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Answers and Explanations

1. The correct answer is (E). Because a “family” 6. The correct answer is (C). Carbon dioxide is
is more highly classified than kingdom, phylum, needed in the Calvin cycle to produce sugars,
class, and order, organisms that share the same and there is no connection between the Calvin
family must also share the same kingdom, phy- cycle and the building of nitrogen-producing
lum, class, and order. Only the genus of the two compounds by a plant. The decrease in carbon
organisms may differ. dioxide would most likely not result in the plant’s
death, but it might hurt the plant by decreasing
2. The correct answer is (A). Plasma B cells are
its ability to produce sugars. Chlorophyll mol-
specialized immune system cells that secrete
ecules should be unaffected.
antibodies, small Y-shaped proteins that can di-
rectly attach to and agglutinate, or clump, in- 7. The correct answer is (E). The oviduct, or fal-
vading bacteria. Attaching directly to cells is the lopian tube, is the usual site of fertilization of
job of killer-T cells, and engulfing pathogens is the ovum. It is here, after being released from
the job of macrophages. Clotting is done prima- the ovary, that an egg is most likely to meet sperm
rily by platelets and other protein fibers. cells coming up from the vagina.
3. The correct answer is (B). Amphibians are char- 8. The correct answer is (C). When DNA is tran-
acterized by their ability to breathe through moist scribed into messenger RNA, the base-pairings
skin (in addition to small lungs) and to walk on are complementary but not identical. In addition,
four limbs. The do not have rough, scaly skin or RNA has no thymine (T), only uracil (U). Thus,
lay hard-shelled eggs like their reptile descen- the correct complementary pairing would be A’s
dants, nor can they run quickly on land with with U’s, T’s with A’s, and C’s with G’s or
muscular limbs (also like reptiles). Mammals are CGTAGT  GCAUCA.
set apart by their milk-producing abilities.
9. The correct answer is (B). Diabetics may suf-
4. The correct answer is (C). The best evidence fer from a buildup of sugar in their bloodstream
to support the finding of fossils on widely sepa- because their bodies produce too little insulin
rated land masses comes from continental drift (which is normally responsible for pulling sugar
theory, which states that certain land areas had out of the bloodstream and into cells), and/or
been connected and slowly drifted apart—this their body’s response to insulin is reduced (a
would allow for separation of what were once condition known as insulin resistance). Although
continuous species’ ranges. It is highly unlikely the disease may cause damage to the kidneys
that a reptile species could have moved easily eventually, the disease is not caused by any kid-
between continents or could have survived fro- ney malfunction.
zen seas during the Ice Ages.
10. The correct answer is (A). The large intestine
5. The correct answer is (B). Different forms of is responsible for the absorption of salts and
the same gene are called alleles. For example, B water from the digestive system. If damaged,
(brown) and b (blue) are two different possible excess water can remain in the digestive tract
eye color alleles in humans. No other answer and cause watery stools, or diarrhea.
choices fit the definition of a “factor” that results
in the expression of a certain characteristic.

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CLEP Biology

11. The correct answer is (B). The mitochondrion 16. The correct answer is (C). Flowering plants, just
is the organelle in which ATP is produced in eu- like other plants, should be expected to possess
karyotic cells. Most cells have multiple mitochon- chloroplasts, mitochondria, cell walls, and large
dria to serve their energy needs. The letter C here centralized vacuoles. However, plant cells, un-
points to a single mitochondrion within this cell. like animal cells, have no centrioles to act as mi-
crotubule organizing centers for cell division.
12. The correct answer is (E). The best conclusion
here is that the amount of carbon dioxide pro- 17. The correct answer is (B). The best evidence
duced per gram of body weight is the same for all that modern-day birds evolved from reptile lin-
species (CO2 production/Weight in grams = 0.006 eages is that transitional fossils are plentiful.
for all species.). Be careful with choice D, be- These fossils, such as the famous Archaeopteryx,
cause although production of carbon dioxide for show creatures with both reptilian and bird-like
the 24 gram lizard may be twice as great as that characteristics (e.g. the claws and body shape of
of the 12 gram lizard, one cannot necessarily con- a reptile with the feathers of a bird).
clude that the oxygen consumption of the larger
18. The correct answer is (D). Without working
lizard is exactly double.
pumps, the axon could not maintain a negative
13. The correct answer is (A). If DPIP is reduced potential inside compared to outside (accom-
(gains electrons) to lose its color, then the DPIP plished by the pumping out of 3 Na+ ions while
will show the greatest loss of color wherever the pumping in only 2 K+). Therefore, the axon itself
greatest number of electrons are being knocked would be unable to depolarize and transmit an
around. Chlorophyll loses electrons when it is action potential. In addition, the Na-K pump is
bombarded by photons of light. Thus, only chlo- needed to reverse the membrane potential along
roplasts in bright, white light will change DPIP the axon once sodium ions have rushed inside. If
greatly. Boiled chloroplasts will be ineffective due this depolarization cannot be reversed, the neu-
to enzyme denaturation, and chloroplasts in the ron can no longer carry action potentials.
dark or exposed only to green light will absorb
19. The correct answer is (B). Boiling most enzymes
few photons if any. Chloroplasts have no direct
will result in their denaturation—loss of 3-D struc-
effect on sugar production; thus being in a sugar
ture. When denatured, enzymes lose their ability
solution should not affect this reaction with DPIP
to catalyze reactions. Additions or removals be-
in any way.
yond Substance C (e.g. choice E) are unlikely to
14. The correct answer is (A). Carbon dioxide pro- result in any changes to the production of C, which
duced by the body’s cells mixes with water in the is “upstream” from the change. The addition or
bloodstream to form carbonic acid, which then mixing of any enzymes is likely to increase Sub-
dissociates into H+ and HCO3- (bicarbonate) ions. stance C’s production.
The hydrogen ions are complexed to hemoglo-
20. The correct answer is (A). The graph of a
bin in the red blood cells while the bicarbonate
predator-prey interaction is usually depicted as
ions generally remain in the plasma during the
a series of linked fluctuations. As the prey popu-
trip to the lungs.
lation rises, the predator population follows
15. The correct answer is (E). Bacteria, which are with a slight lag; as the predators eat too much
prokaryotes, are classified as such due to their prey, the predator population falls with a slight
lack of a nuclear membrane housing their DNA. lag behind the fall in the prey population. This
In addition, antibiotics are drugs used to kill bac- will continue as long as the survival of the prey
teria only and do not harm other living organ- population is linked to the size of the predator’s
isms or viruses. population and vice-versa.

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CLEP Biology

21. The correct answer is (B). FSH, known well 25. The correct answer is (D). It is likely that
for its role in the female menstrual cycle as the plant B was a parasite of plant A. Plant B dies
inducer of egg development, also induces sper- without its host (plant A) around it, while the
matogenesis, or sperm production. Prolactin is host can grow larger in the new pot, no longer
involved in female milk production; GnRH weakened by the presence of the parasitic plant
causes the release of gonadotropins (FSH and B. A polymorphism is not a word that describes
LH) from the pituitary gland; aldosterone helps a relationship between two different species,
the kidneys in water balance; and, insulin de- but rather indicates that a particular trait (e.g.
creases blood glucose concentration. coloration) exists only as discrete variations
in a population (in other words: black or white
22. The correct answer is (E). Digestion is the pro-
but no combination or continuous blending of
cess of food breakdown, while ingestion is the
those colors).
act of taking the food into the body via the mouth.
Cell respiration refers only to the breakdown of 26. The correct answer is (B). The choice that makes
macromolecules such as sugars within a cell’s the most sense here is that fetal hemoglobin can
mitochondria in order to produce ATP; and, de- bind to oxygen at lower partial pressures. The
hydration synthesis is the process of joining “pressure” of oxygen is highest in the blood-
smaller molecules to make larger ones (as in the stream at the lungs but falls progressively as
building of a protein from individual amino ac- blood moves through the body, since oxygen is
ids), and this is the opposite of hydrolysis, which leaving and there is less oxygen gas. By the time
takes place during digestion. maternal blood reaches the placenta, the partial
pressure of oxygen has fallen dramatically, yet
23. The correct answer is (B). The chloroplasts
fetal hemoglobin is able to fully saturate itself
of plant cells are where the reactions of photo-
with oxygen at these lower partial pressures,
synthesis take place. This is where chlorophyll
something that adult hemoglobin could not do.
molecules can be found within the chloroplast
This is an important physiological adaptation for
membranes. The production of glucose and
the fetus in order to pull the maximum amount
other sugars takes place within the stroma (in-
of oxygen from the mother’s bloodstream into
ner fluid) of the chloroplast.
the fetal bloodstream.
24. The correct answer is (A). In order to grow
27. The correct answer is (B). Crossing red plants
taller than a few centimeters, plants need vascu-
(RR) with green ones (rr) would result in 100%
lar tissues (xylem and phloem), which serve to
Rr offspring, which would all be red since they
carry water and nutrients back and forth from
have at least one copy of the dominant allele (R).
roots to leaves. Mosses are simple land plants
that do not have these tissues and must live close 28. The correct answer is (A). Antibodies are Y-
to the ground, where available water can diffuse shaped proteins secreted by plasma B cells.
into key tissues. Mosses have chlorophyll (hence These proteins can attach to and cause the
their green color) and spores. Whether or not a clumping together of pathogenic cells or toxin
certain group of plants has a dominant gameto- molecules, which are then engulfed and de-
phyte or sporophyte generation has nothing to stroyed by macrophages. The antigens are the
do with how tall the plant can grow—these are foreign proteins on the pathogen surface that the
merely designations to indicate whether or not antibodies bind to.
the plant we can see with our eyes (the domi-
nant form) is diploid or haploid.

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CLEP Biology

29. The correct answer is (E). Only mammals have 34. The correct answer is (C). If the cell is not per-
mammary glands (breasts) for milk production. meable to the solutes, only water can move freely
All other features listed are shared with at least back and forth. A higher solute concentration out-
one other group of vertebrates. All vertebrates side the cell will pull water from the cell cyto-
from fish to mammals have representative spe- plasm out and cause the cell to shrivel up.
cies with lungs; all vertebrate groups have some
35. The correct answer is (B). Because Side B has
species that can lay eggs; and, birds share endot-
the higher sucrose concentration and because the
hermy, or warm-bloodedness, with mammals.
membrane is impermeable to the sugar, water will
30. The correct answer is (C). The best explanation move from Side A to “dilute” the sugar on Side
is that heat had caused the denaturation of the B, causing the water level of Side B to rise up. At
enzyme. Enzymes are sensitive to temperature, equilibrium, the concentrations of sucrose on both
pH, and certain other conditions. If the conditions sides will be equal.
become too extreme, enzymes lose their 3-D
36. The correct answer is (E). The Monera is the
shapes and cannot function.
kingdom of bacteria, now often represented as
31. The correct answer is (C). These macromol- two separate kingdoms—Archae- and Eubacteria
ecules are all lipids, a class of organic compounds —due to genetic differences. All bacteria are
that contains fats, phospholipids, and steroids. The prokaryotes and vice-versa. All other kingdoms
building blocks (monomers) for some lipids are are eukaryotic.
fatty acids. Therefore, fatty acids may be a com-
37. The correct answer is (C). Small populations
ponent in lipids but lipids such as oils, waxes,
with unlimited resources will experience expo-
and fats are not fatty acids themselves.
nential growth—rapid expansion of their popu-
32. The correct answer is (A). Only the Golgi is lation over a brief period of time. Resources are
correctly matched with its function. The Golgi plentiful and organisms can reproduce at their
complex (or apparatus) is responsible for adding maximal rates. Little parental care is generally
sugar groups to proteins in order to make sure offered to the young, and the population will in-
that the proteins are shipped to the right places, crease until carrying capacity is released, usually
mainly out of the cell. Ribosomes are involved in over many generations.
reading RNA for protein synthesis, not building
38. The correct answer is (D). Only mutations in
the RNA; lysosomes are used in intracellular di-
“germ-line” cells, such as sperm and egg cells,
gestion; mitochondria are sites of cellular respi-
can be passed onto offspring. Other mutations
ration, not photosynthesis; and, centrioles produce
remain within the parents’ bodies.
the spindle.
39. The correct answer is (B). Traits that do not vary
33. The correct answer is (E). At each level of the
in a continuous manner but rather exist as dis-
food web, there is a decline in available energy
crete variants within a population are known as
as organisms use the energy they acquired through
polymorphisms and the variants are known as
eating. The energy is used for growth and devel-
morphs. The typical example used in textbooks
opment, feeding, and reproduction. This is the
is the polymorphism of human ABO blood
reason why food webs do not have, say, 10 or 12
groups, where there are four distinct morphs (A,
trophic levels—there simply is not enough en-
B, AB, and O) as blood types, but no phenotypic
ergy available. Energy does not cycle through
intermediate types (e.g. some combination be-
food webs like certain elements or compounds.
tween A and O).
It comes in from the sun, is used to build com-
plex molecules, and changed in form entirely.

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CLEP Biology

40. The correct answer is (B). The sympathetic Tertiary structures would not be identical unless
branch of the autonomic nervous system is also the proteins were identical, not just similar, and
known as the “fight or flight” branch, respon- this structure determines function.
sible for actions that get the body tense and ready
45. The correct answer is (E). Restriction enzymes
for fighting or running away. Digestion slows or
are specific for cutting certain sequences of DNA
stops, pupils dilate to let in more light for better
and are used for making recombinant DNA.
vision, heart rate increases as does breathing, and
Reverse transcriptase is a viral enzyme used to
hairs stand on their ends. The vagus nerve is the
convert RNA  DNA; DNA polymerase is used
major parasympathetic nerve leading to the
to copy and replicate DNA; catalase is used in
heart, causing the heartbeat to slow down.
cells to break down hydrogen peroxide, a dan-
41. The correct answer is (C). RNA has bases A, gerous side-product of many cellular reactions;
C, G, and U. There is no thymine in RNA. and, PCR is used to amplify (copy) short seg-
ments of DNA.
42. The correct answer is (D). Multi-subunit pro-
teins are said to exhibit quaternary structure. 46. The correct answer is (B). Emulsification is the
Tertiary structure refers to the 3-D structure cre- term used for breaking down fats into smaller
ated by the interactions between monomers on a pieces to facilitate chemical digestion. Bile, se-
single chain of amino acids. Secondary struc- creted by the liver, is responsible for doing this
ture refers to the local alpha helices and beta- within the lumen of the small intestine.
pleated sheets that portions of an amino acid
47. The correct answer is (C). Meiosis, not mito-
chain form as a protein twists up into its overall
sis, is responsible for gamete production.
3-D shape. The primary structure of a protein is
simply the linear order of the amino acid chain 48. The correct answer is (B). DNA is first tran-
that makes up the protein and that dictates that scribed into messenger RNA (mRNA) which is
secondary and tertiary structures. then translated into an amino acid chain (protein)
at the ribosomes.
43. The correct answer is (A). To distinguish be-
tween NADH and NADPH, just remember the 49. The correct answer is (C). Morgan was the first
“P” in NADPH can stand for photosynthesis (in scientist to show that certain genes were linked
reality, it stands for the word “phosphate”). to the sex of an organism. These sex-linked traits
NADPH is the exclusive electron carrier of pho- were coded for by genes carried on the X-chro-
tosynthesis, which is responsible for ferrying mosome and, if recessive (such as fruit fly white
electrons from the light reaction to the Calvin eye coloration), were far more commonly ex-
Cycle. NADH and FADH2 are the carriers in pressed in males (because they have only one X
cellular respiration, while ATP and the sugar glu- chromosome) than in females. However, rare
cose are not electron carriers at all, but energy females did have white eyes in his experiments.
molecules. 50. The correct answer is (E). Iron is the element
44. The correct answer is (B). Similar amino acid that is a key part of hemoglobin protein in red
sequences mean similar DNA sequences, since blood cells. Iron binds to oxygen in the lungs and
DNA codes for proteins. This would indicate that allows red blood cells to carry this oxygen to body
the two proteins have a common evolutionary cells. Without iron, insufficient oxygen reaches
origin, and if many other proteins between the cells of the body. Without oxygen, cells cannot
two species were also closely related in amino produce adequate ATP, and symptoms such as
acid sequence, it would also show that the those described can occur.
two species shared a recent common ancestor.

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CLEP Biology

51. The correct answer is (C). If the toads make no 56. The correct answer is (D). The anther is the
sound upon attack, attacks occur at night, and male part of the flower, on which pollen grains
roaches climb on the backs of sitting toads, these are produced.
observations suggests that roaches are not warned
57. The correct answer is (A). Lichens are, in fact,
by any auditory, olfactory, or visual cues. How-
a fungus and an algae that cohabit. The algae sup-
ever, as the frog opens its mouth and tenses its
plies sugar and other organic molecules to the
muscles, the wind nearby would change direc-
relationship, while the fungus absorbs water and
tion suddenly. This is picked up by the sensitive
nutrients directly from the rocks, soil, or trees that
hairs on the underside and tail end of roaches,
the lichen lives on.
which quickly move to escape.
58. The correct answer is (B). The cnidarians include
52. The correct answer is (D). Neurons respond to
jellyfish, corals, hydra, and other stinging, tentacled
stimulation in an all-or-none manner, and they do
animal life. Porifera are sponges, Platy-and
not show an increased response when presented
Aschelminthes include the flatworms, roundworms,
with a greater stimulus. Rather, they signal the
and rotifers; and, annelids are earthworms.
intensity of a stimulus by increasing or decreas-
ing the frequency of action potentials that are 59. The correct answer is (B). Plants cannot absorb
generated, not by changing the amplitude (degree) nitrogen directly from the air, nor can nitrogen
of each action potential. compounds be synthesized de novo by soil bac-
teria. The reason that tropical rainforests can hold
53. The correct answer is (A). Oogenesis, the forma-
so much biodiversity and richness despite the poor
tion of egg cells (ova) in the female, takes place in
soil is that there are so many living creatures that
the ovaries each month. Because there is an evolu-
are continually dying and supplying the soil with
tionary advantage to having a large ovum, com-
organic nutrients. Therefore, the soil may not hold
plete with a supply of organelles, at the end of the
onto any nutrients for a long time because the
process, there is unequal division of the cells lead-
rate of nutrient cycling is so great, but there are
ing up to the egg. The result: three polar bodies,
plentiful nutrients to be recycled at any one time.
which are nonfunctional and will be destroyed, and
one large, functional egg cell. Spermatogenesis, 60. The correct answer is (B). A bottleneck occurs
in contrast, produces four sperm cells for every when a population is suddenly reduced in number
diploid spermatocyte that starts the process. drastically enough that much of the genetic diver-
sity that had been present in the population has
54. The correct answer is (B). The lymphocytes are B
been erased. This can result from natural disasters
and T cells, the specific arms of the immune sys-
such as flooding, volcanism, and forest fires, or
tem, producing antibodies and enzymes that destroy
from overhunting and habitat destruction.
pathogens. Erythrocytes are red blood cells, while
neutrophils and macrophages engulf and destroy 61. The correct answer is (D). According to the
pathogens directly. Platelets are involved in clotting. Hardy-Weinberg equations, p + q = 1 and p2 +
2pq + q2 = 1, an increase in the frequency of the
55. The correct answer is (E). The information about
dominant allele (p) would result in a decrease in
guard cells states that they must be swollen with
the frequency of the recessive allele (q), which
water in order for them to open the stomata. It is
would mean a decrease in the frequency of q2 in-
advantageous to have the stomata open during the
dividuals. However, if the dominant allele is a
day, since that is when the sun is shining for pho-
harmful one, then it becomes likelier that both
tosynthesis to take place. Light falling on the blue-
homozygous dominant individuals and carriers
light receptors causes an influx of potassium ions,
(p2 + 2pq) would decrease in frequency and re-
which draw water into the guard cells via osmo-
cessive individuals would increase.
sis. This causes the stomata to open.

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CLEP Biology

62. The correct answer is (A). While nitrogen fix- vidual could be BbCc and express black fur, or be
ing (nitrifying) bacteria convert atmospheric ni- Bbcc and be albino because of the recessive “no
trogen into nitrates and nitrites for plant use in color” genes (c). This is known as epistasis.
protein and nucleic acid synthesis, denitrifying
70. The correct answer is (E). Since eggs contain
bacteria take organic nitrogen-containing mat-
all organelles and sperm contain no organelles,
ter (usually ammonia) and free up nitrogen from
the organelles of offspring are maternally derived.
it so that the gas can return to the atmosphere.
Not only that, but since mitochondria have their
63. The correct answer is (D). Histamine is released own DNA, distinct from nuclear DNA, diseases
in large amounts during the inflammatory re- or other traits can be passed through maternal
sponse. It causes localized and sometimes sys- lines via mitochondria. They would be passed to
temic swelling, as it opens up capillaries and all children from a mother, but only female chil-
makes them permeable to large white blood cells, dren would continue to pass the trait on.
so that the cells can reach the sites of injury.
71. The correct answer is (C). Genomic imprinting
Antihistamines, such as Benadryl, counter his-
is the situation in which certain alleles seem to
tamine, which can cause life-threatening swell-
be methylated in different patterns depending
ing especially around the face and throat.
upon which parent they come from. Thus, an al-
64. The correct answer is (A). The chloroplast has lele for a certain trait coming from the father’s
grana, stacks of thylakoids, for photosynthesis. sperm may not be expressed in the offspring at
all, even though the identical allele from the
65. The correct answer is (D). Ribosomes, built of
mother’s egg would be expressed.
a small and a large subunit, are made up of pro-
teins and ribosomal (r) RNA. 72. The correct answer is (E). The driest of all
biomes is the desert.
66. The correct answer is (D). Ribosomes are the
site of protein synthesis, whether or not they are 73. The correct answer is (D). The chaparral and
free-floating in the cytoplasm or attached to the savanna are two coastal biomes characterized by
membrane of the ER. long, hot summers and short, rainy winters with
fire-resistant plants than can quickly reseed the
67. The correct answer is (B). The mitochondrial
habitat after fires come through.
inner membrane takes many twists and turns into
folds called cristae, where the proteins of the 74. The correct answer is (C). The tundra, found in
electron transport chain can be found. the upper and lower latitudes, is commonly called
the “frozen desert,” characterized by a layer of
68. The correct answer is (D). Some genes nor-
permanently frozen soil (permafrost) a few inches
mally contain terminal regions with triplet nucle-
below the surface even during the warmer sum-
otide repeats (i.e. …GTCGTCGTCGTC…) or
mer months.
other repeats that can extend up to 50 nucleotides
long. Accumulation of repeats can result in ge- 75. The correct answer is (E). Skinner was known
netic illnesses. for his work with operant conditioning: the idea
that behaviors can be increased in frequency with
69. The correct answer is (A). In some cases, a sec-
positive reinforcement (reward) or extinguished
ond set of genes determines whether or not a first
with negative reinforcement (e.g. a shock).
set of genes will be expressed. For example, there
may be genes for black fur (B) and brown (b) that 76. The correct answer is (C). This is known as ha-
are expressed only if a dominant gene for colora- bituation—getting used to a stimulus in the envi-
tion (C) is present somewhere else. So, and indi- ronment, so that there is no longer a response to it.

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CLEP Biology

77. The correct answer is (D). Pavlov, the Russian ming speed. Heart rate goes up as temperature goes
behaviorist, worked with dogs and bells to show up—therefore, choice D is also incorrect. The best
that certain behaviors can be coupled with out- answer is the extrapolation that heart rate at 45
side stimuli that are, at first, unrelated to the stimu- degrees would be approximately 320 bpm.
lus (e.g., ringing a bell when food is presented to
84. The correct answer is (B). The graph indicates
a dog). After a period of time, Pavlov’s dogs be-
that, as salinity goes up from 0 ppt to 30 ppt, lev-
gan to salivate when they heard the bell in the
els of dissolved oxygen decrease. No other an-
absence of food (they became conditioned to as-
swer choice is backed up by the data.
sociate the bell with food).
85. The correct answer is (A). The experiment is
78. The correct answer is (A). Selective breeding, of-
about measuring the oxygen content in the water.
ten done by humans on farms, is known as artificial
Oxygen must be dissolved in water to be used by
selection. It is used to carefully breed plants, cows,
plants and animals. It cannot be bound to other
and other organisms with certain desirable traits.
molecules, and must exist in its free state (as O2)
79. The correct answer is (C). Sexual selection, re- to be utilized.
lated to natural selection, is a phenomenon
86. The correct answer is (E). Although the graph
whereby organisms are successful in mating not
shows results only for salinities ranging from 0
because of environmental influences, but rather
ppt to 30 ppt, one could extrapolate that salinities
because of sexual appeal (attractiveness), due
of greater than 30 ppt would show curves on the
perhaps to a song, tail feathers, or other bodily
graph lower than the curve of 30 ppt. In other
words, as salinity increases, dissolved oxygen
80. The correct answer is (E). Mass extinctions typi- would get lower and lower.
cally wipe out large numbers of organisms so that
87. The correct answer is (B). The sole function of
survivors have plenty of new spaces and resources
oxygen is to power the mitochondria so that they
to spread out into.
can produce ATP via cell respiration.
81. The correct answer is (D). The independent vari-
88. The correct answer is (B). Because the amount
able of an experiment is the one that is changed
of carbon dioxide used is an indicator of the rate
by the scientist. The dependent variable is the one
of photosynthesis, the plants in the red-light group
the scientist measures. Here, the scientist is chang-
show the greatest rate of photosynthesis. Carbon
ing the temperature and measuring the pulse.
dioxide levels began at 220 cm3 at the start of the
82. The correct answer is (B). Choice B is the only experiment, and they dropped to 50 cm3 in the
graph that shows the relationship between the red-light group. No other group used up as much
independent variable (temperature), plotted on the carbon dioxide.
x-axis (as it should be), and the dependent vari-
89. The correct answer is (D). White light, which is
able (pulse), plotted on the y-axis (as it should
made up of all of the colors of the rainbow
be). The beaker # is not related to either variable
(ROYGBIV), is missing. Without a white light
—the beakers could just as easily been labeled in
group, it is hard to have a baseline of how a “nor-
a different order (the important thing is the rela-
mal,” control plant population might do in regu-
tionship between pulse and temperature that is
lar, everyday light.
being studied).
90. The correct answer is (E). The proper plot shows
83. The correct answer is (A). There is simply no
the independent variable (light color) on the x-
information presented concerning metabolic rate,
axis plotted against the dependent variable (car-
heart rate between zero and 5 degrees, or swim-
bon dioxide concentration remaining) on the y-

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CLEP Biology

axis. The best type of graph to use is a histo- 97. The correct answer is (D). S phase is “synthe-
gram because you have collected data for spe- sis” phase, but not of more ATP than usual. Dur-
cific colors of light only. You have no informa- ing S phase, cells copy their DNA and organelles
tion about the other colors or carbon dioxide use in preparation for cell division, which takes place
at times other than at the very end of the experi- during M phase, or mitosis.
ment. Thus, using a line graph forces you to make
98. The correct answer is (B). It is during the first
up information about other colors of light or time
phase of mitosis, prophase, that the nuclear mem-
periods that you do not have.
brane breaks down.
91. The correct answer is (B). Objects in the natu-
99. The correct answer is (A). The pinching off of
ral world appear the color they do because of
one cell to create two new cells at the end of mi-
the light waves they reflect. Green objects look
tosis is called cytokinesis.
green to us because they reflect green light.
Hence, green light should be the worst light for 100. The correct answer is (A). DNA is copied dur-
plants to use for photosynthesis, as shown in the ing S phase, so G1 is the only phase during which
experimental data. DNA is still uncopied.
92. The correct answer is (E). Individual C is a 101. The correct answer is (B). As one can see from
male, as seen by the square on the pedigree. the diagram, two mirror-image sets of 2', 3', and
Males are XY to start, and if a sex-linked allele 4' digits develop, both sets identical.
were present, such as the allele for DMD, it 102. The correct answer is (E). ZPA regions are clearly
would be found on his lone X chromosome— inducers of digit development, although placement
thus, XdY. of the ZPA regions is crucial to normal develop-
93. The correct answer is (A). Because Janey has ment. When two ZPAs are in close proximity, in-
had three children with DMD, she is at least a terference can result and some digits may develop
carrier of the disease. In particular, her son, indi- poorly or not at all. In addition, the relative place-
vidual “C” has the disease, so he must have got- ment of digits can change as the placement of the
ten the disease allele from Janey, since his father second ZPA changes. There is no evidence pre-
could not have passed him an X chromosome. sented for what type of chemical control the ZPA
exerts over development, nor is there any evidence
94. The correct answer is (E). If Janey were ho-
for mechanisms to turn off duplicate ZPAs.
mozygous recessive, all of Jimmy and Janey’s
children would receive X chromosomes carry- 103. The correct answer is (A). In all three parts of
ing a DMD allele. the experiment, the longest digits (4' and 3') are
consistently nearest to the ZPA regions. Digit 2',
95. The correct answer is (C). Males have only one
when it develops, is furthest. These results sug-
X; therefore, if they get passed a defective X,
gest that the more chemical messages that cells
they can only express those alleles. In contrast,
receive in developing digits (i.e. the closer to the
females have two X’s and can have a dominant,
ZPA cells), the longer those digits will become.
“normal” gene to override a defective one (e.g.,
one for DMD) on their other X. 104. The correct answer is (B). Bones and muscle
are derived from the mesoderm.
96. The correct answer is (B). Each level of the
pedigree is one generation. John and his wife 105. The correct answer is (A). Green plants are the
are the parents of child “B” and another girl, primary producers in all terrestrial ecosystems.
while Jimmy and Janey are the grandchildren of There are no secondary producers. Producers
John and his wife, and individuals on the row make their own food via photosynthesis.
with “C” and “D” are the great-grandchildren.

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CLEP Biology

106. The correct answer is (B). The hawks are the 109. The correct answer is (C). Organisms cannot
top-level consumer, judging by the diagram that simply pick up and move when adversity hits.
shows that hawks have no predators and feed off Therefore, a food web with many branches and
of smaller organisms than themselves. interconnections is best for all organisms, since
fluctuations in one population would not crash
107. The correct answer is (C). Most immediately,
the whole food web. The spiders, in this case, can
an increase in the population of rodent-eating
depend on the aphids for food.
birds would mean fewer rodents, who are the sole
predator of spiders, according to this food web 110. The correct answer is (A). Deciduous forests are
diagram. Thus, although the hawk population may the leafy forests of the Northern United States,
fall eventually due to fewer rodents (and there- characterized by lots of maple, beech, elm, and
fore fewer snakes), the immediate effect would other deciduous trees. All four seasons take turns
be on the spiders. throughout the year and leaves fall to the ground
during the autumn.
108. The correct answer is (D). Decomposers are
organisms that feed off of the remains of dead
plants, animals, and other organisms. They are
an essential part of any ecosystem as they recycle
the nutrients of dead organisms back into the soil
for new life to use.

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was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product.

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