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Mobile phones should be allowed in schools.

Do you
- by Aladdin bin Ali Baba

Mobile phones are one of the great inventions and high

technology items in this modern era. They have become some of
the most indispensable objects in our daily life as technology
becomes more and more advanced. Nowadays, most people from
teenagers to the elderly have personal mobile phones of their own.
Many schools limit or restrict the use of mobile phones. However,
there are students who ignore the rules and continue to bring along
their mobile phones to school despite the restriction. In my opinion,
mobile phones should not be allowed in schools. What are the
factors then?

First, mobile phones will bring about distractions to students.

In the past, bored student generally entertained themselves with
doodling or whispering about anything that came to mind. Today,
students relieve boredom with the ubiquitous mobile phones.
Students engrossed in the mobile phones are unable to pay
attention in class. For example, they are distracted when their
friends send them text messages and they attempt to reply under
their desks. Other than that, they can also play games, browse the
Internet, check and update their Facebook pages and so on. In
other words, they usually use the mobile phones for non-
educational purposes during the class. This can hardly help them
perform better academically. In fact, this can bring forth adverse
effects on their performance.

Another reason why mobile phones should be prohibited in schools

is because students are able to cheat during examinations using
those electronic gadgets. They do so by sending to each other text
messages with answers to the questions. They can also store their
notes and relevant information on their phones and look at them
secretly during tests. It is also possible for them to cheat by using
search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, et cetera to search
for the information that they want. Students always find ways to
cheat during examinations as the tools they have are getting more
and more powerful today. Since the digital world is hard to track,
students are less likely to face the consequences of their actions.
They always assume that they will not get caught.
Furthermore, mobile phones can easily be lost or stolen in schools.
This is one of the reasons why they are forbidden. If students are
allowed to bring mobile phones to school, they do so at their own
risk. The schools accept no responsibility for damage or loss to
mobile phones in school.

Apart from that, mobile phone addiction is a major drawback.

Students addicted to mobile phones cannot do without using them,
even when they are in class. If the schools permit them to use
mobile phones at school, their addiction will very likely worsen.
They surf inappropriate websites, post pictures or videos during
class. Their undesirable actions will certainly influence or affect
other students.

To put it in a nutshell, mobile phones should be banned and not

allowed in school. The disadvantages of allowing them in schools
far outweighs the advantages. It is the students' responsibility to
study hard and be attentive when teacher is teaching. Students
should aim for good results in examinations so as to better prepare
themselves for their future. Since mobile phones prevent them
from doing so and distracts them when they are in class, I do not
agree that mobile phones should be allowed in schools

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