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Curtis CD and Coleman ML (1986) Controls on the Petranek J and Van Houten F (1997) Phanerozoic Ooidal
precipitation of early diagenetic calcite, dolomite and Ironstones. Special Papers 7. Prague: Czech Geological
siderite concretions in complex depositional sequences. Survey.
In: Gautier DL (ed.) Roles of Organic Matter in Sedi- Spears DA (1989) Aspects of iron incorporation into sedi-
ment Diagenesis, pp. 23–33. Special Publication 38. ments with special reference to the Yorkshire Ironstones.
Denver: Society of Economic Palaeontologists and Min- In: Young TP and Taylor WEG (eds.) Phanerozoic
eralogists. Ironstones, pp. 19–30. Special Publication 46. London:
Curtis CD and Spears DA (1968) The formation of Geological Society of London.
sedimentary iron minerals. Economic Geology 63: Taylor JH (1949) The Mesozoic Ironstones of Britain:
257–270. Petrology of the Northampton Sand Ironstone. Memoir
Kearsley AT (1989) Iron-rich ooids, their mineralogy and of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. London: Geo-
microfabric: clues to their origin and evolution. In: Young logical Survey of Great Britain.
TP and Taylor WEG (eds.) Phanerozoic Ironstones, pp. Van Houten FB and Arthur MA (1989) Temporal patterns
141–164. Special Publication 46. London: Geological among Phanerozoic oolitic ironstones and oceanic
Society of London. anoxia. In: Young TP and Taylor WEG (eds.) Phanero-
Kimberley MM (1994) Debate about ironstone: has solute zoic Ironstones, pp. 33–49. Special Publication 46.
supply been surficial weathering, hydrothermal con- London: Geological Society of London.
vection, or exhalation of deep fluids? Terra Nova 8: Young TP (1993) Sedimentary iron ores. In: Pattrick RAD
116–132. and Polya DA (eds.) Mineralization in the British Isles,
Odin GS (ed.) (1988) Green Marine Clays, Oolitic Iron- pp. 446–489. London: Chapman & Hall.
stone Facies, Verdine Facies, Glaucony Facies and Young TP and Taylor WEG (eds.) (1989) Phanerozoic
Celadonite-Bearing Facies – A Comparative Study. Devel- Ironstones. Special Publication 46. London: Geological
opments in Sedimentology 45. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Society of London.

R C Selley, Imperial College London, London, UK those of sandstones, the solutions of which require
ß 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. the application of different concepts and techniques.
First, limestones, unlike sandstones, are intrabas-
inal in origin. That is to say they form in the envir-
Introduction onment in which they are deposited. The source
Limestones are one of the most important of all material of sandstones, by contrast, has been
the sedimentary rocks introduced in (see Sedimentary weathered, eroded, transported, and may finally be
Rocks: Mineralogy and Classification). Limestones deposited hundreds of kilometres from its point of
are composed largely of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) origin. Sandstones (or siliciclastic rocks) therefore
in the mineral form calcite, but there are several other often contain many different minerals. Limestones,
important carbonate minerals with which limestones by contrast, have a much simpler mineralogy, gener-
are associated. This article opens by discussing im- ally consisting of only calcite and two or three others
portant differences between limestones and sand- (which will be mentioned shortly). Siliciclastic sand
stones, and continues by outlining the mineralogy, grains may hold clues to their source, but tell little of
classification, and rock names of limestones. This is their depositional environment. Limestone grains, by
followed by a brief account of limestone depositional contrast, although largely monomineralic, occur in a
environments, and, logically, by their postdeposi- wide range of sizes and shapes, reflecting their mul-
tional diagenesis. The article concludes with a descrip- tiple origins. These grains form in specific environ-
tion of the economic importance of limestones, which ments from which they are seldom transported.
is considerable, and a selected reading list. Limestone grains thus give important clues about
their environment of deposition.
When studying sandstones, vertical profiles of
Differences between Limestones grain size and analysis of sedimentary structures are
the keys to environmental diagnosis. With limestones,
and Sandstones however, it is the analysis of grain type and texture
Limestones and sandstones are the two most import- that aids environmental diagnosis.
ant groups of sedimentary rocks. However, lime- The second large difference between sandstones
stones pose a completely different set of problems to and limestones lies in their chemistry. Sandstones are

composed largely of quartz (SiO2) sand, whilst lime- may also contain several other carbonate minerals,
stones are composed largely of the mineral calcite listed in Table 1, and several non-carbonate impur-
(CaCO3). In the subsurface environment, silica is ities. There are two varieties of calcium carbonate
chemically relatively inert, whereas calcite is much (CaCO3): ‘aragonite’, which has an orthorhombic
more reactive. This means that diagenesis in sand- crystal system, and ‘calcite’, which has a hexagonal
stones is relatively less important. Primary intergra- crystal system. Aragonite is an important component
nular porosity may be preserved as it was when the of carbonate mud and of many shells. It is, however,
sand was first deposited. In limestones, however, pri- relatively unstable in the subsurface, and soon goes
mary intergranular porosity is often quickly infilled into solution, often generating mouldic porosity,
by cement, even before the sediment has been buried. either at the surface or during shallow burial. It is
In the subsurface though, limestones are more vul- very rarely preserved in old and/or deeply buried
nerable to the effects of acid solutions which can limestones. Calcite also occurs in many shells and
selectively leach out the rock and generate secondary other carbonate grains. It is more stable than arago-
pores. These may just be where individual fossil shells nite. ‘Dolomite’ (CaMg(CO3)2) is the third and most
have leached out (Biomouldic porosity). These pores important mineral associated with limestones (de-
may enlarge to cross-cut the fabric of the rock (vuggy scribed in detail in (see Sedimentary Rocks: Dolo-
porosity), or even form caves, described by geologists mites)). It rarely forms on the Earth’s surface, but
as cavernous porosity (cavernous pores are defined commonly does in the subsurface. With increasing
as those that are large enough to contain a crouched abundance of dolomite, limestones grade, via dolo-
geologist, or for the drill string to drop by 1 m or mitic limestones, into limey dolomites, and finally
more). Fenestral porosity is a less common but sig- dolomite rock. Geopedants restrict the name dolo-
nificant type of pore system found in intertidal mite to the mineral, and dolostone to the rock. Not
lagoonal muds. It forms from the buckling of laminae everyone is so particular. ‘Magnesite’, ‘ankerite’, and
or the trapping of gas bubbles in carbonate mud when ‘siderite’ are rare constituents of limestones.
exposed to hot sunshine. It is characterized by thin,
horizontally elongated pores, thus giving good hori- Limestone Grains and Matrix
zontal and poor vertical permeability. The replace- Just like sandstones, limestones consist of framework
ment of limestone by dolomite (dolomitization) may grains, matrix (syndepositional), cement (postdeposi-
create intercrystalline porosity. tional), and, sometimes, pores. There are many types
Through the creation of pore systems of diverse of carbonate grain. They are briefly described here,
shapes and sizes, diagenesis may completely destroy and are illustrated in Figure 1. Probably the most
the original depositional fabric of the sediment, a common grain type in limestones is shell debris.
feature unknown in sandstones whose diagenetic Indeed, many limestones are made up of nothing but
overprint has little impact on the primary features. fossils, whole or fragmented. These are termed bio-
These differences between limestones and sand- clastic or biogenic limestones. Because of their origin,
stones will become clearer as this article unfolds. palaeoecology is an important tool in the diagnosis of
the depositional environment. Not only whole fossils
but even fragmented bioclasts may be identifiable,
Limestone Mineralogy, Grains, and and hence of diagnostic value. Some limestones are
Rock Names composed of rounded grains termed ooids, or ooliths,
and the rock oolite (named from ‘oos’, the Greek for
Limestone Mineralogy
egg, the rock having the appearance of the roe of a
Limestones are principally composed of calcium fish). Internally, ooids show a concentric growth ring
carbonate in the form of calcite (CaCO3). They structure around a nucleus of a quartz grain or shell

Table 1 Summary of the minerals commonly associated with limestones

Mineral Formula Crystal system Occurrence

Aragonite CaCO3 Orthorhombic Some shells and mud, unstable during burial
Calcite CaCO3 Hexagonal Some shells and mud, relatively stable during burial
Magnesite MgCO3 Hexagonal Rare surface mineral
Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 Hexagonal Rarely at the surface, more common as a subsurface replacement
Ankerite Ca(MgFe)(CO3)2 Hexagonal A rare cement
Siderite FeCO3 Hexagonal As ooliths and cement

Figure 1 Illustrations of carbonate grain types, rock types, and names set within the Dunham classification of limestones.
Boundstone: Colonial ‘Halysites’ from Wenlock (Silurian) reef, Welsh Marches. Mudstone: Chalk (Upper Cretaceous), Beer, Devon.
Wackestone: Rounded pellets and angular intraclasts in a micrite matrix, Marada Formation (Miocene), Jebel Zelten, Libya. Pack-
stone: Foraminifera in a modest micrite matrix (Oligocene), west of Marada Oasis, Libya. Grainstone: Ooids with quartz and shell
fragment nuclei. Blue is preserved primary intergranular porosity. Portland Limestone (Upper Jurassic), Dorset. Crystalline carbon-
ate: Dolomite with minor intercrystalline porosity (blue), Zechstein (Upper Permian), UK North Sea. Once upon a time, this was
probably a bryozoan reef. All illustrations from Selley RC (2000) Applied Sedimentology, 2nd edn. San Diego: Academic Press.

fragment. Ooids form in shallow, high-energy marine grains of lime mud and comminuted shell fragments.
environments with elevated temperatures and salin- These grains are faecal pellets, the excreta of diverse
ity, where carbonate precipitates episodically around burrowing aquatic creatures. Bizarre as it may seem,
an agitated nucleus. Larger sized concentric car- whole rock formations are composed of such mater-
bonate grains are known as pisoliths and oncolites; ial. Faecal pellets are the characteristic grain type of
these are algally coated clasts. Some limestones are inner shelves, sheltered bays, and lagoons. Intraclasts
composed of structureless, bullet-shaped, sand-sized are irregular, generally platy-shaped, carbonate grains

of various lengths and size. They are formed by the individual crystals. Except in a few deep marine en-
penecontemporaneous erosion of lithified carbonate vironments, all ecosystems are based on plants, and
sediment. Intraclasts are typically found in continen- all plants require sunlight to photosynthesize and
tal shelf and slope environments. grow. Plants provide the food for higher life forms
Between the framework grains briefly described to develop. Thus carbonate precipitation, caused or
above, there may be a finer grained syndepositional aided by plants, occurs in shallow water, and most of
matrix. In sandstones, this is generally composed of it takes place on the seafloor. Carbonate skeletal de-
clay minerals. In limestones, the matrix is more usu- velopment decreases with increasing water depth, as
ally composed of lime mud, termed micrite. Micrite is darkness inhibits photosynthesis. Over time, there-
sometimes aragonitic, sometimes calcitic. Micrite has fore, a carbonate shelf will develop on a gently
several origins. It forms when calcareous algae de- sloping seafloor (Figure 2). If sea-level remains con-
compose to liberate skeletal aragonite needles into stant, this shelf will gradually build out or prograde
the water. Waves and tidal currents, together with into deeper water. In certain situations, this gently
shell-munching predators, also play a part in disag- sloping ramp may have an abrupt break in slope.
gregating structured shells into comminuted lime This may occur in one of two ways. A fault may
mud. There is some evidence in modern warm shal- downthrow the seabed into deeper water. Rapid
low seas for the direct precipitation of aragonite deepening may also occur if sea-level drops, erodes a
mud in seawater. Limestone is commonly cemented sea cliff, and rises again, whereupon the rim will be
by calcite, referred to as ‘spar’ or ‘sparite’ in this oversteepened by rapid carbonate growth on the crest
context. Several other carbonate and evaporite of the drowned sea cliff. These processes give rise to
minerals precipitate out in limestone pore spaces as two types of carbonate setting: the gently sloping
postdepositional cement. accretionary ramp, and the rimmed carbonate plat-
form (Figure 3). This figure also shows the grain types
Limestone Classification and Nomenclature and textures of the carbonate lithologies in these
There are several different classifications of carbon- settings, and elegantly illustrates how carbonate
ate rocks. The one most widely used was proposed by rock type correlates with depositional environment.
Dunham in 1962 (Figure 1) and is briefly described Considered in more detail, the following range of
below. ‘Boundstone’ is the term applied to limestone carbonate sediments may be found in sequence from
formed from organic skeletal material that grew the deep basin across the shelf towards the land.
bound together at the Earth’s surface: in other Basinal lime mud may form from the settling of or-
words, reef rock. ‘Mudstone’ is composed of micrite ganic detritus of plant and animal plankton that
with less than 10% grains; ‘wackestone’ is composed drifted near the surface. In this manner, many lime
of micrite with over 10% grains. Both mudstone and mudstones, including chalk, formed. These basinal
wackestone are mud supported. That is to say the muds may be interbedded with shallow-water car-
grains appear to ‘float’ within the micrite. In contrast, bonate sediment that was transported downslope as
‘packstone’ is grain supported, and the space be- turbidity flows, submarine debris flows, and slides.
tween the grains is partly or completely filled with Such transported carbonates, referred to sometimes
micrite matrix. ‘Grainstone’ is grain supported with as ‘re-deposited’ or ‘allodapic’ limestones, are par-
negligible micrite matrix. The sequence mudstone– ticularly common on the steep flanks of rimmed
wackestone–packstone–grainstone reflects increasing platforms and reefs. In warm, clear, shallow water,
depositional turbulence and energy, and is therefore organic reefs may form by the in situ growth of corals,
useful in palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Dun-
ham’s rock names can be qualified by grain type. For
example, faecal wackestone, bioclastic packstone,
ooidal grainstone, and so forth. The last rock
name in Dunham’s classification is ‘crystalline car-
bonate’, which would normally include dolomite
and marble.

Limestone Depositional Environments Figure 2 Diagram to show how carbonate sediment forms
optimally in a zone between deep water, where the seafloor is
All carbonate sediment is precipitated by organic
too dark for photosynthesis to occur, and shallow water, where all
processes, either directly, as animals and plants se- the nutrients from the open sea have been used up. If sea-level
crete lime skeletons, or indirectly, as biochemical remains constant, the carbonate factory will gradually accrete
changes in water cause carbonate to precipitate as seaward across the shelf into deeper water.

Figure 3 Cross-sections to illustrate the correlation between depositional environments and carbonate rock types (grains and
textures) for a rimmed carbonate platform (top) and a carbonate ramp (bottom). Reproduced with permission from Spring D and
Hansen OP (1998) The influence of platform morphology and sea level on a carbonate sequence: the Harash Formation, Eastern Sirte
Basin, Libya. In: McGregor DS, Moody RTJ, and Clark-Lowes DD (eds.). Special Publication of the Geological Society of London 132,
pp. 335–353. London: Geological Society of London.

bryozoa, algae, and many other sedentary biota. In in (see Sedimentary Environments: Carbonate Shore-
turbulent conditions, shoals of oolitic and skeletal lines and Shelves). In sheltered lagoons behind the
grainstone may form, as seen in the modern carbon- high-energy environments of reefs and shoals,
ate banks of the Bahamas, as described in more detail burrowing marine animals may excrete faecal pellets

to deposit thick formations of peloidal packstones and porosity. There are, however, several other diagenetic
wackestones. In arid climates, these sediments may, in processes to which a cemented limestone may be
turn, pass into ‘sabkha’ (‘sabkha’ is Arabic for salt subjected.
marsh) where dolomite and evaporite minerals may Limestones may undergo recrystallization, during
form. In humid climates, where terrigenous sediment which some or all of the primary fabric may be des-
runs off from the land, the carbonate lagoons may troyed. Individual carbonate grains, generally bio-
interfinger with siliciclastic sand and mud. clasts or ooids, may undergo pressure solution. This
The depositional environments of carbonate shore- is a process whereby dissolution occurs at grain con-
lines and shelves in general, and reefs in particular, tacts due to overburden pressure. Concomitantly, the
are described in greater detail in (see Sedimentary dissolved mineral matter may be precipitated as
Environments: Carbonate Shorelines and Shelves; cement in adjacent pores. Additional evidence of dis-
Reefs (‘Build-Ups’)), respectively. solution is provided by stylolites. These are sutured
surfaces, generally subparallel to bedding, where ex-
tensive dissolution has left an insoluble residue of
Limestone Diagenesis
clay, kerogen, and other matter along the suture.
As noted earlier, the minerals that form limestones are Stylolites occur in both pure limestones and quartzose
far less stable in the subsurface than are those that sandstones.
form sandstones. Recent carbonate sediment at the Limestone diagenesis must not be thought of as a
Earth’s surface is composed of the two isomorphs of ‘one-way street’ that leads to the total loss of porosity
calcium carbonate: aragonite and calcite. Recent lime and permeability. Limestones may be flushed through
mud is largely aragonitic, but skeletal material is with acidic pore fluids, whose leaching properties
composed of both varieties, which vary in importance may generate secondary porosity and permeability.
between different animal and plant groups. The acidic fluids may come from adjacent compact-
The change of unconsolidated lime sediment into ing clay beds, conveniently generating secondary por-
limestone happens very quickly, and with negligible osity ahead of petroleum invasion. More usually,
burial. The ‘fossilized’ beer bottles and other anthro- however, secondary solution porosity is the result of
pogenic detritus found in modern ‘beach rock’ prove uplift and erosion, and the flushing of limestone by
this. These early cements are of both calcite and acidic meteoric water (there is nothing new in acid
aragonite. In skeletal sands, one of the first diagenetic rain). Solution may form moldic and vuggy pores. It
reactions is the dissolution of aragonite shells. This may enlarge fractures and, in extreme cases, develop
generates biomoldic porosity. karstic caverns with concomitant collapse breccias
During burial, aragonitic muds undergo a reorder- (see Sedimentary Processes: Karst and Palaeokarst).
ing of the crystal lattice to form calcite. This change is Many of the best carbonate petroleum reservoirs
concomitant with a volumetric increase of 8%, and a occur where solution porosity has been developed
corresponding loss of porosity. This is why most an- and preserved beneath unconformities. The best way
cient lime mudstones, certainly those of pre-Mesozoic of preserving porosity in a limestone is for petroleum
age, are normally hard, tight, splintery rocks. By con- invasion to occur and expel cementing connate fluids.
trast, many Cretaceous and younger lime mudstones Renewed burial, without the benefit of petroleum
are light, porous, and chalky. Chalk consists mainly invasion, may, of course, result in total recementation
of the fossils of planktonic algae, termed the Cocco- of the limestone as it makes its way to a completely
lithophoridae, together with their disaggregated skel- cemented and recrystallized rock, termed marble.
etal plates, termed coccoliths, coccolith-rich faecal The last important diagenetic process to which
pellets, calcispheres, and unicellular planktonic fora- limestones are subjected is dolomitization, a process
minifers. Coccoliths are not composed of unstable of such complexity and importance that it merits an
aragonite, but of the stabler calcite. Thus, during article to itself (see Sedimentary Rocks: Dolomites).
burial, these lime muds do not undergo expansive
diagenesis like aragonitic muds. They maintain their
Economic Importance of Limestones
chalky texture, being highly porous, but normally
impermeable unless fractured. Chalks are described Limestones are of great economic importance for
in greater detail in (see Sedimentary Rocks: Chalk). many reasons. First, limestones contain lime, an es-
Returning to the diagenesis of carbonate sands, sential ingredient for plant growth, and so limestone
during shallow burial, early cementation may destroy quarries are ubiquitous adjacent to farmland with
some porosity, but aragonite dissolution may enhance lime-poor acid soil. Hard cemented limestones make
it. With continued burial, calcite cement may infill excellent building stone and aggregate. Porous and
both biomolds and any remaining intergranular permeable limestones, by contrast, serve as aquifers.
SEDIMENTARY ROCKS/Oceanic Manganese Deposits 113

Limestone is used in the manufacture of cement and Further Reading

as a flux in the smelting of iron. Limestones are
the host of several metallic minerals, including the Dunham RJ (1962) Classification of carbonate rocks
according to depositional texture. In: Ham WE (ed.) Clas-
eponymous Mississippi Valley telethermal Pb–Zn sul-
sification of Carbonate Rocks, American Association of
phide ores described in (see Mineral Deposits and
Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa. Ok: pp. 108–121.
Their Genesis). About 45% of the known petroleum Jordan CF and Wilson JL (1994) Carbonate reservoir rocks.
reserves in the world occur in carbonate reservoirs Memoir of the American Association of Petroleum
(limestones and dolomites). Six main settings are rec- Geologists No. 60.
ognized that preserve large volumes of porous and Leeder MR (1999) Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins:
permeable limestone which have the potential to From Turbulence to Tectonics. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
serve as petroleum reservoirs. These are: oolite grain- Lucia FJ (1999) Carbonate Reservoir Characterization.
stone shoals; reefs (often dolomitized); fore-reef Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
talus; grainstone shoals sealed up-dip by evaporites; Reading HG (ed.) (1996) Sedimentary Environments,
subunconformity traps, with extensive secondary Processes, Facies and Stratigraphy, 3rd edn. Oxford:
Blackwell Science.
porosity; and chalk, uplifted and fractured over salt
Selley RC (1996) Ancient Sedimentary Environments and
diapirs. Small wonder, then, that limestones, their
Their Subsurface Diagnosis, 4th edn. London: Chapman
depositional environments, and diagenesis have been & Hall.
so intensively studied by geologists. Selley RC (2000) Applied Sedimentology, 2nd edn. San
Diego: Academic Press.
See Also Spring D and Hansen OP (1998) The influence of platform
morphology and sea level on a carbonate sequence:
Building Stone. Diagenesis, Overview. Mineral De- the Harash Formation, Eastern Sirt Basin, Libya. In:
posits and Their Genesis. Minerals: Carbonates. Sedi- McGregor DS, Moody RTJ, and Clark-Lowes DD (eds.)
mentary Environments: Carbonate Shorelines and Special Publication of the Geological Society of London
Shelves; Reefs (‘Build-Ups’). Sedimentary Processes: 132, pp. 335–353. London: Geological Society of London.
Karst and Palaeokarst. Sedimentary Rocks: Mineralogy Tucker ME and Wright VP (1990) Carbonate Sedimentol-
and Classification; Chalk; Dolomites. ogy. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Oceanic Manganese Deposits

D S Cronan, Imperial College London, London, UK submarine volcanic processes whereas Renard be-
ß 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. lieved that they had precipitated from continental run-
off products in seawater. This controversy remained
unresolved until it was realized that they could obtain
their metals from either or both sources. The evidence
Introduction for this included the finding of abundant nodules in
Manganese nodules and encrustations (crusts) to- the Baltic Sea where there are no volcanic influences,
gether with micronodules are ferromanganese oxide and the finding of rapidly grown ferromanganese
deposits which contain variable amounts of other oxide crusts associated with submarine hydrothermal
elements (Table 1). They occur throughout the activity of volcanic origin on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
oceans, although the economically interesting var- Subsequently, a third source of metals to the de-
ieties have a much more restricted distribution. Man- posits was discovered, diagenetic remobilization
ganese nodules are spherical to oblate in shape and from underlying sediments. Thus, marine ferroman-
range in size from less than 1 cm in diameter up to ganese oxides can be represented on a triangular dia-
10 cm or more. Most accrete around a nucleus of gram (Figure 1), the corners being occupied by
some sort, usually a volcanic fragment but sometimes hydrothermal (volcanically derived), hydrogenous
biological remains. Crusts are usually tabular. (seawater derived), and diagenetic (sediment interstitial
The deposits were first described in detail in the water derived) constituents.
Challenger Reports. This work was co-authored by There appears to be a continuous compositional
J. Murray and A. Renard, who between them initiated transition between hydrogenous and diagenetic de-
the first great ferromanganese oxide controversy. posits, all of which are formed relatively slowly
Murray believed the deposits to have been formed by at normal deep seafloor temperatures. By contrast,

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