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Masters of Ceremony Script

Nathalia: May I request everyone to please settle down and find their comfortable sits now
because we are about to begin the program
Aaron: But before that let’s have a roll call!!
Nathalia: As we call on your year level please shout you yells or create a unique noise to
represent your group
Aaron: Let’s start with our manongs and mananangs the seniors!
Aaron: Thank you seniors.
Nathalia: And now let’s have the juniors!!
Nathalia: Thank you juniors.
Aaron: papatalo ba ang mga sophomores? Syempre hindi, shout your yells guys
Aaron: thank you sophomores
Nathalia: And now last but definitely not the list, our adings, the Freshies
Nathalia: Thank you guys let’s all give our self a round of applause

Both: Magandang buhay people of Sarrat National High School!!

Nathalia: Today, were conducting the first school program for school year 2015 to 2016,
the orientation Program. This is the time to make the students specially transferee’s and
the freshman to be familiar with their school environment and school personnel.
Aaron: That’s right nathalia! SNHS are indeed energetic and excited for this school year. So
to start with, may we all rise and be one in mind, body, and spirit as we praise and thank
our almighty for all his graces and blessings through a doxology by the SNHS choir.
Nathalia: After which we shall remain standing as we pay tribute to our heroes by singing
the Phillippine national anthem. Michelle Grace Sabio, SSG Grade 10 Representative,
Aaron: Nothing can be more reassuring and heart-warming than affectionate words of
welcome. This will be given by the SSG Vice president, Jamielle Venice Ponce. Around of
applause please.
Nathalia: Thank you jamielle that heart-warming word of welcome. And noew to amaze us
with their skilful Talents, Let us witness an intermission number by the lung-ay Dancers.
Ms. Maybell P. Garcia in-charge
Aaron: That was indeed an earth-shaking performance. Thank you lung-ay dancers.And
now, let us listen to the thoughts and impressions from our new students, we have
Christian Gaudia to represent the grade7 and Roanne Quetula in behalf of the
Nathalia: Thank you for your wonderful impressions guys! And now, let us fasten our
seatbelts as we witness another intermission number from the selected students. Why
don’t you give us your best shot guys?
Nathalia: That was totally, incredibly, utterly, completely, amazinggggggg! May we give
them another round of applause!
Aaron: And now, to warm our hearts with hopeful, words of inspiration, may we listen to
our outstanding principal, Mrs. Editha J. Santiago, Maam?
Nathalia: Thank you for those inspiring words that we will surely ponder upon ma’am. At
this juncture, may we call in our depertment heads to introduce to us the teaching staff.
And for the non-teaching staff, may we request Mrs. Ma. Filomena T. Caldito,
Administrative Officer IV.
Aaron: Thank you dear teachers and employees.
Aaron: Of course, the SSG officers are also talented in so many ways, that’s why we have
prepared a surprise number for you. So sit back, relax and enjoy as we show you our
Nathalia: May we call in, the newly elected President of the Supreme Student Government,
Carl John Castillio, to deliver his closing remarks.
Both: Thank you Carl John. That end our orientation program people!! Thank you and

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