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Cementing the Revolution:

The Necessity of Imposing Atheism

in the Socialist State

Dr. Juan R. Céspedes, Ph.D.


August 1, 2019

Published September 2, 2019


All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Table of Contents

A Marxist Celebration 3

The New Messiahs 4

The Socialist Millstone 5

Sources 8

Appendix I: “Dialectical Materialism” 10

Appendix II: “Soviet Anti-Religion Propaganda Poster” 11

About the Author 12

Books Available at Amazon and Other Fine Book Emporiums 13

"Religion is the opium of the people"
~ Karl Marx, 1844
German philosopher and social-economist
[German original, "Die Religion ... ist das Opium des Volkes"]

Karl Marx's renowned, oft repeated, and sometimes revered proclamation, “religion is the opium of the
people”, had an absolute and penetrating effect on socialism. For Marx, any philosophy found its material
weapon, its essence, in the working masses; the proletariat. The purpose of a revolutionary philosophy
was to squarely become stuck in the heart of the masses, and emancipate them from any ideas contrary to
that of man being the supreme being and sole determinant of his own destiny. From the perspective of the
Bolsheviks, the Russian masses could never free themselves from the mentality of the Middle Ages unless
the revolution first broke the bondage of religion.

A Marxist Celebration

During July 4th through 7th, 2019, leftists from around the world met in London for the Marxism
Festival, a self-described “festival of socialist” ideas. The socialist mantra publicly advertised is
“Capitalism is in crisis. Society is rapidly polarizing between Left and Right. Marxism Festival 2019 is
the place to debate how we can beat back the rise of racism, fascism & the far right. But thousands of
people from around the world will also be discussing the alternative to the system that means chaos.”1
Religion, religious movements and religious people will be inevitably disparaged. After all, Marx
concluded at length that:

1. Only what man is, and does, encapsulates the world of man – the state, and society.

2. The state and this society produces religion, “which is an inverted consciousness of the world.”

3. The struggle against religion is a struggle against something that is artificially created by man and
usually supported by the state. 2

4. The proletariat turns to religion as an expression of real suffering due to the oppression by the
bourgeoise and the ruling classes. “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a
heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.”

5. Thus, “It is the opium of the people...The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people
is the demand for their real happiness.”

The socialist heirs of Marx embraced the idea that a precondition for a desirable society was the
realization that man had no spiritual needs, only material ones. Man was no more than matter in motion
(see Appendix I: “Dialectical Materialism”). The socialist state would devote its energies entirely to
meeting those material needs. First, in an authoritarian manner, with backward and superstitious practices
like religion prohibited, and later as the years passed (or maybe decades, or maybe even centuries, Marx
was unclear of the length of time) and the state disappeared, in a society comprised of voluntarily
cooperating individuals uninterested in accumulating wealth or property.

Religion restricted and impoverished the mind of the new man socialism intended to create.

1 Italics throughout this tome are the authors.

2 Russia was ruled by the Tsars who used the Russian Orthodox Church to support their authority.

The New Messiahs

Thus, the Marxists and their socialist catechumen were the heirs of a new messianism, a prophetic and
secular utopian secularism promising a new age of enlightenment. For them, it was to be the actualization
of the pseudo-prophetic Christian ideal of spirituality: a real egalitarian society of people living in
freedom. “...the true solution of the conflict between...freedom and necessity, between individual and
species. It is a solution of the riddle of history and knows itself to be this solution.” 3 For the Marxist,
socialism meant a communal order where the identity of man and the state was closely braided,
overcoming the separateness and antagonism between the worker and his work. For if “the people” owned
the means of production in their entirety, how can there be a schism between the worker and the factory
owner? The workers are the factory owners, and the state is the corporealization of the workers. It would
result in a world in which man harmoniously interacts and is interdependent with others.

During the 20th century, the world's first constitutionally socialist state was in Russia. As the Soviet
experiment was copied and expanded internationally (others would argue that it was imposed), one-third
of the world's population lived under a Soviet-styled Marxist government by 1985. The first state to have
as an ideological objective the total elimination of religion was the Soviet Union. It was from its inception
a wholly unprecedented experiment in the history of humanity: the a state-orchestrated, merciless, and
systematic effort to eradicate religion. Lenin likened religion to venereal disease. Long before the
turbulence of the 1917 revolution, the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky foresaw how Russia’s new revolutionary
class, whose ideals promised a “kingdom of freedom” would engage in the destruction of religion.
Dostoevsky writes prophetically,

“The preachers of materialism and atheism, who proclaim man's self-sufficiency, are preparing
indescribable darkness and horror for mankind under the guise of renovation and resurrection.”
Dostoevsky concluded, “They conceive of arranging things justly. But having repudiated Christ, they will
end by flooding the world with blood.”

Just weeks after the October revolution, the People’s Commissariat for Enlightenment was established to
remove from school curriculums all references to religion.

In the years that followed, religion was ridiculed, believers harassed, imprisoned, and murdered, and the
property of churches confiscated and defiled. Monasteries and churches were converted to warehouses,
stables, public toilets or destroyed outright. Their land, valuables, and property was expropriated. Atheism
was propagated in the state media and was part of the school curricula. The security services
systematically murdered thousands of clergy, monks, and bishops. Special anti-religion propaganda units
were established, like the League of the Godless (see Appendix II: “Soviet Anti-Religion Propaganda
Poster”). Christian intellectuals were arrested and sent to forced-labor camps. At the very least, the openly
and stubbornly religious (and lucky) would be relegated by the state to menial jobs. Consider the
following excepts of a letter from Maxim Gorky4, political activist, and socialist writer, advising Stalin 5

[Marxist ideology is insufficient, religion must be beaten down with physical force]
It is furthermore imperative to put the propaganda of atheism on solid ground. You won't achieve much
with the weapons of Marx and materialism...If a fool speaks from the heavens and the sage from a
factory--they won't understand one another. The sage needs to hit the fool with his stick, with his

3 Fromm (1961) p. 98

4 Alexei Maximovich Peshkov (Russian: Алексе́й Макси́мович Пешко́в or Пе́шков).

5 Library of Congress

[the Catholic Church was a significant obstacle to their goals]

We need to know the "fathers of the church," the apologists of Christianity, especially indispensable to the
study of the history of Catholicism, the most powerful and intellectual church organization whose
political significance is quite clear.

[man is naturally religious and individualistic, and must be re-educated]

Our youth is very poorly informed on questions of this nature. The "tendency" toward a religious
disposition is very noticeable--a natural result of developing individualism.

The Socialist Millstone

The Russian Orthodox Church was the main target of the anti-religious campaigns of the 1920s and
1930s, since it had the largest number of followers. Its publications were prohibited, and its theological
schools were closed. Initially, the Soviets believed that when religious institutions and churches had been
deprived of their power, religion would wither away rapidly. They tripled their efforts when this did not
occur. With few exceptions the clergy were either sent to labor camps or shot, as were many believers.
The Soviets were very successful with their efforts, by 1939 less than 1 percent of the original number of
over 50,000 Russian Orthodox churches remained opened.

Under the 1936-1937 purges orchestrated by Stalin tens of thousands of clergy were simply rounded up
and shot. However, understanding the use of religious fervor as a tool, Stalin revived the Russian
Orthodox Church in order to intensify patriotic support for the war effort, after the attack by Germany in
1941. Approximately 22,000 Russian Orthodox churches were active by 1957. However, in 1959
Khrushchev launched his own campaign against the Russian Orthodox Church and forced the closure of
about 12,000 churches. It became illegal to teach religion to your own children under Khrushchev. Anti-
religious polices continued under succeeding Soviet leaders, and by 1985 fewer than 7,000 churches
remained active. Members of the church hierarchy were forced out or imprisoned. Those that remained
were docile clergymen, often with ties to the KGB6.

Targeting also occurred if religions represented particular ethic groups or certain nationalities, or if they
recognized a non-Russian religious authority, such as the Pope for the Roman Catholics. By the mid
1920s there no Roman Catholic bishops left in the Soviet Union, and by the time of the German invasion
in 1941, only two churches were still open (of the nearly 1,200 churches that were active in 1917, mostly
in Lithuania). “Soviet-era sufferings affected not just the churches but the whole of society, atheists
included,” said Msgr. Igor Kovalevsky, secretary-general of Russia's Catholic Bishops' Conference.
Linked with Ukrainian desire for autonomy, the Ukrainian Catholic Church was forcibly integrated in
1946 into the Russian Orthodox Church. It was Stalin's intent to integrate all churches into one
controllable aegis, the Russian Orthodox Church, which became a docile and obedient subject eager to
avoid repression by the communist state. Protestants of all denominations were also persecuted. Their
activities were narrowly confined to worship, and their churches were denied schools or publications
teaching their religious beliefs. Throughout the history of the Soviet Union, attacks on Judaism were
endemic and pestilential, making the organized practice of that religion nearly impossible. Fearing an
Islamic nationalist movement, the Soviets also systematically suppressed Islam. In 1941, with the Nazi

6The KGB (Russian: Комите́т Госуда́рственной Безопа́сности (КГБ), tr. Komitet Gosudarstvennoy
Bezopasnosti, translated in English as Committee for State Security, was the main security agency for the Soviet
Union from 1954 until its break-up in 1991.

invasion of the Soviet Union, the government to adopted a more tolerant policy toward Islam, while at the
same time encouraging atheism among Muslims.

Russian writer and educator Nadhezda Mandelstam, whose poet-husband Osip would die in 1938 in a
transit camp near Vladivostok on the way to a gulag in Siberia, was haunted by the anti-religious
barbarisms she personally witnessed in Moscow. The word ‘God’ had become an “object of mockery,”
Mandelstam recollected, while the new purveyors of "scientific truth" claimed god-like authority
themselves. Mandelstam wrote, “Not only God but poetry, ideas, love, pity and compassion were hastily
overthrown. We were to begin a new life without any nonsense.”

Christ's lamentation while on the Cross, “My God, why have you forsaken me?” was to be repeated by
the oppressed thousands of times.

Polish writer, journalist, essayist, and World War II underground fighter, Gustaw Herling-Grudziński, was
arrested by the NKVD7 as a student and sent to the forced-labor camps on trumped-up “espionage”
charges. In his memoirs, A World Apart: The Journal of a Gulag Survivor (Polish: Inny świat: zapiski
sowieckie) first published in London in 1951 with an introduction by the British philosopher Bertrand
Russell, he recalls how the prisoners were reduced “below the lowest level of humanity,” and deprived of
all dignity. Herling-Grudziński recalled how the sick and old were routinely executed by camp guards,
others were shot during bogus escape attempts, or simply left to perish from exposure to the elements and

Still, in the midst of this unimaginable horror, some camp prisoners continued with their faith, receiving
the sacraments, hiding their rosaries and crucifixes, and ministering to other inmates.

After enduring a seven-decade period of Soviet atheistic oppression, a religious revival is happening in
Russia. Christianity has not only survived, but it is thriving. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in
1991, approximately two-thirds of its citizens claimed no religious affiliation. As of this writing, more
than 71 percent of Russians identify as Orthodox. One can now view on television priests delivering
sermons, witness in St. Petersburg religious processions, and watch Russians in Moscow lining up for
holy water. Russia has transformed from a bastion of of state-enforced atheism, into the world’s leading
promoter of conservative Orthodoxy.

Because it lends them legitimacy, governments promote ideologies that explain the meaning of life. Then,
they reinforce those belief systems with rules and laws. That was certainly true of Soviet atheism, and it is
also true generally of socialist thought. But things have changed, haven’t they? The new “democratic
socialists” aren’t in favor of outlawing religion, are they?

“We need to overthrow...this rotten, decadent, putrid industrial capitalist system.” These are the very
words of Dorothy Day, the leftist activist, journalist, and co-founder of the Catholic Worker, whom Pope
Francis himself held up to the U.S. Congress as a great exemplification of the American spirit. Amazingly,
even in the Catholic Church, today the consideration of socialist alternatives no longer seems forbidding.

With alarming casualness and greater frequency the young have jumped aboard the socialist bandwagon.
It should not be surprising; the media, the public schools, the universities, and congressional members
embrace the redistribute-the-wealth siren call of socialism — but the young are seldom, if ever, taught
about the millions who have been brutally murdered by socialist regimes.

7 The NKVD (Russian: НКВД. People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, was a government security department in
the Soviet Union with absolute power of arrest, trial, imprisonment, and even execution. It was the precursor to the

The first commandment of the socialist credo is that God must be eliminated. Gradually, at first, so as not
to disquiet the public, but persistently. God does not belong in the public arena. The call for “separation of
church and state” soon transforms into “freedom from religion”8.

A country that turns to the enemies of God opens the door wide for godlessness. Adams, Franklin,
Hamilton, Jay, Jefferson, Madison, and Washington, the founders of the new American nation, based their
experiment in governance upon a concept clearly stated in the Declaration of Independence; that all are
created equal, “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.”

The root of all socialist thought is Marxism, and Marxism enshrines godlessness. It is as simple as that.

8The Freedom from Religion Foundation boldly states on its webpage, “The history of Western civilization shows
us that most social and moral progress has been brought about by persons free from religion.”


Anderson, John (1994). Religion, State and Politics in the Soviet Union and Successor States. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press. p. 3.

Chumachenko, Tatiana A. (2002). Edited and Translated by Edwad E. Roslof. Church and State in Soviet
Russia: Russian Orthodoxy from World War II to the Khrushchev years. ME Sharpe inc., pp 4.

Céspedes, Juan R. (2013). Collapse of the Soviet Empire.


Céspedes, Juan R. (2014). The Myopic Vision: The Causes of Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism, and

Céspedes, Juan R. (2016). Transformation of the American Democratic Party into a Socialist Entity.

Céspedes, Juan (2017, February 14). Marxism: Humanity Mesmerized by an Idea Resurgent. https://

Céspedes, Juan (2019, August 1). The Betrayal of the Old Left by the “New” New Left. https://

Chumley, Cheryl K. (2019, March 26). Socialism is rooted in godlessness. The Washington Times. https://

Collum, Danny Duncan (2016, February). Should Christians be Socialists? Sojourners.

Fitzpatrick, S. (1999). Everyday Stalinism. Oxford University Press. New York. page 27.

Freedom from Religion Foundation (n.p.d.) About FFRF. Welcome to the Freedom from Religion
Foundation. “The history of Western civilization shows us that most social and moral progress has been
brought about by persons free from religion....”

Froese, Paul (2004). "Forced secularization in Soviet Russia: Why an atheistic monopoly failed." Journal
for the Scientific Study of Religion 43.1 : 35-50.

Fromm, Erich (1961). Marx's Concept of Man. First published: Publisher: Frederick Ungar Publishing:
New York. Transcribed: by Sam Berner.

Kowalewski, David (1980, October). "Protest for Religious Rights in the USSR: Characteristics and
Consequences". Russian Review. 39 (4): 426–441.

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1909, May 13). The Attitude of the Workers’ Party to Religion. Published:
Proletary, No. 45. Source: Lenin Collected Works. Progress Publishers, 1973, Moscow, Vol. 15. pp.

402-413. Translated: Andrew Rothstein and Bernard Issacs. Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive: (1996); (1999).

Library of Congress (2016, August 31). Revelations from the Russian Archives. ANTI-RELIGIOUS

Luukkanen, Arto (1994). The Party of Unbelief. Helsinki: Studia Historica 48.

Luxmoore, Jonathan (2017, October 23). Russia's Catholics recall their 'gulag martyrs' 100 years after
Lenin's revolution. Religious meditations born in prisons, labor camps rank with best in Christian history.

Pospielovsky. Dimitry V. (1988). A History of Soviet Atheism in Theory, and Practice, and the Believer,
vol 2: Soviet Antireligious Campaigns and Persecutions, St Martin's Press, New York. pp. 45–46, 66, 67.

Ramet, Sabrina Petra. (Ed) (1993). Religious Policy in the Soviet Union. Cambridge University Press.
p. 4.

Smolkin, Victoria (2018). A Sacred Place is Never Empty: AHistory of Soviet Atheism. Princeton
University Press.

Timasheff, N. S. (1942). Religion In Soviet Russia 1917-1942. Sheed & Ward, New York. https://

Zubovich, Gene (2018, October 16). Review. Russia’s Journey from Orthodoxy to Atheism, and Back
Again. Religion & Politics Fit for Polite Company.

Червонная, С. М.(2008). Искусство и религия: Современное исламское искусство народов России.

Page 118.

Appendix I: “Dialectical Materialism”

It has been this writer’s experience that the vast majority of students of 20th century (and current)
socialist movements do not understand the underlying principles of socialist thought. When asked this
question during class sessions, some students may answer correctly, “Marxism”, but only very rarely will
anyone know the answer to the question, “...and what is the basis, the underlying principle, of Marxist
thought?” The answer is the theory of dialectical materialism (sometimes referred to a Materialist Theory
of History). What follows is the simple explanation of that theory:

Marx borrowed heavily from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, a German philosopher and an important
figure of German idealism. However, there was nothing idealistic about Marx’s conclusions. Marx claims
to have turned Hegel on his head, insofar as materialism replaces idealism. For Marx, history is
determined by a struggle between economic forces: the “haves” and the “have nots”. The conflicts that
make up the dialectical process are not between ideas but between material economic interests, especially
the conflict between these social classes: slave vs. master, serf vs. lord, proletariat vs. capitalist.

Marx argues that it is the material aspects of humanity which account for every turn in history. Whoever
is not fighting in this historical class struggle is dead, or is a figment of your imagination.

Thus, everything that exists and that has importance throughout history is material. There are no gods,
angels, demons, deities, souls, or anything else that doesn’t have a physical form. Man is merely matter in
motion motivated by material needs. The only objective reality is the material struggle between classes.

This is the essence of Marxism. The Soviets and their political heirs worldwide, who considered
themselves, like Marx, to be the practitioners of the hard evidence and logic of “scientific socialism”,
were absolute advocates of the anti-religious ideas present in the theory of dialectical materialism.

Appendix II: “Soviet Anti-Religion Propaganda Poster”

A poster showing productive workers advancing against the church. The text says that the struggle against
religion is the struggle for socialism. Notice the different religious denominations and ethnicities. By M
Rabinovich, 1930. Photograph: British Museum. Source:

About the Author

Dr. Juan R. Céspedes is a veteran educator, lecturer, and prolific author. For over three decades Dr.
Céspedes has shared his thoughts and research about history, politics, economics, and international
relations with a far-reaching global audience. His many books include Collapse of the Soviet Empire,
an analysis of the communism in Europe and Eurasia, War Interminable: The Origins, Causes,
Practices and Effects of International Conflict; Cuban Communism and its Impact on World Affairs;
International Contemporary History 1848-2008; The Myopic Vision: The Causes of Totalitarianism,
Authoritarianism, and Statism; Footsteps to World War III; Coup d'État USA: The Overthrow of the
Constitution & Democracy in America; and more recently Peace, Conflict, and Security: The Widening
Gap. In 1960 Dr. Céspedes emigrated with his family to the United States to escape the tyranny of the
Castro-communist régime in Cuba. An advocate of maximizing individual freedom, human dignity and
democratic government, he has traveled widely, investigated his subject matter systematically, and has
become a persuasive figure on topics such as the nature of totalitarian regimes, the Cold War, the
causes of wars, the history of terrorism, and the course of global events. Dr. Céspedes has served as an
Examiner and Content Contributor for the International Baccalaureate Organization, a Social Studies
test bank writer for Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the Florida Department of Education,
Adjunct Professor and member of the Advisory Board of Florida International University's School of
International and Public Affairs in the Gordon Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship Studies.

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your class notes give you in preparing for the final exam. In this comprehensive and easy to understand
exam preparation, Dr. Goulds compiles both SL and HL information into one user-friendly resource, and
provides you with many IB Biology related practice questions. Written by, Dr. Goulds, an American
professor, biologist, and one of the most widely read writers of her generation, this exam preparation is a
must for students wishing to maximize their score. If you are looking for material that closely parallels the
questions in the whole IB Biology Exam, you can skip to the end of the book to the reviews/questions
section for great overall study resources. We highly recommend that you use this guide throughout the
year as a refresher before tests and quizzes, as well as for additional support if you did not entirely
understand a specific lesson in your IB Biology class.


The Essential IB Psychology Guide SL & HL

The IB Psychology Exam Guide (SL & HL) is UNIQUE. Beat the “test taking game” with the most
important exam preparation book you will find. This comprehensive study guide is written by a
psychology and test-taking expert, Dr. Felix Albrecht-Erikson, who has painstakingly researched every
topic and concept you need to know to pass your IB psychology exam. He has utilized his many years of
expertise to guarantee your success in the SL or HL IB psychology exam.

The standards set by Dr. Albrecht-Erikson are very strict. Along with his staff, he has years of combined
research experience in mastering the content and skills necessary to succeed on the toughest exams.

Some academic studies have revealed that test takers do not really benefit from most traditional test
preparation process. Dr. Albrecht-Erikson has developed a set of secret keys to the exam that will open
the door of success for you.

This is a thorough, concise study guide that we believe allows any test taker, at any skill level, to improve
his or her results dramatically with a minimum of effort.

Dr. Albrecht-Erikson has made the critical connection between the material to be learned and how to use
the material to succeed on the IB test.

You're going to save time, money, and aggravation with this guide.


IB Chemistry SL & HL: A Complete Exam Review Course

This IB Chemistry book may be your best bet for a comprehensive and effective review of the SL or HL
course material.

The book has friendly and understandable explanations of complex concepts, with 250 practice questions
for the test, as well as a complete listing of all related terms and their explanation.

Important equations are listed throughout each content chapter, covering what you need to know in order
to excel in the SL or HL test. Questions with answers include an overview section, and an additional in-
depth section if you need further clarification. The user-friendly format makes it one of the best IB
Chemistry review book available. It provides a means for developing study plans that you can customize
to fit your needs. It isn’t too skimpy or too overwhelming with information. It also provides a great way
for structuring your studying, which is helpful if you consider yourself somewhat less than a totally
organized student.

IB Philosophy: Conversations with a Centurion: about Life, Death, and God

Conversations with a Centurion: about Life, Death, and God

We struggle with work and overcoming the challenges of daily life, only to experience the same
end...death. Rich or poor, educated or not, death is the great equalizer for all of humanity. One measure of
adulthood is the realization that “bad” things happen to “good” people. Why am I here? Is there a God,
what is the meaning of life, is there an afterlife? If there is a God...why does God let these things happen?
These questions are answered in a meeting with a Roman Centurion that appears magically, mystically,
inexplicably, in a museum in modern Rome. The Centurion turns out to be a Roman army officer who
was assigned to Capernaum, a fishing village in Judea, where he met Jesus. Most people in our time,
devout Christians and Jews included, understand little about the world of first-century Palestine, and think
that the Jews were an undifferentiated and united people in their disgruntlement and opposition to the rule
of Rome. This is a gross oversimplification of the historical, political, and cultural reality of the time. The
Centurion helps the reader understand the life of Romans, Jews, their leaders, and others; as well as the
geographical, cultural, and political divisions which existed at the time. The book examines many aspects
of Jesus’ world that are unknown to many. Dr. Céspedes also delves into mathematical and scientific
explanations for the existence of God, near death experiences, the crucifixion, the resurrection of Jesus,
the early Christian church, and the great personal sacrifices made by the apostles. This fascinating and
carefully researched book concludes with suggestions for living a more meaningful life, and how to battle
sadness and loneliness.

IB History Papers 1 & 2: The Myopic Vision - The Causes of Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism, &

I B Paper 1 & 2 - The Myopic Vision: The Causes of Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism, and

In this benchmark of political and historical analysis, Dr. Juan R. Céspedes provides a fascinating and
comprehensive look at the “Myopic Vision” which has resulted in totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and
statism. The Myopic Vision has inspired many governments and is responsible for the deaths of
approximately 250 million human beings in the 20th century. What are the reasons behind this slaughter?
The advocates of the Myopic Vision believe they are the holders of scientifically demonstrable truths
concerning man, history, and social evolution. Thus, Dr. Céspedes coins a new phrase, as well as issues a
warning for the future. Can the Myopic Vision be corrected or reversed? What does the future hold? This
is a “must read” for all those which cherish and wish to preserve democracy and human dignity.

More books for the IB/AP student and the advanced thinker. Available at Amazon and
other fine book emporiums!

Footsteps to World War III


Footsteps to World War III

A riveting, enlightening and often frightening look at the next major war involving the United States and
the world. In his thought-provoking book, Dr. Céspedes draws from a multitude of sources to carefully
analyze the likelihood, and the outcomes, of a major military encounter between the United States and its
major potential adversaries. Asserting that we are at the doorstep of a new epoch, he constructs a lucid
and highly comprehensible forecast of the challenges that the United States can expect from around the
world. As a Europe continues to weaken militarily and chose neutralist policies, or policies contrary to
those of the United States, what new alliances can the United States formulate? With this panorama, will
the United States remain the dominant global superpower, as other nations challenge American
preeminence? Will such a war ultimately end with a victory by the United States and its allies?
Captivating and compelling from the first to the last page, “Footsteps to World War III” is a fascinating
exploration of what the future may hold for the world at large.

The New Global Threat: Transnational Crime

The New Global Threat: Transnational Crime

Transnational organized crime is a growing cancer, and a threat to the security of North America . . . as
well as to the entire world! What was once the dominion of countries and regions separated by geography
is increasingly a concern to the Department of State and for the U.S. military. Transgressing the laws of
multiple nations, these criminal activities have a negative impact on society, the global economy, and
greatly impede the progress of developing nations and governments. Unfortunately, many of the nations
affected lack the resources or the political will to provide an adequate level of security and
countermeasures that matches the threat to its security and its borders. The criminal activities, such as
drug, human, and gun trafficking, are often overshadowed by terrorism, even though all are crucial
national security threats. This work reveals the dangers and horrors of modern transnational crime; a
menace which challenges the modern hierarchies and methods of response, and helps to piece together the
construction of pragmatic and workable policies to counter such a menace. This is a must read for anyone
interested in national security issues!

Victory Over Terrorism: The Unthinkable Solution

Victory Over Terrorism: The Unthinkable Solution!

Extremists have made, and will continue into the future, varied attempts to attack the US and its allies
with varying levels of organization and skill. We shake our heads with a certain degree of disbelief and
say, “When will it end?” After the destruction of the World Trade Center and the accompanying damages
to the Pentagon and the national psyche, government has enacted laws and strategies to prevent terrorist
activities. However, as democratic societies which value individual rights, we are challenged to not
provoke a response which undermines our Constitutional system of government. In a thorough
investigative fashion, "Victory Over Terrorism" takes readers through the strange and often sordid
methods that are routinely utilized by terrorists organizations, the prevailing thoughts and beliefs of
Muslim communities throughout the world, and the anti-terrorist practices that intensified in recent years.

Cancer Free by Dr. John Hunter

Cancer Free!

Your physician tells you the bad news: "You have cancer." The shock leaves you speechless, but you must
go on. This book will give you hope. It is "must" reading for those that have cancer, or those with family
members who have the disease. Motivated by a family history of cancer that caused the deaths of his
grandfather, father, uncle, and eventually his wife, Dr. John Hunter engages in a personal quest to fully
research and provide answers to dealing with this dreaded disease. Dr. Hunter explains which are the
most advantageous options from the thousands of case-control studies, comprehensive reviews, and
biologic parameters published on the topic, while informing the reader of the reasons for those selections.
Dr. John Hunter sorts through the morass of disinformation that often accompanies the topic and sheds
light on a complex disease, providing the public with interconnected facts and whole truths. Dr. Hunter
accurately describes the current status of scientific and holistic thinking on many topics included in his
book. He describes a multitude of strategies from quitting smoking to learning the warning signs of

Coup d'État USA: The coming overthrow of the U.S. Constitution

Coup d'État USA: The coming overthrow of the U.S. Constitution

Our vigilance is imperative—democracy and our way of life in America is threatened with collapse. There
is a coup d’etat brewing in America, and the warning signals are both abundant and frightening.

Dr. Céspedes, a notable contemporary historian, author, researcher, and geopolitical analyst has spent over
three decades studying the rise and fall of democratic governments throughout history. His exacting
research reveals the many and factual reasons to be alarmed.

The clearest warnings include a failure by the coup plotters to refuse the use of violence unequivocally,
their rejection of the democratic process, and their eagerness to strangle the civil rights of their political
opponents. Political extremism such as this, once considered to be confined to the periphery of American
politics and inconsequential, has now become established and expected behavior.

The legal, ethical, and institutional norms that previously protected the Constitution and the American
democratic process are failing us. Worse yet is the fact that the existence of a coup is unknown to most
Americans. Dr. Céspedes points out that when this has happened in other countries during the 19th and
20th centuries, the invariable result was social and political chaos, the disappearance of democratic rights,
and the reversal of individual opportunity and economic prosperity. With this research Dr. Céspedes coins
two new terms that enter the lexicon of political analysis: the coup d'état typique, and the coup d'état

Dr. Céspedes argues that our democratic traditions must be reinforced by strengthening the rules that have
guided American democratic values—fair play, political moderation, and bipartisan consensus. These are
deep-rooted traditions that have existed in the United States since its founding, and disrupted only
momentarily by the Civil War. Prepare to be transfixed by this book, and its factual, useful, and mind-
opening details.

APUSH Cruncher

The APUSH Cruncher: A Guide for Passing the AP American History Exam with Ease!

As its name implies, The APUSH CRUNCHER is specifically designed for crunching the information
you need to master the AP US History exam. From Pre-Columbian societies to 20th Century politics, this
AP US History prep is designed for either short-term intense review or lengthier study. You have a choice!
Develop your AP history skills in every test area. The CRUNCHER coaches you on the most important
parts of the test, the weight given to each section, and proven strategies on how to effectively answer the
questions for top scores. The author’s goal is for you become a star-spangled winner in AP US history.
This book is written by Dr. Juan R. Céspedes, a Ph.D. in education with over 30 years of experience!

Cambridge History Exam Prep

Cambridge History Exam Prep: Maximize your score in 5 days!

Scientifically, the very best way to prepare for the Cambridge History exam! Studying for the Cambridge
history exam can be a stressful time for all students–there is so much information to cover! So, knowing
HOW to properly prepare for the exam is the key to avoiding stress and maximizing your score. This
guide provides a clear and uniform way to focus and make the best use of your study time, while
assessing your performance. Say “no” to cramming blindly. Focus specifically on questions that are likely
to come up in the exam! Maximize your retention; this guide makes clear the sometimes missed
associations between the curriculum covered in Cambridge and the areas of examination. Avoid the “all-
nighter” which wastes time, impairs reasoning and memory. The summations provided in this guide are
the most effective way to study.

Peace, Conflict, and Security: The Widening Gap

Peace, Conflict, and Security: The Widening Gap

This influential book is destined to be a classic in the discipline of peace studies. Finding the balance
between peace, conflict, and security, the author says, requires a pivotal and decisive paradigm shift in our
understanding of the nation-state and its historical role. Today an assortment of regional or international
organizations are involved in peacekeeping and peacemaking activities in addition to the United Nations.
The research of Dr. Juan R. Céspedes is a core contribution in the development of peace and security as it
relates to international studies and security analysis. A widely published and internationally recognized
expert on history and geopolitics, Dr. Céspedes’ thoughts provide important keys to understanding the
avenues leading to effective mediation, negotiation, and settlement of international disputes. This book
brings together and analyzes a multitude of diverse theories concerning peace, conflict, and security in
one volume. Dr. Céspedes defines, creates valid measures, and finds ways of dealing with current and
future conflicts. Thus, attention is also paid here to conflict prevention, peace agreements, sanctions and
third-party activity for preventing and ending armed conflict, and building a lasting world peace. This
book will be of great interest to all students of peace studies, conflict resolution, war and conflict studies.

IB Coordinator Guide for a Top-Notch Program: A tried and true comprehensive blueprint for
coordinators, principals, & teachers.

IB Coordinator Guide

This book is what happens when a group of highly successful and credentialed IB professionals
collaborate, sharing their experiences and ideas on implementing a top-notch IB program. When IB
Coordinators, teachers, and administrators like these band together, they form important symbiotic
professional relationships, find ways of streaming tasks, increase effectiveness, share information, and
contribute to IB program improvement and student success!

The ultimate goal of that collaboration is increased student performance.

This book enables you to profit from the expertise of others, and create an environment of
accomplishment from demonstrably good ideas and perspectives.

As an IB Coordinator, administrator, or teacher, you may have felt isolated, left-out, or wondering how
others have reached a higher level of success than you. This book dares to share the expertise and
knowledge of successful professionals in the IB program. This book unlocks and opens the “idea and
experience vault” of seasoned IB professionals. It is a professional learning showcase in IB education.

The objective of this book is to make your brain “explode” with an amazing, motivating, useful, and
captivating information overload that you didn’t know was possible. You won’t find this in other IB-
related books. This volcanic compilation may result in a sudden and alarmingly Zen-like realization that
your IB program can be incredibly better in every conceivable way.


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