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Mrs.   McQuaid 

During 7th grade, we will be focused on improving your reading and writing skills while 
also exposing you to different genres and forms of what you read and what you write. I 
have many different goals in 7th grade Language Arts, which include building successful 
school habits as well as reading and writing habits that you will use not just in Language 
Arts class but in all of your classes and beyond! Get prepared for an amazing year in 7th 
grade Language Arts!  

We will be reading so much together this year and I expect you to read at home (or in 
the car, or on a trip, or lounging in the sun). I have chosen two books to inspire you, The 
Watsons   Go   to   Birmingham and The   Outsiders . You will be able to have the power to 
choose your own inspirational books from our own OJH library! READING WILL 
BECOME YOUR SUPERPOWER (get the theme of our classroom?)! 

Inside our classroom I will make sure that we are all safe, respectful, responsible 
learners. This means that we come to class on time, are kind and helpful to all around 
us, ask amazing questions, participate appropriately, finish our work, and listen to not 
only myself as the teacher, but also all students. This is true in all parts of the school, 
but especially in the classroom. The whole reason you are at school is to add and lift the 
level of your knowledge. I expect you to also be independently taking control of your 
learning. Part of your responsibility will be reading a certain amount of books a quarter 
(more on this to come).  
If you are absent, it is your job to find out what the work was for the day and make it up. 
I can always help you with this. I have put procedures in place in class for you to become 
successful with this as well. There is a hanging homework/extra copies red folder 
hanging from my board, please come on up and take what you need! If you are absent, 
you have those amount of days extra to make up your work (though the majority of 
homework for me is reading…). If one day late it is half credit, anything over that is a 
zero. I am very kind I promise - come see me and we can talk about how to do this, or if 
you need extended time on work. 
Bathroom: Please try to get water and use the bathroom on your own time during 
passing period. If it is an emergency, of course I will let you go, but you need to go take 
care of that during passing period.  
In­Class   Reading/Writing: We will be working on independently reading and 
writing during class time almost every day. Students are expected to read and write 
about their reading at home as part of their homework.  
Parents/Guardians:    I need help at home in order to make sure your child succeeds 
here in class.   Please email me anytime (the quickest way to get me during the day) with 
questions or concerns so I can help right away! The help I need is making sure your 
child reads. If a week goes by and they tell you there is no homework, I would email me 
to check :). You will be asked by your child to sign off that you have seen their reading 
log and reading projects. They will be working on end of novel projects and reading 
comprehension as well. I just want to make sure you are seeing them work at home! 
They will also be reading with me in class often, but will be required to finish a certain 
amount of books a quarter. Just check in on them...if you notice they are struggling 
please let me know right away.  
Classroom   Extras: 
❖ Please no gum chewing- 3 times and this equals a detention 
❖ Please arrive on time - 3 tardies also equal a detention 
❖ Most important - please be kind, caring and respectful at all times - detentions 
will not be used for this, but an office referral and a call home.   
Plagiarism   and   Cheating 
Plagiarism is taking credit for someone else’s work. An example of plagiarism is using all 
or part of a writing assignment written by someone other than yourself and claiming it 
as your own. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. If you are caught plagiarizing 
or cheating, you and whoever else is involved will receive zeros for that particular 
assignment, test, quiz, or project (Internet discussion in class). 

Behavior   Policy 

1) Verbal warning between the student and Mrs. McQuaid. 

2) Written warning /Detention and call home. 
3) Office Referral.  


❖   No food or drinks near the computer 

❖ Enjoy your new technology when in use, but please use appropriately 
❖ When there is a project or homework due please make sure to be working on that 
❖ No downloading APPS or updating unless advised - the only games I allow are 
typing games. 
❖ No music 
❖ Do not open your computer each day unless told to  
❖ No pictures taken using computer (unless for a class assignment and being 
directed by your teacher) 

❖ Books to read from home or library brought every day 
❖ Pens (blue or black ink) and Pencils 
❖ Red Pen 
❖ Paper (loose leaf) 
❖ Highlighter ( you will need a few of these) 
❖ Sticky notes 
❖ I will leave it up to you as 7th graders to know what you need to keep organized - 
a three ring binder, accordion folder - all up to you! 
Verification   of   Parent/Guardian   Receipt 

Please sign and return this portion to Mrs. McQuaid by: Tuesday,   August   30 

My parent(s)/guardian(s) and I have read and discussed the syllabus and understand 
what is expected of me in Mrs. McQuaid’s classroom. 

Parent/Guardian   Signature: 


Student   Signature: 



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