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This story, it was has a lot of twists. About the pressure students, about the two sections that
were being an enemy, from those characters and their different characteristics, the love story and
courting part, so much twist but has one goal. This story wants us to make a realization at the
end. The pressured student, there are children who we think that she or he is very smart,
because they did nothing but study and excel in our class, but little do we know, they force to do
that thing because of the pressure that they receive from their parents. They not living according
to their choice but because of the choice of their parents. Then lastly, from the enemy to lover
realization part. Little do we know, love changes our perspective, love changes us, and that's the
power of love. The enemy to lover theory exists in this story, it was a powerful theory because
they prove to us that love is very influential. We can't control our feeling toward a person, we
were just going to be shocked at how love works.

In this world, we should be sensitive to our students, we didn't know their stories. Excellent
students have weaknesses too. They probably excel in academics but we didn't know if in other
things they can still stand out. Excellent students have a problem too that even the text in the
book cannot answer. We didn't know the pressure and how they try to be better to be in
satisfaction with their loved ones. And for the enemies to lover, really does exist and it worked
unexpectedly. Again, we can't control our feelings, we are just going to be stunned. Even if it
came from an enemy, you can end up on your chosen path like being a partner and a lover.

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