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Journal of the GeologicalSociety, London, Vol. 150, 1993, pp. 801-809, 3 figs. Printed in Northern Ireland

Volume 150 Celebration Paper

Structure and origin of limestones

Postgraduate Research Institute for Sedimentology, The University, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 2AB, UK

Abstract: Sorby's Presidential Address of 1897 on the structure and origin of limestones was
essentially an interim report of research in progress. His petrographic approach to limestones,
stemming from three decades of research, laid the foundations for a wide range of research lines,
some of which were not fully exploited for almost a century, such as fluid inclusion studies in
diagenesis. The significance of many of his discoveries (e.g. that some Jurassic ooids and Palaeozoic
corals were originally calcitic) had geochemical implications that have only recently achieved research
prominence (e.g. CO2 and the 'greenhouse' Earth). In addition, Sorby's legacy was the example of his
peerless approach to research, applying ruthless empiricism to the problem at hand. In the case of
limestones, this involved an application of meticulous descriptive petrography and innovative ex-
perimentation. His approach to understand more fully the complex problems posed by carbonates
remains unsurpassed, involving a thorough integration of detailed observation, imaginative thinking
and judicious use of analytical techniques.

By the time of his monumental Anniversary Address, as interpretation of rock genesis. This masterpiece, although
President of the Geological Society of London in 1879, setting out to prove whether particular crystalline materials
Henry Clifton Sorby had researched for more than 30 years were deposited from solution in water or from igneous
upon 'various questions essential to the proper elucidation' fusions, also laid the foundations for fluid-inclusion analysis
of the structure and origin of limestones, and yet he felt which today is a major technique in diagenetic studies.
'painfully conscious how much still remains to be learned'. His last paper (Sorby 1908), published posthumously by
His 1879 Address is rightly regarded as a landmark, seminal the Society, underlined the importance of quantification in
to much later research on the petrography of limestones. rock studies. By applying experimental physics to the study
The strength of Sorby's work came from the lucidity of of rocks he also realized that results obtained on artificial
his deductive reasoning based upon a wealth of detailed and pure end-members would only approximately relate to
observations and a wide range of experiments. And all this the complex systems of the real world. Nonetheless, he
from a wealthy amateur who received no formal university attempted to determine the porosity of a wide variety of
training and never held a geological post. Folk (1972) rocks, including many limestones, using both optical and
regarded reading Sorby's Address of 1879 a being almost boiling water techniques. These techniques are now both
like reading the Bible. Sollas (1909) drew analogy between outmoded, the one involving the weighing-out of com-
Sorby and Faraday, noting that both these great men had ponents scrupulously drawn on card from a camera-lucida
published their first scientific contributions on the analysis of projection, the other measuring the loss in weight of an
'a piece of lime'. artificially water-saturated sample. But the important thing
Sorby's discourse had not been spontaneously generated. was Sorby's visionary appreciation of what each method
It drew upon his own vast observational experience, his showed. The petrographic method gave an evaluation of
invention of techniques, and his adaptation of methods how the rock had been changed by the emplacement of
developed by others. Of the utmost significance was the cement, whereas the water-porosity method measured the
method of preparing thin transparent slices of rocks and porosity 'as it now exists'. The former thus permitted
minerals, devised around 1830 by William Nicol and first quantification of parageneses, the latter provided practical
described in Witham (1831). Indeed, shortly before Sorby's data; the stuff of petrophysics.
death, at the age of 81, Geikie (1908)paid glowing tribute Sorby was a great empiricist. Cemented shell sands from
to his pioneering works on optical petrography which, a Quaternary raised beach near Torquay were described
Geikie proclaimed, had transformed petrography from the alongside samples from Bermuda and the deep-sea
neglected branch of geology to 'the dignity of an almost Challenger Expedition. He knew that limestones had the
independent science'. The Geological Society of London, potential to form in a wide range of settings, and that they
according to Geikie, could take pride in the fact that Sorby were not just tropical in origin. But researches into modern
had announced the birth of optical petrography 'within our carbonate environments have, since the earliest regional
walls'. He was referring not merely to Sorby's first paper, investigations, such as those of the Bahamas (Agassiz 1894,
published in the Quarterly Journal in 1851, but to a series of 1896) and Florida (Vaughan 1910), concentrated on tropical
papers published over the next eight years culminating in an areas. Only over the past few years have temperate-water
epoch-making demonstration (Sorby 1858) of the applica- carbonates been seriously studied (e.g. Chave 1967; Lees &
tion of optical microscopy to rock description, and to the Buller 1972; Nelson 1988). However, it is now realized that
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802 B. W. S E L L W O O D

such calcite-dominated carbonates may be more com- of the plate, or parallel to the axis of the spine or j o i n t . . .
parable, in both mineralogical and diagenetic terms, with in perfect crystalline continuity'. Such fragments were usually
some of the carbonate systems of the past (James & Bone cemented by singly-crystalline overgrowths of calcite
1989, 1991). A Sorby-like approach might have brought this optically continuous with the host grain. Microtexture, as
realization 70 years earlier. well as mineralogy, strongly influence preservation potential
The last section of his Address consists mostly of in carbonate grains, not only of petrographic detail, but also
descriptions of the major British limestones and it would be of geochemical signals useful today in diagenetic or
appropriate at this point to refer to British monographs, palaeotemperature investigations (e.g. Marshall 1992).
following up Sorby's works, comparable with those
produced in France by Cayeux (1929, 1935); but there are
none. Cayeux (1935) makes brief reference to Sorby's
Influence of original mineral constitution on
works, referring to his discussion of the origin of
concretions, dolomite, ooids and cone-in-cone structure. In
contrast, the mighty works of Murray & Renard (1891) from Sorby was the first to realize that mineralogy and structure
the H.M.S. Challenger expedition, and the results of the had an impact on the mechanical durability and preservation
Funafuti boring (e.g. Judd 1904) are prolifically cited. It is potential of shells, having already noted (Sorby 1862) that
curious to note that Sorby is himself a little short (3~ lines, during weathering aragonite shells selectively dissolve,
p. 77) in dealing with deep-sea sediments, stating that so whereas calcitic shells are more stable. His experiments
much attention had been paid by others (presumably a (e.g. keeping shells at 145 °C in the boiler of a high-pressure
reference to the Challenger scientists, Murray and Renard) steam-engine for a month) had shown that, upon heating,
to deep-sea sediments that he would use his time describing aragonite could convert to calcite but he did not 'know of
less well known subjects, such as the Tertiary limestones of any process by means of which calcite can be changed into
the Isle of Wight, and the Chalk! aragonite'. It is also clear that he had realized the full
I have organized this tribute to Sorby broadly in the significance of finding well-preserved calcitic fossils as-
manner of his own address, and with some of his own sociated with 'the mere casts of others', having related his
headings. Within sections I have attempted to show some of observations on modern skeletal materials to fossil
the modern derivatives of his research and a few of the counterparts. He observed that when an originally
significant intervening works. This has had to be a very aragonitic shell is changed to calcite it 'passes into a mass of
selective procedure. In place of an account of British crystals' (a mosaic) whereas originally calcitic components
limestones (which comprises the last 18 pages of Sorby's retain their true original structure (figs 3 and 4 of Sorby
Address), I chart some of the post-Sorby developments in 1879). He suggested criteria whereby originally aragonitic
the study of the origin of limestones, and briefly consider components might be recognized. His optical criteria
some possible future trends. Sorby excluded a general (* below), when supplemented by more modern approaches,
discussion of dolomitic rocks from his Address, and so I are still valid and are included in Sandberg's (1983) criteria
have omitted dolomites from this review. by which former aragonite may be recognized. These are, in
order of descending reliability:

Microscopical structure and mineral nature of shells (1) grain still aragonite;
(2) original feature now a mosaic* of generally calcite spar
Sorby's 1879 Address begins with a bold overview: containing orientated aragonite relicts;
'Limestones, being mainly derived from broken-up and (3) original feature now a mosaic* but lacking aragonite
decayed shells and corals, it is in the first place necessary to relicts; high Sr z+ contents relative to levels reasonably
understand the structure and mineral constitution of modern expected in primary calcite (i.e. thousands of ppm);
calcareous organisms'. It is a fitting tribute to this approach (4) original feature now a calcite mosaic* but Sr 2+ values
that Bathurst's (1971) masterwork also begins with the are either low (hundreds of ppm) or not measured;
petrography of skeletal materials. (5)* particular grain types selectively dissolved (moulded) or
Before Sorby, the detailed microscopical character of comprise calcite-filled moulds, this criterion can be
modern shells had been researched from the biological strengthened if skeletal grains known to have been
viewpoint by Carpenter (1844, 1847). In addition, Sorby originally aragonitic, by analogy with modern forms,
measured hardness and specific gravity, and used optical have behaved similarly in the same rock (i.e. most
petrographic techniques (e.g. determining optic figures marine gastropods and nautiloids).
etc.), to become the first to document which shells were
aragonitic and which were calcitic. In most cases, and Sorby demonstrated that Palaeozoic corals were
without the special help afforded by stains (Friedman 1959; originally calcitic and thus different from their modern
Dickson 1966) and X-ray diffraction techniques available Scleractinian counterparts. The significance of such observa-
today, his determinations closely match those currently tions, particularly the implications of changes in sea-water
accepted (Tucker & Wright 1990). He noted the similarities chemistry through time, was not realized for a century (e.g.
between the skeletal structure of crabs and those of Wilkinson 1979). Debate on this important issue continues
trilobites. He comments on how the peculiar fibrous today.
structure of Sepia might 'have interest in connexion with the Thus, by 1879 Sorby had laid the foundations of
fossilization of Belemnites', and he was particularly struck diagenetic studies in carbonates. A few significant edifices
by the intimate interrelationship between mineral and arose on these foundations, like that of Cullis (1904) who
organic structure in the calcitic hard-parts of echinoderms. documented the petrography of carbonates in the Funafuti
'Each plate, each spine and each joint of a single crystal of borehole (Cullis also used stains to distinguish between
calcite, having its principal axis perpendicular to the plane aragonite, calcite and dolomite), but several decades were
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to elapse before significant progress was made (e.g. Bathurst He concluded that where originally aragonitic shells were
1958, 1959). represented by casts, dissolution of their aragonite had led
to the re-precipitation of calcite cement. In many cases,
however, he noted that crystallization had obliterated
Disintegration of shells and the origin of lime-mud
original textures and grain outlines. That such processes
Sorby deduced that lime-mud could be generated through could not always be attributed to 'the effect of
the organic degradation (including micro-boring) and heat-metamorphism' were proven by the occurrence of
physical abrasion of skeletal material and pre-existing apparently similarly lithified modern sediments and reefs in
limestones. He also knew that minute crystals of calcite and the Bahamas and Bermuda. Thus, he recognized that early
aragonite could precipitate directly from certain waters. lithification and cementation typifed many carbonates, but
Fine mud, he decided, could never be generated from the it was to be many decades before readily acceptable criteria
degradation of crinoids, oysters and brachiopods, whereas were established whereby cementation textures could be
he showed that corals kept for a few weeks in water gave distinguished from those produced by recrystallization
rise to such minute particles that the water became 'like (Bathurst 1958, 1959). Some recrystallization phenomena
dilute milk'. The origin of lime-mud became controversial are still difficult to identify, particularly at the ultra-fine
eight decades later when Cloud (1962) argued that scale of individual coccoliths and foraminiferans.
evaporative precipitation alone explained Bahamian lime- Early cementation in carbonate beach rock (Ginsburg
mud. Later studies (Stockman et al. 1967; Neumann & Land 1953; Tracey in Emery et al. 1954) and observations on early
1975) showed that disintegration of aragonitic codiacian diagenesis in south Florida carbonates confirmed Sorby's
algae also generated vast quantities of lagoonal aragonitic original view that carbonates need not be deeply buried in
mud. Direct precipitation of aragonite needles has also been order to become cemented. Subsequently, submarine
demonstrated (Shinn et al. 1989), so both skeletal cementation was described in reefs (e.g. Ginsburg et al.
degradation and precipitation may contribute to the 1968; Macintyre et al. 1968; Land & Goreau 1970) and on
reservoir of lagoonal, and peri-platform, lime-mud. But in the sea floor (Shinn 1969). It is now accepted that
modern temperate waters, skeletal disintegration is probably penecontemporaneous cementation took place in many
the most important source of fine-grained carbonate (e.g. Phanerozoic reefs (e.g. James 1983; Schroeder & Purser
Lees 1975). Sorby thought that aragonitic muds could 1986) and sea floor cementation in now known from a wide
change to calcite, thus explaining ancient finely crystalline range of settings from carbonate sand belts (e.g. Dravis
limestones. The origins of micrite-grade matrix in ancient 1979), the deep sea (Dix & Mullins 1988) and in submarine
limestones, although becoming more easy to investigate with caves (Whitaker & Smart 1990).
the general application of the SEM (e.g. Loreau 1972), are Even though complicated classifications of spar types
still to some extent problematic. Using a combination of were proposed (e.g. Folk 1965), the wider realization that
optical petrography, Feigl stain, SEM, X-ray and electron particular types of early cement could be environmentally
diffraction techniques, Lasemi & Sandberg (1984) dem- specific has really come over the past 25 years (e.g.
onstrated that well-lithified Pleistocene 'micrites' had foregoing references and Dunham 1971; Halley & Harris
resulted from the alteration of predominantly aragonitic 1979; Longman 1980; Tucker & Bathurst 1990). Given &
precursors, the mechanism involving a one-step neomorphic Wilkinson (1985) have attempted to explain why aragonite,
process of calcitization. Further application of geochemical HMC or LMC precipitation is favoured, and why cements
techniques, such as an investigation of the Sr content (e.g. have a particular morphology, by reference to the
Sandberg 1983; Tucker & Bathurst 1990; Tucker & Wright interrelationships between Mg/Ca ratio, and rate of
1990), can help to resolve whether significant amounts of carbonate ion supply. Much current research is directed
aragonite were originally present. Sorby does not appear to towards increasing our understanding of the processes of
differentiate between high magnesian calcite (calcite with 4 deeper burial cementation and pressure-dissolution (Scholle
mole% MgCO3; HMC) and low magnesian calcite (LMC). & Halley 1985; Choquette & James 1987). Particular
It is only over about the past three decades that our problems currently being addressed are the role of
awareness has increased with regard to the diagenetic pressure-dissolution in the development of bedding in
significance of such differences, in particular the greater limestones (Simpson 1985; Bathurst 1991), the origin of
potential for HMC to undergo diagenetic change (e.g. deep-burial cements and the interrelationships between
dissolution, Land 1967; and micro-dolomitization, Lohmann cementation, the evolution of formation fluids and basin
& Meyers 1977). evolution.
Consolidation of limestones
The porosity of newly deposited carbonate sediment is very Oolitic grains
variable. According to Sorby (1879), if grains are 'nearly Sorby's type examples of oolitic grains were 'Spr/idelstein'
spherical, and of the same size, it could not be much less from a mineral spring at Carlsbad and were what we
than ~ of the whole volume'. He found, by experiment, that commonly now term cave pearls (Dunham 1972) or cave
varying the grain shape and the amount of infiltrated fines, pisolites (Bathurst 1971). As such they might not be
significantly altered the porosity. Experimental studies have considered ideal, even though he regarded recent oolitic
subsequently shown that compaction affects grainy lime- grains from 'Bahama and Bermuda' as being of the same
stones less than muddy ones and that a porosity loss of 30% general character. Nonetheless, his meticulous observations
may occur in shelly lime muds without significant shell (fine concentric structure, a well-defined positive pseudo-
breakage taking place (Bhattacharya & Friedman 1979). In uniaxial figure and appropriate specific gravity) shows that
limestones, Sorby noted that what had been original pore the grains he studied consisted of aragonite. Sorby suggested
spaces were generally lined, or filled, with crystalline calcite. that the thin concentric layers within the grains (Figs 1 and
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Recent Marine Ooids

Random Radial

-- Tangential

Nucleus' Concentric laminae

Ancient Marine Ooids

P o r e - filling Calcitised aragonite
Fig. 3. SEM micrograph of porecast (epoxy replica of micro-
sparry calcite with relic sructure
porosity within originally calcitic ooids), Great Oolite (Mid-
Jurassic) grainstone, 1406 m depth, Weald Basin.

Ooids, their mode of formation and significance,

continued to provoke interest (even of petrographers)
through the post-Sorby years and several memorable papers
...... Micrite were published (e.g. Brown 1914). The mineralogy of ooids
Radial fabri( influences both their microfabric and their subsequent
diagenesis, with most modern marine ooids being aragonitic
in composition. Aragonite is the favoured precipitate
wherever Mg:Ca ratios are high, whether in the sea or lakes
Fig. 1. Major types of microstructure seen in modern and ancient
(Richter 1983), marine ooids generally forming on shallowly
ooids (from Tucker & Wright 1990).
submerged high energy shoals or shorefaces in tropical seas.
HMC ooids are rare in modern systems whereas LMC ooids
2) did not result from the direct precipitation of crystals are known from modern streams, caves, lakes and soils.
from solution, but by the mechanical accumulation of Various types of microstructure are commonly seen in ooids
minute prismatic crystals with their long axes parallel to the (Fig. 1) and individual grains may retain original internal
surface of growth. They were, he proposed, 'mechanically microporosity to considerable burial depths (e.g. Fig. 3).
accumulated round the centre, something like the layers in a Using the petrographic criteria already established for shell
large rolled snowball'. Bahamian ooids had similar material, Sorby points out quite clearly that some ancient
characteristics, but less perfectly developed. He suspected ooids were aragonitic whilst others (e.g. some from the
that this was because they had formed in water rich in the British Jurassic) were originally calcitic and had their
mud derived from decayed shells, and that the purely principal negative axis arranged in a radiate manner.
chemical deposit served to collect minute aragonitic granules Cayeux (1935, p. 225) considered this 'structure radi6e' to
onto the spheroidal grains. The dominant modern view, be a secondary feature, and this remained the favoured
following many subsequent studies, favours a precipita- interpretation until the 1970s (see above). Research on
tional rather than accretionary origin for ooids (e.g. radial aragonitic ooids of the Great Salt Lake Utah
Bathurst 1971; Loreau & Purser 1973), this view being (Sandberg 1975) raised fundamental questions on whether
supported by experimental studies (e.g. Davies et al. 1978). the compositions of non-skeletal marine precipitates have
remained similar to those of the Recent throughout
Phanerozoic time (e.g Sandberg 1983, 1985). It is now well
established that there were time intervals in the past when
marine precipitates were broadly comparable with those of
the present (e.g late Carboniferous to Permian) and others
I when significant differences existed. During the early and
mid-Palaeozoic (Cambrian to early Carboniferous) and most
of the Mesozoic (Jurassic and Cretaceous) LMC appears to
have dominated both cements and non-skeletal grains.
K 4.;>-.~ ) : / There is an apparent absence, globally, of late Cretaceous
ooids. These changing temporal abundances of aragonite,
Fig. 2. Concentric structure in Carlsbad cave pearl (left); calcitic HMC and LMC, and grain-types, record significant changes
Jurassic ooid with radial microstructure (centre); originally in the composition not only of seawater, but also of the
aragonitic ooid now preserved as a calcite mosaic (right) (from whole ocean/atmosphere system (e.g. Wilkinson 1979;
Sorby 1879). Wilkinson et al. 1985; Sandberg 1985; Berner 1992).
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The Sorby scientific legacy: the origin of limestones hydrocarbon discoveries were made in carbonate reservoirs,
especially between 1920 and 1930 (e.g. late Jurassic,
Towards e n v i r o n m e n t a l interpretation Smackover oolites in Arkansas; the mid-Cretaceous Golden
To Sorby the origin of limestones was very much bound up Lane and Poza Rica rudistid reefs in Mexico; the Yates
with questions such as: what are the constituents within Field of W. Texas; and the vast Kirkuk Field of Iraq in
limestones and how have they been put together? By 1926, which there were several reservoirs, some in Cretaceous
Twenhofel (p.152) was already convinced that to interpret chalks and others in Tertiary limestones). In the Middle
the origin of any sediment required a reconstruction of the East the work of Henson (e.g. 1950) on Cretaceous and
environment in which the sediment was deposited. Tertiary reefs signalled a re-birth of carbonate study, the
Interpretation of sedimentary environments, facies analysis, reef resurgence continuing in the USA with the classic study
requires a refined stratigraphic framework, but many by Newell et al. (1953) of the Permian Reef Complex of
limestone successions lacked the fossil groups then (and Texas and New Mexico. In hydrocarbon exploration reefs
still) vital for precise correlation. Twenhofel was also able to began to rival anticlines as exploration targets, even though
underline the importance of diagenetic modifications. These many of the reefal reservoir facies turned out to be adjacent
alteration processes had, by then, been specifically to, rather than in, the ancient reefs themselves.
addressed by such workers as Andr6e (1911) and Schuchert In the 1950s began a series of classic studies on modern
(1920). carbonate systems. These researches re-laid the foundations
Stemming ultimately from the classic observations on upon which facies models could be refined, and against
reefs by Darwin (1842), and subsequent expeditions such as which they could be tested (e.g. Illing 1954; Emery et al.
that to Funafuti (Bonney 1904), some of the most 1954; Newell et al. 1959; Ginsburg 1956; Cloud 1962; Logan
convincing attempts at carbonate environmental inter- et al. 1970; James & Ginsburg 1979 and many others). A
pretation were made on ancient reef systems (e.g. Grabau major difference in approach has distinguished such studies
1903, on Palaeozoic reefs in general; Munthe 1910 on the from parallel studies on terrigenous clastic systems and this
Silurian reefs of Gotland and those in the English Wenlock has been the necessity, in carbonates, to integrate a very
by Crosfield & Johnston 1914). More generalized environ- wide range of biological, petrological and physico-chemical
mental studies on Recent systems, such as that of Vaughan observations. Only with the realization, in the 1970s, that
(1910) in Florida and the Challenger reports (Murray & reservoir sandstones undergo profit-damaging diagenesis,
Renard 1891), allowed interpretations to become integral to did some siliciclastic practitioners re-discover petrography.
regional stratigraphic papers, among the classics being But with carbonates, and particularly using borehole ditch
Dixon & Vaughan (1911) on the Carboniferous succession cuttings, it was soon established that microfacies inter-
in the Gower Peninsula, S. Wales. Carbonates still posed pretations could provide a valuable predictive tool in
intractable problems, however, especially chalks. Although subsurface exploration. The microfacies schemes evolved by
they had been discovered to contain coccoliths (by Sorby), Wilson (1969, 1975) and Fliigel (1982) are frequently cited
and planktic foraminiferans (Jukes-Brown & Hill 1903, as giving a first-order means of interpreting carbonate
1904), Twenhofel (1926, p. 295) considered chalks to be interrelationships in frontier areas. Such approaches are
shallow-water deposits that accumulated 'under conditions useful in subsurface studies because wireline logs are often
which are still not understood'. This is an oddly opaque less informative in carbonates than in terrigenous clastic
statement, particularly in view of the detailed descriptions of successions.
pelagic oozes then available in the Challenger reports.
Indeed, these reports were so thorough in their coverage
that no comparably exhaustive survey of oceanic sediments L i m e s t o n e classification
was undertaken for 50 years (the Deep Sea Drilling Project Understanding required classification but, as Folk (1972)
and the Ocean Drilling Program; reviewed in Jenkyns 1986). observed, the literature of the 1920s to 1940s suggests that
Sorby (1879), however, had already suggested that Chalk, carbonate knowledge had actually regressed from Sorby's
although far from being identical with Globigerina-ooze, time. Folk's (1959) classification, inspired by Krynine's
was analogous to 'deep ocean mud comparatively free from treatment of sandstones, recognized that carbonates could,
volcanic and other mechanical mineral impurities'. He had in simple terms, be considered to consist of mechanically
recognized the pelagic nature of this shelf-sea sediment, transported grains (allochems), carbonate mud matrix
even though his implication that it accumulated at great (micrite) and pore-filling calcite cement (spar). The
depth is not now accepted (Jenkyns & Hsu, 1974; Hancock classification requires a petrographic approach. Not only
1975). does the scheme provide an accurate description, it is also
The discovery of major oil accumulations in North Sea genetic, the rock class relating to depositional hydraulic
chalks, preferentially porous in re-sedimented facies energy (high energy oosparite; low energy micrite etc.).
(Scholle et al. 1983; Hancock et al. 1987; Taylor & Lapr6 Folk's classification was re-stated in the volume edited by
1987) has led to further re-evaluations of onshore chalks, Ham (1962) in which the most widely used of all carbonate
some exhibiting slumps and debris flows (e.g. in Normandy classifications also appeared (Dunham 1962). The Dunham
by Quine & Bosence 1991). Rhythmic bedding in chalks, scheme emphasized depositional texture but did not propose
and other hemi-pelagic carbonates, are providing convincing formal terminology for grain types. Dunham's scheme
evidence (through integration of petrographic and oxygen (defining grainstone, packstone, wackestone and mudstone)
isotopic data) for short-term cyclical change in water could be used in the field and on whole core, whereas Folk's
temperature and productivity consistent with Milankovitch scheme mostly required more detailed petrography. Neither
fluctuations (e.g. Ditchfield & Marshall 1989). classification worked well for reefal carbonates nor for
A major impetus towards a better understanding of both carbonates that had been severely altered by diagenesis. A
depositional and diagenetic processes came when substantial derivative of the Dunham scheme, that of Embry & Klovan
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(1971), has been generally adopted for reefs and more them to the early burial history of the limestone. It is even
recently Wright (1992) has proposed a petrographically- possible, in favourable cases, to map the distribution of
based scheme that attempts to address the problem of palaeo-meteoric lenses within ancient carbonate platforms
altered and crystalline carbonates. (e.g. Meyers 1978; Emery & Dickson 1989). The relative
timing of the emplacement of particular cement phases can
R i m m e d shelves and ramps, and sequence stratigraphy be related to basin evolution, fluid (including oil) migration
and burial history (e.g. Prezbindowski 1985; Sellwood et al.
During the 1950s and 1960s, and in a growing body of
literature, consideration of the origin of limestones involved
Refined diagenetic interpretations have been inspired, in
many additional examples being described, and inter-
part, by an extension of essentially petrographic techniques
pretations of ancient depositional environments being
such as staining (Friedman 1959; Dickson 1966), cathodolu-
refined. Carbonate successions were usually interpreted by
minescence (e.g. review in Emery & Marshall 1989), SEM
reference to the newly described modern systems. This was
and UV luminescence, and are truly part of the Sorby
an essentially uniformitarian approach. A typical example is
legacy. Very significant advances have also been made as a
that of Roehl (1967) who explained most of the Ordovician
result of sound petrography being supported by the
and Silurian facies present in oilfields in Montana and the
application of a wide range of geochemical techniques.
Dakotas by direct analogy with the Bahamas. There were
These include stable isotopic analyses (e.g. Hudson 1977
many other such accounts (reviewed in Scholle et al. 1983;
and recent review by Marshall 1992), electron probe
Sellwood 1986). Steep-sided, shoal- or reef-rimmed
microanalysis (e.g. Reeder & Paquette 1989), laser
platforms (such as those of the Bahamas, Florida and atolls)
microprobe (Smalley et al. 1989) and many others (reviewed
were used as depositionai models for many ancient
in Morse & Mackenzie 1990). The key to sound
limestone successions. In such systems facies distributions
interpretation, however, has often been founded upon a
are generally concentrically arranged, reflecting a con-
thorough understanding of both the petrography and the
centration of wave and current energy at the rim. However,
geological context in which the limestone occurs. 'Stable
as many stratigraphers knew, ancient seaways in which
isotopic analysis is the last thing anyone should do!' (M.L.
limestones originated spread over the heartlands of
Coleman pers. comm.).
continents and had minimal slopes ('epeiric seas' of Shaw
Fluid inclusion analysis, is a technique with which Sorby
1964; Irwin 1965). Ahr (1973) termed such systems ramps
would have felt familiar, it was in great measure his own
and these were shown to be dominant at times when
(Sorby 1858). Sorby had investigated 'fluid-cavities' in rock
reef-constructing organisms were either absent or inhibited
salt, and also calcite crystals from veins, recognizing the
(James 1983). Some very relevant data on the workings of a
potential of inclusions as palaeothermometers in a wide
modern low-slope carbonate systems came with studies of
range of minerals. This technique has become increasingly
the Persian (Arabian) Gulf (Purser 1973), but most
used in carbonate geothermometry over the past decade
environmental interpretations involving ramps are still
(e.g. Lee & Friedman 1987; Sellwood et al. 1989).
conceptual. Ramp-like carbonate platform successions have
Pressure-corrected homogenization temperatures from un-
now been interpreted from all parts of the geological record
deformed inclusions can be compared with isotopically-
(Read 1985; Burchette & Wright 1992), having been best
derived palaeotemperature evaluations to help constrain
developed in gently subsiding situations such as foreland
fluid compositions during crystal growth. Freezing tempera-
and interior basins, and along passive margins.
tures obtained from fluid inclusions can provide an
The broad-scale interpretation of carbonate successions
independent check on fluid salinities (wt % NaC1
now involves a thorough integration of geophysical,
equivalent). The use of such techniques, when combined
sedimentological, geochemical and stratigraphic data so that
with thorough petrography and interpretation of burial
the evolving dynamics of such systems may be visualized,
histories, is beginning to define fluid movement within
often using computer models (e.g. Sarg 1988; Aigner &
significant portions of basins (e.g. McLimans 1987; Sellwood
Dott 1990). Although a far cry from Sorby's meticulous
et al. 1989, 1993). Carbonate diagenesis in the deeper parts
petrographic analysis of limestones, many of the largely
of basins may not remain an 'out of sight and out of mind'
conceptual approaches of recent years have depended upon
issue for much longer (Scholle & Halley 1985).
such studies. Modern interpretation of the origins of
carbonate successions does not only involve the recognition
of either ancient ramp or rimmed shelf depositional
environments. It also requires a consideration of sequence Origin o f limestones: not just h o w but when ?
stratigraphic context. This is because ramps and rimmed-
The inadequacy of a high resolution stratigraphic framework
shelves would be expected to behave differently as a result
has often hampered the refinement of both depositional and
of sealevel changes, both in terms of the architectural
diagenetic interpretations. Sorby did not ask 'when?' in his
response of their sediment bodies, and their susceptibility to
1879 Address, but it is a key question today. Not only the
the diagenetic effects of meteoric waters (e.g Wilgus et al.
crucial questions of when did deposition occur and how
1988; Crevello et al. 1989; Tucker & Wright 1990; Schlager
confidently may units be correlated? We also seek to know
1991). These concepts, although prominent in current
about the time-frame within which depositional conditions
carbonate research, go well beyond Sorby's essentially
changed, the possibility of short-term fluctuations (Milanko-
pragmatic approach to limestones.
vitch cyclicity) and shorter term storm frequency.
Interpretations of basin evolution, and especially those put
L i m e s t o n e diagenesis
to practical use (in the petroleum industry for example),
As discussed above, it is possible to interpret some types of demand the absolute dating of depositional, diagenetic and
cement as formed by near-surface processes, and to relate structural events. Without an adequate answer to the
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