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2017 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest Final

2017 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽總決賽

Grade 3 / Primary 3 – Question Book


Write down the answer according to the instruction given in questions. If the calculation result is a fraction, please
write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction. If the answer is in surd form, represent the answer which is
in the simplest form. No need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.





Section A – each question carries 3 marks
甲部:每題 3 分
甲部:每题 3 分

1) Anna is 2 years older than Emma but Anna’s younger sister is 2 years younger than Emma. 20 years later,
how many years younger will be Anna’s younger sister than Anna?
雅儀比雅欣大 2 歲,但雅儀的妹妹比雅欣小 2 歲。20 年後,雅儀的妹妹比雅儀小幾歲?
雅仪比雅欣大 2 岁,但雅仪的妹妹比雅欣小 2 岁。20 年后,雅仪的妹妹比雅仪小几岁?

2) Find the value of the following expression.

1234  123  252  222  177  4321

3) Mum buys 8 cartons of juice for 36 dollars. Mr. Lam wants to buy 60 cartons of juice of the same kind. How
many dollars does he need to spend?
媽媽買了 8 盒果汁,花了 36 元。林先生要買 60 盒相同的果汁,要花多少元?
妈妈买了 8 盒果汁,花了 36 元。林先生要买 60 盒相同的果汁,要花多少元?

4) After the banquet, 122 guests need to take taxis to go home. If each taxi can carry up to 5 passengers, how
many taxis are required to carry them all?
宴會結束後,122 位賓客要坐計程車回家。若每輛計程車最多只能載 5 名乘客,最少要多少輛計程
宴会结束后,122 位宾客要坐出租车回家。若每辆出租车最多只能载 5 名乘客,最少要多少辆出租

5) Each of 4 wooden rods of the same length is cut 4 times and becomes small wooden rods 25 centimetres
long. Now use super glue to connect these small wooden rods to form a new wooden rod. How many metres
long is this new wooden rod?
4 條相同長度的木棒,各被切 4 次後,變成一些每段長 25 厘米的小木棒。現在用強力膠水將小木棒
4 条相同长度的木棒,各被切 4 次后,变成一些每段长 25 厘米的小木棒。现在用强力胶水将小木棒

6) There is a circular path of 400 metres long. Now, two mechanical mice, Snowy and Katie, start to run at the
starting line together in the same direction. For each loop Snowy completes, he is 10 metres ahead of Katie.
When Snowy finishes 410 loops, how many times have they already encountered each other at the starting
line? (Being at the starting point together in the beginning is not considered an encounter.)
有一 400 米環形跑道。現在兩隻機械鼠小冬和小靜一起在起跑線上同向起跑。小冬每完成一圈,便
比小靜快 10 米。小冬完成 410 圈後,他們已經在起跑線上相遇了多少次?(起步時同在起跑線上
有一 400 米环形跑道。现在两只机械鼠小冬和小静一起在起跑在线同向起跑。小冬每完成一圈,便
比小静快 10 米。小冬完成 410 圈后,他们已经在起跑在线相遇了多少次?(起步时同在起跑在线

7) Mickey has 990 dollars. Mickey has 10 times more than Lily. How many dollars do Mickey and Lily have
小明有 990 元。小明比麗華多 10 倍。小明和麗華共有多少元?
小明有 990 元。小明比丽华多 10 倍。小明和丽华共有多少元?

(C) 2017 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO)

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.
8) If p  q  p  2  p  3  q  4  q  5  p , find the value of 3  7 .
若 p  q  p  2  p  3  q  4  q  5  p ,求 3  7 的值。
若 p  q  p  2  p  3  q  4  q  5  p ,求 3  7 的值。

9) 12 children stand in a straight row. Each two adjacent children are equidistant from each other. If the third
child and the sixth child are 6 metres apart, how many metres long is the queue?
12 個小朋友站成一直線,而每兩個相鄰的小朋友之間距離相等。若第三個小朋友與第六個小朋友距
離 6 米,那麼這隊伍長多少米?
12 个小朋友站成一直线,而每两个相邻的小朋友之间距离相等。若第三个小朋友与第六个小朋友距
离 6 米,那么这队伍长多少米?

10) Find the value of the following expression.

35  99  11 99  53  99

11) Cut a cake into three equal parts. Then cut each part into four equal parts. Then cut each part into five equal
parts. It is found that 8 parts among them are 40 grams. How many grams is the cake originally?
將一個餅切成三等份,然後再將每份切成四等份,然後再將每份切成五等份。發現其中 8 份共重 40
将一个饼切成三等份,然后再将每份切成四等份,然后再将每份切成五等份。发现其中 8 份共重 40

12) Among the following numbers, there is only one which is not a triangular number. Write down that number.
167910 , 306936 , 339076 , 467292 , 499500

(C) 2017 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO)

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.
Section B – each question carries 5 marks
乙部:每題 5 分
乙部:每题 5 分

13) A, B and C have 191 dollars altogether. If A has 1 more dollar than B while B has 5 more dollars than C,
how many dollars does A have?
甲、乙、丙三人共有 191 元。若甲比乙多 1 元,乙比丙多 5 元,那麼甲有多少元?
甲、乙、丙三人共有 191 元。若甲比乙多 1 元,乙比丙多 5 元,那么甲有多少元?

14) If 12345678 A87654321 is divisible by 9, find the sum of possible values of A.

若 12345678 A87654321 能被 9 整除,求 A 可能值之和。
若 12345678 A87654321 能被 9 整除,求 A 可能值之和。

15) Follow the pattern. What is the 10th number, counting from left to right?
根據以下規律,由左至右第 10 個是什麼數字?
根据以下规律,由左至右第 10 个是什么数字?
1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 16 , 31 , 59 , 113 , 219 , ___ , 813

16) In Figure 16, how many triangles not containing the ribbon are there?
圖 16 中不包含蝴蝶結圖案的三角形有多少個?
图 16 中不包含蝴蝶结图案的三角形有多少个?

Figure 16
圖 16
图 16

17) Yvonne and Hazel have 51 candies altogether. Yvonne decides to give Hazel a certain number of candies.
If Yvonne gives Hazel 3 more candies, Yvonne still has 5 more candies than Hazel. If Yvonne gives Hazel
the number of candies which she originally decides to, how many candies will Yvonne still have?
美儀和美華共有糖果 51 顆。美儀打算給美華若干顆糖果。若美儀多給美華 3 顆糖果,美儀仍比美
華多 5 顆。若美儀按原定數量給美華糖果,美儀還剩多少顆糖果?
美仪和美华共有糖果 51 颗。美仪打算给美华若干颗糖果。若美仪多给美华 3 颗糖果,美仪仍比美
华多 5 颗。若美仪按原定数量给美华糖果,美仪还剩多少颗糖果?

(C) 2017 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO)

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.
18) Mickey and Kenny race to walk up stairs. At first, they both set off at Level 11. When Mickey reaches Level
23, Kenny just reaches Level 20. After a break, Mickey and Kenny set off again at the same speed of theirs.
This time, they arrive at Level 30 at the same time. If Mickey sets off at Level 14, at which Level does
Kenny set off at?
小明和小強一起比賽跑樓梯。首先,兩人同時從第 11 層出發,小明到達到第 23 層時,小強才到達
第 20 層。休息過後,小明和小強以他們同樣的速度再次同時出發,今次他們同時到達第 30 層。如
果小明由第 14 層出發,那麼小強會在第幾層出發?
小明和小强一起比赛跑楼梯。首先,两人同时从第 11 层出发,小明到达到第 23 层时,小强才到达
第 20 层。休息过后,小明和小强以他们同样的速度再次同时出发,今次他们同时到达第 30 层。如
果小明由第 14 层出发,那么小强会在第几层出发?

19) In the beginning, Peach and Plum have 36 Rubik’s cubes altogether. Peach divides her cubes into three equal
groups. Two groups are given to the orphanage and one group is left for herself. Now Peach still has 4 more
cubes than Plum. Find the difference between the numbers of Rubik’s cubes they have in the beginning.
小桃和小梅本來共有魔方 36 個。小桃把她的魔方分為三等份,其中兩份送給孤兒院,一份留給自
己。現在小桃的魔方比小梅仍多 4 個。求二人原來魔方數目之差。
小桃和小梅本来共有魔方 36 个。小桃把她的魔方分为 3 等份,其中两份送给孤儿院,一份留给自
己。现在小桃的魔方比小梅仍多 4 个。求二人原来魔方数目之差。

20) Write five-digit numbers at random but written numbers are not to be written again. How many times of
writing at least can guarantee that a five-digit number divisible by 3 is written?
胡亂地寫五位數,但規定寫過的數不可以再寫。最少要寫多少次,才能保證寫出能被 3 整除的五位
胡乱地写五位数,但规定写过的数不可以再写。最少要写多少次,才能保证写出能被 3 整除的五位

21) On a planet, each year has 100 months, each month has 100 days and each week has 8 days. Assume that it
is the 32nd day of the 13th month of Year 2017 on this planet, and it is the 5th day of the week, so which day
of the week is the 40th day of the 21st month of Year 2025?
某星球每年有 100 個月,每個月有 100 天,一星期有 8 天。假設該星球今天是 2017 年 13 月 32 日,
是該星期的第 5 天,那麼 2025 年 21 月 40 日是該星期的第幾天?
某星球每年有 100 个月,每个月有 100 天,一星期有 8 天。假设该星球今天是 2017 年 13 月 32 日,
是该星期的第 5 天,那么 2025 年 21 月 40 日是该星期的第几天?

22) When a number is divided by 6, the remainder is 3 and the quotient is 198 less than the number. Find the
某數除以 6 餘 3,且商比該數小 198,求該數。
某数除以 6 余 3,且商比该数小 198,求该数。

(C) 2017 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO)

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.
Section C – each question carries 8 marks
丙部:每題 8 分
丙部:每题 8 分

23) 8 books and 3 pens are 765 grams. 6 boxes of tissues and 6 pens are 270 grams. 8 books and 3 boxes of
tissues are 810 grams. Given that each book is of the same weight, each pen is of the same weight, and each
box of tissues is of the same weight, find the weight of each pen.
8 本書和 3 支筆共重 765 克,6 盒紙巾和 6 支筆共重 270 克。8 本書和 3 盒紙巾共重 810 克。已知每
8 本书和 3 支笔共重 765 克,6 盒纸巾和 6 支笔共重 270 克。8 本书和 3 盒纸巾共重 810 克。已知每

24) The process “  ” has the following results:

程序計算「  」有以下結果︰
程序计算「  」有以下结果︰
1111  4  0 1234  7  3 2538  1  17 3986 1  25
4021  6  1 5354  9  8 9152  5  12 9999  9  27
Find the value of 2017  3 .
求 2017  3 的值。
求 2017  3 的值。

25) Find the value of the following expression.

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  33  34  35  36

26) Find, among the 217 numbers from 1 to 217, the number of numbers which have the digit “7” or are multiples
of 7.
求由 1 至 217 這 217 個數中,有「7」字的數或 7 的倍數的數目。
求由 1 至 217 这 217 个数中,有「7」字的数或 7 的倍数的数目。

27) Divide some peanuts into three groups and one peanut is outstanding. Mix two groups thereof with the
outstanding peanut and further divide them into three groups. Then two peanuts are outstanding. Mix two
groups thereof with the two outstanding peanuts and further divide them into three groups. Then there are
no more peanuts outstanding. How many peanuts are there at least?

28) If digits are not to be used with repetition, find the number of four-digit odd numbers divisible by 15 which
can be formed by using 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9.
若數字不可以重複使用,求利用 0、2、3、5、6、7、9 可以組成可被 15 整除的四位奇數數目。
若数字不可以重复使用,求利用 0、2、3、5、6、7、9 可以组成可被 15 整除的四位奇数数目。

(C) 2017 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO)

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.
29) In 1997, the average age of a family of four, namely Mr. Wong, Mrs. Wong, Mickey Wong and Fanny Wong,
was 14. Several years later, Kenny Wong was born. As of today in 2017, the average age of this family is
30. Find the year of birth of Kenny Wong.
1997 年,王先生、王太太、王小明和王小芬一家的平均年齡是 14 歲。數年後,王小強出生了。2017
年的今天,他們一家的平均年齡是 30 歲。求王小強的出生年份。
1997 年,王先生、王太太、王小明和王小芬一家的平均年龄是 14 岁。数年后,王小强出生了。2017
年的今天,他们一家的平均年龄是 30 岁。求王小强的出生年份。

30) A, B, C have known one another for a long time. They know very well whether each of them tells truth or
not in their daily lives. One day, A says, “B never tells lies.” B says, “C sometimes lies, and sometimes tells
truth.” C says “A and B are both lying!” How many people at least must have just lied?

~ End of Paper ~
~全 卷 完~
~全 卷 完~

(C) 2017 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO)

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.

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