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“Love is a fallacy”

By: Max Shulman

If you were the narrator of the story do you still do the same?

For me, No, I don’t do the same because love is about the feelings and you can’t
predict all you want in life. You can’t teach a person to love you and to be with
you because love is mutual feeling to each other.
This is not a science to do experiment and not a mathematical problem to find
the solution and also not a logic that you need to learn and study the fallacies,
false analogy, hypothesis contrary to fact, and poisoning the well, etc.

If you love the person give him/her a freedom to choose and accept that we are
born in different ways and we are not perfect.

The story is really good, and I don’t contradict of what kind of definition of love he
has. He is almost perfect guy, but he can’t own anything. We are not perfect and
also, we can’t learn to love even if you the most intelligent person in the world.

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