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NLP Presuppositions from Michael Hall:

Here are the 21 presuppositions that Dr. Bob Bodenhamer and I put in Userʼs
Mental Processing and Encoding Presuppositions:
1. The map is not the territory, but is useful as the structure of the map
corresponds to the territory.
2. People respond according to their internal maps, not according to reality.
3. Meaning is context dependent.
4. Mind-and-body inevitably and inescapably affect each other.
5. Individual skills function by developing and sequencing of representation
systems. 6. We respect each person's model of the world.
Human Behavior and Responses Presuppositions:
7. Person and behavior are different phenomena. A person is more than his or
her behavior. 8. Every behavior has utility and usefulness in some context.
9. We evaluate behavior and change in terms of context and ecology.
Communication Presuppositions:
10. We cannot not communicate.
11. The way we present our communication affects perception and reception.
12. The meaning of your communication is the response you get, regardless of
your intention. 13. There is no failure, only feedback.
14. There is an ecology in every system and so should be checked to make sure
that a change does not ruin the system.
15. The person with the most flexibility of behavior and responses will have the
most influence in that system.
16. Resistance primarily reveals a lack of rapport.
Learning, Choice and Change Presuppositions:
17. People have all of the necessary internal resources they need to succeed.
18. People are response-able and able to choose their responses in thinking,
emoting, speaking, acting, and relating.
19. People have the ability to experience one trial learnings.
20. People make the best choices open to them when they respond.
21. The best communication and responses increase choice.

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