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80 Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong City



S.Y 2018-2019



F12 - D





The University aims to develop its students to become useful and responsible citizens
through the effective transfer to relevant knowledge and desirable values.


JRU will be a market leader in the use of technology for innovations in teaching and
learning to produce graduates of social importance.

This portfolio contains the works that I have in my subject, my works composed of
activities from prelim to finals, reflection of each activities, evidences, and the
experience while in the McDonald’s time. And our teacher taught us on how to do this
he explains it briefly and understandable.

First our teacher decided to give us a work and this is a portfolio and he discuss it one
by one so that we can understand, and we can do it properly, and this portfolio is it
shows my passion in doing this portfolio. My portfolio shows a lot of diversity, in which
my personal view and interest field. It gives me an opportunity to do this to prove that
I’m responsible and will saw my efforts by doing this portfolio. Next the overview of this
portfolio was to show my all knowledge in this school because the contents of this
portfolio is all of activities and it has an evidence so that whenever who see this portfolio
it has proven. And writing is very important way to communicate with others, keep flex,
and show my work to others so that they will understand my work. Just like the
reflection that I did it is through writing that means the reader will understand my work
and they will my worth by doing that activities and they will saw my efforts. And this
portfolio it represents myself because they will see my effort that they appreciate it.

Portfolio is the evidences before I’d finish this term because it shows the different work
that my teacher gives. And this portfolio was one of the memorable things I have
because I will remember those works, I’ve done during in my final term. Every activity is
a challenge for me because each one of it I will put a reflection on what that I’ve learn to
it but still I will finish it because it is my work, I know how to put there on what happened
that time during I do that activities. Lastly, this portfolio has a lot of learnings and
knowledge because it shows the different characteristics that you’d see in student you
will the time, effort, and hard work to finish this portfolio.

First, I would like to thank God because God is my strength and he is my power to do
something in my life and he is my savoir in everywhere I am, God is goodness that
means everything we’ve done we need to thank with him. Second, I would like to thank
to my beloved family, my family is my inspiration, motivation, and my strength too
because they help me to grow up, they teach me in a good way, good attitude and my
family fulfilling my financial needs in school so that I almost finish my K-12 level
because of them. And also my family is the one who understand me they comporting
me in every time I need just like if I have a problem they always there for me to support
and help, they advising me on what to do and my family is my everything they are my
inspiration to reach my goal in life they are the one to what I really want in my life they
help me in everything I do they still their even if I’m naughty sometimes. Third, and also
I want to thank to my surroundings just like friends/peers my peers helping me as well
on what that I do they try to make me successful in life they want me to become a
dream person and also my friends was my happiness there are the times that my
peers and I had an unforgettable experience like bonding, eating and other type of
commonly doing with friends, and also if I have a problem they are advising me,
comporting just like my family do’s. Fourth I would like to thank to Sir Gacosta because
of him I will make this portfolio and this portfolio was a challenge for me because I will
use my time, efforts and passion to do this and I enjoyed it and also this is my final
examination so that I need to finish it, and I have a lot of knowledge that I've got to Sir
Gacosta before I'll doing this, Lastly, I would like to thank in my school Jose Rizal
University because of this school I will finish my K-12 level so that this school that I
never forget in my life and to all my beloved inspiration thank you very much for the
motivation that I get to all of you and thank as well for being good to me.

I would like to dedicate this to my families, because I want to change their hard work,
advice and the financial that I need because I want that my family proud of me, I want to
hear that they solve to me as a son, nephew, cousin. This portfolio was for my family for
they too able to see my worth and I am good enough son and I wanna do everything to
become a successful man someday and I want to see my worth and this portfolio is that
my all evidences and my works they will see that I am capable of to do some activities
in my school and they will saw my all works by this portfolio to prove that I'm responsible
student and I will never ruined it and disappoint them. For the last time I would to
dedicate this to my teacher because for now he will see my worth as a student and he
will saw my all activities that he do for us, and I want my teacher to realize that I'm good
example student because I will prove that I'm responsible and I will follow the command
of my teacher, so I dedicate this to my family and to my teacher I will proof that I'm the
one of lists of the graduating student of this school.
Table of Contents

This portfolio had a lot of activities, inspiration, and reflection that I did, and I would like
to say that this portfolio is my work and all of the contents was the all evidences that I
do in this semester that proof that I am not an easy student during school perhaps I’m
busy by doing some school works and I will spend my time and effort for it.

In this portfolio wherein, it shows different work of activities and it shown the essence of
effort of each student because in a student in this school was giving their hard work for,
they too able to success it. And this portfolio is one of the documents that represents my
passion on how to be done this, and this portfolio has had a documentary about Work
Immersion in McDonald’s that students will take an evidence, response/reaction, and
reflection about it she/he will explain on what happened that time in every day

Most of the student wants to do a work, that work represents our key to pass the final
term and to go in graduation day, every student always wish that want to pass, but
before to achieve it, we need to do something just like doing this portfolio, go to school
regularly and doing activities and other requirements that thing is one of the keys too we
to able to become a successful student.

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