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Name : Mela Deliani

Class : 88.3A.33
NIM : 88170009

How to heal a stomach acid (ulcer) using aloe vera with

alternative treatment

 Benefits of Aloe Vera :

And in another study from the Aloesajten site, one study completed in Japan
found that nine out of 10 patients who drank aloe vera juice found positive
changes in treating gastric ulcers. Studies in the country also show aloe juice
reduces excess stomach acid and lesions produced in the lining of the
 Material :
1. Aloe vera
2. Pure sugar or honey
 Tools:
1. Knife
2. Blender
3. Container
 Steps:
1. Prepare tools and materials
2. Provide a few stalks of aloe vera
3. Then, peel and clean the aloe from the mucus to get the meat
4. Then, wash aloe vera meat thoroughly
5. Cut small aloe vera
6. Prepare a sterile container, then enter the pieces of aloe vera and add a
little sugar or 2 tablespoons of pure honey
7. Then enter the ingredients into a blender
8. After everything is finished, then enter into the glass provided
9. Then consume the concoction regularly 2 times a day, morning and
evening until healed

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