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S. Nazir et al.

2.1.1 Training awareness

Identify training needs According to the model course, training awareness involves the
identification of the students’ needs. The model course describes the importance of
collecting as much information as possible regarding the students. Mostly concerning
their previous knowledge and beliefs.

Understand the end result Training awareness concerns the general understanding of
the outcome of training.

BThe main focus of the simulation exercise is not the acquisition of technical
knowledge but the ability to apply it in real time context^

(IMO 2012, p. 89).

Objectives and real-world scenarios Other important awarenesses, as mentioned in the

model course, are the ability to provide scenarios with clear objectives. The
objectives are for the students, to help them understand the benefits and
importance of the simulator training. Furthermore, the instructor must choose
a proper duration for the sessions, to accomplish the specific training. Each
exercise is suggested to present concise objectives given to the student’s in
advance. Additionally, Bdocumentation of what the trainees are to be trained to
do^ should be provided (IMO 2012, p. 66). At the same time, the instructor
must make sure to introduce the students to a scenario which is as identical as
possible with reality.

Fig. 1 IMO model course 6.10; selected components

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