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Kitti Kozma

Pál Csontos
Skills Development: Writing and Composition
Working Beside Studying at University

Nowadays, it is getting more and more widespread that university or college students take a job
beside their studies. This situation can be handled as an exciting labour market tendency. I am
quite positive that working beside studying is very challenging. It has number of both
advantages and disadvantages at the same time. Research shows that more than half of the MSc
and MA students have a job. By the way, I also have some friends who work beside their
university studies.

Working beside studying has several benefits. First and most importantly, you can become
independent and you do not need financial support from your family. Students who live with
their family are less likely to take a job since all their finances are provided. In contrast with
those students, who just moved to another town to continue their studies, sometimes have
financial obstacles because their parents are not capable to maintain their life or these pupils
just simply do not want to be a burden on their family. As opposed to this, it is highly difficult
to manage your time. What I mean, your grades probably will be lower at university because of
the lack of time. The article Helping and Hindrance Factors of Working Beside University
Studies says that challenges or advantages of these jobs are hardly mentioned and a person who
works regularly is not just a student but also an employee.

Although working beside studying is often claimed to be impossible, you should always take
the opportunities into consideration. You can find many workplaces which are permissive. It
means you can work whenever you are free. It is hard to combine work, studies and household
chores too. In addition, you might get exhausted, and as a consequence your grades would be
less rewarding. As opposed to this, working can develop your time management skill, you do
not waste your free time. Furthermore, you only focus on your tasks and you are delighted when
you achieve success. You also learn how to appreciate your time, for example, while you are
travelling by bus, you will not scroll down Instagram profiles, instead, you will read your notes.
One of the best choices is that you take a job which is relevant to your studies since you can
broaden your working skills and get some knowledge about your future job. Later, if you want
to have a lucrative position, it is inevitable to possess work experiences. Moreover, after
graduating from university not only will you have a degree, but you will also have some
practical knowledge all at once.
Kitti Kozma
Pál Csontos
Skills Development: Writing and Composition
Working beside studying can make you forget the lethargy of the university life. You can
interact with other people and you can also dismiss your everyday problems. Although you
might have little time to continue your studies, so you might fail a year. You might lose
semesters supported by the government, therefore you will have to pay for your tuition. In
contrast with it, it is not bad as you have a job. Most of the employers only concentrate on the
training skills not the grade you have.

I have a lot of acquaintances and friends who work beside their studies. They always tell me
what a good idea it is to take a job because you can get relevant work experiences, learn how
to adjust circumstances and finally, you can also boost your self-esteem. They have also
mentioned dual education which is a relatively new concept. It means when you get admission
to university, you immediately have a job where you get acquainted with some knowledge in
connection with your future job. It is widespread among engineers and economists too.

When I think about working beside university studies, some friends come to my mind who have
jobs which are not relevant to their studies. As for them, it is just a final solution to maintain
themselves since their parents are almost unable to support their cost of living. They tend to do
jobs, for example, in a fast food restaurant where they are often misprized by the guests.

A well-known expert in this field, Annamária Gáti also says that on one hand, students need to
have a job since their studies cannot be financed in another way. On the other hand, most of the
employers employ college or university students because they are flexible and tend to do part
time jobs or work such part of a day when other employees would not like to. She claimed that
university students earn less salary than “adults”.

Most of the students complain about lack of time. I firmly believe, if you really want to have a
job, you should be able to manage your time. There are number of solutions. The best decision
is that you continue your studies as a correspondence student which means you have to attend
classes only at weekends or sometimes Friday afternoons.

Furthermore, I have to say, that commuting to your home, work place and university takes a
huge amount of time. Consequently, you sometimes feel exhausted and you do not want to
continue this procedure. Nonetheless, you should remember that you will have better job offers
in the future since everything is going to pay out in the end.
Kitti Kozma
Pál Csontos
Skills Development: Writing and Composition
Personally, I would encourage every university student to take a job as it has several advantages.
One of the main benefits is that you can get work experience and later you will be a more
precious job seeker.

To sum up my thoughts, taking a job beside university studies is recommended as you can get
an inside view of the world of adult life, ensure more self-dependence and you can learn how
to enjoy your spare time.

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