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1. An applied force is a force that is applied to an object by a person or another object.

Ex: A person is pushing a desk across the room.

2. The normal force is the support force exerted upon an object that is in contact with another
stable object.
Ex: if a book is resting upon a surface, then the surface is exerting an upward force upon the
book in order to support the weight of the book.

 3. Gravitational or gravity force is the force of attraction between all masses in the universe;
especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface.
Ex: The force that causes a ball you throw in the air to come down again.

4. The tension force is defined as the force that is transmitted through a rope, string or wire
when pulled by forces acting from opposite sides.
Ex: suppose that two bodies A and B having masses and , respectively, are connected with
each other by an inextensible string over a frictionless pulley. There are two forces acting on
the body A: its weight ( ) pulling down, and the tension in the string pulling up.

 5. Friction force is the one that opposes the motion of an object.

Ex: Rubbing both hands together to create heat.

6. Air Resistance is the force exerted by air on an object that moves

through the air. Air resistance is also called as the Drag force. The direction of air resistance is
opposite to the direction of motion of an object.
Ex:you throw a ball on the ground and the ball goes to some distance
and then stops.

7. The spring force is the force exerted by a compressed or stretched spring upon any object
that is attached to it. An object that compresses or stretches a spring is always acted upon by
a force that restores the object to its rest or equilibrium position.
Ex: : an idealized spring exerts a force that is proportional to the amount of deformation of
the spring. Pulling the spring to a longer configuration causes it to exert a force that brings
the spring back toward its equilibrium length.\

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