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EGG Drop Module 1.0 Group Members: (me) __________________________ hr.


__________________________ __________________________

Lab Activity Instructions:

Students will design and construct an egg protective device in their groups that allows an egg to be
dropped from a height of 10 meters and survive the fall. You will be given only one raw egg and limited
materials to choose from. I will explain the key concepts before the construction. Students will test their
devices in the classroom first and then later at the drop site. . This is not to be a parachute/floating
device. The goal is to have the module fall at nearly free-fall* and survive because of how you packed it,
not because of how well you slowed down the rate of fall.

*free fall=9.8m/s² or √2GH

You can choose 10 items/materials from the following list to build the Egg Drop module:

• Cardboard (approximately 6CM x 6CM)

 5 rubber bands
 10 popsicle sticks
 1 meter of tape
 1/4 sheet of construction paper
 1 plastic shopping bag CAN NOT BE USED AS A PARACHUTE!
 10 straws
 10 cotton pads
 10 Q-tips
 1 sock (small)
 1 meter of toilet paper
 30cm string
 10cm wire
 10 pieces of spaghetti
 1 balloon (may not be inflated)
 2 sheets of plastic wrap
 1 sheets of aluminum foil
 pipe cleaners (3)
 zip ties (3)

• glue & 1 meter of masking or scotch tape are provided for all.
I. Design: ____/25

In this area you will design and label EDM 1.0. Be sure to use proper measurements to represent what
you plan on building. All materials must be labeled.

Proper measurements ____/5

All materials listed and labeled ____/5

Drawing is detailed and neat ____/5

Actual build matches drawing ____/10

II. Data _____/5

Trial Time of fall PE KE V TFFV F A


III. Did the egg survive the fall? Y N

10 points for Yes 5 for No

IV . List 3 things that you think you will do differently when you build EDM 1.5 _____/15

1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________

V. Actual picture of your module ____/15

Lab total _____________/70

Wednesday 9/11/19

First 15 minutes of class:

Individual diagram for EDM 1.0

Next 10 minutes:
Discussions about each group members diagram.

Last 20 minutes:
Design and diagram model to build tomorrow.

Sit with your groups, and get your module bag.

I’m going to go over procedures for a couple minutes,
then you will begin the build.

EDM’s should be built by the end of the hour. You

MUST take pictures of your module and send them to
your group members.

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