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For postpartum women, advice to take drugs

PHARMACOLOGY after breastfeeding.
Administration of Drugs :
- most simply defined as study of drug. Routes and Nursing considerations:
1. Enteral – oral, sublingual, rectal, gastric tubes
Fundamentals of Pharmacology - capsulated pill, sustained release and enteric
1. Pharmacokinetics coated should not be crushed.
- study of drug’s changes as it enters and 2. Parenteral – IV, IM, SQ, ID, IT, IA, epidural.
passes through the body. - vastus lateralis (safest site for IM)
a. absorption 3. Topical – skin, inhalants, mucus membrane.
b. distribution
c. biotransformation Eye medications :
d. excretion - administer eyedrops first then ointment.
- use a separate bottle for each client.
2. Pharmacodynamics - instruct the client to tilt the head backward,
- mechanism by which drugs produce changes open eyes and look up.
in body tissue. - avoid contact of medication bottle to the
a. desired effect - intended action of eyeball.
drugs - place prescribed dose in the lower conjunctival
b. adverse effect - harmful sac.
unintended reactions - instruct the client to press the inner canthus
c. side effects – consequence for 30-60 seconds.
reactions - instruct the client to close the eye gently.
d. toxicity – the degree which
something is poisonous Ear drops
digoxin = 0.5 – 2.0 ng/mL - in infant and children younger than 3 y.o, pull
lithium = 0.5 – 1.5 mEq/L pinna downward and backward.
- in older children and adult, upward and
Safety and Efficacy backward.
Nursing Principles : - direct the solution on the wall of the ear canal,
1. Always verify the Five Rights . not directly on the ear drum.
a. the right medications
b. the right client CLASSIFICATIONS OF DRUGS
c. the right dosage
d. the right form, route and technique DRUGS AFFECTING THE CENTRAL AND
e. the right time AUTONOMIC SYSTEM
2. Chart drug administration only after its been
given, never before. Cholinergic Agents (Parasympathomemitics)
3. Never leave the medication on cart or tray Prototype :
unattended. - synthetic acetylcholine, pilocarpine,
4. Chart observed therapeutic and adverse carbachol, bethanecol (Urocholine),
effects accurately and fully. edrophonium (Tensilon), neostigmine
5. Check history for allergies and potential drug (Prostigmine), pyridostigmine (Mestinon).
interactions before administering a Mechanism of action :
newly ordered drug. - stimulates cholinergic receptors by mimicking
6. Inform the prescribing physician of any acetylcholine or inhibition of
observed adverse effects; if cannot be enzyme cholinesterase.
located, inform the nursing supervisor Indications :
7. Question drug orders that are unclear, that - glaucoma, urine retention, Myasthenia Gravis
appear to contain errors, or that have - antidote to neuromuscular blocking agents :
potential to harm. tricyclic antidepressants and atropine
8. Take the following actions if an error occurs : Adverse effects :
a. immediately notify the nursing supervisor, - blurring of vision, miosis
the prescribing physician, and the - increase in salivation, intestinal cramps
pharmacist. - bronchoconstriction, wheezing, DOB
b. assess the client’s condition and provide any - hypotension and bradycardia
necessary care.
Nursing considerations : a. Alpha blockers
1. Warn & monitor clients of the side effects. - phentolamine (Regintine), phenoxybenzamine,
2. Have atropine available for use as antidote. prazosin (Minipress),
reserpine (Serpasil), terazosin (Hytrin)
Cholinergic Blocking Agents - clonidine (Catapress), methyldopa (Aldomet)
(Parasympatholytics, Anticholinergics) b. Beta blockers
Prototype : - atenolol (Tenormin), esmolol (Brevibloc),
- atropine, scopalamine (Triptone), metoprolol (Lopressor), nadolol (Corgard),
dicyclomine (Bentyl), propanolol (Inderal), timolol ( Blocadren)
propantheline (Pro-Banthine). Mechanism of actions :
Mechanism of actions : a. alpha blockers
- block the binding of acetylcholine in the - inhibits action of a-receptors in vascular
receptors of parasympathetic nerves. smooth muscle to cause vasodilatation.
Indications : b. beta blockers
- use preoperatively to dry up secretions. - compete with epinephrine in b-receptors in
- treat spasticity of GI or urinary tract. heart, pulmonary airways, peripheral
- use for treatment of bradycardia, asthma, circulation and CNS.
parkinsonism. Indications :
- use for antidote in organophosphate - Raynaud’s disease, hypertension,
poisoning. pheochromocytoma.
Adverse effects : - angina, arrhythmias, mitral valve prolapse,
- dry mouth , dilatation of pupils, tachycardia glaucoma
- urinary retention, ileus, heat stroke Adverse effects :
Nursing considerations : - orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia, CHF
1. Keep client’s in cool environment. - depression, insomnia and vertigo
2. Watch out for signs of heatstroke and - bronchospasm and dyspnea, nasal stuffiness,
dehydration. cold extremities
3. Encourage clients to increase fluid intake and Nursing considerations :
use of sugarless gum/candy for dry 1. Administer oral alpha-blockers with milk to
mouth. minimize GI side effects.
4. For GI spasticity, administer 30 minutes 2. Administer oral beta-blockers before meals
before meals and at bed time. and at a.m. if insomnia occurs.
3. Check client’s apical pulse rate before drug
Adrenergic Agents (Sympathomimetics) administration, refer if below 60 bpm.
Prototype : 4. Hypotensive precautions.
- epinephrine, norepinephrine, ephedrine, 5. Warn clients not to drive or operate
dopamine, dobutamine, phenylephrine, dangerous machinery until he/she has
terbutaline, albuterol, isoproterenol. adjusted to medications.
Mechanism of actions :
- stimulate alpha and beta adrenergic receptor
directly or trigger the release of SKELETAL MUSCLE RELAXANTS AGENTS
catecholamines indirectly causing sympathetic Prototype :
effects. - methacarbamol (Robaxin), baclofen
Indications : (Lioresal), dantrolene (Dantrium),
- cardiopulmonary arrest, hypotension metaxalone (Skelaxin), orphanedrine
- COPD and asthma, nasal congestions (Norgesic), chlorzoxazone
- allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock Mechanism of actions:
Adverse effects : - depress CNS
- restlessness, insomnia, tremors, nausea - inhibit calcium ion release in the muscle
- palpitations, angina, tachycardia, HPN - enhance the inhibitory action of GABA
Nursing considerations : (gamma-amino butyric acid)
1. Contraindicated in clients w/ hyperthyroidism, Indications :
pheochromocytoma & cardiovascular disease. - for acute musculoskeletal pain
2. Monitor vital signs and advice precautions. - for muscle spasticity associated with multiple
3. Should be taken with food. sclerosis, cerebral palsy, CVA, and
spinal cord injury.
Prototype : - hypotonia, ataxia, hypotension, drowsiness
- blurred vision, bradycardia, depression, urine ANTIPARKINSONIAN AGENTS
retention Prototype :
a. Anticholinergic agents
- trihexyphenidyl (Artane), benztropine
Nursing considerations : (Congentin)
1. Caution clients that mental alertness may be b. Dopaminergic agents
impaired. - Levodopa, carbidopa-levodopa (Sinemet),
2. Monitor neuromuscular status, bowel and amantidine (Symmetrel),
bladder functions. pergolide (Permax), selegiline (Eldepryl),
3. Inform clients that maximum benefit of bromocriptine.
baclofen is attained for 1-2 months. Mechanism of actions :
4. Reduce baclofen dosage gradually because of a. anticholinergic agents
associated withdrawal symptoms : - inhibit cerebral motor centers.
Confusion, hallucinations, paranoia & rebound b. dopaminergic agents
spasticity. - increasing dopamine concentrations or
enhancing neurotransmitter functioning.
Adverse effects of dopaminergic agents:
ANTICONVULSANTS a. levodopa – nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
Prototype : orthostatic hypotension,
a. Hydantoins - phenytoin (Dilantin) dark-colored urine and sweat
b. Barbiturates - phenobarbital ( Luminal) b. amantidine – ankle edema, constipation
c. Miscellaneous c. bromocriptine – palpitations, tachycardia
- carbamazepine (Tegretol), diazepam, Nursing considerations :
clorazepate (Tranxene), 1. Give dopaminergic agents after meals to
valproic acid (Dapakene), ethosuximide reduce GI symptoms.
(Zarontin). 2. Reassure client that levodopa may cause
Mechanism of action : harmless darkening of urine and sweat.
- treat seizures by depressing abnormal 3. Avoid taking Vit B6 (pyridoxine) with levodopa
neuronal activity in motor cortex. because it speed up metabolism.
Adverse effects : 4. Educate clients to minimize orthostatic
- sedation & drowsiness, gingival hyperplasia hypotension.
- diplopia, nystagmus, vertigo, dizziness 5. Elevate leg to reduce ankle edema.
- thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia
Nursing considerations :
1. Advise female clients to use contraceptives. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM STIMULANTS
2. Inform clients taking phenytoin that harmless Prototype :
urine discoloration is common. - amphetamines, methylphenidate (Ritalin)
3. Warn clients with diabetes that hydantoins Mechanism of actions :
may increase blood sugar level and that - increase excitatory CNS neurotransmitter
valproic acid may produce a false positive activity and blocks inhibitory impulses.
result in urine ketone test. Indications :
4. Teach clients receiving carbamazepine to - for obesity (amphetamines)
identify symptoms of bone marrow - attention deficit hyperactivity disorders
depressions. - narcolepsy
5. Reassure that barbiturates are not addictive at - drug-induced respiratory depressions.
a low dosage. Adverse effects :
6. Avoid taking alcohol with barbiturates. - nervousness, insomnia, restlessness
7. Administer IV phenytoin slowly to avoid - hypertension, tachycardia, headache
cardiotoxicity. - anorexia, dry mouth.
8. Avoid mixing other drugs in same syringe with Nursing considerations :
phenytoin. 1. Should be given at morning.
2. Don’t stop amphetamine abruptly to avoid
withdrawal symptoms.
3. Monitor blood pressure and pulse.
4. Ice chips or sugarless gum for dry mouth.
5. Watch out for growth retardation in children
taking methylphenidate.
DRUGS AFFECTING MENTAL FUNCTIONING c. Second – generation antidepressants
- inhibits the reuptake of serotonin.
Sedatives, Hypnotics, and Anxiolytics d. Lithium
Prototype : - increase serotonin & norepinephrine uptake
a. Benzodiazepines Adverse effects :
- diazepam (Valium), lorazipam (Ativan), - dry mouth, blurred vision, urine retention,
alprazolam (Xanax), flurazepam (Dalmane) constipation (anticholinergic effects)
b. Barbiturates - orthostatic hypotension, insomnia
- amobarbital, phenobarbital, secobarbital - hypertensive crisis (MAO)
c. Miscellaneous - dehydration (Lithium).
- chloral hydrate (Noctec), buspirone Nursing considerations :
(Buspar), paraldehyde (Paral) 1. Caution client to rise slowly to reduce the
Mechanism of actions : effects of orthostatic hypotension.
a. Benzodiazepines 2. Take antidepressant with food to enhance
- increase the effect of inhibitory neuro absorption
transmitter GABA 3. Explain to client that full response may take
(gamma-amino butyric acid) several weeks (2 weeks).
b. Barbiturates and Miscellaneous agents 4. Assess client for constipation resulting from
- depress CNS tricyclic antidepressant use.
Indications :
- induce sleep, sedate and calm clients 5. Client taking MAO inhibitors should avoid
Adverse effects : tyramine-rich foods to avoid
- hangover-effect, dizziness, CNS depression hypertensive crisis.
- respiratory depression, drug-dependence - aged cheese, sour cream, yogurt, beer,
Nursing considerations : wine, chocolate, soy sauce and yeast
1. Warn clients of injuries and falls. - pentholamine (Regintine) is the drug of
2. Brief period of confusion and excitement upon choice for hypertensive crisis.
waking up is common with 6. Inform physician and withhold fluoxetine if
benzodiazepines. client develop rashes.
3. Warn clients not to discontinue medications 7. Take lithium with food to reduce GI effects
abruptly without consulting a physician. - > 1.5 mEq/L blood level may cause toxicity
4. Avoid alcohol while taking these drugs. manifested by:
6. Rotate and don’t shake the ampules of confusion, lethargy,
barbiturates. Don’t mix with other drugs. seizures,hyperreflexia.
7. Warn female clients that diazepam is - maintain salt and adequate fluid intake
associated with cleft lip. - tremors may occur but it is temporary
- monitor white blood cell count (increase).


Prototype : Prototype :
a. Tricyclic antidepressants a. Phenothiazines
- amitriptyline (Elavil), protriptyline (Vivactil), - chlorpromazine (Thorazine),
- imipramine (Tofranil), desipramine - trifluoperazine (Stelazine),
b. MAO (monoamine oxidase inhibitors ) - thioridazine (Mellaril)
- isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), b. Other Agents
tranylcypromine (Pernate) - clozapine (Clozaril), haloperidol (Haldol)
c. Second-generation antidepressants Mechanism of action :
- fluoxetine (Prozac), trazodone (Desyrel) - block dopamine receptor in the limbic
d. Lithium system, hypothalamus, and
Mechanism of actions : other regions of the brain.
a. Tricyclic antidepressants Adverse effects :
- increase receptor sensitivity to serotonin - Extra pyramidal symptoms such as
and/or norepinephrine. dystonia, pseudoparkinsonism, and
b. MAO inhibitors an irreversible tardive dyskinesia as
- inhibit the enzyme MAO that metabolize the manifested by :
neurotransmitters norepinephrine and a. lip smacking
serotonin. b. fine wormlike tongue movement
c. involuntary movements of arms and leg. Mechanism of action :
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome - block transmission of impulses across nerve
a. fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, cell membrane.
diaphoresis, cardiovascular collapse Adverse effects :
b. muscle rigidity, seizures. - cardiac dysrhythmias
- orthostatic hypotension Nursing considerations :
Nursing considerations : - lignocaine + prilocaine (EMLA cream) should be
1. Teach family members the signs of EPS and applied topically 60 minutes before
NMS, and report to physician procedure.
immediately. - administer cautiously to the areas of large
2. Normalization of symptoms may not occur for broken skin.
several weeks after beginning of - observe for fetal bradycardia in pregnant
therapy . clients.
3. Avoid administering haloperidol intravenously
4. Watch out of neutropenia with clozapine. ANALGESICS
5. Watch out for orthostatic hypotension and Prototype :
photosensitivity with phenothiazine. a. Narcotic analgesics
6. Be sure that oral doses are swallowed, and - codeine, meperidine (Demerol) morphine,
not hoarded. butorphanol (Stadol)
nalbuphine (Nubain)
b. Non – narcotic analgesic
DRUGS USED IN PAIN MANAGEMENT NSAIDs – aspirin (aminosalicylic acid),
General Anesthetics mefenamic acid (Ponstan),
Prototype : ibuprofen (Motrin), naproxen,
a. Inhalation anesthetics ketoprofen (Orudis), ketorolac.
- enflurane (Ethrane), halothane paracetamol and acetaminophen (Tylenol)
- isoflurane (Forane), nitrous oxide Mechanism of actions :
b. Injection anesthetics a. Narcotic analgesics
- fentanyl (Sublimaze), ketamine (Ketalar), - alter pain perception by binding to opiod
thiopental Na (Penthotal), etomidate receptors in CNS.
(Amidate) b. Non- narcotic analgesic
Mechanism of actions : - relieves pain and fever by inhibiting the
- cause CNS depression, by producing loss of prostaglandin pathway.
consciousness, unresponsiveness to pain Nursing considerations :
stimuli, and muscle relaxation. 1. Monitor respiratory depression & hypotension
Nursing considerations : in clients taking narcotic analgesic.
1. Instruct client NPO for 8 hours before 2. Injury and accident precautions in clients
administration. taking narcotic analgesic.
2. Monitor cardio pulmonary depression and 3. Warn clients about possibility of
hypotension. dependency,and do not discontinue narcotics
3. Monitor urinary retention. abruptly in the narcotic-dependent clients.
4. Monitor body temperature 4. Naloxone is antidote for narcotic overdose.
- malignant hyperthermic crisis : 5. Advice clients to take NSAIDs with food and
dantrolene (antidote) monitor bleeding complications.
5. Avoid alcohol or CNS depressants for 24 hours 6. Aspirin is contraindicated in clients below 18
after anesthesia. years old with flu-like symptoms.
6. In patient who received halothane, monitor 7. Monitor hearing loss in clients taking aspirin.
signs of hepatic fatal side effects : 8. Monitor liver function in clients taking
- rash, fever, nausea, vomiting acetaminophen.
- jaundice and altered liver function. 9. N-acetylcysteine is antidote for paracetamol


Prototype :
local : bupivacaine, lidocaine, tetracaine,
procaine, mepivacaine, prilocaine
topical : benzocaine, butacaine,
SYSTEM - used in the prophylaxis of long-term
complication following M.I, coronary
ANTICOAGULANTS revascularization, and thrombotic CVA.
Prototype : Nursing considerations :
- Heparin (SQ and IV) - Monitor bleeding time ( NV = 1-9 mins)
Warfarin (Orally) - Take the medication with food.
Mechanism of actions :
- prevents thrombin from converting Prototype:
fibrinogen to fibrin. - digoxin (Lanoxin) and digitoxin (Crystodigin)
b. Warfarin Mechanism of actions :
- suppress coagulation by acting as an - increase intracellular calcium, which causes
antagonist of vitamin K after 4-5 days. the heart muscle fibers to contract more
efficiently, producing positive inotropic &
Indications : negative chronotropic action.
- thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial Indications :
infarction - use for CHF, atrial tachycardia and fibrillation
Adverse effect : Nursing considerations :
- bleeding - Monitor for toxicity as evidence by :
Nursing considerations : nausea, vomiting, anorexia, halo vision,
1. HEPARIN sodium confusion, bradycardia and heart blocks .
- if given SQ don’t aspirate or rub the injection - Do not administer if pulse is less than 60 bpm.
site (above the scapula - best site). - Should be caution in patient with
- therapeutic level 1.5-2.5 times normal PTT; hypothyroidism and hypokalemia.
normal PTT is 20-35 sec. = 50-85 sec. - Antidote : Digi-bind
- antidote : (protamine sulfate) - Phenytoin is the drug of choice to manage
digitalis-induced arrhythmia.
2. WARFARIN sodium (coumadin) Nitrates
- warfarin is used for long-term . Prototype :
- onset of action is 4-5 days. - isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil)
- therapeutic level is 1.5-2.5 times normal PT; - nitroglycerine (Deponit, Nitrostat)
normal PT = 9.6 -11.8 sec. = 25 - 30 sec. Mechanism of action :
INR = 2 - 3 - produce vasodilatation including coronary
- should be taken at the same time of the day artery.
to maintain at therapeutic level. Indications :
- reduce intake of green leafy vegetables. - angina pectoris, MI, peripheral arterial
- antidote : Vitamin K ( Aquamephyton) occlusive disease.
Adverse effects:
THROMBOLYTICS - headache, orthostatic hypotension .
Prototype :
Streptokinase, Urokinase Nursing Considerations :
Mechanism of actions : 1. Transdermal patch
- activates plasminogen to generates plasmin - apply the patch to a hairless area using a
(enzyme that dissolve clots). new patch and different site each day.
Indications : - remove the patch after 12-24 hours, allowing
- use early in the course of MI (within 4-6 10-12 hours “patch free” each day to
hours of the onset) prevent tolerance.
Nursing considerations : 2. Sublingual medications :
- monitor bleeding - note the BP before giving the medication.
- antidote : Aminocarpic acid - offer sips of water before giving because
dryness may inhibit absorption.
Antiplatelet Medications - one tablet for pain and repeat every 5 mins.
Prototype: aspirin, Dipyridamole (Persantin) for a total of three doses; if not relieved
Clopidoigrel (Plavix), Ticlopidine after 15 mins., seek medical help.
Mechanism of action : - stinging or burning sensation indicates that
- inhibit the aggregation of platelet thereby the tablet is fresh.
prolonging bleeding time. - instruct patient not to swallow the pill
- sustained release medications should be CALCIUM-CHANNEL BLOCKERS
swallowed and not to be crush. Prototype :
- protect the pills from light. - Nifedipine (calcibloc, adalat), Amlodipine
(norvasc), Felodipine (Plendil)
ANTI-ARRHYTHMIC DRUGS Verapramil (Isoptin)
Class I (block Na channels) Mechanism of action :
IA - quinidine, procainamide - decrease cardiac contractility and the
IB - lidocaine workload of the heart, thus decreasing the
IC - flecainamide need for O2.
Class II (Beta-blockers) - it also promote vasodilatation of the coronary
propanolol, esmolol and peripheral vessels.
Class III (block K channels) Indications :
amiodarone, bretylium - hypertension, angina, arrhythmia
Class IV (block Ca channels) Adverse effects :
verapramil, diltiazem - bradycardia, hypotension, headache
Nursing considerations : - reflex tachycardia, constipation
1. Watch out for signs of CHF. Nursing considerations :
2. Have client weigh themselves and report - Administer between meals to enhance
weight gain. absorption.
3. Watch out for signs of lidocaine toxicity : - Take client’s pulse rate before each dose,
- confusion and restlessness withhold if pulse is below 60 bpm.
- Refer for signs of congestive heart failure.
Prototype : DIURETICS
a. cholesterol-lowering agents - usually given at morning
- cholestyramine, colestipol, lovastatin CARBONIC ANHYDRASE INHIBITORS
b. triglyceride-lowering agents - Acetazolimide (Diamox)
- gemfibrozil, clofibrate - increase Na+, K+, & HCO3 secretion, along
Mechanism of actions : with it is H2O
- interfere with cholesterol synthesis as well as - metabolic acidosis
decreasing lipoprotein & triglyceride synthesis. OSMOTIC DIURETIC
Nursing considerations : - Mannitol
- monitor liver functions while using statins. - Increase osmotic pressure of the glomerular
- prevent constipation, flatulence, cholelithiasis filtrate.
- encourage increase fluid and fiber intake. - hypotension
ANTI – HYPERTENSIVE - hydrochlorothiazide
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) - blocks Na and K reabsorption; reabsorb Ca
Inhibitors - hypercalcemia
captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), - Furosemide (Lasix)
quinapril, lisinopril - blocks Na, K, and Ca reabsorption
Mechanism of actions : - hypocalcemia
- prevent peripheral vasoconstriction by POTASSIUM SPARING DIURETICS
blocking conversion of angiotensin I to - Spironolactone (Aldactone)
angiotensin II decreasing peripheral - excrete Na and water but it reabsorb K
resistance. - hyperkalemia
Adverse effect :
- it cause hyperkalemia
- induce chronic cough RESPIRATORY MEDICATIONS
Nursing considerations : Bronchodilators
- not to discontinue medications because it can Prototype :
cause rebound hypertension. Symphatomimetic Xanthines
- avoid using K+ sparing diuretics. - albuterol, salbutamol - aminophylline
- isoproterenol, salmeterol - theophylline
- terbutaline
Mechanism of actions: ANTI-HISTAMINES (H-1 BLOCKERS)
- sympathomimetic (b-receptor agonist) Protoytype :
bronchodilators, dilate airways. - Astemizole (Hismanal), Loratidine (Claritin),
- xanthine bronchodilators, stimulate CNS for Brompheniramine (Dimetapp),
respiration. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl),
Indications : Cetirizine (Iterax), Celestamine (Tavist).
- bronchospasm, asthma, bronchitis, COPD. Mechanism of action :
Adverse effects : - decrease nasopharyngeal secretions and
- palpitations and tachycardia decrease nasal itching by blocking histamine
- restlessness, nervousness, tremors in H1-receptor.
- anorexia, nausea and vomiting, headache, Indications :
dizziness. - common colds, rhinitis, nausea and
Nursing considerations : vomiting, urticaria, allergies and as sleep aid.
- Contraindicated hyperthyroidism, cardiac Nursing Considerations :
dysrhythmia, or uncontrolled seizure - Administer with food and drink.
disorder. - Given IM via Z-track method or orally.
- Should be used with caution in patient with - Precautions in handling machine and driving
HPN and narrow-angle glaucoma. while taking these drugs.
- Ice chips or candy for dry mouth


Prototype : Prototype :
- dexamethasone, budesonide, fluticasone, First line Second line
prednisone, beclomethasone. - Isoniazid (INH) - Cycloserine
Mechanism of actions : - Rifampicin (Rifadin) - Kanamycin
- act as anti-inflammatory agents and reduce - Ethambutol - Ethonamide
edema of the airways, as well as - Pyrazinamide - Para-aminosalicylic
pulmonary edema. acid
Adverse effects : - Streptomycin
- Cushing’s syndrome, neutropenia.
osteoporosis - active tuberculosis are treated with drug
Nursing considerations : combination for 6-9 mos.
- Take drugs at meal time or with food. - multidrug-resistant strain (MDR-TB) are
- Eat foods high in potassium, low in sodium. medicated for 1 year up to 2 years
- Instruct client to avoid individuals with RTI. - given before meals
- Instruct client not to stop medication abruptly, it
should be tapered to prevent Isoniazid
adrenal insufficiency - should be given 1 hr before or 2 hrs after
- Avoid taking NSAID while taking steroids. meals because food may delay absorption.
- Take inhaled bronchodilators first before taking - should be given at least 1 hr before antacids.
inhaled steroids, and rinse mouth - instruct to notify physician for signs of
after using. hepatoxicity (jaundice), and neurotoxicity
numbness of extremities.
MAST CELL STABILIZERS - administer with Vitamin B6 to counteract the
Prototype : cromolyn sodium (Intal) neurotoxic side effects.
Mechanism of action : - avoid alcohol.
- stabilize mast cells that release histamine
triggering asthmatic attacks. Rifampicin
Nursing Consideration: - given on an empty stomach with 8 0z. of water,
- Should be given before asthmatic attacks. 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals
- Administer oral capsule at least 30 mins before and avoid taking antacids with medications.
meals for better absorption. - hepatotoxic thus avoid alcohol.
- Drink a few sips of water before & after - instruct the client that urine, feces, sweat, and
inhalation to prevent cough & unpleasant taste tears will be red-orange in color.
- Assess for lactose-intolerance.
Pyrazinamide Prototype :
- given for 2 months. - omeprazole (Losec), Lansoprazole (Lanz),
- increase serum uric acid and cause pantoprazole (Pantoloc).
photosensitivity. Mechanism of action :
Ethambutol - inhibit the proton H+ to combine with Cl- toform
- contraindicated in children under 13 years old. hydrochloric acid.
- obtain a baseline visual acuity because it can Nursing considerations :
cause optic neuritis. - Given before meals preferably at morning.
- Instruct the client to notify the physician
immediately if any visual problems occurs. Mucosal Barriers
Streptomycin Prototype :
- aminoglycoside antibiotic given IM. - sucralfate (Carafate), misoprostol (Cytotec).
- nephrotoxic and ototoxic. Mechanism of action :
- obtain baseline audiometric test and repeat - coats the mucosa to prevent ulcerations.
every 1-2 months because the Nursing consideration :
medications impairs the CN VIII. - Given before meals.
- Misoprostol is contraindicated for pregnants.
- Sucralfate cause constipation.
SYSTEM Anti-diarrheal Agents
Prototype :
Antacids - diphenoxylate (Lomotil), loperamide (Imodium),
Prototype : kaolin/pectin mixture (Kaopectate).
- aluminum/magnesium compounds (Maalox) Mechanism of actions :
- sodium bicarbonate (Alka-Seltzer) - decrease stomach motility and peristalsis.
- calcium carbonate (Tums) Nursing considerations :
- magnesium hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia). - Monitor for rebound constipation.
Mechanism of actions : - Be cautious taking if with infectious diarrhea.
- neutralize the stomach acidity. - Monitor atropine toxicity with diphenoxylate.
Adverse effects : - Clay, white or pale stool is common with
- metabolic alkalosis, stone formation kaopectate.
- electrolyte imbalance
- diarrhea (magnesium), constipation Laxatives
(aluminum). a. lactulose (Cephulac), Na biphosphate (Fleet
Nursing considerations : enema) & magnesium salt (Milk of Magnesia)
- Give 1 hr after meals. - retain fluid and distend intestine
- Avoid giving medications within 1-2 hrs of b. ducosate (Dialose)
antacid administration - emulsify fecal fat and water
(decreases absorption). c. bisacodyl (Dulcolax) & senna (X-prep)
- Take fluids to flush after intake of antacid - irritates intestinal mucosa and
suspensions. stimulate intestinal smooth muscles
- Monitor for changes of bowel patterns. d. bulk-forming laxative (Metamucil)
- increase fecal bulk and water content
HISTAMINE – 2 BLOCKERS e. mineral oil
Prototype : - lubricates & prevent colon absorption
- cimetidine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac),
famotidine (Pepcid), nizatidine (Axid). EMETICS
Mechanism of action: Prototype : ipecac syrup, apomorphine
- blocks H2 receptors in the stomach, reducing Mechanism of actions :
acid secretions. - induce vomiting through stimulation of
Nursing considerations : vomiting center of medulla.
- Given before or with meals Indications :
- Avoid giving other drugs with cimetidine - ingestion of poisonous or toxic substances.
- Gynecomastia may developed with chronic Nursing considerations :
use of cimetidine. - Consult poison control center before
induction of vomiting.
- Administer ipecac syrup with large amount of
Proton – Pump Inhibitors (PPI) fluid.
- Contraindicated to pregnant & breastfeeding.
SYSTEM - Monitor for signs of hypoglycemia.


Prototype : Insulin Onset Peak
- Proloid (thryroglobulin ) Duration
- Synthroid (levothyroxine)
- Cytomel ( liothyronine). Immediate-acting 0.15h 0.5–1h
Mechanism of action : 5h
- function as natural or synthetic hormones. (lispro)
Nursing considerations : Short-acting 0.5-1 h 2-4 h
- Taken in the morning. 5-7h
- Caution with coronary artery disease. (regular, semilente)
- Monitor for signs of hyperthyroidism and Intermediate-acting 1-3 h 6-12 h
refer for decreasing the dose. 18-24 h
(NPH, lente)
PARATHYROID AGENTS Long-acting 4-6h 10-30 h
Prototype : 24-36 h
a. calcitonin (Calcimar), etidronate (Didronel), (ultralente)
b. calcitrol (Rocaltrol), calcifediol (Calcedrol) Mixed 0.5 h 4-8 h
Mechanism of action : 25 h
a. reduce bone resorption (regular 30%, NPH 70%)
b. promotes calcium absorption
Nursing considerations : Nursing considerations :
- Monitor signs of calcium imbalance - Usually given before meals.
- Report for bone pains. - Roll the bottle in palm of hands, don’t shake.
- Remain sitting upright after taking etidronate. - Inject amount of air that is equal to each dose
into the bottle – short acting last (clear).
Oral Hypoglycemic Agents (OHA) - Aspirate short acting first, then long or
1. Sulfonylureas intermediate (cloudy).
- stimulate insulin secretions and increase - Alcohol is recommended for cleansing bottle
tissue sensitivity to insulin. but not with skin.
First Generation : - Pinch skin, avoid I.M, don’t aspirate.
Chlorpropamide (Diabenese) - Rotate the injection site an inch a part.
- disulfiram precautions - Prefilled syringes are stored vertically, needle-
Tolbutamide (Orinase) up.
- congenital defect - May increase dose during illnesses.
Second Generation : - Used bottles stored in room temperature,
Glypizide, Glymepiride unused bottle stored in refrigerator.
2. Biguanides - Monitor for acute hypoglycemia :
- facilitates insulin action on the peripheral a. 3-4 commercially prepared glucose tablet
receptor site. b. 4-6 ounce of fruit juice or regular soda
Metformin and Glucophage (Glucovance) c. 2-3 teaspoon or honey
- side effect is lactic acidosis d. Glucagon 1 gm SQ or IM
3. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors e. D50-50 IV.
- delay carbohydrate absorption in the
intestinal system.
Acarbose (Precose) – side effect is diarrhea ESTROGENS AND PROGESTINS
4. Thiazolinidine Prototype :
- increase tissue sensitivity of insulin. - conjugated estrogen (Premarin), estrone
Rosiglitazone (Avandia) (Bestrone), estradiol (Estrace),
5. Meglitinides diethylstilbestrol (DES).
- stimulate insulin release in pancreatic B-cells. Indications :
Repaglinide (Prandin) - prostate cancer, contraceptions
- estrogen replacement
Nursing considerations :
- Effective only for type II DM.
Adverse effects : a. Sulfonamides - cotrimoxazole
estrogen - endometrial CA, gallbladder disease, 4. DNA synthesis inhibitors
HPN, migraine, breast tenderness a. quinolones - ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin
progesterone - altered menstrual flow, risk of b. metronidazole
thrombo embolism Adverse effects :
Nursing considerations : 1. Aminoglycoside - nephrotoxicity & ototoxicity
1. Mix estrogen or progestins prior to IM 2. Sulfonamides - Steven-Johnson’s syndrome,
administration by rolling vials between palms. photosynsetivity
2. Monitor blood pressure 3. Quinolones - insomnia
3. Teach patient how to perform BSE. 4. Tetracyclines - bone problems
4. Regular follow-up examination is required to 5. Chloramphenicol - Gray syndrome, bone
detect associated risk of acquiring CA marrow depression
6. Erythromycin - hepatitis

DRUGS AFFECTING LABOR and LACTATION Nursing considerations :

1. Collect appropriate specimen for C & S before
Uterine Stimulating Agents starting antibiotics.
Protoytpe : 2. Check client’s history of allergies.
a. Oxytocin (Pitocin), ergonovine (Ergotrate), 3. Avoid administering erythromycin and
methylergonovine (methergine) quinolones with food.
b. carbopost (Prostin), dinoprostone (Prostin E2) 4. Pregnant precautions.
Mechanism of actions : 5. Report for diarrhea - pseudomembranous
a. stimulates uterine smooth muscles colitis (clindamycin)
b. ripening of cervix 6. Monitor adverse effects.
Adverse reactions :
- fetal bradycardia (oxytocin), Antiviral Agents
- hypertension (ergonovine), palpitations Prototype :
- allergic reactions (Prostaglandins) - acyclovir (Zovirax), ganciclovir (Cytovene),
Uterine Inhibiting Agents (Tocolytic) vidarabine (Vira-A), amantidine (Symmetrel),
Prototype : ribavirin (Virazole), zidovidine (Retrovir).
- ritodrine (Yutopar), terbutaline (Brethine) Mechanism of actions :
Mechanism of actions : - inhibits virus specific enzymes involve in DNA
- relaxes the uterus by stimulating the B2- synthesis. They only control the growth of
adrenergic receptors virus but it does not cure.
Adverse effects : Adverse effects :
- tremors, nausea, vomiting and tachycardia - granulocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, nausea,
nervousness, headache, nephrotoxicity.
Lactation Suppressants
Prototype : Nursing consideration :
- bromocriptine (Parlodel) - Pregnant and breastfeeding precautions.
Mechanism of action : - Administer IV antivirals to avoid crystallization
- decrease serum prolactin levels in renal tubules.
Adverse effects : - Give ribavirin only with aerosol generator.
- drowsiness, headache, nausea, palpitations - Monitor CBC and creatinine level.
- Refer for signs of bleeding.
DRUGS FOR TREATING INFECTION - Take amantidine after meals.

Antibacterial Agents Antifungal Agents

1. Cell wall inhibitors Prototype :
a. penicillins - pen G, amoxicillin, cloxacillin - amphotericin B (Fungisone), nystatin,
b. cephalosphorins - cephalexin, cefaclor fluconazole (Diflucan), ketoconazole (Nizoral).
c. glycopeptide - vancomycin Mechanism of actions :
2. Protein synthesis inhibitors - inhibit the synthesis of fungal sterol.
a. aminoglycosides - amikacin, gentamycin Adverse effects :
b. macrolide - erythromycins, roxithromycin - nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity
c. lincosamides - clindamycins - bone marrow depression
d. chloramphenicol, tetracyclines - chills, fever, joint pains, abdominal pain and
3. Antimetabolites - blocks folic acid synthesis headache.
Nursing considerations : ANTI-NEOPLASTIC DRUGS
- Dilute amphotericin B with sterile water solution
not with electrolyte solution. General considerations :
- Tell clients that fever, chills, GI upset, joint and - kills or inhibit the reproduction of neoplasmic
muscle pain will subside as cells but as well as normal cells.
amphotericin B continues. - it could be cell cycle phase specific or cell cycle
- With oral candidiasis, let nystatin tablet dissolve non-specific.
in mouth rather than swallowing it. - preferably given through IV route.
- Refrain ketoconazole with antacids.
- Report for signs of bleeding, infection &
fatigue. Prototype :
1. Alkylating Agents
- inhibits cell production by causing cross
Prototype : a. Busulfan – hyperuricemia
a. Antimalarial b. Chlorambucil – gonadal suppression
- chlroquine, mefloquine, primaquine, c. Cisplatin – ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity
quinine, pyrimethamine d. Cyclophosphamide – hemorrhagic cystitis.
b. Antiamebiasis 2. Antitumor Antibiotic Agents
- metronidazole (Flagyl), iodoquinol, - interfere in DNA and RNA synthesis
furozolidone (Furoxone). a. Plicamycin – affects bleeding time
Mechanism of actions : b. Doxurubicin – cardiotoxicity
a. antimalarial – alters protozoal DNA, depleting c. Bleomycin – pulmonary toxicity.
folates, & reducing nucleic acid 3. Antimetabolites
production - replace normal proteins required for DNA
b. antiamoeba – block protein synthesis. synthesis by inhibiting the S phase
Nursing considerations : a. Cytarabine – hepatotoxicity
1. Administer anti-malarial drugs with food. b. 5-flourouracil – phototoxicity reaction and
2. Take seizure precautions while administering cerebellar dysfunctions
antimalarial drugs. c. 6-marcaptopurine – hyperuricemia
3. Refer cinchonism during quinine treatment: d. Methotrexate – photosensitivity
- tinnitus, headache, vertigo, fever, and - given with leucoverin to lessen its
visual changes. toxicity.
4. Inform clients that iodoquinol falsify thyroid 4. Mitotic Inhibitors (Vinca Alkaloids)
function test for up to 6 months. - prevent mitosis acting on the M phase
causing cell death
a. Vincristine sulfate – neurotoxicity, numbness
ANTIHELMINTIC 5. Hormonal Medications and Enzymes
Prototype : - block the normal hormones in hormone
- mebendazole (Vermox), thiabendazole, sensitive tumors
niclosamide (Niclocide), piperazine (Antepar), a. Tamoxifen citrate – visual problems
praziquantel (Biltricide). – elevate cholesterol & triglycerides level
Mechanism of actions : b. Diethylstilbestrol – impotence and
- paralyze larva and adult helmints by acting on gynecomastia in men.
parasite microtubules.
Adverse effects : Side Effects:
- GI upset, urinary odor (thiabendazole) stomatitis
- headache, dizziness, fatigue - bland diet, avoid strong mouthwash
Nursing considerations : - soft tooth brush, ice chips
1. Treat all the family members for nematodes diarrhea, nausea and vomiting
infection to prevent recurrence. - anti-emetic, replace fluids and electrolytes
2. Praziquantel must swallowed rapidly because alopecia
of its bitter taste to avoid gagging. - reassure that it is temporary
3. Other antihelmintics should be chewed. - encourage o wear wigs, hats and head scarf
skin pigmentation
- inform that it is only temporary
tumor lysis syndrome
- hyperuricemia & hyperkalemia
- force fluids
- notify physician if WBC is <2000/mm3
- monitor for signs of infection
- reverse isolation
- low bacteria diet
- iron, B-12, folic acid rich food
- provide rest periods
- avoid NSAIDs
- minimize invasive procedures
- use soft toothbrush and electric razor
menstrual changes
- reassure that menstruation will resume.
THE END c. Continue to take as many tablets
REVIEW QUESTIONS of nitroglycerin until chest pain
SITUATION: Mr. Hero Fernando, a 60 d. A burning sensation under the
year-old bank manager had tongue is expected
experienced a sensation of chest
tightness, chest pain, sweating and a
feeling of apprehension. A diagnosis
of CAD with angina pectoris was 5. The nurse applies the ordered
established nitroglycerin ointment on the patient’s
1. The physician orders for nitroglycerin chest wall. Which nursing action is
tablet. The nurse knows that the considered inappropriate?
pharmacological action of the drug is: a. The nurse chooses a hairless
a. To dissolve the atheromatous area
plaque in the coronary artery b. She spreads the ointment with
b. Constrict the venous vessels and her fingers
capillaries c. She removes the ointment on the
c. Dilate the coronary arteries skin from the previous dose
d. Decrease the myocardial d. She rotates the sites of ointment
consumption of oxygen application

2. The nurse gave instructions to the patient 6. The nurse gives which of the following
on nitroglycerin intake. He remarked, “I discharge instructions to this patient with
think I will try not to take too many of angina regarding nitroglycerin therapy?
these pills.” At this instance, the nurse’s a. Only take the nitroglycerin as
BEST reply would be: desired
a. “I agree, nitroglycerin can cause b. The drug should be taken before
drug addiction, that is why you engaging in exertional activities
must not take too many of the c. The tablet should be taken only in
pills” the morning
b. “I must inform you that d. If the drug does not relieve the
nitroglycerin is non-habituating pain, increase the frequency of
and you should take the pills the dose
many times to relieve the pain”
c. “You will be needing only three 7. Hero asked the nurse what he could do
tablets to ease the pain and if about his concern about sex activity. The
unrelieved, you must seek nurse best suggests:
medical attention” a. Tell him to avoid sex for several
d. “ There is no problem with months while his heart is on
continuous daily intake because therapy
nitroglycerin does not cause a b. Suggests that his wife assume
tolerance effect” the top position
c. Tell him to avoid sex on days
3. The nurse must emphasize to the patient when he is anxious
which ONE of the following side-effects of d. Advise that he should have sex
nitroglycerin: only once a month
a. Headache c.
Nausea and vomiting 8. The nurse understands that her discharge
b. Hypertension d. Visual teaching is effective regarding life style
changes modification when the patient says:
a. “I know that I will need to eat less,
4. What other information must the nurse so I will eat once a day only”
provide to the patient taking the b. “I will stay on bed most of the time
nitroglycerin? so I wont experience chest pain”
a. Keep the tablet in a clear c. “I will stop what I’m doing
container whenever I have pain and take
b. Take the tablet with meals the pill”
d. “I need to enroll in a gym class to d. Caution to avoid hazardous
have a vigorous exercise to activities after taking the drug
condition my heart” 14. The nurse determines that the following
drugs are calcium channel blockers that
SITUATION: Manny is admitted to the can be prescribed by the physician to the
medical ward with the diagnosis of patient. One is not included:
essential hypertension. He had a. Nifedipine
hypertensive emergency 2 hours ago and b. Verapamil
was hospitalized for further observation. c. Telmisartan
9. The nurse administers prescribed anti- d. Diltiazem
hypertensive meds. If it can be any of the
following, she will check the pulse prior to SITUATION: Joseph,, 50 y.o.
giving: Businessman awakens in the middle of
a. Nifedipine the night with dyspnea, bilateral basilar
b. Metoprolol rales and frothy sputum. He is brought to
c. Clonidine the Mulawin hospital. His diagnosis is
d. Captopril congestive heart failure.
15. The physician gives the patient
10. After administering a blood-pressure furosemide and digoxin. The nurse’s main
lowing agent, the nurse must caution the concern is to:
patient: a. Take the central venous pressure
a. To avoid straining during reading
defecation b. Observe for decrease edema
b. To avoid low-sodium and c. Observe for signs and symptoms
potassium diet of hypokalemia
c. To avoid abrupt change of d. Force fluids
d. To take warm shower 16. The mechanism of action of dioxin that
immediately after taking the drug makes it useful in patients with CHF is
that it:
11. The nurse prepares to give a diet a. Produces a negative inotropic
appropriate for a hypertensive patient. effect
Which food should the nurse include in b. Increases cardiac conduction
the menu? c. Enhances cardiac contractility
a. Canned meat loaf d. Increases the heart rate
b. Scallops and shrimps
c. Fresh citrus juice and cake 17. The nurse is very vigilant about digoxin
d. Butter and pork steaks overdose. Which one statement below by
the patient may alert the nurse of a
12. If the physician orders Captopril as the possible development of toxicity?
home medication for the high BP, the a. “Nurse, I don’t feel like eating for
nurse must caution that the side-effect of the past few days”
this drug that is disturbing is: b. “I am having constipation lately”
a. Rashes c. “I am developing a nagging cough
b. Cough and night terrors”
c. Pruritus d. “I am experiencing dryness of the
d. Ringing of the ears eyes and sandy sensation”

13. If the client is discharged with home 18. The nurse evaluates that the drug digoxin
medication of Propranolol hydrochloride, is effective when the patient manifests:
the nurse must include in her medication- a. Decreased bowel sounds
teaching plan which one? b. Increased urine output
a. Take the medication on an empty c. Increased drowsiness
stomach d. Decreased sympathetic response
b. Obtain blood pressure readings of the body
c. Perform active exercises to 19. The following manifestations must be
prevent Hypotension assessed by the nurse to detect
beginning digitalis toxicity, with the
exception of: 25. The nurse instructs the patient to eat iron-
a. Nausea and vomiting rich foods. She determines that her
b. Palpitations teaching is effective when the client will
c. Diplopia and visual yellow-green choose:
halos a. Pomelo juice and hamburger
d. Hypertension b. Gelatin and marshmallows
c. Lean meat and buttered corn
20. The nurse instructs the patient on diet d. Liver and eggyolk
modification during digitalis therapy. She
is certain that her teaching is effective 26. The doctor decides to order Iron dextran
when the patient will choose all the foods one ampoule. The nurse prepares to
items below, except: administer the drug:
a. Fresh orange juice and potato a. Intravenously. Slow IV push
fries b. Intamuscular, Z-track method
b. Dried mangoes and tomato juice c. Subcutaneous
c. Broccoli salad with bean sprouts d. Intrathecal
d. Flavored gelatin and iced tea
27. The nurse must warn the patient taking
21. The nurse obtains an apical pulse of 78 oral iron preparations that it can cause
beats/min. She is bringing the next dose which side effect/s?
of digoxin and then proceeds to do which a. Yellowish discoloration of the skin
one action below? and mucus membrane
a. Withhold the drug and notify the b. Darkening of stool color
physician c. Anorexia and loss of hair
b. Start IV infusion of Digibind d. Ulceration of the skin and cough
(digoxin antibody)
c. Instruct patient to consume more 28. The patient remained pale and weak,
meat and nuts upon further examination, it was
d. Administer the drug determined that she has pernicious
anemia. The pathophysiology of this
SITUATION: Armida, an 18-year-old hematological disorder is:
adolescent is seen in the health center a. Absence of Vitamin E in the diet
because of easy fatigability and frequent b. Presence of excessive iron in the
dizziness liver
22. The health center physician determines c. Absence of intrinsic factor in the
that she has iron-deficiency anemia. The stomach
nurse will anticipate the doctor to order d. Temporary bone marrow
for: depression.
a. Bone marrow aspiration
b. Hemoglobin level determination DRUGS THAT AFFECT THE
d. BUN and Creatinine SITUATION: Mrs. Rosalinda Amor, 23
23. A drug is administered to correct anemia, year-old actress is admitted because of a
such as an iron. This drug is classified as: diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis.
a. Antihelminthic 29. The nurse employs which of the following
b. Anticoagulant non-pharmacological measures in caring
c. Hematinic for Mrs. Amor?
d. Antihistaminic a. Ice compress over the involved
leg TID
24. The nurse administers the oral iron tablet. b. Elevate the legs with a pillow
She will give the medication: c. Maintain on strict bed rest with
a. With milk and dairy products minimal bathroom privileges
b. With antacids to minimize gastric d. Massage the involved area
c. With fruit juices like calamansi 30. The physician orders Heparin sodium for
and orange Mrs. Amor. The nurse understands the
d. With a full glass of coffee or tea reason for this therapy is that:
a. Heparin will dissolve the clots in d. Deferoxamine chelators
the inflamed veins to prevent
emobolization 37. The doctor switched from standard
b. There is a need to prevent further heparin to low molecular weight heparin
clot formation in the involved injection. The advantage of LMWH over
vessels the standard heparin is:
c. Heparin will anticoauglate the a. The LMWH can be administered
blood by inhibiting vitamin K IM
metabolism b. The LMWH does not need
d. The clot formed in the vein must frequent laboratory monitoring
be lysed by activating plasmin, c. The LMWH has a better potency
the action of heparin d. The LMWH does not cause
bleeding problems
31. If the doctor orders for heparin therapy
monitoring, the nurse must obtain which 38. The nurse reads the chart and notes for
laboratory tests from the lab unit? an order of oral Warfarin sodium, while
a. Prothrombin time the patient is on heparin therapy. The
b. Clotting time nurse will:
c. Partial thromboplastin time a. Question the order because of
d. Prothrombin consumption test potential excessive bleeding if
given simultaneously
32. The above laboratory value must is b. Administer the drug as ordered
considered therapeutic if the result is c. Withhold the heparin and
about: administer the Warfarin orally
a. 3 times the normal d. Report the error to the nurse
b. 2 times the normal supervisor as the patient may be
c. Equals the normal at risk for toxicity
d. Less than the normal
39. IF Mrs. Amor is discharge with warfarin
33. The nurse must administer heparin to sodium, the nurse must include in her
Mrs. Amor. She determines that the most discharge teaching which one?
common routes of administration are: a. Keep Vitamin A ampule available
a. IV and IM for injection c/o the health center
b. SC and IV in case of emergency
c. ID and IM b. Report any bright red blood in the
d. IV and intrathecal stool or urine
c. Take aspirin to manage the
34. When the nurse is monitoring the patient headache side-effect of the drug
for heparin overdose, she is observing for d. Utilize firm toothbrush when
the following signs/symptoms, except? brushing to prevent build up of
a. Ecchymoses plaques and gingival hyperplasia
b. Positive Homan’s sign
c. Dark, cola-colored urine 40. The nurse must remind the patient that
d. Epistaxis warfarin therapy is monitored with the use
of which laboratory examinations?
35. Which one effect of heparin therapy will a. PT and PTT
cause nursing concern? b. PT and INR
a. Thrombocytopenia c. Clotting time and bleeding time
b. Constipation d. Platelet count and PT
c. Bone marrow depression
d. Dizziness SITUATION: Mrs. Avery had a previous
attack of mild stroke and coronary artery
36. In the event of an overdose of heparin disease. She is taking Aspirin.
injection, the nurse prepares which one 41. The reason aspirin is utilized as an anti-
antidote for toxicity? platelet medication is because:
a. Phytomenadione a. Aspirin can prolong the bleeding
b. Atropine Sulfate time
c. Protamine sulfate
b. Aspirin affects the thromboxane 47. The nurse is knowledgeable about the
production of the platelet mode of action of lovastatin that it:
c. Aspirin interferes with the a. It Inhibits the formation of
receptor binding of the platelets chylomicrons in the intestinal cells
d. Aspirin blocks the degranulation b. It prevents the enzyme that
process inhibiting release of synthesizes cholesterol
histamine c. It binds with bile acids and
cholesterol promoting excretion
42. The nurse administers aspirin: d. It promotes cholesterol
a. On an empty stomach to increase metabolism in the adipose tissue
absorption to lower the plasma cholestero
b. With meals 48. The nurse is prepared to provide comfort
c. In Between meals measure to the common side effects of
d. Intramuscularly the drug. She monitors the patient for:
a. Abdominal fullness, flatulence
43. Mrs. Avery had a sudden severe and and diarrhea
prolonged chest pain. Acute MI is b. Confusion and psychoses
suspected. The nurse anticipates the c. Palpitations and arrhythmias
doctor to order a fibrinolytic, and this may d. Hypertension and rashes
a. Tranexamic Acid 49. The nurse must monitor for these serious
b. Dipyridamole adverse effects of lovastatin. Which one is
c. Steptokinase not included?
d. Coumadin a. Glaucoma
b. Cataract
44. If the above drug is ordered to be given IV c. Myositis
drip, the nurse must be aware of which d. Hepatic failure
potential effect?
a. Hypersensitivity reaction The nurse reads the drug order
b. Congestive heart failure sheet and is most concern to
c. Further damage to the consult the physician if he orders:
myocardium e. Paracetamol
d. Excessive clot formation f. Gemfibrozil
g. Vitamin supplements
45. If the patient is receiving tissue- h. Omeprazole
plasminogen activator, the nurse must
make which one priority intervention? 50. The nurse is giving Guaifenesin to a
a. Have heparin sodium available patient. She includes in her teaching
b. Monitor closely the renal status which of the following interventions?
c. Observe for psychotic symptoms a. Warn the patient that extreme
d. Obtain a stand by Aminocaproic drowsiness may occur
acid b. Offer a full glass of water
c. Nausea and vomiting are
SITUATION: A patient is determined to potential problems alleviated by
have hypercholesterolemia and is small frequent meals
admitted in the hospital for treatment of d. Suggest to buy a nebulizer
her condition. The doctor ordered machine to be used at home
Lovastatin OD. e. Vitamin ADEK supplements
46. The nurse determines that the BEST time because of impaired absorption
to give the drug is:
a. In the morning before breakfast to 51. To be able to detect the effectiveness of
promote absorption Salbutamol, the nurse should check for:
b. In the afternoon to promote sleep a. Blood pressure and CVP
because it is sedating readings
c. At bedtime b. Urinary output per hour
d. In between meals c. Breath sounds
d. Level of consciousness
e. Pupillary reflexes
52. The patient is receiving theophylline
capsule OD. The nurse cautions the 57. Terbutaline sulfate is administered to a
patient to avoid foods with components patient with asthma. If the patient has
similar to theophyline and they can be: another disease, the nurse is most vigilant
a. Sugar and cream and cautious if this condition exists:
b. Coffee and chocolate a. Hypothyroidism
c. Spinach and broccoli b. Rheumatoid arthritis
d. Beans and aged cheese c. Diabetes mellitus
e. Canned goods and wine d. Polycystic ovarian disease
e. Emphysema
53. The patient is receiving theophylline
capsule OD. The nurse cautions the 58. The nurse is administering oxymetazoline
patient to avoid foods with components nasal decongestant. She includes in her
similar to theophyline and they can be: care plan all of the following interventions,
a. Sugar and cream EXCEPT?
b. Coffee and chocolate a. Instruct the patient to clear the
c. Spinach and broccoli nasal passage of mucus before
d. Beans and aged cheese instilling
e. Canned goods and wine b. Remind patient to keep the head
tilted for a few seconds after
54. The nurse is administering acetylcysteine administration
nebulization to a patient. It is very much c. Advise increased fluid intake
important to keep which item below at d. Encourage the use for one week
bedside? for better effect
a. Scissors e. Caution that tachycardia and
b. Ambu bag urinary retention may occur with
c. Suction machine systemic absorption
d. Tracheostmy set
e. NG tube 59. The physician asks the nurse for an
anticholinergic drug to be used for the
55. After giving diphenhydramine to the asthmatic patient. The nurse obtains from
patient, the nurse must ensure that the the pharmacy which drug?
patient understands the teachings below, a. Albuterol
EXCEPT: b. Terbutaline
a. Refrain from manipulating c. Metaproterenol
delicate machines d. Ipratropium bromide
b. Take sugarless candy in the e. Salbutamol
mouth to relieve dryness
c. Avoid taking the drug with alcohol 60. The physician orders dextromethorphan
d. Check pulse rate before taking for a patient who is complaining of very
the drug uncomfortable coughing. The nurse
e. Manage gastric upset by taking it understands that this drug acts to
with food suppress cough by:
a. Increasing the secretions of the
56. The nurse watches out for a side-effect bronchial glands
associated with intake of codeine sulfate b. Removing the irritation from the
and provides appropriate intervention, this respiratory tract
can be: c. Inhibiting the medulla oblongata
a. Constipation- provide liberal fluids cough center
b. Excitement- provide less d. Inhibiting the stretch receptors in
stimulation the lungs
c. Tachycardia- administer lidocaine e. Triggering the vagal responses
d. Polyuria- give the drug in the
morning 61. Inhaled corticosteroid like
e. Tachypnea- position on semi- beclomethasone is administered to the
fowler’s patient with asthma. It is important for the
nurse to stress that this drug:
a. Acts rapidly to decrease
b. Promotes the secretion of mucus
c. May depress the immune function
d. Highly effective in terminating
acute asthma attack
e. Is habituating and addicting

62. The second generation anti-histamines

like cetirizine have the advantage over the
first generation antihistamines like
diphenhydramine because second
generation antihistamines:
a. Have shorter duration of action
that can be reversed rapidly
b. Have less sedation and
anticholinergic properties
c. Posses less drug sensitivity
d. Have a greater safety profile
e. Have less abuse potential

63. The nurse cautions the patient taking

diphenhydramine (Benadryl) to expect all
of the following side effects, except?
a. Dry mouth
b. Blurred vision
c. Urinary frequency
d. Drowsiness
e. Dizziness

64. The nurse must remember to administer

theophylline slowly or with an infusion
pump because this drug, if given rapidly
can cause:
a. Increased alertness
b. Severe hypotension
c. Tachycardia
d. Pallor
e. Headache

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