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Winter and summer in Ecuador and USA

Currently in the United States, seasons have changed drastically. Cold waves in the U.S.

freeze cities and water places during the winter and heat can be extreme in summers in

some states. In 2019, the city of Chicago suffered an impressive freeze, where it was

observed as Lake Michigan completely congemoised.

In the U.S., winter causes cold season and the heat comes in summer, while in Ecuador

it`s cold in summer and very hot in winter, this is for it`s geographic location.

In the United States cold lately is extreme in winter where the temperature drops from

0°C and in summer the temperature rises from 20°C onwards. In contrast, Ecuador has

variations in the climate, where Humboldt's cold current makes rains scarce and the

Child's current cause’s heavy rains in winter.

In Ecuador and the United States, the climate can vary naturally by sea currents, among

other factors and also for human causes such as industrial advancement and

environmental pollution which produce extreme cold or heat.

What surprised me a lot was seeing how Chicago in early 2019 suffered an extreme cold,

freezing the city and in Washington D.C actually, the heat is amazing.

These climatic variations in both countries are caused by the influence of external factors

such as sea currents, latitudes or human factors such as deforestation and environmental

pollution that cause climate changes drastically.

In conclusion, if a person from the United States visit our country in summer or winter

can see how the weather varies depending on the area. Regions like the coast, highlands,

or Galapagos have different climates throughout the year.

Number of words: 273

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