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Unit 1 assumption (n.) prototype (n.)”

aim (n.) brainstorm (v.) simile (n.)

appreciate (v.) brainstorming (n.) structural (adj.)

brief (n.) capability (n.) take (something) for

bullet point (n.) capable (adj.) granted (v.)

continue (v.) come up with (v.) vast (adj.)

get an extension (v.) concoct (v.)

get around to it (v.) constraint (n.) Unit 3

get back to someone (v.) facilitate (v.) accent (n.)

get delayed (v.) fluid (n.) alike (adj.)

get distracted (v.) generate (v.)” artificial (adj.)

get it done (v.) innovate (v.) beige (adj.)

get on track (v.) innovation (n.) broad (adj.)

get side-tracked (v.) innovative (adj.) cargo (n.)

give credit (v.) inspiration (n.) classify (v.)

grateful for (v.) inspire (v.) compare (v.)

liaison (n.) launch (v.) conversely (adv.)

mind-map (n.) limit (v.) different (adj.)

on hold (adv.) limitation (n.) dimension (n.)

paraphrase (n. / v.) maneuver (v.) divide (v.)

qualified to (v.) mechanism (n.) enormous (adj.)

team effort (n.) metaphor (n.) expect (v.)

thankful for (v.) novel (adj.) expenses (n.)

parameter (n.) fake (adj.)”

Unit 2 perplexing (adj.) however (adv.)

analogy (n.) pitfall (n.) impulsive (adj.)

assume (v.) prominent (adj.) in common (adv.)


in contrast (adv.) potentially (adj.) estimated (adj.)

interpret (v.) proceed (v.) finalize (v.)

likewise (adv.) promotion (n.) fit something in (v.)

lubricant (n.) proposal (n.) get onto it (v.)

on the other hand (adv.) provider (n.) handle (v.)

resistant (adj.) query (v.) hectic(adj.)

significant (adj.) redundant (adj.) interim (adj.)

similar (adj.) reimburse (v.) It’ll do. (idiom)

stipend (n.) relevant (adj.) It’s your call. (idiom)

template (n.) relocate (v.) manage (v.)

unique (adj.) remotely (adv.) maxed out (adj.)

vinyl (n.) requester (n.) pencil in (v.)

yard (n.) root cause (n.) projected (adj.)

scope of work (SOW) (n.) provisional (adj.)

Unit 4 statement (n.) reckon (v.)

approver (n.) tension (n.) rough (adj.)

consultant (n.) track (v.) roughly (adv.)

enrolled (adj.) take care of (v.)

essentially (adv.) Unit 5 tied up (adj.)

integrated (n.) ambivalent (adj.) whatever (n.)

interpret (v.) approximate (adj.) whenever (n.)

irrelevant (adj.) approximately (adv.) wherever (n.)

motivate (v.) available (adj.) whichever (n.)

neutral (adj.) ballpark figure (n.) whoever (n.)

nightmare (scenario) (n.) be up to someone (v.) workload (n.)

perfect storm (n.) deal with (v.)

perspective (n.) estimate (n.)


Unit 6 termination (n.) more or less (adv.)

according to (prep.) unstable (n.) a must (n.)

admonish (v.) unconscious (adj.) negotiable (adj.)

baseboard (n.) victim (n.) negotiate (v.)

battery (n.) non-negotiable (adj.)

blinds (n.) Unit 7 okay (something) (v.)

break out (v.) absolutely (adv.) out of the question (adj.)

careless (adj.) approval (n.) position (n.)

consider (v.) approve (v.) provisional (adj.)

costly (adj.) block (something) (v.) qualify (v.)

deficiency (n.) categorical (adj.) reach a compromise (v.)

emergency lane (n.) clear (something) (v.) reach an agreement (v.)

escape (v.) clearance (n.) resolve (v.)

extinguish (v.) compromise (n.) some give and take (n.)

flammable (adj.) compromise (on) (v.) to a certain extent (adv.)

ideal (adj.) conflict (n.) to a degree (adv.)

incident (n.) deal (n.) totally (adv.)

ladder (n.) depend (on) (v.) tentative (adj.)

loose (adj.) get the go-ahead (v.) up to a point (adv.)

memo to file (n.) get the green light (v.) veto (something) (v.)

missing (adj.) give (someone) the win-win (situation) (adj.)

optimal (adj.) go-ahead (v.)

procedure (n.) give (someone) the Unit 8

reckless driving (n.) green light (v.) accomplishment

spread (v.) hold on (v.) autonomy

stability (n.) meet (someone) coaching

stained (adj.) halfway (v.) confidentiality


constructive feedback Unit 9 prominent

demanding adhere prosperity

development affiliate retain

devise aspire worthwhile

empowerment biodiversity

escalate bribe

expectation candor

factual conduct

go the extra mile cure

initiative” decade

micromanagement diagnosis

negate entrepreneurship

observation epitomize

open-door policy falsification

precise fulfilling

rationale funding

realistic gratitude

risk harassment

stakeholder hostile

status report infrastructure

synonymous inspiring

target intimidate

template mislead

transparency” multidimensional




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