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Cultural Changes
I. Choose the best answer and encircle the letter.
1. It is a policy that emphasizes the unique characteristics of different cultures.

A. Multiculturalism
B. Cultural
C. Ethnic diversity
D. Cultural environment

2. According to James Banks, the primary goal of multicultural education is to


A. To transform the school

B. to help all students develop more positive attitudes toward different racial.
C. to make reflective decisions
D. to help students to acquire knowledge

3. It refers to the existence of linguistically, culturally, and ethnically diverse.

A. Demographic-descriptive
B. Ideological-normative
C. Programmatic-political
D. Assimilations-differential

4. Usage of multiculturalism generates the greatest level of debate, since it

constitutes a slogan and basis for political action.

A. Demographic-descriptive
B. Ideological-normative
C. Programmatic-political
D. Assimilation-differential

5. Usage of multiculturalism refers to the specific policies developed to respond and

manage ethnic diversity.
A. Demographic-descriptive
B. Ideological-normative
C. Programmatic-political
D.. Assimilation-differential

II. Matching type

_________1. To make changes

in the institutions in which they
live, and situations to apply the A. Multicultural Education
knowledge they have learned. D
B. Ideological-normative
_________2. Usage of
multiculturalism constitutes a C. Cervantes, 2010
specific focus towards the
management and organization of
D. Banks, 1996
governmental responses. B.

_________3. An emerging E. Multiculturalism

discipline whose aim is to create
equal educational opportunities
from diverse racial, ethnic, social
class and cultural groups. A

_________4. It is a policy that

emphasizes the unique
characteristics of different
cultures. E

_________5. Multiculturalism
refers to the evolution of cultural
diversity jurisdiction.C.

Dimensions of Multicultural Education

1. He created the five Dimensions of Multicultural Education.

a. Rogoff (1990) c. Sadker (2003)
b. Banks (1997) d. Cervantes (2010)

2. It is one of the five dimension of multicultural education that exist when

teacher modify their teaching in ways that will facilitate the academic
achievement of students from diverse racial, cultural, and social class
a. Equity Pedagogy c. Prejudice Reduction
b. Content Integration d. Knowledge Construction

3. It describes lessons and activities used by teachers to help students to

develop positive attitudes towards different racial ethnic and cultural
a. Equity Pedagogy c. Prejudice Reduction
b. Content Integration d. Knowledge Construction

4. It describe how teachers help students to understand, investigate and

determine how the biases, frames of reference and perspectives within a
discipline influence the ways in which knowledge is constructed within it.
a. Equity Pedagogy c. Prejudice Reduction
b. Empowering School Culture d. Knowledge Construction
& Social Cultural

5. This dimension is created when the culture and organization of the school
are transformed in ways that enable students from diverse racial ethnic and
gender groups to experience equality and equal status.
a. Equity Pedagogy c. Prejudice Reduction
b. Empowering School Culture d. Knowledge Construction
& Social Cultural

6. Dimensions of Multicultural Education that deals with the extent to which

teachers use examples and content from a variety of cultures and groups
to illustrate key concepts, generalizations and issues within their subject
area or discipline.
a. Equity Pedagogy c. Prejudice Reduction
b. Content Integration d. Knowledge Construction

7. In this dimension the students also learn how to build knowledge

a. Equity Pedagogy c. Prejudice Reduction
b. Content Integration d. Knowledge Construction
8. Teachers change their methods to enable kids from diverse racial groups
and both genders to achieve.
a. Equity Pedagogy c. Prejudice Reduction
b. Content Integration d. Knowledge Construction

9. is a word that describes a society where many different

cultures live together.
a. Multiculturalism c. Multicultural Education
b. Multicultural d. Culture

10. According to him Multicultural Education is an idea, an educational reform

movement and a process.
a. Paul Gorski (2010) c. James A. Banks (1997)
b. Banks and Banks (1995) d. James E. Banks (1996)

Social Institutions

1. Refers to phenomena that are regarded as extraordinary, transcendent and outside

the everyday course of events- that is, supernatural.

A. Sacred
B. Legitimation norms.
C. Rituals
D. Religious Community

2. Religion establishes a code of behavior for the members, who belong and who
does not.

A. Sacred
B. Legitimation norms.
C. Rituals
D. Religious Community

3. Are formal patterns of activity that express symbolically a set of shared meanings, in
the case of rituals such as baptism or communion, the shared meanings are sacred.
A. Sacred
B. Legitimation norms.
C. Rituals
D. Religious Community

4. Religious sanctions and beliefs reinforce the legitimacy of many rules and norms in
the community.

A. Sacred
B. Legitimation norms.
C. Rituals
D. Religious Community

5. Emphasis is placed on understanding the behaviour of individual firms, industries,

households, and ways in which such entities interact.

A. Economics
B. Microeconomics
C. Macroeconomics
D. Environment

6. The institution which resolves conflicts that are public in nature and involve more
than a few people is called?

A. Institution
B. Religion
C. Education
D. Government

7. Proposes and enforces rules and laws.

A. Executive
B. Legislative
C. Judiciary
D. None of the above
8. Adjudicates rules and laws.

A. Executive
B. Legislative
C. Judiciary
D. None of the above

9. Makes rules and laws.

A. Executive
B. Legislative
C. Judiciary
D. None of the above

10. Is the pattern of human interaction that serves to resolve conflicts between
peoples, institutions and nations.

A. Institution
B. Administration
C. Government
D. Politics

1. A set of norms surrounding a necessary function of society is referred to as.

a. Marriage
b. Authoritarianism
c. Institution
d. Government
2. What was Karl Marx’s contribution to the understanding of social institutions?
a. As societies became more industrialized, they become more communist.
b. In a socialist society, the bosses and the workers are constantly in conflict
with one another.
c. The economy is the basic institution in society.
d. None of the above
3. Social institutions are ordered sets of rules, norms, beliefs, or values that
organize human behavior.
a. Institutional Approach
b. Social norms
c. Relation Approach
d. Social Institution
4. Vital social institution for the continued survival of humanity; basis of kinship;
group of people related by birth, marriage, and a shared residence.
a. Government
b. Family
c. Education
d. Religion
5. Compose of nuclear family and other relatives.
a. Nuclear Family
b. Reconstituted Family
c. Extended family
d. Reconstituted Family
1. Function of education in society that are school teach conformity by encouraging
young people to be a good students, conscientious, future workers and low abiding
a) Socialization
b) Social placement
c) Social control
d) Agent of change
2. Function of education in society that are responsible for identifying the most qualified
people to fill available positions in society.
a) Socialization
b) Social placement
c) Social control
d) Agent of change
3. It maybe defined as any set of coherent answers to the dilemmasof human existence
that makes the world meaningful.
a) Religion
b) Culture
c) Social service function
d) Agent of change
4. Characteristic of region that the highest goal of the faithful and one that all followers
should try to achieve.
a) Religious rituals
b) A code of conduct
c) Belief in a deity
d) A doctrine of salvation
5. Characteristic of religion that is a set of miral teachings and values that all religions
have in some form.

a) Religious rituals
b) A code of conduct
c) Belief in a deity
d) A doctrine of salvation
Gender and Development
1. It is one of the universal dimensions on which status differences are based?
a. Sex
b. Identity
c. Gender
d. Schema
2. It is a social construct specifying the socially and culturally prescribed roles that
men and women are to follow?
a. Sex
b. Identity
c. Gender
d. Schema
3. It is a biological concept?
a. Sex
b. Identity
c. Gender
d. Schema
4. Three theories of Gender and Development except?
a. Social Learning Theory
b. Cognitive-Developmental Theory
c. Gender-Schema Theory
d. Psycholinguistic Theory
5. This theory believes that parents, as distributors of reinforcement, reinforce
appropriate gender role behavior.
a. Social Learning Theory
b. Cognitive-Developmental Theory
c. Gender-Schema Theory
d. Psycholinguistic Theory
6. This theory is derived from Kohlberg’s speculation about gender development.
a. Social Learning Theory
b. Cognitive-Developmental Theory
c. Gender-Schema Theory
d. Psycholinguistic Theory
7. In this theory, children begin the process of acquiring gender-appropriate
a. Social Learning Theory
b. Cognitive-Developmental Theory
c. Gender-Schema Theory
d. Psycholinguistic Theory
8. In this theory, it helps a child to develop gender identity and formulate an
appropriate gender role.
a. Social Learning Theory
b. Cognitive-Developmental Theory
c. Gender-Schema Theory
d. Psycholinguistic Theory
9. It is a mental blueprint for organizing information, and children develop and
formulate an appropriate gender.
a. Sex
b. Identity
c. Gender
d. Schema
10. It is defined as the beliefs of human hold about the characteristics associated
with males and females?
a. Gender Inequality
b. Gender and Development
c. Gender Stereotyping
d. Gender Ideology
11. It is the attitude towards men and women role?
a. Gender Inequality
b. Gender and Development
c. Gender Stereotyping
d. Gender Ideology
12. Three kinds of Gender Ideology except?
a. Traditional Gender Ideology
b. Egalitarian Gender Ideology
c. Transitional Gender Ideology
d. Modern Gender Ideology
13. Kinds of Gender Ideology that maintains that men sphere is work and women
sphere is the home?
a. Traditional Gender Ideology
b. Egalitarian Gender Ideology
c. Transitional Gender Ideology
d. Modern Gender Ideology
14. Kinds of Gender Ideology that the implicit assumption is that men have greater
power than women?
a. Traditional Gender Ideology
b. Egalitarian Gender Ideology
c. Transitional Gender Ideology
d. Modern Gender Ideology
15. Kinds of Gender Ideology that maintains that power is distributed equally
between men and women and that each group identifies equally with the same
a. Traditional Gender Ideology
b. Egalitarian Gender Ideology
c. Transitional Gender Ideology
d. Modern Gender Ideology
16. It is between women and men are a worthy goal that is central to progress in
human development?
a. Gender Equality
b. Gender Inequality
c. Gender Stereotyping
d. Gender Ideology
17. It is a basic and fabric of society and is possessed in varying degrees by social
actors in diverse social categories?
a. Sex
b. Identity
c. Gender
d. Power
18. It refers to the different ways men and women play in a society and to the relative
power they wield?
a. Sex
b. Identity
c. Gender
d. Schema
19. Three determinants of power except?
a. Status resources
b. Experience
c. Self-confidence
d. Natural Talent
20. Traditional Gender Ideology maintains that men sphere is work and women
sphere is the ____?
a. Work
b. Experience
c. Home
d. Talent

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