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Perspectives on Self-directed Learning

The self directed study is a controversial issue for most people. Supporters claim that we can
concentrate more if we’re self studying and it promotes the natural development of self-confidence,
initiative, perseverance and life satisfaction. It can also reinforce collaboration, within and beyond the
family. Opponents affirm that self directed learning not a convenient method of learning.

Due to the arguments presented by both sides, the argument that is in favor of self-directed learning is
most compelling. The idea of not all has the personality traits and skills such as goal-setting,
information-processing, executive, cognitive processing, and decision-making skills. Not all people are
not able to grasp new concepts and ideas quickly.

Independent study experiences can be extremely rewarding both for students and their advising
instructors. As our Teaching Tip, Self-Directed Learning: A Four-Step Process, explains, independent
study gives students the opportunity to explore not only a given topic but also their own learning
strategies and goals, and learning contracts can play a critical role in ensuring that this process is a
successful one. Learning contracts give ownership to students over their learning at the outset of a
project or class, they prompt students to reflect on how they learn, and they establish clear goals and
project timelines. For instructors, learning contracts serve as an outline for independent study units and
as tools to aid evaluation.

Self-directed learning provides opportunities to pursue a far wider range of interests than is possible in a
typical school with its pre-defined curriculum, fixed schedule, and inability to accommodate the needs
and interests of individuals. Even those topics that are within the usual school curriculum can be
explored in greater depth, and more meaningfully, in self-directed learning—such as by actually building
and sailing a boat rather than merely reading about how others have done so, or by surveying a plot of
ground rather than simply calculating the area of a polygon presented on a worksheet. And if the boat
sinks, one can repair it and learn from the mistake, instead of having it marked wrong and moving on to
the next “project.” When the boat floats, there can be time to take it for a sail—even a long one,
perhaps one that results in the exploration of an entirely new set of interests. Whatever restrictions
there may be, they are not the result of some pre-determined curriculum.

Self directed study, it is the initiative that individuals made with or without the help of others in
learning. if we’re self studying you tend to concentrate more on what we are doing because we don’t
have any distractions, plus it is an achievement to everyone if they learn something new without any
help. Individuals who self studies give more effort which makes them kind of more intellectual because
they can understand the topic themselves without other people who have been taught about the topic
to teach them. When doing a self directed study, students may gain positive outcomes likes of being
motivated to do well, persistent , independent somehow, being confident and goal oriented at all time.
With all of this positive outcomes the student will have a positive and grateful year of studying in the
Self directed study has disadvantages too like no self discipline, no face to face interaction, lack
of flexibility, lack of input from trainers, slow evolution, good e-learning is difficult to do, lack of
transformational power, and no peripheral benefits which can lead to nothing. for me, it's better to seek
help from professionals like teacher in order to help us or guide us in our process of learning.

This suggests that self-directed learning may help good students to understand concepts and score
highly, but weak students may suffer as they may lack the requisite cognitive skills such as information
gathering, information-processing skills, correlation, a good working memory and deep processing skills.
Even though self-directed learning can be a very good method to make students to learn, it needs to be
adopted in a systemic manner keeping in mind the abilities of the weaker students. Teachers should
make sure that students are aware of skills required to become effective self-directed learners. Study
environments that nurture and develop personal and cognitive skills are important in the development
of self-directed learners.


Ricah Ma-Faye E. Serrano

Lindsay Evangelista

Jemuel Langido

Kathleen Guileño

Dane Empamano

Mar Biene Tang

Sofia Estella

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