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My morning greetings to everyone present here today. It is with

great pleasure to welcome you all to the 35th Philippine Nurses
Association Eastern Visayas Regional Convention. Whether or not you
have travelled a significant distance just to be here, it is my honor to
welcome you all to our humble yet well-loved city. I would also like to
thank all of you who have worked on putting this successful convention
together. Thank you for choosing Maasin City as the venue of this very
significant event.
Your theme for this year’s convention is ‘Nurse’s a voice to lead:
Achieving Universal Health Care’. Indeed, nurses are the backbone of
every health system. We owe all of you for the tireless efforts you’ve put
into your pivotal roles in providing health care. From cradle to grave, you
nurses are unsung heroes of today who: welcomed us to this world, take
care of us when we are sick or injured; provide preventive and promotive
health to keep us from falling ill. Your profession is one of the most difficult
and risky to practice yet most of you choose your field passionately
despite the odds. Your profession demands a lot of hard work and long
hour shifts filled with physical, psychological and emotional stress. More
than any other health profession, you spend the most time with patients
and their families and have first-hand knowledge of the stories that have
an impact on the health and well-being of patients.
Having said so, you indeed play a critical role in the delivery of
health services and in strengthening our health system. Your voice, no
matter how small, matters. So carry on your role in transforming health
care and health systems such that no person is left behind without
access to health care. Continue to play the leading role in our collective
struggle for a better world with public health for all.
At any rate, we commend your invaluable contribution to our well-
being. Salute to all our nurses here and abroad. Rest assured that the
City Government of Maasin will always have its support to your
organization. May we together establish a society elevated to the peak
of health.
Thank you and once again, welcome! Enjoy your stay in Maasin
City and experience our Ajonay-way of living. Mabuhay, PNA Region 8!

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