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Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies

Lalaan 1, Silang, Cavite, Philippines

GSEM 600 Applied Theology Research and Writing
Assignment No. 1

Name Seth G. Esmeralda Date September 10, 2019


It has been said that nobody knows exactly everything. The world and practically

everything in life is a wide, huge, and even infinite body of knowledge which is the subject for

our learning, discovery, exploration. Because of this life, is a never-ending activity of learning.

The most effective, valid or reasonable way to learn is by research. There are things that

we will learn by experience espcially the practical ones but there are so many issues in life that

only research can suffice. Research is the answer to human quest for advancement. Experts are

in constant research to make life more comfortable and convenient on the other hand make a

huge money out of it. New situations come up everyday not counting the mysteries that are open

for man’s exploration, and many more issues demands research for solutions. Practically,

research is a package with human existence. Perhaps without it, humanity will cease to exist.

In the same way, research, as we learn about it, will do wonders in my field. I can look

forward with great interest that with research I can improve the learning of my people,

presentations of messages or the like will become more interesting and well supported and free

from biases. Troubleshooting will become more professional and thus, effective. Many more

beautiful things are on the way and I’m very optimistic that my ministry will never be the same

again. Thanks to this subject.

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