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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 1

Evidence: Planning my trip / Evidencia: Organizando mi viaje

Imagine you are going on a business trip to London in December. Complete the
checklist on the next page considering all the aspects you need to study before
traveling. For doing the evidence, you need to take into account the pieces of
advice given. Don’t forget to use have to/don’t have to; can and can’t. / Imagine
que va hacer un viaje de negocios a Londres en Diciembre. Complete la lista de
chequeo que se encuentra en la siguiente página con todos los aspectos que
debe considerar antes de viajar. Para hacer la evidencia, necesita tener en
cuenta los consejos que se le dan a continuación. No olvide usar have to/don’t
have to; can and can’t.

Make sure your family

and friends know
Check with your service
where you are going
Check if you need a Visa. provider to make sure your
and that they can
cell phone works abroad.
contact you while you
are away.

Consider taking more

Respect the environment
Make sure you have enough than one payment
and conserve resources
money to cover emergencies method with you (cash,
like water and don’t drop
or any unexpected situation. debit card, credit card,
and travelers’ checks).
Make sure your driver’s Be careful when taking
Find out about local
licence is current and valid photographs, videos or
customs and dress,
and be aware of the driving using binoculars. Such
behave accordingly and
laws in the country you are activities may be
obey local laws.
visiting. misunderstood.

Check import regulations for food and plants before you attempt to bring them back
to your country.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

Checklist: my trip to London / Lista de chequeo: mi viaje a Londres

Note: One example in each category is already done for you / Nota: un ejemplo
de cada categoría a completar está hecho como modelo.

Travel documents
I have to get a Visa for the UK.
I have to get the passport
I can’t travel without my citizenship card
Travel insurance
I can’t travel without insurance.
I have to get a life insurance
I have to report my travel to my family
I have to buy a winter coat.
I have to pack my clothes
I can buy winter shoes
Contact information
I have to tell mom and dad about my hotel location.
I have to report mom and dad when takeoff the plane
I have to inform mom and dad after the plane lands
Cellphone service
I have to pay for international roaming service.
I can download music on my cell
I can download movies on my cell
Money and types of payment
I have to save enough money for my trip.
I can't travel without money
I can get a credit card
Environmental care
I can’t drop litter.
I can't leave food waste
I can’t waste the water
I have to learn to drive on the left.
I can rent a car
I can't talk on the phone while driving
Local costumes
I have to watch British films.
I have to buy British clothes
I can learn British expressions
Taking photos
I have to take my camera.
I have to expand the memory of my camera
I can download photo editing apps
Import and exports
I can’t take exotic animals to the UK.
I can take memories of the travel
I can not bring anything illegally from the UK

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Una vez finalice la evidencia envíe al instructor el archivo a través de la

plataforma, así:

1. Dé clic en el título de esta evidencia.

2. Dé clic en el enlace Examinar mi equipo y busque el archivo en su
computador. Asegúrese de adjuntar el archivo.
3. Escriba algún comentario si lo considera pertinente.
4. Dé clic en Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities and know how
to do them and deliver them correctly.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de

aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las actividades
propuestas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterio de evaluación
 Describe los preparativos para un viaje teniendo en cuenta la estructura, el
vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

 Expresa deberes y obligaciones, teniendo en cuenta la estructura

gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos.
Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidence: describing cities and places / Evidencia: Describiendo

ciudades y lugares

You are going to see images of five cities and their landmarks. Write a paragraph
describing each city and country it belongs and the landmark shown. Use the
vocabulary from the box for the descriptions. The first one is done for you as an
example. / A continuación verá imágenes de cinco ciudades y sus lugares
representativos. Escriba un párrafo describiendo cada ciudad, el país al que
pertenece y el lugar mostrado. Use el vocabulario dentro del recuadro para las
descripciones. La primera ha sido hecha como ejemplo.

Note: We recommend to do some research on the places to be described before

writing the paragraphs. / Nota: recomendamos hacer una pequeña investigación
sobre los lugares antes de escribir los párrafos.

a statue / a cathedral / a bridge / a river / modern buildings / boats / a

harbour / mountains / a fountain / a canal / desert / a hill / a castle /
traditional buildings / an obelisk / a square / a shopping mall / a monument /
a tower.

New York is a big city in the

United States (North
America). It takes thousand
of visitors every year. The city
has a population of around 8
million people. There is a lot
to see and do in New York.
You can visit the Central
Park, the Metropolian
museum and Time’s Square.
In the picture you can see the
Statue of Liberty, a monumet
built between 1875 and 1986.
It is 93 meters tall. The statue
New York (USA) – The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island in
the Hudson River.
Rome is the capital of
Italy.With more than 16 million
tourists annually, Rome is the
third European city that
attracts the most visitors,
thanks to its impressive
monuments, and
remainsa.There is a lot to see
and do in Rome. You can
visit the vatican city, the
roman coliceo,Sistine
Chapel,Roman Forum,the
Catacombs. In the picture you
can see the Saint Peter's
Rome (Italy) – Saint Peter’s Square
Square, opened between 1656
and 1667.
Sydney is a big city of
Australia. It takes thousand of
visitors every year. Sydney
has countless natural
attractions, such as beautiful
public gardens, islands in the
bay and unspoiled coasts
.The city has a harbour,
traditional buildings and
modern. There is much to see
and do in Sydney as navigate
the harbor, take a walk on the
Bondi trail, visit the Cathedral
Sydney (Australia) – The Sydney Opera of Santa Maria. In the picture
House you can see the Sydney
Opera House, It was
inaugurated on October 20,
1973. It is home to the
company Opera Australia, the
Sydney Theatre Company and
the Sydney Symphony
Edinburgh is a city of
Scotland. It takes thousand of
visitors every year. The city
has monuments, a castle and
traditional buildings, There is
a lot to see and do in
Edinburgh. You can visit its
International Festival, the
festival of performances in
the world's largest living, and
other summer festivals
developed more or less
simultaneously. In the picture
you can see Edinburgh
Edinburgh (Scotland) – Edinburgh Castle Castle, built in century XII
Dubai is a city of United Arab
Emirates. It takes thousand of
visitors every year. The city
has modern buildings, a
desert,one of the largest
shopping centers in the world
and a tower. There is a lot to
see and do in Dubai, You can
visit the Burj Khalifa, the
largest building in the world,
upload a abra in Dubai
Creek,snowboarding in Ski
Dubai (United Arab Emirates) – The Burj
Khalifa Dubai, safari in the desert. In
the picture you can see a
panoramic photo of the city

Fuente de imágenes: Fotolia (s.f.)

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Una vez finalice la evidencia envíe al instructor el archivo a través de la

plataforma, así:

5. Dé clic en el título de esta evidencia.

6. Dé clic en el enlace Examinar mi equipo y busque el archivo en su
computador. Asegúrese de adjuntar el archivo.
7. Escriba algún comentario si lo considera pertinente.
8. Dé clic en Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de

aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las actividades
propuestas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterio de evaluación
Describe lugares, ciudades y países teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y
contexto requerido.

Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 3

Evidence: Getting to Bogota / Evidencia: Llegando a Bogotá

A. Johana’s friend Sakie is coming to Colombia. She’s traveling from Yokohama

to Bogota. She wrote an e-mail to Johana showing her itinerary. Please, read
the message. / La amiga de Johana, Sakie, va a venir a Colombia. Ella estará
viajando desde Yokohama a Bogotá y le escribió un e-mail a Johana
mostrándole su itinerario. Por favor, lea el mensaje.


DATE: AUGUST 18, 2014

My dear friend,

Hope you are great. Yesterday, I bought all the tickets for my trip to Colombia next month. I’m
attaching a copy of them for you to have a look. I know you made this trip last year, is there
anything important to consider?

What can I do when I arrive to Bogotá?

I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Lots of love,

Sakie. ☺

B. Now, have a look of Sakie’s tickets. / Ahora, observe los tiquetes de Sakie.

Sakie’s train ticket from Yokohama to Tokyo

Sakie’s flight ticket from Tokyo to Los Angeles

Sakie’s fight ticket from Los Angeles to Bogota

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

C. Help Johana replying Sakie’s message. Read the writing plan and the useful
language box for writing e-mails for ideas and planning. / Ayude a Johana
a responder el mensaje de Sakie. Lea el plan de escritura y el vocabulario
útil para escribir e-mails para ideas y planeación.
Useful language for writing e-mails: / Vocbulario útil para escribir e-

Beginning phrases:

Dear / Hi + Name / My dear friend.

Thank you / Thanks so much / Many thanks for your message / your e-
mail / your letter.

I’m happy / glad to hear from you / It is great to know about you.

Ending phrases:

That’s all for now / Hope to hear from you soon / Looking forward to hearing
from you soon.

Best wishes / Lots of love / Love (from) / Regards / Give my regards to +

Writing plan: / Plan de escritura:

Objective: To write a reply to Sakie e-mail message.


1. Johana thanks Sakie for her message.

2. Johana tells Sakie she has to arrive to Yokohama train station one hour
before the train departures.
3. Johana tells Sakie that after the train arrives in Tokyo, she needs to
take a bus from the train station to Narita International airport.
4. Johana recommends having the passport and boarding pass on hand
before the check in.
5. Johana tells Sakie that the flight to Los Angeles takes very long.
Considering the arrival time, Johana thinks it is better to spend the night
at the hotel airport.
6. Johanna tells Sakie she can wake up early and do some shopping at
the duty free section of Los Angeles airport. (The duty free is at Terminal
7. Johana tells Sakie that the boarding gate to Bogota’s flight is at Terminal
5. Thus, Sakie needs to take a shuttle from Terminal 2 to Terminal 5.
The shuttle takes 15 minutes. Johana also tells Sakie that she can walk,
if she prefers so. The walk from Terminal 2 to Terminal 5 takes about
35 minutes.
8. Johana tells Sakie she can’t spend too much time walking around
because she can miss her flight.
9. Johana tells Sakie that she is working in the afternoons now. So, on
September 23rd she can’t go to El Dorado airport. Johana tells Sakie
that after she arrives in Bogota, she has to go pass by the immigration
10. Johana tells Sakie that after passing immigration she can go to the
baggage claim section and pick up her luggage.
11. Johana tells Sakie that there are taxi points at El Dorado Airport where
she can ask for a safe Taxi.
12. Johana tells Sakie to get a taxi and ask the driver to take her to the
downtown, where Johana lives.
13. Johana says goodbye.

Check: Read the e-mail again and check for mistakes (grammar, spelling,
punctuation, etc.).
D. Now, write the e-mail to complete the evidence. You have to give Sakie clear
instructions by following the writing plan and using at least five (5) prepositions
of movement in the appropriate contexts. Keep in mind all the different means
of transportation Sakie will be using and the places she will go through. / Ahora,
escriba el e-mail para completar la evidencia. Usted debe darle instrucciones
claras a Sakie siguiendo el plan de escritura y usar por lo menos cinco (5)
preposiciones de movimiento en el contexto indicado. Tenga en cuenta los
diferentes medios de transporte que Sakie usará y los lugares por los que

Prepositions of movement examples: / Ejemplos de preposiciones de


 Get into the train / bus / shuttle.

 Walk across the shops.


DATE: AUGUST 19, 2014

Hello my dear friend

Thank you for your message, I am very happy to hear from you

Sakie arrive to Yokohama Train station one hour before the train, after the train arrives in Tokyo Sakie
you need to take a bus from train station to Narita International airport. You must have the passport
and boarding pass on hand before the check in the flight to Los Angeles takes very long Taking into
account the time of arrival, I think that you should spend the night in an airport hotel. If you get up
early you should go shopping to the tax-free section at the Los Angeles international airport (It is at
Terminal 2).

To approach the flight to Bogota you must enter by terminal five, Therefore, you must take a shuttle
from Terminal 2 to Terminal 5, it´ll takes 15 minutes or, if you prefer walking but you´ll spend 35
minutes. I do not recommend you to walk because if you delay you may lose your flight.

I'm working in the afternoon. So, on September 23 you can’t go to El Dorado airport. Sakie that after
you get to Bogota, she has to go through the controls Of immigration There are taxi points at El Dorado
airport where she can ask for a safe taxi and ask the driver to take you to the city center.

With love Johana Garcia

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

5. Click on the title of this evidence.

6. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
7. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
8. Click Enviar.

Una vez finalice la evidencia envíe al instructor el archivo a través de la

plataforma, así:

9. Dé clic en el título de esta evidencia.

10. Dé clic en el enlace Examinar mi equipo y busque el archivo en su
computador. Asegúrese de adjuntar el archivo.
11. Escriba algún comentario si lo considera pertinente.
12. Dé clic en Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Nota: Esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de

aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las actividades
propuestas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterios de evaluación
 Expresa deberes y obligaciones, teniendo en cuenta la estructura
gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

 Usa las preposiciones de movimiento con la estructura y el vocabulario


 Describe los preparativos para un viaje teniendo en cuenta la estructura, el

vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

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