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 April
 Sanro

'We will arrive at Greenville station after 5 minutes'

Time can really pass by so quickly. Who would thought that for how many years I would return to the place where I have long
forgotten. I felt nostalgic being with this place and it brings back memories. Memories I have buried a long time ago.

'We have arrived. Thank you and God bless.'

Breath in. Ah! The air here is so fresh here. I'll get used to the environment here rather than in the city. O my God! I almost
forgot. I must be going, I'll be late for my meeting


"Ouch! That hurts..." I groaned

"Get out of the way," He said and just walked away.

Hump! So much of a gentleman. He was the one who bumped me first and acted it was my fault. Oh God, how rude of him.

-Acacia Cafe-

"Good morning Mr. Andrew Torres. I'm sorry I was late," I said as I bow lightly to Mr. Torres, one of the sponsors of my studio.

"It's okay. Sit down Ms. April Arranguez and let's talk about what will be your theme for this summer," He said

I have a job which is taking photos. Since i was a kid I always love taking pictures that is why I pursue to be a professional
photographer when I grow up and here I am slowly reaching my dreams and having my own studio.

"By the way, I want to introduce your model for th shoot. He's not still here but he said he's coming and will be late for a little
bit," He added.

"It's okay. However I wanted to discuss the things that I wanted to happen with him, so can we wait for him before I explain the
process of the shoot?" I said

"Alright Ms. Arrannguez."

After 5 minutes

"Mr. Torres! Sorry I'm late, I have to run some errands," a guy said.

Hmm, he looks dashing. Even though he's sweaty He still looks good. He is only wearing a plain white shirt and a loose jeans but
he was able to own his style. His hair was a liitle bit messy but it looks cool on him. I think he's the guy that Mr. Torres is saying.

"Oh! Mr. Sanro Valderama you're here already, sit down. By the way, this is Ms. April Arranguez your photographer," Mr. Torres
said while introducing us to each other.

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