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Intramuros is one of the best tourist site that you’ll ever seen in the Philippines

which plays a very big role in the field of Philippine tourism industry. It is known for its

Spanish colonial history where you will be able to see the evidence through the

infrastructures like houses and fortresses. Most of the infrastructures in Intramuros is a

historical attraction that is brought by the Spanish colonizer and now it serves as a great

memory or history that tourist want to see and experience, because of that Intramuros

gives a big impact in the Philippine tourism development, as we all know that tourism is

one of the great source of income/revenue in the Philippines. For that reason Intramuros

preservation must be consistently comply. It is very important to give attention to the

sustainability and preservations of infrastructures and cultural performances enable for

the visitors to place themselves in country’s historical past.

Background of the study

Intramuros is known as the “walled city” comprises of European buildings and churches.

Intramuros is a historic urban landscape brought by the Spanish colonizers located at the

heart of Metro Manila closely to Rizal Park or also known as Bagumbayan. “Intramuros”

came from the Latin word “intra” which means within and “muros” walls. Its walls

measures 4.5 km on length enclosing a pentagonal area measures approximately 64

hectares almost completely surrounds the entire district.

There’s so many historical sites in the old world Intramuros, including fort Santiago , the

defense fortress or a large stone gate. Rizal shrine which dedicated to the life work of
Jose Rizal located on the street of Sta. Clara. Manila Cathedral , the premiere cathedral of

the Philippines for the reason that it is the first cathedral of the Philippines and it was

established by the secular priest Juan de Vivero in 1571 through the patronage of Mary la

Purissima e Immaculada Concepcion, Manila cathedral is also known because of its

ornate style.

San Agustin church which is known for its religious artwork and statues, It is constructed

through baroque style which is completed in 1606 and still standing despite different

natural calamities. The church is built in 1600’s that witness to the Philippine history,

Casa Manila Museum located just opposite of San Agustin Church. It is a historic replica

of Spanish colonial mansion of 19th century Manila. It is also known for its Spanish

furniture and art fill. Horse drawn carriages passing through the area of cobblestone street

is also an attraction.

Spanish began building Intramuros in 1521 between Manila bay and Pasig river, It’s

build for the Spaniard political and military base in Asia. Educational institutions,

religious and administrative establishments is placed within Intramuros where most

powerful clans could settle. Due to the numerous attacks from the foreign invaders

natural and manmade disasters ,defensive stone walls were build and surround the city so

that ‘s why it is called wall city. Intramuros was surrendered after a mock battle during

Spanish American war in 1898 and during the outbreak of WWII, Japanese occupied the


Though passing year’s various generation and because of the influence of Western

culture value of a historic attraction may vanished . How does Intramuros sustain its
historical and cultural attractions? There are so many factors that can affect the

effectiveness and efficiency of preservation in Intramuros. Ellen Hsieh (2013) In the past

recent years Intramuros has faced serious conflicts which illustrates the full range of

threats to Intramuros, including both natural and human factors. Based on the

by Jodie A. Agoncillo – 6 years ago Intramuros Administration (IA) were estimated that

there are around 3,400 families counted as informal sellers from Manila’s historic walled

city with first batch moving to a gawad-kalinga low cost housing site on Trece Martinez

Cavite province in March.

April 10,1979 in the virtue of P.D 1616 Intramuros administration was created to

undertake the restoration and development of Intramuros as a monument to the Spanish

period in the Philippine history. In 1987 Intramuros administration was attached to the

Department of Tourism and given additional task in promoting walled city as a principal

tour destination.

The Intramuros Administration has made its strategic directions for the

development of the historic district of Intramuros for the year of 2017 and beyond. Its

strategic direction comprises short-term goal and long term goal. The short-term strategic

directions of the Administration is included from the first six months of the term of the

Administrator in 2017 up to the second quarter of year 2018, and this strategic directions

will compose of the immediately doable, which includes projects for implementation or

those that are already being implemented. The doables for the year of 2018 are the

following: first is Construction for the development of local and national roads through

the Tourism Road Convergence Project, which occupies a total of 26,773 sq. meters of

land area, second is the implementation of the Traffic Mobility Plan, which was
commissioned by the World Bank in 2014, third is the construction of the following

administration projects, completion of infrastructure projects, which covers Maestranza

Curtain Wall Chambers, the finalization of the Museo de Intramuros, the completion of

the Fort Santiago Rehabilitation project, and the completion of the restoration of the Casa

Azul which will soon to open new home of the Instituto Cervantes: fourth, the

implementation of vending plan, engagement of the community, the expansion of

mobility, it becomes cost-effective and socially advantageous, the innovation of

regulations on the pedicab, and the improvement of community relations, and fifth the

involvement of the Administration in the development of the existing regulatory systems

being observed, which will be done by using the Quality Management System (QMS),

with the end in view of being certified as a QMS agency.

The long-term plans, on the behalf of the project, are focused on first, the creation,

development and maintenance of a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for

Intramuros, which plans shall be based on the UNESCO Framework and policies for

Urban Heritage preservation, and the Intramuros Identity and Urban Design Guidelines

and prospect, second the Real Property Consolidation and Redevelopment Strategy (RP

CaReS), which will be use as a tool to solve the unsettled issue on the informal settlers in


The following where included in the planning process of the strategic plans: first the

whole content, history and context of Intramuros as a cultural and historical destination or

site, second, the actual land use of Intramuros, third, occupation of Informal settlers in

Intramuros, fourth the issues and problems caused by Urbanization and mass tourism on
the district as a heritage site and attraction and fifth, the conservation,

preservation,sustainability and resiliency of the built structures and tangible heritage.

The strategic plans and directions were passed at the conclusion of the first 100 days of

the Administrator, and this directions was approved by the Board of Intramuros in the

month of July year 2017during its first formal meeting,

The Board of Administrators is the responsible body for the policies and activities of the

Administration. The Board is currently composed of the Administrator of Intramuros,

who acts as chief executive; Secretary of the Department of Tourism (DOT), who serves

as Chairman; the Mayor of the City of Manila, the Executive Director of the National

Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP); Secretary of the Department of

Finance (DOF); the Director-General of the National Economic and Development

Authority (NEDA); the Chairperson of the Metro Manila Development Authority

(NEDA); and the respective Chief Operating Officers of the Tourism Infrastructure and

Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA), and the Tourism Promotions Board (TPB).
Statement of the problem

The problem of this study is all about the factors affecting the effectiveness of preserving

intramuros. Intramuros is sustained and preserved because of its historical and cultural

heritage’s as an attraction for local and foreign tourist as well as for those who want to

discover a historical site for their studies and documentaries , preserving and sustaining a

historical heritage is not easy as it is because of so many factor’s like human activities ,

natural calamities and mass tourism. In the case of the intramuros there are some

informal settler’s infront of a historical heritage, there are also animals that freely

crawling at the street, some historical buildings are not maintained well lack of signage

and maps for tourist historic floor’s are turned into semented floor and some parts of a

historic buildings are under renovation. Therefore DOT and IA should have a reliable

management system to preserve intramuros.

This qualitative study aims to determine the different factor’s that affects the preservation

of intramuros and to design a reliable solution to the problem.

Significance of the study

This study is conducted to benefit the following. The result of the study will benefit the


STUDENTS – The result will provide the students of some knowledge about the

importance of preserving cultural and historical heritage site’s for the development of

tourism industry. It will give students a realization that cultural and historical heritage are
important for the economic growth of a country and enable for them to experience the

history of the pass.

TEACHER – This study will give further information to the teacher’s regarding to the

related topic’s or lesson. It will be easier for them to explain topics related to this study.

ADMINISTRATION AND STAFF – This study will help them to formulate a reliable

solution into the problem and give them a realization of what they need to do.

FUTURE RESEARCHER – This study will help future researcher to conduct a study. It

will give some related topics for their study and it will enlighten them for answer’s.


This study focuses on factor’s that affects the preservation of intramuros. This includes

identifying different factors affecting the sustainability of historical and cultural

infrastactures of intramuros including the system which the government sector

implemented for the preservation of intramuros.

This study is designed to have a general knowledge of problems which affect’s the

efficiency and effectiveness of preservation in intramuros. It will give various solution

by knowing where this factor’s exist.


The following definitions of terms are given below.

Preservation – The activity or process of keeping something alive, intact, or free from

damage or decay.

Factors – A constituent or element that brings about certain effects or results, or indicates

a specific multiple, number, or quantity.

Cultural Heritage – Is an expression of the ways of living developed by community and

passed on from generation to generation, includes customs, practices, places, objects,

artistic, expressions and values. Cultural heritage is often expressed as either intangible or

tangible cultural heritage.

Historical Heritage – It consist of buildings having historic and artistic values, usually

with a high seismic vulnerability.

Sustainability – The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. SUSTAINABLE

TOURISM is the concept of visiting somewhere as a tourist and trying to make a positive

impact on the environment, society and economy.



Review appropriate Qualitative data get Interpretation of

literature and articles information on the results to have
that include examining perspective of the conclusion about the
studies related to the selective respondents factors affecting the
factors affecting the from the interviews preservation of
preservation of given. Intramuros and to
Intramuros. give alternative
solution to the
The behavior of local
and foreign tourist in
terms of visiting cultural
and historical heritage.

Review of related literature and study

local literature

According to Philstar Global (2010) the Global Heritage Fund Mission, a non-

profit conservation group that provides assistance to developing countries in preserving

their cultural heritage sites, recently pledged its support for the preservation of

Intramuros. (Durano)“as one of the country’s significant cultural heritage icons,

Intramuros needs a long-term and systematic preservation program to protect its

centuries-old structures and collections, working with international specialist in

archaeological conservation and community development, Global Heritage Fund (GHF)

employs an intensive conservation methodology called preservation by design, which

includes site management, planning, scientific conservation and community development

of areas deemed as endangered heritage sites. GHF is the technical team will conduct a

feasibility study of walled city. (Normandy) “we hope to see Intramuros one day as living

history, much like the town of colonial Williamsburg where history was recreated not

only by its structures but by real people who are living out the 18th century”.

According to Philippine Tatler by Dorynna Untivero (2017) for the general

public, increasing their appreciation of cultural heritage is made possible through their

participation in annual celebrations of National Heritage every May, International

museums day every May 18, History Month every August, museums and Galleries

Month and Indigenous Peoples Month every October, Archives Day every October 21,
and libraries and information Service Month every November. Cultural heritage

preservation is highly dependent on the technical competence of heritage experts and

workers. One of the NCCA programs towards this endeavor is the support it has extended

to the Escuella Taller de Filipinas Foundation, Inc. a joint initiative of the kingdom of

Spain and the republic of the Philippines, Escuella Taller is a vocational school that trains

out of school youth in traditional construction and conservation methods. Another is the

cultural mapping training program which aims to train local government units in mapping

their cultural resources, developing cultural profiles, and using these profiles to build

their local inventory of cultural properties and in incorporating them in local development

plans. Heritage trainings are also organized, not only by NCCA, but also by

organizations, schools, and local government unit which are supported by NCCA through

its competitive grants program. Under this program, the researches and publications of

individual experts are also supported through the international travel grants program. The

concept of cultural heritage is strongly rooted in the legacy of those who went ahead of

us, but what we do about their tangible and intangible legacies have strong implication

for our future as well as the future of the succeeding generations. Thus, our support to

these projects also becomes our contribution to an ongoing story which runs along a

continuum of generations. It would be easy to embrace heritage if it becomes experiential

and personal. An object of the past becomes heritage if it is considered significant by a

society. Sometimes, even professional educational, and civic organizations can become

vehicles of advocacy for cultural heritage. An alumni association can become the

strongest advocate for the preservation of an old school building. An employees’ union
can lobby against the demolition of corporate facility for the sake of institutional and

industrial memory.

According to Philippine Primer (2018) Intramuros have been destroyed during

World War II, but it has since been restored to resemble what would have been one of the

most fortified cities in the country.

According to (2012) Fort Santiago is included in Asia’s endangered

architectural sites due to economic expansion, war and tourism (Global Heritage Fund).

The Philippines’ historic Fort Santiago in the old walled Intramuros is among Asia’s

architectural treasures in danger of vanishing under a tide of economic expansion, war

and tourism, expert says.

Foreign literature

According to UNESCO (1972) nothing that the cultural heritage and natural

heritage are increasingly threatened with destruction not only by the traditional causes of

decay, but also by changing social and economic conditions which aggravate the situation

with even more formidable phenomena of damage destruction, considering that

deterioration or disappearance of any item of the cultural or natural heritage constitutes a

harmful impoverishment of the heritage of all nations of the world, considering that

protection of this heritage at the national level often remains incomplete because of the

scale of the resources which it requires and of the insufficient economic, scientific, and

technological resources of the country where the property to be protected is situated,

recalling that the constitution of the organization provides that it will maintain, increase,

and diffuse knowledge, by assuring the conservation and protection of the world’s
heritage, and recommending to the nations concerned the necessary international


Considering that the existing international conventions, recommendations and resolutions

concerning cultural and natural property demonstrate the importance, for all the peoples

of the world, of safeguarding this unique and irreplaceable property, to whatever people it

may belong, considering that parts of the cultural or natural heritage are outstanding

interest and therefore need to be preserved as part of the world heritage mankind as a

whole, considering that, in view of the magnitude and gravity of the new dangers

threatening them, it is incumbent on international community as a whole to participate in

the protection of the cultural and natural heritage of outstanding universal value, by the

granting of collective assistance which, although not taking the place of action by the

state concerned , will serve as an efficient complement thereto, considering that it is

essential for this purpose to adopt new provisions in the form of convention establishing

an effective system of collective protection of the cultural and natural heritage of

outstanding universal value, organized on a permanent basis and in accordance with

modern scientific methods.

Local studies

According to Lozano, Isabelle and Orbon (2015) as cities continue to grow,

some of the declared heritage sites and cultural properties located within these urban

areas in the Philippines are facing imminent danger to the negative impacts of

urbanization. With most of these “historically significant” – established dating back to

Spanish colonial period from 16th to 19th century – it is of utmost importance to preserve

and protect them from such threats. The key to the sustainability of these properties and

sites may be attributed to the urban planning policies, construction methods and practice

employed for these areas. Due to the location of Intramuros within urban areas, they are

exposed to threats brought by rapid urbanization. Same with world wide data, the urban

population of the Philippines have already exceeded the number of people residing in the

rural areas, thus creating major impacts to the urban community and surroundings. It is

therefore important to create sustainable cities to accommodate the growing demand of

urban community in the future. Sun shading and rain protection, the orientation and

arrangement of street networks and blocks within Intramuros were precisely planned to

ensure that one side of the street was always shaded by the vertical of the building mass.

However , with the small overhangs of second floor of houses protruding towards the

street and the limited number of trees that may serve as natural canopies, there are still

certain times of the day wherein the streets of Intramuros were not shaded from the direct

heat of the sun or downpour of rain. There are more streets in Intramuros that are exposed

from the sunlight and rain longer within the day. Connected building mass within blocks
also served a purpose to reduce the number of walls of a building exposed to direct sun.

the urban geometry may also influence the temperature within the penetration through the

buildings facades. However, this may also result to “trapping” of heat radiation, but only

at times when there is no cool wind passing through the “street canyons” between the

buildings( Melondo and Verdejo, 2008).

Lozano, Isabelle and Orbon (2015) Stability and ground movement, the

Philippines is an earthquake-prone archipelago. within this in mind and the fondness of

both the Filipinos and Spaniards for ornamentation and embellishment, the colonizer

created the arquitectura metiza construction style. They have developed the bahay-na-

bato with massive and squarish foundation of stone hugging the earth for stability,

tenoned and dovetailed wood that could absorbs tremors without splitting, and carved

wood supports, brackets and grillwork that give balance, elegance and grace to the solid

structures (Gatbonton, 1980) the ground floor look sturdy with its stone walls (adobe)

enveloping the structure, while the flexibility of the frame construction at second floor

and roof area allows the upper half of the structure to sway freely during any movement

of the ground below without the building and its components collapsing down.

Geoffrey Rhoel Cruz (2017) culture matters, this is what goal of the 2015

sustainable development goals prescribes. That is to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient

and sustainable, which includes among its targets the strengthening of efforts to protect

and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage in the midst of declining

infrastructure brought by urban congestion.

As society attempts to find the balance between the limited sources and unlimited wants,

economic development has taken varying forms. Before the community is composed of

unpaved roads, grasslands and bushes, empty lots and spaces but today, it has been

characterize by the proliferation of commercial centers, residential properties, shopping

malls, theme parks and high-rise properties. Society has undergone rapid change.

However, such urban development did not occur without constraints. Usually such

development created problems for cultural heritage. In the Philippines many heritage sites

and ancestral houses are demolished, adapted as local warehouse or converted to high-

rise condominiums in the sake of modernization and development, or just being left out

to deteriorate. The “walled city” locally known as Intramuros, used to be the seat and

power of the Spanish forces in the country is now filled with commercial complex,

shanties and urban dwellers. What used to be a “no Indio zone” during the Spanish era

has now become the refuge for informal settlers. Heritage buildings in Calle de la

Escolta, Manila are being demolished ane after another to be replaced with modern

architecture serving new functions and purposes.

Foreign studies

Ellen Hsieh (2013) Intramuros, located along Manila bay and the Pasig river, is the

oldest district of Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Although the importance of

Intramuros is evident, its present cultural heritage management is not satisfactory because

of poor visual conditions. In spite of the contribution of the IA, UNESCO’s world

heritage committee reject Intramuros in 1989 mainly because of inefficient management.

In 2010, the global heritage fund listed Intramuros as one of the “endangered cultural

heritage sites in developing world” because of the threats from modernization, of several
spots, the interior of Intramuros has often looked neglected. To most visitor, it looks like

there is no maintenance in Intramuros. People rarely realize that most of the buildings

have been reconstructed. The main reason for inadequate management, include the lack

of sufficient financial support and ambiguity of responsibility for management between

AI and the Manila city government. Second, unlike Vigan, another Spanish town in

Northern Luzon with an effective cultural heritage management plan in place, Intramuros

faces serious developmental pressures it is located in the heart of Metro Manila, which is

18th most populated metropolis around the world. The global heritage fund (2010) was

seriously concerned about several international franchising chains in Intramuros.

Moreover, there is rampant speculations that the city of Manila wishes to gain power to

control Intramuros and replace this heritage site with high-rise and malls. However, the

most serious problem of Intramuros is from the developmental pressure caused by

squatter settlements are located in the central area of the walled city and cannot be

visually ignore. Moreover, conversations between the stakeholders are not successful.

Beside the IA, the stakeholders of Intramuros include several governmental

administrations and a wide range of private groups.

Ellen Hsieh (2013) the natural factors include earthquakes, flooding and weeds.

The whole Philippine archipelago is located at the circum-pacific seismic zone. In 1863,

there was a serious earthquake that destroyed the Manila Cathedral, the City Hall, the

Palace and much of city. This may happen unexpectedly in the future. Flooding, which

might cause erosion, is a serious problem in all Manila during the rainy season because of

failures in current urban design. There are weeds growing on ruins in Intramuros that are

very hard to remove in such a tropical climate. They might destroy the site physically
and\ or biologically. In terms of human causes, the challenges of Intramuros include

insufficient management, developmental pressure and unsuccessful conversation between

the stakeholders. The AI has been stablished for more than 30 years yet insufficient

management is one of the most influencial human factors.

Paul Carroll and Eeva Aarrevaara (2018) there are range of local weather and

climate-related factors that contribute to the degradation of cultural heritage buildings,

structures, and sites over time. some of these factors are influenced by changes in climate

and some of these changes manifest themselves through a s of speeding up of the rate of

degradation. The range of elements in local weather that are being and will be potentially

altered as a result of global level climate change is not always agreed on, but there is

general consensus on those which could be damaging to aspects of cultural heritage.

Brimblecombe, referring to the increasingly damp English climate, list the following five:

1. Rainfall, 2.flooding and soil moisture content, 3. Extreme weather (winds and rainfall),

4. Temperature and relative humidity. 5. Pests and diseases (humidity and temperature

affect pests) humidity prevents wooden and brick buildings from drying during certain

periods of the year, leading to structural stress.


Related literatures have things in common in terms of preserving cultural and

natural heritage specially, on the sustainability of historical infrastructures concerning the

different threats of both natural and man- made cause.

Literatures predict the different factors that may threaten cultural and natural

heritage that may lead to their deterioration, literatures emphasis the significance and

importance of cultural and natural heritage to our community and society.

Local literatures focused on the different effective solutions that may protect,

conserve and preserve a cultural and natural heritage based on the different groups

including Global Heritage Fund (GHF) a non-profit conservation group that provides

assistance to developing countries in preserving cultural heritage sites, the National

Commission for Culture and arts (NCCA) in Filipino: Pambansang komisyon para sa

kultura at mga sining. It is the official government agency for culture in the Philippines.

It is the overall policy making body coordinating, and grants giving agency for the

preservation, development and promotion of the Philippine arts and culture. the Escuella

Taller de Filipinas Foundation, Inc. is a training center situated in Intramuros, the

historical walled city of Manila and the objective of this training center is to equip the

youth with knowledge and specialized skills to help them uplift their economic status

while focusing on the preservation of heritage structures.

Those groups have different specialized system which will aid the problems of

vanishing and deterioration of cultural and natural heritage, it comprises of systematic,

technical and man-power activities.

Foreign literature readings based to United Nations Educational and Cultural

Organization (UNESCO) statements that is closely related to local literatures which also

predict the different negative factors that will deteriorate cultural and natural heritage

brought by both natural and man-made cause, specially by changing of social and

economic conditions which aggravate the situation with even more formidable

phenomena of damage destruction. Considerations in social and economic conditions are

stated as it is emphasis the positive and negative effects in the preservation and

sustainability of cultural and natural heritage.

Both compiled studies are explained and emphasis the different negative factors

affecting the preservation and sustainability of cultural and natural heritage, including

urbanization that causes mass tourism/over population that leads to the society attempts

to find the balance between the limited and unlimited wants, where economic

development has taken varying forms and most its forms are threaten the cultural and

natural heritage that causes deterioration due to the urban congestion.

Proliferation of commercial centers, residential properties, shopping malls, theme

parks and high-rise properties and also including informal settlers, unsuccessful

conversations between stakeholders are also a threat. Natural factors including

earthquakes, flooding, weeds, rainfall, extreme weather and other forms of natural

calamities is one of the biggest factor of cultural and natural heritage deterioration. In

terms of human causes, insufficient management of the site and lack of fund is one of the

main reason why cultural and natural heritage are not preserved and sustained well.

Everyone must be educated and trained well in terms of cultural and natural preservation

and sustainability. Significance of cultural and natural heritage must be known for the
community and society to appreciate and give importance to the cultural and natural

heritage which aids the problem of preservation and sustainability of it.

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