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V.V. Soliven Avenue II, Cainta, Rizal



STEM-OPTION : Choose the best answer that corresponds to the best answer.
1. Which of the following statements is TRUE about consensus theories?
A. Social change occurs is a rapidly and disorderly fashion.
B. It emphasizes social order stability and social regulation.
C. It sees equilibrium as the presence of conflict in society.
D. It focuses on social change.
2. Functionalism has four functional imperatives in all action systems. They are __________.
A. Adaptation, goal attainment, integration, latency
B. Adaptation, change, integration, latency
C. Change, integration, adaptation, latency
D. Change, adaptation, conflict, latency
3. According to parson, an action system consists of __________.
A. Action system which mobilizes the resources to attain its goals
B. Personality system which define the characteristics of its actors
C. Social system which controls its component parts
D. Cultural system which provide actors with norms and values that motivate them for action
4. In any society, the key principles from the functionalist perspective includes the following __________.
A. Social system, social structure, consensus, cooperation and equilibrium
B. Equilibrium, consensus and cooperation, social structure, social system
C. Interdependency, social structure, consensus and cooperation, equilibrium
D. Interdependency, consensus, cooperation, equilibrium
5. Modern functionalists believe that schools play a significant role in __________.
A. Maintaining democratic society
B. Providing citizens with the knowledge and dispositions to participate actively in politics
C. Teaching student how to learn so that they may adapt new work roles and requirements
D. Providing students with skills and dispositions to work
6. Symbolic interactionists are focus on __________.
A. Maintaining harmony in society
B. Developing socialization and interruption between students and teachers
C. Refining students ability to think
D. Observing how other people respond to everyone
7. In a classroom situation where students are discussing whether government efforts to establish peace in
Mindanao will be beneficial to the whole country. The teacher may use the most effective strategy in
teaching which is __________.
A. Debate
B. Visualization exercise
C. Consensus taking
D. Conflict resolution
8. The focus of symbolic interactionists in teaching is to __________.
A. Maintain harmony in society
B. Develop socialization in interaction between students and teachers
C. Refine students ability to think
D. Observe how other people respond to everyone
9. The “looking-glass self” of Charles Cooley suggests that __________.
A. Individuals are able to know who they are through the labels given by others
B. The “mirror” of students behave are their own classmates and teachers
C. Feedbacks given by people around us define who we are and what we are as a person
D. Results of feedback given to us by other people affects the way how we feel about ourselves

STEM-OPTION : Choose the best answer that corresponds to the best answer.
1. The international commission on education for the 21st century chaired by Jacques Delors advocates four
pillars of education namely learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to
be. Since there are peace problems in the world and everywhere, which of the four pillars should we
give more emphasis in teaching?
A. Learning to know
B. Learning to do
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to be
2. Developing an understanding of life, the worlds around us and other people of the world is the concern
of which pillar of learning?
A. Learning to know
B. Learning to do
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to be
3. Which pillar of learning is aimed at the holistic development of man and his complete fulfilment?
A. Learning to know
B. Learning to do
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to be
4. Inculcating the spirits of empathy among learners fulfils which pillar of learning?
A. Learning to know
B. Learning to do
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to be
5. When the teacher encourages students to engage in after school activities that develop all aspect of their
like sports, arts and music that leads to their total development, she is focus on which pillar of learning?
A. Learning to know
B. Learning to do
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to be
6. In the classroom, students are encouraged by their teachers to analyze and think about issues and
develop skills to learn on their own, the teacher is emphasizing what pillar of learning?
A. Learning to know
B. Learning to do
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to be
7. School’s focus on enhancing learner’s acquisition office skills that are often linked to occupational
success is under which pillar of learning?
A. Learning to know
B. Learning to do
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to be
8. Which pillar of learning is concerned with the development of social skills and values such us respect
and concern for others, social and interpersonal skills and appreciation for cultural diversity.
A. Learning to know
B. Learning to do
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to be
9. Putting knowledge and learning into practice innovatively through skill development and practical
know-how is emphasized in which pillar of learning?
A. Learning to know
B. Learning to do
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to be
10. Which is an off shoot of the 4th pillar of learning “learning to live together”?
A. Schools teach care for the environment
B. Schools teach respect for diversity
C. Schools concern what happens to learners after they leave to schools.
D. Schools celebrate united nations week.

STEM-OPTION : Choose the best answer that corresponds to the best answer.
1. Intercultural communication is a term used to mean __________.
A. Effective communication between people, workers and people of different cultural background
B. An academic field of study which focuses on how people behave
C. Beliefs, values, attitudes, social organizations
D. The language spoken by people from other countries and culture
2. Verbal and written symbols including rules about these symbols can be put together to complex meaning
refer to __________.
A. Communication
B. Culture
C. Language
D. Knowledge
3. When students studies and learns about how words are used and how they are combined to form phrases,
clauses and sentences, he/she studying what area of language?
a. Phonology
b. Semantics
c. Grammar
d. Pragmatics
4. The set of learned behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, values and ideals that are characteristics of a particular
society of population is referred as __________.
a. Customs
b. Beliefs
c. Language
d. Culture
5. When a group of people practices different lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions
and beliefs, they are __________.
a. Showing culture diversity
b. Experiencing confusion
c. Having cultural problems
d. In a state of culture shock
6. A child born in the Philippines but was brought to the United States after birth develops traits and learn
behavior patterns characteristic of Americans. This show that cultures __________.
a. Shared by a group of people
b. Learned
c. Cumulative
d. Dynamic
7. A component of culture which refers to mental representations used to organize stimulus and become
the basic units of which knowledge is constructed refers to __________.
a. Ideas
b. Perceptions
c. Beliefs
d. Values
8. Which refers to standards of desirability, goodness and beauty which serve as broad guidelines for social
a. Culture
b. Knowledge
c. Values
d. Morals
9. Customary behavior patterns or folkways which have taken on a moralistic value refer to __________.
a. Values
b. Norms
c. Conduct
d. Mores
10. Learning the folkways, mores, social traditions, values and beliefs of one’s own group is __________.
a. Enculturation
b. Acculturation
c. Assimilation
d. Diffusion
STEM-OPTION : Choose the best answer that corresponds to the best answer.
1. There are many definitions of peace, but according to JOHAN Galtung peace is defined as __________.
a. Absence of violence in all its forms
b. Absence of war
c. Absence of conflict
d. Equal distribution of resources
2. The presence of just and non-exploitative relationship as well as human and ecological well-being refers
to __________.
a. Peace
b. Negative peace
c. Positive peace
d. World peace
3. Participating in tree planting activities or cleanliness and beautification activities in the community is a
response to this level of peace.
a. Personal peace
b. Peace with the supreme being
c. Peace with the environment
d. Global peace
4. Peace education is concerned with __________.
a. Promotion of peace
b. Promotion of human dignity and well-being
c. Absence of violence
d. All of the above
5. Negative actions toward members of a specific social group that may be manifested in avoidance,
aversion or even violence is termed as __________.
a. Stereotyping
b. Prejudice
c. Discrimination
d. Tolerance
6. One characteristic that least describes a peaceable classroom is __________.
a. Expression of feelings
b. Affirmation
c. Open communication
d. Competitive spirit
7. The act of respecting, accepting and appreciating the rich diversity of cultures and various forms of
human expression refers to __________.
a. Tolerance
b. Respect
c. Values formation
d. Prejudice
8. The most horrible effect of war is __________.
a. Destruction of property
b. People fleeting their homes
c. Massive death
d. Proliferation of weapons
9. Structural violence is reflected in conditions like __________.
I. Great gulf between the rich and the poor
II. Highly uneven distribution of wealth and resources
III. Presence of hunger and proverty
A. I only
B. II only
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III
10. When a neural party attempts to bring about a peaceful settlement or compromise between persons or
groups through objective intervention the process is called __________.
a. Mediation
b. Conflict resolution
c. Collaborative problem solving
d. Intervention transformation

STEM-OPTION : Choose the best answer that corresponds to the best answer.
1. The theory about the foundations of a culture rather than the practice which subsumes cultural ideas is
a. Transformational culture
b. Theoretical culturalism
c. Subculture
d. Multiculturalism
2. Which is a progressive approach for transforming education that holistically critiques current short-
coming, failings and discriminatory practices on education?
a. Multicultural education
b. Peace education
c. Disciplinary education
d. Values education
3. Teachers use examples and content from a variety of cultures and groups to illustrate key concepts,
generalizations, and issues within their subject: area or disciplines. Which is described?
a. Demo teaching
b. Content integration
c. Subject focus
d. Cultural changes
4. Which exists when teachers modify their teaching in ways that will facilitate the academic achievement
of students form diverse racial, cultural, and social class groups?
a. School culture and social culture
b. Equity pedadogy
c. Prejudice reduction
d. Content integration
5. Which can be based on a variety of factors, including religion, race ethnicity, age, and sexual
a. Culture
b. Multiculturalism
c. Culture identification
d. Subculture

STEM-OPTION : Choose the best answer that corresponds to the best answer.
1. Which refers to passing on the accumulated experiences of the past generations to the incoming
a. Conservation function
b. Instructional
c. Research
d. Social service
2. Which branch of government proposes and enforces rules and laws
a. Politics
b. Judicial
c. Executive
d. Legislative
3. The basic purpose of education is __________.
a. Community service
b. Transmission of knowledge
c. Socialization
d. Producing goods
4. Which group consists of a small, exclusive membership with common religious belief?
a. Community
b. Cult
c. Sect
d. Religion
5. Which refers to the primary family consisting of husband, wife and child/children.
a. Patrilocal
b. Extended
c. Matrilined
d. Conjugal
STEM-OPTION : Choose the best answer that corresponds to the best answer.
1. Which refers to women subordination that leads to gender inequality?
a. Racism
b. Ageism
c. Classificism
d. Sexism
2. Which theory upholds that parents reinforce appropriate gender role beheviors?
a. Gender schema theory
b. Multiplicity theory
c. Social learning theory
d. Cognitive developmental theory
3. The third gender ideology identified by Hockchild is __________.
a. Transitional
b. Transcendental
c. Transformational
d. Transmittal
4. Which refers to a schema or set of beliefs about a certain group of people?
a. Stereotype
b. Relaticity
c. Empowerment
d. Subculture
5. Which ideology assumes that men have greater power than women?
a. Traditional gender
b. Classical gender
c. Egoistic gender
d. Empowered gender
6. What is lacking among the determinants of the amount of power a person holds? Status, resources,
experience and __________.
a. Self-actualization
b. Self-confidence
c. Self-control
d. Transmittal
STEM-OPTION : Choose the best answer that corresponds to the best answer.
1. On the aspects of globalization, which of the following is NOT one of them?
a. Financial
b. Cultural
c. Integrated
d. Globalism
2. Which is NOT TRUE about globalization?
a. Globalization affects all countries, some more favorably than the others in terms of economic
growth, national sovereignty, and cultural identity.
b. Globalization seeks to explain the integration of economies and societies around the world as they
are knit together by travel, language, values and ideas, trade, labor and financial flows,
communication and technology.
c. Globalization is one of the most dominant forces facing education in the 21st century.
d. Globalization as advanced by the ASEAN heads of states has three distinct pillars: economic, socio-
cultural, and political
3. Which of the following skills should be required of children and youth to master the world’s greatest
challenges regardless of national origin or cultural upbringing?
a. Higher-order cognitive and interpersonal skills
b. Psychomotor skills
c. Social and spiritual skills
d. Emotional and leadership
4. The ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint advocates __________.
a. Environment sustainability
b. Single market and production base
c. Cohesive, peaceful, stable, resilient with shared responsibility
d. Human development
5. Education as a service industry is part of globalization process under the umbrella of __________.
a. General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
b. World Trade Organization (WTO)
c. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
d. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
STEM-OPTION : Choose the best answer that corresponds to the best answer.
1. The new learning environment in the 21st century is characterized by
a. Globalization
b. Multicultural education
c. Learner-centered education
d. Digital technology
2. The interest, attitude and ability of individuals to use technology and communication tools access,
manage integrate and evaluate information is
a. Cyberliteracy
b. ICT literacy
c. Computer literacy
d. Media literacy
3. If the students are able to use computer, surf the internet, and understand the strengths and weakness of
online information, they are called
a. Media literate
b. ICT literate
c. Cyber literate
d. Computer literate
4. This condition is describe as one where the skills possessed by the graduates do not much the
requirements of the job is called
a. irrelevant education
b. Job mis match
c. Under employment
d. Over employment
5. Since education is the key that opens doors for advancement of both the individual and the country,
curriculum launched by DepED to meet the demands of the 21st century is the
a. Senior high school
b. Ladderized curriculum
c. TVET training
d. K to 12
6. To enable learners to respond to the demands of the present world, which should schools do ?
a. Should teach application-based, creative, and innovative thinking
b. Should teach information and concepts
c. Should offer a fixed curriculum
d. Should prepare students for the present
7. Which is/are a feature/s of a student-centered learning environment?
I. Student is a resource person in the classroom.
II. Teacher is viewed as all-knowing.
III. Teacher encourages students to come up with innovative solutions to their problems.
a. I only
b. I and II
c. III only
d. I and III
8. Is it correct to say that computers in education disable us?
a. Yes, when it creates division between the first world and the third world countries.
b. No, computers enable people more.
c. Yes, they make the world our classroom.
d. It depends on how people use the computers.
9. The role of a teacher changes in a learner-centered environment. Which among the following
circumstances is NOT included in the paradigm shift
a. Being viewed as a support, collaboration and coach for students as they learn to gather and evaluate
information for themselves.
b. Actively encouraging individuals to use their personal knowledge and skills to create unique
solutions to problems.
c. Being viewed as the primary source of information who continually directs it to students.
d. Participating at times as one who may not know it all but desires to learn
10. Which of the following ICT in education initiatives does not contribute to the Millenium Development
a. Enabling a knowledge network for students
b. Enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of educational administration and policy
c. Increasing access through distance learning
d. Promoting the pervasiveness of the “hard copies” technology
11. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the use of computer in education?
a. Computers in education enable us to make the world our classroom
b. Computers in education reach and teach more students
c. Computers in education teach more effectively
d. Computers in education gets the learners booked to the past
12. What does the statement “With the advent of Information and Communication Technology, “learning
has become borderless”?
a. Information acquisition and dissemination as well as delivery of education has been made easy with
b. Boundaries and limitations are set in relation to acquisition of knowledge and education
c. Teaching and learning nowadays is expensive and unaffordable.
d. The use of internet, modern laptops, tables, i-phones and other gadgets has borders.
13. Which of the following does NOT describe the changes in education with the use of technology?
a. Students will become active learners, collaborating with one another and with more experienced
members of society, to seek out information and gain knowledge.
b. Education will become a lifelong process, important and accessible to all, and schools will become
centers of learning – not just for children, but for all members of the community.
c. Multimedia learning resources available via information networks, will no longer proliferate and has
become an obsolete feature of education.
d. The boundaries separating schools from each other and the community will blur or disappear.
STEM-OPTION : Choose the best answer that corresponds to the best answer.
1. The three dimensions of sustainability are __________.
a. Environment, society, economy
b. People, environment, society
c. Government, environment, society
d. Society, economy, culture
2. In relation to sustainable development, Nelson Mandela stated the following
a. “Progress is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”
b. “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”
c. “Technology is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”
d. “People is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”
3. Which dimension of Education for sustainable Development which addresses the education needs of
students with organic disabilities, learning difficulties and social disadvantaged refer to __________.
a. Environment awareness
b. Special education
c. Competencies for the knowledge economy
d. Inclusive education
4. The mode of teaching and learning in accordance with ESD where the school act as a social agent, a part
of the community and involves the community as a resource and participant in the decision making
process is referred to as __________.
a. Values-based learning
b. Community-based learning
c. Whole school approach
d. Learning to transform
5. Which is a CORRECT statement on ESD?
a. It is economic development at the expense of environment.
b. It concerns economic and social development and environment protection
c. In is social development through exclusive education
d. It concerns only the developing countries.
6. Education plays a role in achieving sustaibility. How?
I. By promoting gender bias
II. By promoting health
III. By teaching care for the environment
IV. By condemning cultural diversity
a. I and II
b. I, II and III
c. II and III
d. II, III and IV
7. The following are dimension of ESD EXCEPT __________.
a. Ethnocentrism
b. Human and social capital in economic growth
c. Inclusive education
d. Environmental awareness

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