: arr[ ] = {10, 100, 1000, 10000}
Output: 1000
Binary(10) = 1010 (2 set bits)
Binary(100) = 1100100 (3 set bits)
Binary(1000) = 1111101000 (6 set bits)
Binary(10000) = 10011100010000 (5 set bits)
Input: arr[ ] = {3, 2, 4, 7, 1, 10, 5, 8, 9, 6}
Output: 7

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