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August, 2019
Nurul Veranita Hafilah, S.Kep

Nursing In Lung Cancer Clients With Nursing Problems Ineffective Airway Clearance In
Space Bed Lung Hospital in Jember, 2019.

ix + 68 + 1 terms of chart + 1 table + 3 attachments


Introduction: Lung cancer is the growth of cancer cells that are not controlled in the lung
tissue that can be caused by a number of carcinogens, especially tobacco smoke. Someone
who experience frequent respiratory disorders increased production of lenders or excessive
phlegm in the lungs making it difficult to be removed, disrupted transportation expenses can
be menyebaban patient sputum increasingly difficult to remove phlegm. Purpose:This case
study aims to determine the effect of chest physiotherapy to the problem of ineffective airway
clearance in patients with lung cancer. Methods: The method used in this case study is to use
the nursing process approach and Evidence Based Practice (EBP), which includes
assessment, nursing diagnosis, intervention, implementation and evaluation. Results: After
nursing obtained a nursing diagnosis is ketidakefektian airway clearance. To overcome the
problem of nursing, has conducted a series of actions, one of which is chest physiotherapy.
ActionThese include chest physiotherapy series: postural drainage, percussion and vibration
are performed at least 3 times a day. Then showed that there is a chest fisioterafi influence
over expenditure on the client sputum of lung cancer, and there is a difference between
spending sputum before and after fisioterafi chest.This case study recommendations to the
nurse to perform chest physiotherapy techniques to clients with impaired lung cancer,
especially the respiratory system to cope with the expenditure of sputum.

Keywords: Lung Cancer, uncleanness Airway, Chest Physiotherapy

Bibliography 22 (2008-2018).

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