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1. The two main categories of computer hardware is the input and output devices.

Input devices
is the hardware that uses to input letters, Voice, Numbers, Pictures etc. Input are the hardware
that give computers instructions. Examples of input devices include keyboards, mouse, trackball,
touchpad, scanners, digital cameras, joysticks, and microphones. Output Devices display what
input instruct and it display useful information. Example of output devices are monitor,
Projector, printer, Plotter, Speakers, Earphones. There are device that is both input and output, It
is the touchscreen.

2. The main components of system unit is the Motherboard and Input Output Devices.
Motherboard a computer “backbone” It is the largest board of the computer system. It is
responsible for communication between all components and transmission of information. Input
Output devices. An input devices sends information to a computer system for processing, and
an output device reproduces or displays the results of that processing. In the lower half of the
image, the computer sends, or outputs, data to a printer, which will print the data onto a piece of
paper, also considered output.

3. RAM are the memory container for programs that currently running and holding data that is
being processed. RAM is found in servers, PCs, tablets, smartphones and other devices, such as

4. Peripheral device is an internal or external device that connects directly to a computer but
does not contribute to the computer's primary function, such as computing. It helps end users
access and use the functionalities of a computer. Examples of external peripherals include
mouse, keyboard, printer, monitor, external Zip drive or scanner. Examples of
internal peripherals include CD-ROM drive, CD-R drive or internal modem.

5. The three broad categories of secondary storage device are solid state storage devices, such
as USB memory sticks. Optical storage devices, such as CD, DVD and Blu-ray discs and
Magnetic storage devices, such as hard disk drives.

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