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Jhon Jairo Umaña Herrera

Evidence: Colombian cultural ambassador

For this evidence, you need to choose eight (8) Colombian idiomatic expressions and
describe what they mean is such a way that a foreigner can understand them.

1. Expression: ¡Que paila!

Example: ¡Ese hombre está muy paila!
Meaning: when a someone is bad financially or sentimentally.

2. Expression: ¡Esta buena!

Example: ¡Esa mujer/hombre está muy buena/bueno!
Meaning: It is used to refer to a very attractive person. While in other countries an
“old woman or vieja buena in Spanish” is an old lady, in Colombia one says “Que
vieja tan buena” when a woman is very pretty, regardless of age.

3. Expression: Arrocito en bajo

Example: Yo tengo un arrocito en bajo en el lugar donde trabajo
Meaning: When you already have a girlfriend or wife, The ‘’Arrocito en bajo’’ is
the substitute, the reservation is to have someone to hang out with someone else when
necessary. It is temporary and "just in case", but it is never a priority.

4. Expression: ¡Aguanta!
Example: ¡Esa mujer aguanta!
Meaning: Unlike other countries, in Colombia "Aguanta" is an expression used to
refer to another person who does not necessarily love one ... but is fine. It is probably
not the most attractive but is Good.

5. Expression: ¡la ñapa!

Example: ¿vecina y la ñapa?
Meaning: ‘’La ñapa’’ is essential to ask, above all, in ‘’Salpicón’’ sales businesses.
‘’Salpicón’’ is a drink made from water and chopped with multiple fruits and flavors,
to which they sometimes add ice cream. To ask for the ‘’La ñapa’’ is to demand a
little more product, the one that the lady of the fruits can offer to the person who is
going to consume in her business. Simply when we have half the juice left, we say:
"Mrs. ‘’La ñapa’’ and then they come back and fill the glass, leaving us happy.
6. Expression: Echar los perros
Example: yo le estoy echando los perros a una chica
Meaning: that is to conquer, flirt and seduce the person

7. Expression: parasito
Example: Su hijo es un parasito
Meaning: to refer to someone useless, who does nothing useful in life, or someone
who doesn’t work or study

8. Expression: Prendido
Example: Ese hombre salió del bar y este prendido
Meaning: This Word is used to refer to someone who is very drunk.

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