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Family Assessment Form 2

Questionnaire on Customs and Practices

1. Do you believe in some omen or signs of good luck before you go out or doing your occupation 1. Did you breast-feed your baby? Someone else? How long?
or doing other work? 2. If you use artificial milk what brand did you use?
2. What do you use for doing the occupation? (fishing)? 3. Did you time your feeding? Did you feed your baby whenever he cried?
3. How much do you earn form your catch? 4. What did you do when he cried? Did you use any pacifier? Why? What Kind?
4. During what months is fishing? 5. How often did you have children?
5. Do you bring your sons with you while fishing? 6. What did you like or hate so much in child-bearing that you think had an effect on your
6. Do you think it would be more profitable for your family to let your sons/daughters do or go child?
with you in your occupation than continue their studies? 7. What special food do you take as a nursing mother?
8. How old is your child when you wean him?
FIESTAS 9. What did you feed hi after weaning?
1. What fiestas/festivals do you celebrate? 10. Is there enough food for all your children everyday?
2. What patron saint do you honor? /For what reason do you celebrate? 11. What do you do when food is not enough?
3. From where is this patron saint?/What is the history of this celebration? 12. Do you allow your children to the sea, river, or swimming?
4. Why do you consider this as your patron saint?
5. How do you celebrate this festivities? BAPTISM
With plenty of food____ many visitors______ 1. How old is your baby when you have him baptized?
Brass band_____ buntings______ 2. Do you wait for a special occasion like a fiesta, Christmas or any other celebration to have
Drinking______ mass________ you baby baptized?
Palaro_______ Disco________ 3. Do you feel that there is a need for a baptismal party for your first child?
4. Do you mind very much if you cannot afford a baptismal party for your first child?
PASTIME 5. Have you changed your ideas about celebrating a baptism?
1. What do you do during leisure time? 6. What influenced you to change your ideas?
2. Where did you learn to drink or gamble?
3. Why do you like to drink? COURTSHIP
4. Do you not feel Bad when drunk? 1. How old are your children when they go courting or are courted?
5. Do you want to do something else so that you will forget to drink? 2. Do you allow male visitors in your house?
6. Why do you gamble? 3. How old do girls usually marry in your place?
7. Do you want to do something else so that you will forget to gamble? 4. Are there cases of pre-arranged marriages in your community?
5. Are there any peculiar practices of courtship in your community?
CHILD-BIRTH a. like boys serving the girl’ parents?
1. What are some of your beliefs regarding conception? b. boys giving some kind of dowry to the girl’s parents?
2. Did you have any particular earnings? What do you do with them? 6. How long does courtship last in your community?
3. Do you have particular aversions when conceiving? What do you do?
4. What difficulties did you have when pregnant? MARRIAGE
5. How often do you bear children? 1. Are you married in church? In a civil marriage ceremony?
6. What did you like or hate so much during conception that you thick had an effect on your 2. Not married just living together?
baby? 3. Do you aspire to be married in the church yet? What are the hindrances to your marriage
7. Who attended you in your delivery? Any difficulties that you have experienced? in the church?
8. How were you helped in your labor pains? Is there anything you do or are careful of disposing 4. Do you have big celebrations during weddings in this community?
of the baby’s placenta? What is your reason for doing so? 5. Who spend for the celebration?
6. Are you in favor of a big celebration even though one cannot afford it
7. Do you believe that a wedding comes only once in a lifetime and even when one has to
borrow money he has to celebrate?

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