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True Bird of Paradise – Strelitzia reginae

Family: Sterculiaceae
Description: A perennial herb growing up to 90cm tall. Leaves are green, stiff, oblong, banana-
like and up to 30cm long; leaf stalk 2-3 times as long as the leaves. Flowers are showy, petals
with colors predominantly orange and yellow, with streaks of blue.
Distribution: Native to tropical Africa.
Plant Requirements: Fertile soil, constant supply of water, and full-sunlight.
Economic Importance: Cultivated in parks and gardens.

Bright-Yellow Tabebuia – Tabebuia chrysotrica / Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Family: Bignoniacaea
Description: Tree growing up to 50ft tall. Leaves are obovate-oblong up to 4inches, with 5
leaflets. Flowers are showy, bright-yellow in umbellate clusters up to 2.5inches long.
Distribution: Native to Columbia, Brazil, Florida.
Plant Requirements: Prefers open sunny places.
Economic Importance: Grown as a flowering tree for gardens, roadsides.

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