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Confidentiality means…
Confidentiality refers to…
How important is confidentiality
Privacy in the Workplace
Confidentiality means…
The word "confidentiality" has both legal
and casual meanings in the workplace
and will have different meanings
throughout your professional career.
The ability to maintain confidentiality not
only makes you a trusted friend, but can
also make you a valued employee.
Confidentiality refers to…

Not sharing trade secrets and other

company information with competitors
,the press or anyone outside of your
not discussing internal goings-on in the
company with co-workers.
How important is confidentiality ?

One of the most important elements

of confidentiality is that it helps us to
build and develop trust
What are my legal rights as an employee?

An employees have basic rights in the

workplace including:
-the right to privacy
-fair compensation, and;
-freedom from discrimination.
 A job applicant also has certain rights even
prior to being hired as an employee. *In most
states, employees have a right to privacy in
the workplace.
Is employee information confidential ?

HR is not only entrusted with maintaining

sensitive information about employee and
management issues, but also must protect this
information under laws governing
confidentiality not keeping certain information
confidential can result in lawsuits, identify theft,
data breach or defamation lawsuits.
Privacy in the Workplace

Employers and employees are often subject to

privacy laws. The Privacy Act, for example,
applies to employee information in federal
government institutions. The Personal
Information Protection and Electronic
Documents Act applies to employee
information in federal works, undertakings and

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