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1. DIFFICULT Jim has nine tiles with one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 on each of them.

He plays around and discovers that he can make some three-digit addition sums.

How many can you make?

Can you see any patterns?

2. DIFFICULT Being an avid watch watcher, Hinea discovers that the hands of her watch are
perpendicular at 3pm and at 9am.

She wonders how many times a day the hands of her watch are perpendicular to each other?

What answer does she come up with and why?

3. AVERAGE The farmer is putting a new chicken run up against a brick wall.
He has 20 metres of wire to put round the run.

If he makes a rectangular run, how big an area can he enclose?

4. EASY There are 2 pirates and 4 treasure chests on an island.

The pirates have 1 small boat to take the treasure to their ship.

The boat can take 2 pirates or 1 pirate and 1 chest of treasure.

How many trips do the pirates have to take to get all the treasure and both pirates onto the ship?

5. EASY George has put three coins in a line on the table and covered them up.
They may have heads up (H) or tails up (T).

When he uncovers them what is most likely, that he will see three heads or two heads and a tail?

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