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Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)


1. Which of the following is NOT associated with Romanticism?

a. Emphasis on the collective rather than on the individual

b. Belief in the child’s superior insight
c. Celebration of the nature
d. Emphasis on the power of imagination

2. What feeling is expressed in this line “My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky”?

A. Surprise C. Fear
B. Happiness D. Anger

3. What is Chekhov’s most recognizable achievement in his short stories?

A. His cryptic use of symbolism

B. His attention to the inner lives of his characters
C. His references to biblical scriptures
D. His use of allegory

4. In the Iliad, whose death brought Achilles much sorrow and grief?

A. Patroclus C. Nestor
B. Thesthor D. Menelaus

5. Donne’s poems can best be described as _____________________

A. intellectual C. philosophical
B. lyrical D. emotional

6. In Zeus’ plan, what is it that comes from suffering?

A. The ecstasy of truth C. The certainty of more suffering

B. Understanding and progress D. The consolation of death

7. In whose reign was the Christian church NOT persecuted?

A. Nero’s C. Marcus Aurelius’s

B. Diocletian’s D. Constantine’s

8. Which work of Lord ALFRED Tenyyson embodies his ideas on immortality and death in relation to his thoughts on
Arthur Hallam?

A. Break, Break, Break C. In Memoriam

B. Crossing the Bar D. My Last Duchess

9. One of Rousseau’s important writing on political philosophy is_________________.

A. The Republic C. The Social Contract

B. Freedom of the Will D. Dialectics

10. The most popular vehicle for literacy expression during the Spanish colonial period in the Philippine literature was
the __________________.

A. essay C. drama
B. poetry D. short story

11. Who is known as the greatest dramatic poet of the Elizabeth Age?

A. Sir Walter Raleigh C. William Shakespeare

B. Edmund Spencer D. Christopher Marlowe

12. What narrative poem tells of the heroic exploits of great heroes?

A. Ballad C. Epic
B. Lyric D. Romance

13. Which of the following statements is not an accurate reflection of ancient Greek religious beliefs?

A. The Greek god Zeus was subject to the mysterious power of fate.
B. The Greek gods were expressions of the world’s uncontrolled forces.
C. The Greeks blamed humanity for disorder in the universe.
D. The Greeks credited humanity with intervening morality.
14. The literature of the earlier medieval ages reflected clearly the life and civilization of a Heroic Age. The primary
virtues emphasized were_________________.

A. valor and honestly C. valor and loyalty

B. honesty and truthfulness D. loyalty and truthfulness

15. Which poetic style is most associated with Robert Browning?

A. The sonnet C. The lyric ballad

B. The ode D. The dramatic monologue

16. Who is the first African nobel laureate?

A. Camara Lays C. Ngugi Wa Jhiong’O

B. Wale Soyinka D. Chinua Achebe

17. According to Aristotle’s Poetics, which is the most important of the six constituent elements of tragedy?

A. Spectacle C. Plot
B. Language D. Character

18. Which of the following best describes Machiavelli’s “The Prince”

A. A children’s story about a lonely prince who inhabits a small planet

B. A dialogue on the perfect qualities of a courtier
C. A military history of the city of Florence
D. A handbook on how to obtain and keep political power

19. Which narrative poem in French literature is an idealization of feudal society in the early 13 th century?

A. Song of the Roland C. Iliad

B. Divine Comedy D. Aenid

20. The verse narrative of the suffering and death of Christ is the ____________________.

A. Doctrina Christiana C. Cenaculo

B. Pasyon D. Ulod

21. Which of the following

A. He was successful in implementing his vision of traditional Chou values.

B. He left his native Lu because of political conflicts.
C. He spent 13 years wandering from one regional court to another.
D. He gathered a following in his later years.

22. Which of the following is/are an example/s of folk narrative/s?

A. Riddle C. Proverbs
B. Legends D. Epic

23. Which of the following is NOT a secular art associated with Zen spiritual training?

A. Archery C. Swordsmanship
B. Calligraphy D. Bonsai

24. Which of the following is NOT a theme that is customarily associated with Dostoyevsky’s work?

A. Conflicts between “good” and “ evil”, “freedom” and “tyranny”

B. Choices between religious faith and atheism
C. The enormous contradictions of human nature
D. The great potential for adultery

25. Which is a short narrative poem intended to be sung?

A. Romance C. Lyric
B. Ballad D. Epic

26. The type of novel which became popular in the 18th century is __________________.

A. epistolary C. picaresque
B. gothic D. religious
27. In Aenid, though Aenas suffers an unhappy life and miserable death, what is his greatest consolation?

A. His protection by the gods

B. The future glory of his sons
C. His love affair with Dido
D. His being compared with Achilles and Odysseus

28. Which of the following statements is LEAST likely to be associated with Japan?

A. It is a spiritual nation.
B. It is a homogenous nation.
C. It is a nation that speaks with one voice.
D. It is a heterogeneous nation.

29. The true epic of India that contains the mythology and religion of the Hindu is ___________.

A. Mahabharata C. Pomayana
B. Pnachantantia D. Dhammapada

30. Most of Keats’ poems express his interests in ____________________________.

A. beauty C. art
B. history D. religion
31. What is the first heroic narrative of world literature?

A. Bhagavad-Gita C. Odyssey
B. Ramayana D. Gilgamesh

32. What historical event serves as the setting of Tolstoy’s War and Peace?

A. The Napoleonic invasion of Russia

B. The Bolshevik Revolution
C. The French Revolution
D. The Crimean War

33. How did Coleridge’s poem Kublai Khan come to exist?

A. It is a written response to Coleridge’s desire to travel

B. It is a collection of a dream stimulated by drugs.
C. It is an attempt to memorialize Coleridge’s travels.
D. It is written for the Lord Byron.

34. Who among the following is NOT an Elizabethan dramatist?\

A. Marlowe C. Johnson
B. Dante D. Shakespeare

35. What literary type will begin with the following lines:

In the beginning there were Malakas and Maganda……

A. Legend C. Supernatural tale

B. Creation myth D. Folktale

36. What is the main idea of the haiku?

A. Cycle of life C. Reality of death

B. Beauty of nature D. Transistoriness of Life

37. “ Sunset and evening star

and one clear call for me
and may these be no moaning of the bar
When I put out to sea. “

Who is the speaker in the poem?

A. A traveler C. A captain of the ship

B. A dying man D. A fisherman

38. What is the English translation of Rabindranath Tagore’s “Gitanjali”

A. Song of the offerings

B. Devotional Songs
C. Patriotic Hymns
D. Songs of Songs

39. A distinct feature of poetry during the age of modernism is _______________.

A. free verse C. rhyme

B. blank verse D. measure

40. Which of the following is NOT a lyric poem?

A. Ode C. Elegy
B. Sonnet D. Ballad

41. What is usually the topic of the Filipino folk epic?

A. Heroic deeds C. Religious events

B. Evil spirits D. Courtship practices

42. Which is the greatest contribution of Rome to the western world?

A. Roman politics C. Pure mathematics

B. Roman Law D. Courtship practices

43. The language of the Hellenes belongs to the Indo-European family which includes all of the following language
groups EXCEPT__________.

A. Italic C. Semitic
B. Celtic D. Sanskrit

44. The type of novel which became popular in the 18th century is _________________.

A. gothic C. picaresque
B. epistolary D. religious

45. The Hebrew prophet, Jesus, was born under the reign of which Roman emperor?

A. Hadrian C. Augustus
B. Claudius D. Marcus Aurelius

46. Who among the following is the greatest exponent of naturalism in literature?

A. Gustav Flaubert C. Emile Zola

B. Guy de Maupassant D. Andre Gide

47. With which sphere of life are Confucian roles most linked?

A. Political C. Military
B. Social D. Religious

48. The use of fragmentary discourse and stream of consciousness technique are marks of ____

A. Modernism C. Symbolism
B. Cubism D. Impressionism

49. “While a cold hand snatched you away like a kite- I should have come home “What is expressed in this line?

A. Regret C. Sadness
B. Love D. Loss

50. What is usually the topic of lyric poetry?

A. Religion C. Nature
B. Women D. Feelings or emotions

51. Who among these writers is famous for using local color in his stories?

A. Manuel Arguilla C. Carlos Bulosan

B. Juan C. Laya D. F. Sionel Jose

52. Read the lines and answer the questions that follows:

Daylight , I must wait for the sunrise

I must think of a new life
And I mustn’t give in.
What is the mood expressed in the lines?

A. Hopeful C. Depressed
B. Lonely D. Content

53. The use of fragmentary discourse and stream of consciousness technique are marks of?

A. cubism C. modernism
B. symbolism D. impressionism

54. The following are factors that affect acquiring a 2 nd language EXCEPT?

A. emotion C. motivation
B. physical state D. attitude

55. Which phrase would CORRECTLY complete the sentence. I was not satisfied __________ of the examination.

A. of the result C. in the result

B. with the result D. to the result

56. Aside from grammatical competence, what else would a learner need to use English well?

A. Social skills C. Sociolinguistic Competence

B. Listening skills D. Discourse competence

57. Which of the following is a statement that expresses an indirect request?

A. Put your bag here.

B. Please wait for me.
C. Kindly bring them back tomorrow.
D. Don’t you think its rather cold here?

58. The following are factors teachers must consider when teaching EXCEPT?

A. Learners’ purpose for learning

B. the size of the class
C. learners’ prior learning experiences
D. How learners learn

59. When the class is asked to listen to a set of instructions in English, which of these techniques will help them
process the material?

A. Identify the topic sentence C. Repeating each sentence

B. Identifying the key words D. Listening to every work

60. Apart from drills, what other activities can a teacher make use of to develop accuracy among the learners?

A. Small group discussions C. Mini-dialogues

B. Dyads D. Games

61. What is the difference between an auxiliary verb and a linking verb?

A. A linking verb goes with a main verb.

B. An auxiliary verb can stand by itself.
C. A linking verb can stand by itself.
D. An auxiliary verb goes with a main verb.

62. Which of these syntactic structures underline the teaching of the five basic sentence patterns?

A. Prediction C. Modification
B. Subordination D. Complementation

63. A teacher who teaches the learners how to ask and give information, express their feelings, give directions,
engage in conversations, etc. believes that language is ________________.

A. useful C. universal
B. functional D. formal

64. The indirect object in the sentence:

Carlo gave Toni a beautiful shawl from Baguio is ___________.

A. Toni C. shawl
B. beautiful D. Baguio

65. Task-Based Language Teaching is based on the assumption that language is ___________.
A. A means of making meaning C. used for conversation
B. Used for acquiring information D. a means of learning

66. A Language learner who is able to paraphrase or coin a word when at a loss for a vocabulary word has

A. Strategic competence C. discourse competence

B. grammatical competence D. sociolinguistic competence

67. The ability to interpret elements of individual messages in terms of their interconnectedness is __________

A. grammatical C. strategic
B. sociolinguistic D. discourse

68. A functional communicative need refers to the desire to ____________.

A. Belong to the language group C. convey a message

B. Express a feeling D. be understood

69. Which do learners do in a suggestopedia learning activity?

A. Learners are in a relaxed and retaining position.

B. Learners write.
C. Learners share their feelings in small group
D. Learners are engaged in reading, the main activity.

70. The three important dimensions to consider when teaching a language form are what it looks like, when/how it is
used and ____________.

A. how it differs from how it reentered

B. where it comes from
C. how it relates to other forms
D. what function(s) it serves

71. What is the function of the first prepositional phrase in the sentence:

A. a nominal C. a verbal
B. an adverbial D. an adjectival

72. When the teacher gives pointers on how to produce a critical sounds, he/she is using a _________ strategy.

A. learning C. communication
B. language use D. an adjectival

73. A functional communicative need refers to the desire to __________.

A. convey a message C. express a feeling

B. belong to the language group D. be understood

74. The English for a Specific Purpose (ESP) movement views language as _________

A. a tool for communication meaning

B. a highly structured system
C. a vehicle for listening
D. governed by rules

75. The following are examples of fluency-based activities that encourage learners to develop their confidence

A. interviews C. surveys
B. drills D. games

76. The range of meaning between two opposite words can be done through _________.

A. pictures C. context clues

B. gestures D. cline

77. A method of teaching where generalizations are drawn from several examples is __________.

A. formal C. informal
B. inductive D. deductive
78. Which of the following phonemic transcription corresponds to a voiced palatal affricate?

A. /z/ C. /j/
B. /ch/ D. /c/

79. Which of these activities will encourage oral interaction among learners?

A. Pattern practice, language games, fluency drills

B. Fluency drills, problem solving, substitution drills
C. Discussion session, drills mini-men activities
D. Simulations, role play, problem solving

80. The primary focus in Communicative Language Teaching is to help learners _____________.

A. create meaning through interaction

B. acquire native-like pronunciation
C. develop perfect grammatical structures
D. do pattern practice

81. The following are communicative approaches which can be utilized for communicative language teaching

A. Cooperative Language Learning

B. Content-Based instruction
C. Audio-lingual method
D. Natural Approach

82. What would determine the basic sentence patterns in English?

A. The type of noun and verb C. The subject and adjective

B. The subject and predicate D. The type of verb

83. English teachers must have knowledge of phonetics because it ________________.

A. Provides basis for correct pronunciation

B. Provides precise description of the articulation of the English sounds
C. Helps identify sounds
D. Emphasizes the characteristic of the English language

84. In which word is C pronounced as /k/

A. century C. city
B. censure D. cold

85. What do normal persons possess that enable them to learn a language spontaneously?

A. Language device C. Grammar rules

B. Habit formation D. Language competence

86. Which verb will fit the sentence: Carmelo ________ playing the guitar as a hobby

A. has enjoyed C. will enjoy

B. enjoys D. enjoy

87. Which of the following theories of language learning emphasizes that a child can creatively construct his/her
knowledge of language?

A. Cognitivist theory C. Functional theory

B. Interactionist theory D. Enjoy

88. Which pair of word has the same vowel sound?

A. Law-caught C. Had-head
B. Fail-fell D. Sink-seek

89. An example of learning strategy in learning a language is ___________.

A. Learning the synonym and antonym of a word

B. Memorizing rules
C. Referring to a dictionary
D. Writing a dialogue

90. Which of the following is a factor in determining level of usage of language?

A. The time C. Purpose
B. The occasion D. Location

91. Which is the systematic collection of artifacts documenting students’ literacy development?

A. Portfolio C. Journal
B. Reading log D. Literacy album

92. A teacher regularly assesses the reading skills of students in the class. Which of the following assessment of
results most clearly suggests the need for an instructional intervention to strengthen word identification skills?

A. A student has trouble decoding common single-syllable with regular spelling.

B. A student uses phonetic spelling when writing many common single-syllable words.
C. A student relies heavily on background knowledge to construct meaning from a text.
D. A student has trouble dividing spoken words into syllables or morphemes.

93. Which of the following about decoding is most consistent with an integrated arts meaningful to teaching reading?

A. Phoneme-grapheme relationships should be taught in a particular sequence.

B. Decoding skills are not helpful to the reading process so students should learn to read by reading.
C. New words should be introduced everyday so that students will learn more words.
D. Sound-symbol relationships should be taught or reinforced within the context of meaningful literature.

94. An accurate indicator of overall reading competency is ______________.

A. Automatic decoding skills C. oral reading fluency

B. Phonemic awareness D. word recognition

95. What is one reason for giving post-reading activities to students?

A. For the development of multiple intelligences

B. To give remedial instruction
C. For them to fully understand the text
D. To keep students engrossed in the text

96. In which stage of the reading process does a reader set targets?

A. Exploring C. Preparing to read

B. Extending D. Reading

97. Which novel of Stevan Javellana tells of a woman torn between to love for her husband and obedience to deeply
engrained native social conventions?

A. Without Seeing the Dawn C. A Child of Sorrow

B. The Hand of the Enemy D. The Filipino Rebel

98. Which language is focused on VOCABULARY?

A. Syntactic C. Semantics
B. Pragmatic D. Phonological

99. The following are examples of storytelling techniques EXCEPT?

A. boxboard stories C. read-aloud

B. apron stories D. story collage

100. Which cueing system is used when pronouncing words?

A. Semantic C. Syntactic
B. Pragmatic D. Phonological

101. In the Directed Reading Thinking Activity, what are the students expected to do after reading the parts of
the text assigned to them?

A. To predict what will happen next

B. To provide an ending
C. To name the character
D. To guess the title

102. Which is an interactive activity for inferring character traits?

A. Response log C. Story map

B. Ven diagram D. Role playing

103. Which of the following statements describes the approach in teaching word recognition?
A. It uses systems to determine meaning.
B. Teaching starts with relationship between sound and letters.
C. Focus on syllabication
D. Word recognition is emphasized.

104. In reading, what skill is involved in making inferences?

A. Relating factors stated in a passage to unstated factors.

B. Making informed guesses regarding the outcome of a reading selection
C. Relating information stated in different parts of the selection.
D. Looking up the meaning of unfamiliar words.

105. A questioning technique where the questions are sequenced in such a way that it logically unfolds the
story is _____________________.

A. Dimensional intensive C. gradual psychological unfolding

B. M planning questions D. dimensional ordinary

106. Which behavior is NOT manifested by one who has INTERPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE?

A. Pursues personal interests C. Enjoys cooperative game

B. Gesturing D. Volunteers help when others need it

107. During the practice stage, the teacher often works with

A. The whole class C. small groups

B. Pairs D. individuals

108. Which approach should be used for teaching reading?

A. Psycholinguistic C. Basal textbook

B. Skills Monitoring D. Language process

109. Which BEST describes the reading and the writing processes?

A. The stages occur in sequence.

B. Children use different mental processes for reading, listening, talking and writing.
C. The different stages merge and repeat.
D. The arrangement implies that the different language arts develop separately

110. The question “ What part of the story best describes the main character? Test comprehension at the
__________________ level.

A. Evaluative C. literal
B. Creative D. interpretive

111. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for unlocking difficulty?

A. Context clues C. Word games

B. Gesturing D. Pictures

112. The instructional procedure that makes use of children’s language and experience is

A. Directed-reading-thinking activity
B. Interactive method
C. Individualized method
D. Language experience approach

113. In the taxonomy of reading comprehension, the highest level where the reader makes use of divergent
skills to come up with new ideas is the _________ level.

A. Creative C. interpretive
B. Evaluate D. integrative

114. The use of “prereading” period lasting several weeks, during which no reading materials are used, is most
closely associated with the ____________.

A. Grammar-translation method C. Rassias method

B. Audio-lingual method D. generative-transformational

115. What would be the last resort in unlocking difficulty words?

A. Translation C. Repetition
B. Meaningful use D. Integration

116. The following are examples of graphic organizers EXCEPT ____________.

A. Frayer model C. Semantic wmapping

B. Word games D. Thinking tree

117. Which cueing system is used in rhyming words?

A. Graphophonics C. Syntactic
B. Pragmatic D. Semantic

118. Which is a statement of fact?

A. Photography is difficult to learn.

B. Photography is an expensive hobby
C. Photography is a process based on light.

119. Of the different principles of effective teaching of reading, which is IMPROPERLY stated?

A. Effective teachers use instructional approaches on how children learn.

B. Effective teachers use the four cueing system to support students.
C. Effective teachers select appropriate reading materials.
D. Effective teachers go out of the structured classrooms to create community
of readers

120. The close technique would be LEADT useful for testing a student’s ability to ________.

A. Use socio-cultural clues in learning vocabulary

B. Comprehend a reading passage
C. Use structural clues in determining meaning
D. Project expectations about the outcome of a situation.

121. What is the prime consideration to ensure the relevance of instructional materials to the curriculum?

A. Grade/Year Level C. Goals and objectives

B. Textbooks used D. Inclusion of evaluation

122. Materials design reflects the “learning by doing” philosophy This implies that instructional materials should

A. Promote silent reading C. stimulate interaction

B. Require group presentations D. encourage journal writing

123. A current practice among advertisers to design products that make public environmentally sensitive is

A. sales advertising C. agenda setting

B. gatekeeping D. green marketing

124. Media plays an important role in conflict resolution because __________________.

A. they can propose solutions to conflict.

B. they are the primary source of information regarding conflicts.
C. they do balance reporting.
D. they have access to both parties.

125. The following are examples of multimedia instructional materials EXCEPT?

A. compact discs C. trade books

B. film clips D. video tapes

126. Which of the following is NOT a basic component of the communication process?

A. Source C. Advertisement
B. Message D. Channel

127. Which of the following is an example of limitations of press freedom?

A. Control of what is disseminated

B. Law on national security
C. Retrieval of information
D. Access to information

128. The journalistic practice of using sensational headlines and stunt reporting is called ______.

A. yellow journalism C. environmental journalism

B. developmental journalism D. advocacy journalism

129. What describes flexi-materials?

A. For classroom use only

B. Encourage teachers to add to the given text
C. Require teachers to create more materials
D. Allow for flexibility in terms or presentation

130. When a news reporter is accused of invasion of privacy, what other defense can he guve aside from

A. Victim’s consent C. Honest reporting

B. Impartial reporting D. External evaluation

131. What type of evaluation is dome when a learner reads to the fromt and back covers and the directory
pages of a book?

A. Content evaluation C. Internal evaluation

B. Physical evaluation D. External evaluation

132. What is one possible disadvantage of using computer-assisted instruction?

A. It results in passive learning

B. Materials are either too easy or too difficult
C. Materials are difficult to prepare
D. Teachers become too dependent on the programmed instruction

133. Which of the following belongs to mass communication?

A. Feature Films C. Photography

B. E-mails D. Stage plays

134. Which is an example of a learning task having a direct authentically?

A. Simulation
B. Filling in a blank application form
C. Small group discussion
D. Role playing

135. Half-size newspapers that often resort to sensational publication are called ___________

A. newsletters C. gazettes
B. broadsheets D. tabloids

136. Telegrams, newspapers, and magazines are examples of _________ media.

A. electronic C. mechanical
B. representational D. presentational

137. Which of these equipment can a teacher use to project images on white screen?

B. Disc Player D. Television

138. Which of the following can be the basis of making TV stations answer for airing clips of beheadings?

A. The right to privacy of victim C. Sense of decency

B. The question of ethics D. Disservice to public interest

139. Which of the following should be included in instructional materials?

A. Learning text and tasks C. Teaching strategies

B. Reference materials D. Materials instruction

140. Instructional materials are considered authentic when

A. Activities are teacher made

B. The materials are genuine
C. The texts promote language learning in various contexts
D. Drills are properly sequenced

141. Which should NOT be incorporated in instructional materials?

A. Encouraging learners to monitor their own learning

B. Engaging interaction
C. Fostering competition between and among learners
D. Evaluating the effectiveness of classroom task

142. Which contains the course description, objectives topics to be taught and the requirements?

A. Syllabus C. Curriculum
B. Course outline D. Learning competencies

143. Which of the following is an example of an authentic task?

A. Learning how to use a public phone

B. Organizing a student club
C. Engaging in group discussion
D. Watching a video presentation

144. Classroom task are said to have direct authenticity when they _________________.

A. promote interest in the language

B. provide opportunities for the learners to use the language
C. replicate communicative behavior observed in the real world
D. are done by the learners themselves

145. A technique use in the Natural Approach is ______________.

A. Total Physical Response C. Drilling

B. Suggestopedia D. Task-Based Language Teaching

146. Which are considered authentic materials?

A. Advertisements C. Journals
B. Textbooks D. Pamphlets

147. Which is NOT a consideration in evaluating instructional materials?

A. Teaching style C. Layout and design

B. Language type D. Subject and content

148. Which is the correct oredering of the reading process?

A. Reading
B. Exploring
C. Preparing to read
D. Television
E. Responding

A. A-B-C-D-E C. B-E-A-C-D
B. C-A-E-B-D D. D-E-B-A-C

149. Instructional materials are considered authentic when ________________.

A. Drills are properly sequenced

B. The texts promote language learning in various contexts
C. Activities are teacher made
D. The materials are genuine

150. If instructional materials are concept –related, inquiry –related and learner-centered, what principle of
materials production is achieved?

A. Structuring of materials C. Layout and design

B. Sequencing of materials D. Transfer of learning


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