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Me and my classmates when someone from the class reminds the professor about the


1. Brief Description

The painting is a fresco painting by Michelangelo Buonarroti titled “The Crucifixion of St.
Peter”. The artist portrayed St. Peter in the moment in which he was raised by the Roman
soldiers to the cross. Michelangelo concentrated the attention on the depiction of pain and
suffering; the faces of the people present are clearly distressed. Pope Paul commissioned this
fresco by Michelangelo in 1541 and unveiled it in his Cappella Paolina.

2. Explain your caption

My caption is about the reaction of the class when someone tries to remind the professor
about the work he/she forget.

3. What is the purpose of your meme?

The meme is purely for entertainment purposes only and to show the dismay of the class
when someone tries to remind the professor about the forgotten works.

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