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Curing infection and preventing complications is the priority of giving medical

care for pneumonia. People who have community-acquired pneumonia that is acquired

outside the hospital is commonly can be cured with medicines at home. Treatments will be

depend on the type or severity of pneumonia that a patient has. Some types of pneumonia is

bacterial pneumonia caused by bacteria, viral pneumonia that caused by various viruses, and

mycoplasma pneumonia that has different symptoms that is mostly referred to as atypical

pneumonia. If the patient has bacterial pneumonia, antibiotic will be useful. Antibiotics may

also be helpful for a fast recovery from mycoplasma and some special cases. Most viral

pneumonias do not have specific treatment. But it will be a lot of help if the patient will

consult a doctor to know the possible treatments or to get advised to get better by eating well,

increasing fluid intake, getting rest, oxygen therapy, pain medicine, fever control, and maybe

cough-relief medicine if cough is severe.

In spite of the fact that most symptoms relieve in a few days or weeks, there

are still some cases that should be taken seriously especially the people who is at higher risk.

These are the adults ages 65 and above, children ages under 2, people with medical

conditions, and people that smoke. The study is all about the possible treatments of different

types of pneumonia. Thus, this includes that antibiotic could be helpful not just from bacterial

pneumonia caused by various bacterias, but also from the other cases.


"Johns Hopkins Medicine" (2019). Pneumonia. Retrieved from

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