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The life of working student.

Chapter 1:
Statement of the problem:

the main problem of students is lack of budget/allowance that’s why many

students are working for them selves to support their needs in school. The main
problem is the money and the income of their parents is too much poor that’s
why they work to help their parents/families.

The significance of study:

TEACHER: The most important beneficiary of this case is the teacher for them to
be aware of the situation of their students who are making at the same time
attending school.

STUDENTS: The second one is the student. We all know that there are many
student like us is not under support of their parents that’s why they help them
selves we need to understand the other students why did they do that.
Scope and delimitation:

The aims of research of working students with 10 respondent in

CNHS Roxas city.

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