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Foundations 01:
1) AIDET: In what context? Name the steps.
2) NURS: In what context? Name the steps.
Foundations 02:
1) Name the OBJECTIVE components of the SOAP note.
2) 50M w/ a hx of asthma presents to clinic with intermittent L sided chest pain and
associated shortness of breath which began 3 days ago. Chest pain radiates to his back.
Symptoms worsen with exercise and improve with albuterol.
Foundations 03:
1) Patient presents with explosive diarrhea. What changes are expected in the ECF/ICF?
2) Patient presents to ED with massive TBI and intracranial bleeding. She is administered
5% NaCl. What changes are expected in the ECF/ICF?
Foundations 04:
1) Humans do not possess the enzyme that cleaves this glyosidic linkage…
2) Name one reducing sugar and non-reducing sugar. Explain the difference.
Foundations 05:
1) Cholesterol is a precursor for the synthesis of which molecules?
2) Lys-Arg-Pro-Glu-Phe-Ser
Name each AA, which group they belong to, whether essential or non-essential, keto,
gluco or both
Foundations 06:
1) How many NADH are generated from one glucose molecule and at what points of
metabolic pathway are NAD+ reduced? How much ATP generated from NADH?
2) If patient has known defect at complex II of ETC, we’d expect a buildup of which
Foundations 07:
1) Na+/Ca++ exchanger is a form of what type of transport? What is its principle function?
2) Name one limitation of carrier-mediated transport as compared to simple diffusion?
Foundations 08:
1) DNA organization. Which AAs are found outside of histone proteins? Significance?
2) Why does mitochondrial DNA have such a high mutation rate?
Foundations 09:
1) A patient presents to your clinic with dyskeratosis congenita, an inherited pediatric bone
marrow failure syndrome associated with excessive telomere shortening. Describe the
2) Explain the difference between a transition and transversion mutation?
Foundations 10:
1) Name the two enzymes involved in the first, irreversible step of gluconeogenesis? Why is
this a 2 step process?
2) Name two molecules which you’d expect to increase in an athlete performing a sprint
(anaerobic)? Which is vital for the continuation of glycolysis?
Foundations 11:
1) Name the components of hollow and solid organs.
2) A histologist is viewing a slide and is unable to differentiate certain structures. What did
he forget to do?
Foundations 12:
1) A patient w/ a hx of DMI forgot to take her daily insulin and is in severe DKA. She
presents with rapid, shallow breathing. Name the condition.
2) A patient with sepsis presents to the ED with a BP of 78/48. Is the patient within normal
limits? Goal MAP? What is the patient at risk of developing?
Foundations 13:
1) A patient presents to clinic after eating 57 bananas. His lab values suggest that he is
hyperkalemic. What will happen to the resting membrane potential?
2) Patient presents with severe hypocalcemia, would you expect to see an increase or
decrease in ECF glucose?
Foundations 14:
1) How much ATP is generated from the oxidation of one arachidic acid (saturated 20 C
2) Explain why the ketolysis of B-hydroxybutyrate yields 2.5 ATP more than the ketolysis
of acetoacetate?
Foundations 15:
1) Alpha-amanitin is a toxin which inhibits …
a. Translation elongation
b. Translation termination
c. Transcription
d. DNA replication
2) Name the antibiotic which inhibits initiation of translation and describe its mechanism.
Foundations 16:
1) Name the lymphocyte which is part of the innate response? Describe its “killing”
2) Name the “bridges” between the innate and adaptive immune systems. Describe functions
of both.
Foundations 17/18:
1) Patient ingested a wrench and is immediately sent to the hospital for a CXR. Which
would you expect to be most radiopaque?
a. Sternum
b. Adipose
c. Air between intercostals
d. Wrench
2) You’re interpreting a MRI of the head and the fluid in the subarachnoid space is bright. Is
this a T-1 or T-2 weighted image?
Foundations 19-22:
1) What is the order of the abdominal exam?
2) 83F with tinnitus, blurred vision and L hip fracture. Systems of focus?
Foundations 23:
1) An increase in glucose activates which pathways in a hepatocyte? Hormone of action?
2) 24F has not had a meal for over a day. Explain what is occurring in the body.
Foundations 24:
1) Your patient’s calorie distribution (fat-protein-carbs) is as follows… (40%/30%/30%).
Nutritional recommendations?
2) One of your patients (s/p major trauma) is in the ICU. Along with the 9 essential amino
acids, what other AAs should you consider supplementing the patient with?
Foundations 25:
1) What would you expect to happen if a patient was administered an alpha 1 receptor
2) Patient has a defect at Ca2+/ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ pump. What would happen in
respects to the force of heart contraction?
Foundations 26:
1) Name the steps in diagnosis.
Foundations 27:
1) Little Billy presents to clinic w/ galactosemia @ 16 months. When should he be assessed
for his next developmental milestone?
Foundations 28-31:
1) An infant presents to your office and is able to sit without support, crawls and babbles
two syllable words. Developmental milestone?

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