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European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2001) 55, 651±656

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Original Communication
Expression of ferritin receptor in placental microvilli membrane
in pregnant women with different iron status at mid-term
QK Liao1,2, PA Kong1, J Gao1, FY Li1 and ZM Qian2*
Department of Pediatrics, The Second University Hospital, The West China University of Medical Sciences, Chengdu, People's Republic
of China; and 2Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong,
People's Republic of China

Objective: The effect of iron status in pregnant women on expression of ferritin receptor in placental microvilli
membrane at mid-term gestation was investigated.
Design: Ferritin receptor binding sites and dissociation constants (Kd) were determined in specimens of placental
microvilli from 30 pregnant women at mid-term gestation and six women at term-delivery.
Results: The ferritin receptor binding sites in the placental microvilli membrane in pregnant women with mild iron
de®ciency and moderate iron de®ciency anemia were signi®cantly higher then those in pregnant women with
normal iron status. However, no signi®cant difference was found between pregnant women with severe iron
de®ciency anemia and with normal measurements. No signi®cant differences of Kd values were detected between
pregnant women with normal iron status and those with iron-de®ciency. Data also revealed that the ferritin
receptor binding sites in placental microvilli membrane and Kd values at mid-term gestation did not differ
signi®cantly from those at term gestation.
Conclusion: Lower iron status in pregnant women could lead to an increase in expression of ferritin receptor in
placental microvilli membrane at mid-term gestation while the dissociation constant of ferritin receptor remains
unchanged. This implies that the regulation of maternal ± fetal iron homeostasis via the ferritin receptor-mediated
pathway is achieved by changes in the numbers of ferritin receptors rather then binding properties.
Sponsorship: China Natural Science Foundation and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Descriptors: ferritin receptor; placental microvilli; iron status; pregnant women; maternal-fetal iron homeostasis
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2001) 55, 651±656

Introduction with an increased cases of prematurity and perinatal mor-

tality (Lops et al, 1995; Allen, 2000; Rush, 2000; Yip,
Iron de®ciency anemia is the most prevalent nutritional 2000). However, how iron de®ciency in pregnant women
problem in the world. During their reproductive years and affects the iron metabolism and iron status of their fetuses
particularly during pregnancy women are at high risk for remains to be established. In this study, we investigated the
iron de®ciency anemia. In developing countries, the pre- effect of iron status of pregnant women on the expression
valence of iron de®ciency anemia in pregnant women of a ferritin receptor (FnR) in the placental microvilli
ranges from 35% to 75% (WHO, 1992). The prevalence membrane at mid-term gestation. The possible roles of
of pregnant women suffering from iron de®ciency with or placental FnR in iron transport across the placenta and
without anemia is reported to be as high as 40 ± 90% (Li the in¯uences of iron de®ciency in pregnant mothers on the
et al, 1996). A number of studies have indicated that iron iron status of their fetuses were discussed.
de®ciency anemia during pregnancy may be associated

*Correspondence: ZM Qian, Department of Applied Biology and Methods

Chemistry Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon,
Hong Kong, People's Republic of China. Grouping criteria
Received 25 August 2000; revised 5 January 2001; The procedures of this study received ethical approval from
accepted 17 January 2001 the research committee of West China University of
Expression of ferritin receptor
QK Liao et al
Table 1 Grouping criteria

Hb SF EF Serum iron TIBC TS

Groups (g=l) (mg=l) (ag=RBC) (mmol=l) (mmol=l) (%)

G1 normal  110  20  6.5  10.7  62.7  15

G2 mild IDa  110 12 ± 20  6.5 Any two items below normal
G3 moderate IDAb 90 ± 110 12 ± 20 or  6.5 Same as the above
G4 severe IDA 60 ± 90 Same as the above

Multiple criteria are more sensitive and speci®c in de®ning iron de®ciency than any one single criterion and therefore
are used in this study. Women were considered to have iron de®ciency anemia when, besides a hemoglobin (Hb) value
of  110 g=l (moderate anemia) or  90 g=l (severe anemia), they also ful®lled any two or more of independent
indicators (serum iron, TIBC and TS), as well as decreased SF and=or decreased EF. The SF level of 20 mg=l was used
as the cut-off point for iron de®ciency according to CAPH criteria (refer to `Methods' section for details).
ID, Iron de®ciency; bIDA, iron de®ciency anemia.

Medical Sciences. All pregnant women participating in this two volumes of normal saline and then passed through
study did so voluntarily. The purpose of the study was degreasing cotton column to remove white blood cells. Red
explained and informed consent was obtained. Thirty blood cells were washed twice with heparinized normal
pregnant women at mid-term gestation were divided into saline and them centrifuged for 10 min. The supernatant
four groups: G1, normal measurements; G2, mild iron was discarded and the precipitated red cell pellet was
de®ciency; G3, moderate iron de®ciency anemia; and G4, diluted with normal saline to a cell concentration of 2 ±
severe iron de®ciency anemia. The grouping criteria are 41012=l. After thawing (ÿ20 C) three times and being
summarized in Table 1. Because multiple criteria are more centrifuged for 10 min, the supernatant was collected for
sensitive and speci®c to de®ne iron de®ciency than any one the measurement of ferritin concentration by using the
single criterion (Rusia et al, 1999), in this study multiple same assay for the determination of serum ferritin. EF
criteria were used. Women were considered to have iron was calculated by the formula: EF ˆ measured value
de®ciency anemia when, besides a hemoglobin (Hb) value (mg=l)=RBC concentration.
of  110 g=l (moderate anemia) or  90 g=l (severe
anemia), they also ful®lled two or more of the following
Preparation of membrane
independent indicators: serum iron  10.7 mmol=l, total iron
binding capacity (TIBC)  62.7 mmol=l, and transferrin Protein of placental microvilli membrane was prepared
saturation (TS)  0.15, as well as decreased serum ferritin according to the procedures of Smith et al (1974, 1977)
(SF)  20 mg=l and=or decreased erythrocyte ferritin and Smith and Brush (1978) with some modi®cation (Liao
(EF)  6.5 ag=RBC (see Table 1). The SF level of 20 mg=l et al, 1992; Luo et al, 1996). In brief, portions of placenta
was used as the cut-off point for iron de®ciency in this (about 50 g) were rinsed rapidly in ice-cold Kreb's physio-
study according to CAPH (Chinese Association of Pediatric logical saline to remove much of the blood. The tissue was
Hematology) criteria (Liao et al, 1992; Lin, 1995). This gently spread out manually and stirred in 500 ml ice-cold
cut-off level was achieved based on a large-scale investiga- 0.9% NaCl so that the chorionic villi ¯oated out and were
tion of the relationship between SF and stainable bone well irrigated by the saline. After 30 min gentle agitation at
marrow iron. Specimens of the placentas of 30 pregnant 0 C using a magnetic stirrer, the saline wash was decanted
women at mid-term gestation were collected with thera- and centrifuged, ®rst at 800 g for 10 min to remove tissue
peutic abortion. Before abortion, maternal peripheral blood fragments and red blood cells, and then at 10 000 g for
samples were obtained via venipuncture for the measure- 1 min to remove miscellaneous particles. Finally, the still
ments of Hb, serum iron, TIBC, TS, SF and EF. In addition, cloudy supernatant was centrifuged at 50 000 g for 1 h,
the specimens of placenta were collected at term delivery when a clear jelly-like pellet was obtained. Electron micro-
from six different pregnant women with normal measure- scopy of this pellet revealed that it was a homogeneous
ments of iron indicators, as described in G1 for the collection of membrane vesicles. Enzyme membrane mar-
determination of FnR expression. kers, alkaline phosphatase ( and 5 -nucleotidase
(, were measured by a modi®cation of the method
of Sterling et al (1964) and by the method of Michell and
Assessment of iron status
Hawthorne (1965) respectively, and found to be consider-
Serum iron and TIBC were determined by using commer- ably enriched in the microvillous preparation. The prepara-
cial kits (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA; Qian et al, 1999). TS tion is indeed a syncytiotrophoblast plasma membrane.
was calculated by the formula: TS ˆ SI=TIBC (%). SF was
quantitated by ELISA, using kits from RAMCO Labora-
Determination of ferritin receptor binding sites
tories, Houston, TX, USA. EF was determined by the
method described by Ohhara (1993) with some modi®ca- The 125I-apoferritin was prepared by the one-step linkage
tion. Brie¯y, heparin anticoagulated blood was diluted with labeling with horse spleen apoferrin, 125I-Na, and Bolton-

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Expression of ferritin receptor
QK Liao et al
Hunter-reagent (Sigma) (Luo et al, 1996). The binding of and alcohol consumption was rare. The gestational ages of
I-apoferritin with placental microvilli membrane was G1 (normal group), G2 (mild iron de®ciency), G3 (moder-
analyzed by radioligand assay as previously described ate iron de®ciency anemia) and G4 (severe iron de®ciency
(Liao et al, 1992; Luo et al, 1996). In brief, placental anemia) were 20.7  3.9, 21.6  3.9, 21.2  3.7 and
microvilli protein (160 mg) and 125I-apoferritin (80 ng) were 20.2  2.6 weeks, respectively (Table 2). The weight of
added to test tubes numbered from 1 to 10. Unlabeled the pregnant women was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg
apoferritin 0.5 ± 80 mg was added to test tubes of nos 2 ± 9, with a battery-powered digital scale (Chengdo, SC, PRC),
and test tube no. 10 was designated as a nonspeci®c binding being 49.3  4.0, 48.0  4.7, 48.2  2.9, and 46.8  3.0 in
tube to which 120 mg of apoferritin was added. The total G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively. Height was determined to
reaction volume in all of test tubes was adjusted to 0.5 ml the nearest 0.1 cm with a stationary height board fastened to
using isotonic 0.01 M Tris ± HCl solution (pH 7.4) contain- the wall, being 1.67  0.06, 1.57  0.06, 1.60  0.04 and
ing 0.1% bovine serum albumin (BSA). After total radio- 1.56  0.04 in G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively. Parity of
activity (T) was detected by a Geiger counter, each test tube all women in this study was 1. The measurements of
was incubated in 37 C for 30 min in a shaking water bath indicators of iron status of study samples in different
and underwent a regular shaking every 5 min. Reactions groups, including Hb, serum iron, TIBC, TS, SF and EF
were terminated in an ice incubator, and then 0.1 ml are listed in Table 2.
isotonic 0.01 M Tris ± HCl (pH 7.4) containing 0.084% g-
globulin and 0.6 ml of 12% PEG were added into each tube.
Iron status in pregnant women and ferritin receptor
After having been mixed completely and then left undis-
expression in placental microvilli membrane at
turbed at 4 C for 1 h all of the tubes were centrifuged for
mid-term gestation
30 min (3500 rpm) and the supernatant was discarded. Then
the precipitant radioactivity (B) was detected. The speci®c The specimens of placenta of pregnant women at mid-term
B=T was calculated. The inhibition curve was plotted with gestation were collected with therapeutic abortion. Placen-
the unlabeled apoferritin concentration as transverse axis tal microvilli membrane was prepared and FnR binding sits
and the speci®c B=T as longitudinal axis. Finally, the FnR were determined. The results showed that FnR binding sites
binding sites per milligram of placental microvilli protein in G1, G2, G3 and G4 are 9.63  4.72, 15.28  8.36,
and the dissociation constant (Kd) of FnR were calculated 14.44  6.13 and 9.37  6.37, respectively. The pregnant
by the Scatchard plotting method, employing the DP.EXE women in G2 and G3 have a signi®cant higher number of
software. FnR binding sites than those in G1 (both P < 0.05). This
implies that mild iron de®ciency and moderate iron de®-
ciency anemia can lead to an increase in the expression of
FnR in placental microvilli membranes in pregnant women
at mid-gestation. No signi®cant difference was found
between the FnR binding sites of G1 and G4 (P > 0.25).
Characteristics and indicators of iron status of study
This result suggests that severe iron de®ciency anemia in
pregnant women at mid-gestation has no such effect on
The pregnant women ranged in age from 21 to 36 y, with an FnR expression. The dissociation constants (Kd) were
average of 27  10.9 y. None of women smoked cigarettes, 9.47  5.27, 10.36  3.76, 9.22  1.45 and 8.57  4.20 in

Table 2 Characteristics and iron status indicators of study samples

Group (n) 1(9) 2(9) 3(8) 4(4)

Height (m) 1.57 0.06 1.57 0.06 1.60 0.04 1.56 0.04
Weight (kg) 49.3 4.0 48.0 4.7 48.2 2.9 46.8 3.0
BMI (kg=m2) 21.0 2.3 21.9 2.8 21.4 2.0 20.8 1.7
Gestational age (weeks) 20.7 3.9 21.6 3.9 21.2 3.7 20.2 2.6
Hb (g=l) 116.7 7.3 113.0 2.6 92.4 3.4 71.2 2.2
Serum iron (mmol=l) 15.3 3.78 7.3  1.83 6.69 1.58 5.50 2.47
TIBC (mmol=l) 37.98 5.49 46.02 14.65 46.98 13.88 46.70 12.53
TS (%) 40.5 9.1 18.2 5.9 14.4 4.3 11.6 3.2
SF (mg=l) 52.8 19.7 19.7 5.4 13.5 4.8 5.58 2.2
EF (ag=RBC) 22.39 7.94 3.47 2.09

Weight was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg with a battery-powered digital scale and height was determined to the nearest
0.1 cm with a stationary height board fastened to the wall. The parity of all women in this study was 1. Maternal
peripheral blood samples were obtained before abortion for the measurements of Hb, serum iron, TIBC, TS, SF and EF.
The results are means s.d.
Group 1, Normal iron status; group 2, mild iron de®ciency; group 3, moderate iron de®ciency anemia; Group 4, severe
iron de®ciency anemia.

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Expression of ferritin receptor
QK Liao et al
Table 3 Ferritin receptor (FnR) binding sites and dissociation constants (Kd) in different groups at mid-
term and at term gestation

FnR binding sites Dissociation constants (Kd)

Groupsa (n) (1012=mg protein) (10ÿ8M)

Mid-term G1 (9) 9.63 4.72 9.47 5.27

Mid-term G2 (9) 15.28 8.36* 10.36 3.76
Mid-term G3 (8) 14.44 6.13* 9.22 1.45
Mid-term G4 (4) 9.37 6.37 8.57 4.20
Term pregnancy (6) (normal iron status) 9.87  4.72 7.99 3.23

The results are means s.d.

G1, normal iron status; G2, mild iron de®ciency; G3, moderate iron de®ciency anemia; G4, severe iron
de®ciency anemia; term pregnancy, specimens of placenta were collected from pregnant women at term
delivery with normal measurements of iron indicators as described in G1.
*P < 0.05 vs group 1.

G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively. No signi®cant difference (Tf). Tf-TfR complex enters the cell via endocytosis (Qian
was detected between normal pregnant women and those & Tang, 1995; Qian et al, 1997). In endosome, iron is
with iron de®ciency or iron de®ciency anemia (Table 3). released from Tf and enters cytosol to take part in impor-
tant biochemical processes such as Hb biosynthesis. The
TfR then returns to cell membrane for re-utilization and re-
Ferritin receptor expression and dissociation constant (Kd)
uptake of Tf-bound iron (Tf-Fe). In placenta, serum Tf
in placental microvilli membrane at mid-term and at term
carries iron from the maternal circulation to TfR located on
the apical surface of the placental syncytiotrophoblast,
To determine the effect of gestation time on expression of holoTf is endocytosed, iron is released, and apoTf is
FnR, the six specimens of placenta were also collected returned to the maternal circulation. The free iron then
from six pregnant women at term delivery with normal binds to ferritin in placental cells where it is transferred to
measurements of iron indicators as described in G1, and the apoTf, which enters from the fetal side of the placenta and
FR binding sites and dissociation constants (Kd) were exits as holoTf into the fetal circulation (Allen, 2000).
investigated. The FnR binding site in term pregnancy Extensive studies indicate that an increase in the expression
with normal iron measurements was 9.87  4.72 and dis- of TfR in placental microvilli might be a result of a
sociation constant (Kd) was 7.99  3.23 respectively (Table compensatory mechanism with regard to iron de®ciency
3). No signi®cant difference was found compared to the and mild iron-de®ciency anemia in pregnant mothers
corresponding values in mid-term pregnancy with normal (Huebers, 1990). However, the function of this compensa-
iron status (both P > 0.25). The results revealed that the tory system is believed to be limited based on the fact that
gestation time has no signi®cant effect on the expression of the Tf saturation is remarkably decreased and the TfR
FnR and dissociation constant values in placental microvilli expression is also hindered in pregnant women with
membrane in pregnant women (Table 3). There were no severe iron de®ciency (Singla et al, 1996; Allen, 2000).
signi®cant interactions between term pregnancy and mid- In addition, it was reported that iron status in fetuses whose
term pregnancy for any variables. mothers were suffering from iron de®ciency is normal or
nearly normal, being independent of maternal iron status
(Gebre-Medhin & Birgegard, 1981; Dallman, 1989; Bhar-
Discussion gava et al, 1991; Lao et al, 1991; Institute of Medicine,
food and Nutrition Board, 1993; Hokama et al, 1996),
The placenta is of pivotal importance for the intrauterine although different results have been reported (Blot et al,
development of a fetus and is the essential organ of 1999). These ®ndings imply that there might be some other
substance transportation to the fetus. Well-developed pla- mechanisms involved in the regulation of maternal-fetal
cental microvilli and intact placental blood circulation are iron transport.
prerequisites for adequate substance transfer across the Previous studies have demonstrated that FnR, in addi-
placenta. Previous studies including ours (Loh et al, tion to TfR, is present on the membranes of many normal
1980; Tawada et al, 1985; Takami et al, 1986; Contractor cells (Moss et al, 1992), including reticulocytes (Blight and
& Eaton, 1986; Liao et al, 1992; Allen, 2000) have Morgan, 1987a), lymphoblasts (Adams et al, 1992), liver
con®rmed that placental microvilli membrane abounds in (Moss et al, 1988) and brain cells (Adams et al, 1992;
transferrin receptor (TfR), an important iron transport Ramm et al, 1994; Hulet et al 1999). This protein is also
protein. This protein plays a key role in iron transport found to play a role in iron transport across the membrane
from the maternal to the fetal circulation (Tawada et al, of these cells (Blight and Morgan, 1987b; Moss et al, 1988;
1985; Contractor & Eaton, 1986; Liao et al, 1992; Allen, Osterloh & Aisen, 1989; Gelvan et al, 1996) and ferritin
2000). TfR has two binding sites for diferric transferring uptake by human erythroid precursors is a regulated iron

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Expression of ferritin receptor
QK Liao et al
uptake pathway (Gelvan et al, 1996). On the human as found in severe iron de®ciency, could result in damage
placental microvillous membrane, the present of FnR has to fetal tissues and reduced capacity of placental tissues to
been well documented (Celada et al, 1980; Tawada et al, take up iron. Singla et al (1996) demonstrated that a mild
1985; Takami et al, 1986; Contractor & Eaton, 1986; van degree of maternal anemia has little in¯uence on iron
Dijk, 1988). A study of indirect immuno¯uorescence accretion in the fetus. However, with increasing severity
(Brown et al, 1979) shows that ferritin in placenta micro- of maternal anemia, the fetus accumulates less and less
villi plays an important role in the transportation of iron, and levels of serum iron, Tf saturation and ferritin in
maternal iron across the placenta. Tawada et al (1985) the cord blood of severely anemic women is markedly
reported that iron is transferred from the mother to the fetus decreased. It is likely that severe iron de®ciency anemia
by the placental active function, and both TfR and FnR on itself, in addition to being able to reduce TfR expression in
trophoblasts participate in the adequate placental iron pregnant women (Singla et al, 1996; Allen, 2000), could
transport. Takami et al (1986) presumed that placental damage the placenta and thus inhibit FnR expression.
FnR could be another regulatory pathway of maternal ± Further investigations are needed.
fetal iron transfer based on their study. Okuyama et al The results also revealed that the dissociation constant
(1985) demonstrated that FnR is present in every level of of FnR in placental microvilli membrane at mid-term
the trophoblast and suggested that FnR might act as a safety gestation remained unchanged regardless of maternal iron
valve, regulating the transferred iron between mother and status. This indicates that the regulation of maternal ± fetal
fetus and assuring a constant iron supply. An animal study iron homeostatis via the FnR-mediated pathway was
in pregnant guinea pigs also revealed that ferritin-bound achieved by changes in the numbers of FnR rather than
iron could be taken up by the placenta (Lamparelli et al, binding ability. In addition, our result showed that, in
1989). Aisen (1991) pointed out that the placental FnR pregnant women with normal iron status, ferritin binding
mediated-iron transfer pathway might be an alternative or a sites and Kd values in placental microvilli membrane at
compensatory mechanism for cell iron supply when the mid-term gestation did not differ signi®cantly from those at
TfR-mediated pathway was inadequate. term gestation. It indicates that FnRs in placental microvilli
Based on the above studies and the results of the present play a very important role in the regulation of iron transport
study, it might be reasonable to propose that FnR-mediated across the placenta, starting at least from the mid-stage of
iron uptake by placental trophoblasts constitutes an iron pregnancy. Adequate iron transport across the placenta
transport pathway in addition to the classical TfR-mediated might be maintained by the coordinate actions of the
uptake pathway. It is highly likely that both might be the well-developed TfR-mediated pathway as well as the
regulated iron uptake pathways in the placenta and could FnR-mediated pathway under normal conditions.
act coordinately to maintain adequate iron transport across
the placenta. In pregnant women with normal iron status, Acknowledgements ÐThis study was supported by China Natural Science
maternal iron would be transferred to placental microvilli Foundation and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University grants (A=C:
syncytial cells in the form of diferric Tf-TfR complex and A-P136 and A-PA 79).
ferritin-FnR complex. In such a case, the expression of both
TfR and FnR is normal. In pregnant women with mild iron
de®ciency and moderate iron de®ciency anemia, iron trans-
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European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

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