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2016 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT-Asia)

Melbourne, Australia, Nov 28 - Dec 1, 2016

Energy Management of Grid Connected Rooftop

Solar System with Battery Storage
Charan Teja S Pradeep Kumar Yemula
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Kandi, Hyderabad 502285 Kandi, Hyderabad 502285
Email: Email:

Abstract—Shift of the focus from bulk generation to distributed shifting of the load from peak periods to off peak periods
generation is an established global trend in the power sector. or during demand response events. Due to the use of battery
Further the mode of distributed generations is shifting from the fluctuations in the demand on the grid will reduce there
dependence on fossil fuels to renewable sources. These sources
are intermittent in nature and their generation pattern does not by benefiting the utility. Further more the fluctuations in the
match the load pattern there by creating a need for a battery generation due to renewable energy sources (RES) such as
storage system. In this context, energy management presents itself roof top solar can also be absorbed by the battery, there by
as inevitable challenge in operating a grid connected distributed improving the grid stability [1].
renewable sources. The challenge is due to factors such as
intermittency of source, time of the day prices, sizing of solar However, the above benefits can only be achieved by
panels and battery, limitations of charging and discharging rates incorporating some kind of smartness at the consumer end.
of the battery. To address these, in this paper, an algorithm for The challenge is to implement an effective energy management
energy management of grid-connected rooftop solar with battery algorithm which controls the positive and negative power flow
storage is proposed. The objective is to maximize the savings through the battery, so as to achieve savings in the total
in electricity bill by decreasing the power drawn from the grid
during high grid prices. The charge controller of battery uses electricity bill. The contribution of this paper is in solving
this algorithm for making decision on charging or discharging the challenge of energy management with an efficient and
of the battery or keeping it in idle mode. The algorithm is coded easy to implement algorithm for controlling the battery power.
in MATLAB and tested with realistic demand patterns and solar The architecture of the system is depicted in Fig. 1. For the
generation patterns of data representing a duration of 30 days. purpose of this study it is assumed that power from grid is
The obtained results show effective savings on electricity bill
monthly. The optimal selection of number of solar panels, battery unidirectional and the option of selling power back to the grid
size has also been presented. The proposed algorithm helps is not considered. This assumption is justified in the case when
in effectively deriving the potential benefits of grid connected the net solar energy units generated per day is less than the
rooftop solar system with battery storage. daily energy consumption of the load. In other words, the solar
Index Terms—Energy management strategy, rooftop solar, will meet only a part of the demand where as the other part
battery storage, Time of the day pricing.
is met from the grid.
With the increasing trend in the prices of fossil fuels paired
with the decreasing trends in the distributed generation tech- ŝƐƚƌŝďƵƚŝŽŶ
nologies, electricity consumers are gradually shifting towards
being electricity prosumers. Also, some government subsidies
are encouraging the customers to have their own renewable
energy generation. Rooftop solar now-a-days became more
popular because it doesn’t require a separate land space or
area. It is flexible to install on the roof of the house or DWWd ŽŶǀĞƌƚĞƌǁŝƚŚ
commercial complex. A rooftop solar alone cannot justify the
reduction in electricity bill as the solar irradiation is available ĂƚƚĞƌLJ ^ƚŽƌĂŐĞ

only during day time. In order to get better reduction in

electricity bill a battery storage need to be installed along with
solar panels. This battery will help to meet the load during
the dearth of solar power. Also if the battery is charged and Fig. 1. Architecture of Grid-Connected Rooftop solar PV system with Battery
is available to meet the demand during the high grid prices, it
will be useful to meet the load as a result there is an increase in
the savings on monthly bill. The battery system also enables

978-1-5090-4303-3/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 1195

A. Related Work in [15]. Also this gives the optimal sizing of different RES
sources for a particular type of load by considering the real
The application and control of battery storage systems to time data of forecasted solar, wind generation. The above
overcome the sudden output power variations of rooftop PVs mentioned literature presented doesn’t include reduction of
has been presented in [2] and [3]. Reference [4] reports monthly savings. Here in this paper we presented how to
the performance of a 4-kW grid-connected residential wind- utilize the solar and battery resources for meeting the load in
photovoltaic system (WPS) with battery storage located In such a way that it increases the annual savings of electricity
Lowell, MA, USA. Reference [1] lists out major challenges bill.
in the integration of roof-top solar PV systems, namely, the
uncertainties in the performance of the low voltage distribution II. M ATHEMATICAL M ODEL FOR E NERGY M ANAGEMENT
network due to the intermittent nature of solar PV sources. IN G RID C ONNECTED ROOFTOP S OLAR S YSTEM WITH
A model was also developed [1] to investigate the potential S TORAGE
technical impacts of integrating roof-top solar PV systems
into the low voltage distribution network. Advantages of General considerations The mathematical model is built
installation of pv along with battery and return on investment for a certain time period. The time period can be divided into
of installation of these systems for a building are presented in many time blocks. Throughout this model we designate the
[5]. subscript t, to represent a particular time block. For example,
the total time can be considered as 30 days which is divided
In [6] a formulation was developed for battery usage based
into 720 hrs (= 30 days x 24 hrs). So the value of t will
on more realistic battery models, optimizing the benefit of
range from 1 to 720 hours.
discharging the battery. The scheme for the actual use of
batteries in an energy-trading environment, considering the
Known Variables The following variables are considered
total cost of ownership and return on investment is also
as known.
designed [6]. The system was simulated using the actual time-
PLoad,t forecasted load of the consumer at t in kW.
of-use pricing to demonstrate return on investment in as few as
PSolar,t forecasted solar generation at t in kW.
5 years. In [7] power management strategy in hybrid electric
Gprice,t price of power from grid at t Rs/kWh.
vehicles is presented where the physical model of electric
vehicle is considered along with battery degradation. But this
Decision Variable The energy management system should
power management strategy doesn’t include the grid pricing
use the following variable as the decision variables to achieve
or time of day pricing.
the required objective.
Energy management strategy for wind energy conversion
Npanels number of solar panels to be installed. It is assumed
systems is presented in[8]. Here the battery is utilized in order
that each panel has generation capacity of 1 kWp.
to reduce the fluctuations on grid that are caused due to wind
PBat,t Powerflow to the battery at t in kW.
energy conversion system. By utilizing the battery in grid
If this variable is positive it means battery is charging and
connected wind energy systems, the output that is supplied
negative means battery is discharging.
to the load is maintained constant even under the reduced
wind power output. Battery dynamics are considered in [9]
Calculable Variables The following variables can be cal-
and the issues in the integration of renewable energy sources
culated using the expressions given below (1).
are addressed by developing a dynamic programming. This
EBat,t energy stored in battery at t in kWh.
energy management strategy mostly concerns in the technical
aspects of the grid. The optimal time and optimal sizing of the 
battery storage systems are presented in [10]. But this optimal EBat,t = (η αt ∗ αt ∗ PBat,t dt) (1)
sizing is for isolated microgrids.Optimal sizing of battery for 0
standalone renewable systems is presented in [11]. This sizing where αt = 1 for during charging and αt = −1 for during
is irrespective of the load and grid pricings. discharging. η is the efficiency of the battery and inverter
In [12] load scheduling for an HEMS system is presented. system while charging or discharging.
HEMS will have coordination with demand response and PGrid,t total power flow from grid at t in kW. This can
accordingly schedule the appliances in a home. The HEMS be evaluated from following expression. In the expression +
is considered along with the PV and battery storage. The is for charging and - is for discharging
objective here is to reduce the peak to average ratio. In regards
to annual savings this publication [13] suggests the installation PGrid,t = PLoad,t ± PBat,t − PSolar,t (2)
of pv based on the old and new houses data. Moreover
along with the installation of alternative power resources the The net amount payment to be made to the grid with solar
management strategy also plays a major role in the reduction and battery system can be calculated as
of bill or annual savings. In [14] designing and integrating
of hybrid energy systems are presented. Sensitivity analysis 
UwithSolar = Gprice,t ∗ PGrid,t (3)
of installation of RES along with battery storage is presented

If the grid connected rooftop solar and battery system was to choose has to be determined by analyzing of data. These
not available, the entire load will be on the grid. Thus, the considerations can be mathematically expressed as rules below.
net payment made to the grid with out solar system can be Rule 1: when EBat,t = 0 then PBat,t ≥ 0
calculated as Rule 2: when EBat,t = EBat,tmax
then PBat,t ≤ 0

t Rule 3: when 0 ≤ EBat,t ≤ EBat,t max
then PBat,t = 0
UwithoutSolar = Gprice,t ∗ PLoad,t (4) The next set of rules pertain to how much should be value
0 of PBat,t . When charging it is best to charge the battery as
The net saving in the bill can be calculated by subtracting quickly as possible, since the grid power will be available.
eq(4) from eq(3). However when discharging we need to have a controlled rate
of discharge, so that we avoid sending power back into the
S = UwithoutSolar − UwithSolar (5) grid. Hence by keeping PGrid,t = 0 in eq.(2), we get PBat,t =
PSolar,t − PLoad,t . Note that Pbat,t has to be negative when
Objective The objective is to achieve maximum saving on
discharging, that means we should discharge only when the
the net payment made to the grid, namely,
load is more than the solar generation. Thus we get following
maximize S (6) Rule 4: when charging PBat,t = PBat,tmax

It can be observed that for a given load profile and grid pricing Rule 5: when discharging 0 ≥ PBat,t = PSolar,t − PLoad,t
scheme, the term Uwithoutsolar will be fixed. Hence in order and PGrid,t = 0
to maximize the savings, S, we need to minimize the value Now we come to the question of deciding to charge or
Uwithsolar which can be achieved by re-scheduling the power discharge. By applying the above rules we can simulate the
taken from grid such that during the periods of lower price we energy management system and calculate the savings.
draw more power from the grid and vice versa, subjected to the In this algorithm predicted prices are divided into four
constraints of the battery capacity, charging and discharging regions. Based on these four regions the charging rate and
rates and the availability of solar power. discharging rate of the battery is considered. The four regions
Constraints The following constraints are applicable. (i) constitutes low, medium, high, and very high. These regions
The energy stored in battery can not be negative. (ii) the energy may vary based on the maximum price. Here in this paper
stored in the battery should not exceed the maximum storage for analysis of algorithm the price regions are considered as
capacity of battery. (iii) the maximum rate of charging and shown in (10).
discharging of the battery are not exceeded (iv) The power ⎧ ⎫
flow back to the grid is not allowed. This assumption is made ⎪
⎪ low; price = 50% of max(price) ⎪

⎨ ⎬
to avoid the trivial solution of having the entire load met with medium; price = 60% of max(price)
price =
solar and battery system, which will become equivalent to ⎪
⎪ high; price = 80% of max(price) ⎪

⎩ ⎭
off grid solar solution. Mathematically the constraints can be very high; price = max(price)
stated as below. (10)
Fig. 2. shows the algorithm for energy management in the
0 ≤ EBat,t ≤ EBat
(7) form of a flow chart. The following are the considerations that
are made for implementation of energy management.
1) We classify each time block into price regions based on
PBat ≤ PBat,t ≤ PBat
the price during that particular time period.
2) Depending on the price region charging rate and the
PGrid ≥ 0 (9) discharging rate are decided i.e., in during low price
region the rate of charge of battery is high compared to
III. I MPLEMENTATION OF A LGORITHM FOR E NERGY medium price region. Similarly discharge rate to supply
M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM during high region is less compared to very high price
In this section we describe a simple algorithm for solv- region.
ing the mathematical model described in previous section.As 3) Next we check for availability of solar and battery
noted, the only decision to be taken is how much to charge or capacity. Here solar is always in MPPT mode and it
discharge during a given time block t. The decision variable is is used to either meet the load or charge the battery.
PBat,t . So we begin by considering the obvious extreme cases. 4) If the price is in either low or medium the battery will
When the battery is completely discharged i.,e., maximum always charge from either grid or solar and the load is
discharge, we can not discharge further and when the battery met from grid.
is completely charged we can not charge it further. Another 5) If the price is in either high or very high region, we
subtle rule is that as long as the battery is not fully charged or will try to meet the demand from solar or battery and
fully discharged, there is always going to be an opportunity avoiding the grid power to the most possible extent.
to save on total bills by either charging or discharging during Fig. 3. shows the implementation of the above algorithm in
that hour as opposed to being idle. However, which option MATLAB. The input layer contains a .csv file in which first

Calculate the price ranges
Read input file containing 1. Low
Start data on Hours, Load, Price, 2. Medium
Solar generation 3. High
4. Very High

Price< Very High Price< High If If
Price< Medium Price<Price_low

Set discharge rate equal
Set discharging rate to
to load Set Charging rate to Set Charging rate to
80% of load
minimum maximum

Not Available Not Available Check solar NO

Check for Available Check for power > load
solar solar
availability availability
Check if
Check if battery Check YES
battery energy Check solar
energy > load solar+battery>lo
>load YES power > load NO NO ad NO

Check if
Check if Check if
battery is fully YES
battery is fully battery is fully
YES charged YES YES
YES charged charged
Supply maximum Power drawn Supply load from
amount of power Power drawn from Maximum load is Grid supplies
from grid is zero solar and charge Grid supplies Use grid and
from battery and grid is zero as solar/ met from solar, to power to Supply load
as battery is battery with to power to Supply solar to Use
remaining from battery is supplying battery remaining battery and from grid and
supplying load remaining solar only load load from charge battery grid+solar
grid load load from grid load charge battery
power solar and supply so meet
using solar
load load

Calculate the grid price U

Pgrid,t=Pload,t ±Pbattery,t -PSolar,t Check for NO

U with solar=Gprice,t *Pgrid,t month ending
U without solar=Gprice,t *PLoad,t

Display the results


Fig. 2. Flow chart for energy management strategy

each solar panel is of one square meter area. In the initial

processing layer, price regions are calculated based on the
above mentioned eq.10. Also the charging rate and discharging
rate per hour of battery are considered based on the price
region. Algorithm layer will calculate the energy utilized from
the grid and cost that is saved during one month. The output
is displayed as a table in which the power utilized from the
grid during each hour is mentioned. Along with that the cost
with and without solar, battery are shown in the remaining
columns, also the battery capacity during each instant of time
Fig. 3. Implementation process is also displayed as the output.


column contains hours data, second column contains fore- The above algorithm was programmed using the MATLAB
casted load data, third column specifies the price of grid power programming language and the results that are displayed in
during that time and fourth column is the solar generation the form of table and plots. Here for the simulation purpose
available in that particular hour. In addition to the above inputs the battery efficiency is considered as 90% during charging
number of solar panels, battery capacity and battery efficiency and discharging. Number of solar panels considered for this
are required to be provided as inputs. It is assumed that the algorithm testing is 2. It is assumed that each solar panel is of

8 I

Power in kw


C Pg=0 Pg=0 C Pg=0

C-Charging, Grid Power D
-2 D-Discharging, I-Idle D Load
Pg-Power drawn Battery Energy
from grid, L-Low Price,
Battery Power
M-Medium Price, VH-Very
Solar Power
High Price
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 7172

Fig. 4. Output showing how the energy management strategy algorithm works

one square meter area there by achieving solar panel capacity 8000
Cost without solar and battery
of 2kWp. Battery capacity is considered as 10kWh. 7000 Cost with solar and battery

Table.1 shows the three days energy management strategy. 6000

Cost in Rupees

It is simulated for three days in order to show clearly that 4000

the algorithm works well. But the total energy savings are 3000

calculated for one month data. Here in the table t is hours,P l 2000

is load, G is the grid price, P R is the price region, P s is 1000

the solar power, P g is the grid power, Eb is battery energy, 0

1 25 49 73 97 121 145 169 193 217 241 265 289 313 337 361 385 409 433 457 481 505 529 553 577 601 625 649 673 697 720
BM is the battery mode, U is the price to be paid without
solar and battery storage, U w is the price to be paid with Fig. 6. Cost comparison with solar, battery and without solar, battery
solar and battery storage. The battery mode is presented as
C for charging, D for discharging, I for idle mode. As it is Fig. 5. which is plot between number of solar panels, battery
observed in table.1 that there are zeros in the grid power and size and the savings in money is presented which helps in
corresponding zero in cost to be paid with solar, there in such deciding the required size of battery and number of solar
conditions the load is met by either using solar or battery. panels. Also it is observed that only increase in battery size
keeping number of solar panels constant doesn’t effect in much
5500 of cost savings. A proportional increase in solar panels and
battery size will result in better energy savings with reduced
Rupees Per Month

4000 4000 investment.
3000 The following Fig. 6. shows the comparison plot between
15 6

the cumulative sum of cost that to be paid to the grid with
Battery capacity in kWh 5 1
2 Number of Solar Panels solar and without solar. It is observed that there is an effective
gap between the cost with solar and cost without solar for one
Fig. 5. Optimal selection of solar panels, battery size, cost savings month. The total savings that is achieved with the considered
number of solar panels and battery size is given by Rs. 3019.6
Fig 4. provides the clear idea about the energy management per month.
strategy algorithm. In the figure charging of battery, discharg-
ing of battery mode and idle mode are indicated. It is observed V. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE WORK
whenever solar is available based on the price region solar In this paper, an algorithm is presented for energy man-
will either charge the battery or supply the load. Also the agement in grid connected rooftop solar system with battery
grid power touches to zero which means that the savings on storage. Based on the results and discussion it is observed that
bill is achievable. Also it is concluded that the savings can be the algorithm is achieving the intended savings in different
increased by increasing the number of solar panels and battery scenarios considered. Depending on the solar availability and
size. The effect of increase in solar panels and battery size on the battery capacity, savings in energy bill varies. With the
savings is presented in Fig. 5. increase in solar panels, battery capacity there will increase

in savings of energy bill and vice versa. The algorithm is
E NERGY M ANAGEMENT FOR 3 DAYS simple as it is based on if then conditions on levels of solar
power, battery capacity, grid power and prices of grid power.
t Pl G PR Ps Pg Eb BM U Uw
No computation intensive optimization problems are required,
1 1.45 2 Low 0 1.45 1.8 C 2.89 2.89
2 1.31 2 Low 0 2.93 3.42 C 2.61 5.85
making it light and easy to implement in a relatively simple
3 1.21 2 Low 0 2.67 4.88 C 2.42 5.33 charge controller. Incorporating the feature of selling power
4 1.16 2 Low 0 2.47 6.19 C 2.31 4.94 back to the grid can be the future extension of the above energy
5 1.15 2 Low 0 2.33 7.37 C 2.31 4.67
6 1.21 2 Low 0 2.27 8.43 C 2.41 4.54
management algorithm, which is under research.
7 1.3 4 Medium 0 1.36 8.49 C 5.21 5.43
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Total 611.61 325.23


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