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LIT 203

Cantara, Franz Ivan M.

Marigondon, Larriel Kenneth V.

Barias, Mark Aldrin

Footnote to Youth


- Now a day, this story is common. Such young kids under the pressure of parenthood and so
eager to be free from their parents. Rushing their time and wasting the time of their youth. It
has a lot of good moral and ethical values for the kids today may learn.
1. Theme
- Don’t rush; there is a time for everything.

2. Setting
- In a small in a province, a farm or yard in the Philippines.

3. Characters
A. Dodong-main character of the story who got married at the age of 17
B. Teang- regretted marrying at an early age
C. Lucio- Teang's other suitor who got married after she did and who's childless until now
D. Blas- Dodong and Teang's oldest son who followed their footsteps in the end. Blas
contemplated to marry Tona when he was 18
E. Tona- Woman whom, Blas wants to marry.
4. Conflict
- The main conflict in the story is when Blas decided to follow his father’s footsteps.

5. Plot
- Dodong wanted to marry Teang and asked his father's permission. Thinking that since they are
young, their love would be short, he allowed them to get married. After nine months, Teang gave
birth to a child named Blas. For six consecutive years, a new child came along. Teang did not
complain even though she secretly regretted being married at an early age. Sometimes she even
wondered if she would have the same life if Lucio, her other suitor who was nine years older
than Dodong, was the one she married. Lucio has had no children since the time he married.
When Teang and Dodong were twenty they looked like they were fifty.
When Blas was 18, he told his father that he would marry Tona. Dodong did not object, but tried
to make Blas think twice before rushing to marriage - because Dodong doesn't want Blas to end
up like him.
6. Climax
- The highest point in the story is when Dodong saw her wife in the "papag" with his firstborn
child. He heard his baby's cry that pierced him queerly. He could not control the swelling
happiness in him. Then Dodong wanted to touch the baby and give her a sense of father's touch.
Without Seeing the Dawn
- Although the story for me is kinda old. For the story started at the hardworking and closely-knit
village folk there had simple needs, simple wants, and simple dreams. They were living their own
simple lives when the violence of war reached their place and brought death to their village,
their homes and their hearts.
1. Characters
1. Carding- a strong and fully grown man.
2. Juan Suerte- father of Carding.
3. Don Diego- landlord of Juan Suerte.
4. Gondong, Polo, Ruben, Poncing, Isko and Intong- friends of Carding.
2. Theme
- We should be grateful to all those people who fought and died in martyrdom. Most of them are
nameless and faceless. Nevertheless, we should always remember them. They shaped our
history. We should also do our part, our responsibility and obligation, in taking care of the unity
of the nation. Even if we do not firmly hold the liberty that our heroes had dreamt of, we should
at least take heart in keeping the nation stable through unity and peace.
3. Setting

4. Conflict

5. Plot

6. Climax
Bread And Salt
- According to my research on NVM Gonzalez ‘s woks, I was surprised to learn that a lot of
gonzalez’s characters has the same in common. In his stories, young people under cusp, on the
brink of change.
1. Characters
1. BOY: lower- to middle-class, excels in academics and in music, likes AIDA
2. AIDA: rich, niece of a Spaniard
3. PETE SAEZ- owns a band
4. JOSEFINA and ALICIA- AIDA’S cousins, members of the Buenavista Women’s Club
5. BANDMATES: hired by the Buenavista Women’s Club to play for JOSEFINA and ALICIA’s
surprise party
6. BAKER- owns a bakeshop in Progreso Street
2. Theme
- it is about a teen age guy who fell in love in a girl named Aida who is very rich. At first, he is
dreaming that someday he will get the heart of that girl. He is also dreaming to be the best
violinist in their place, that's why he always practice to improve his skills even though his
grandmother told him to focus on his studies. And I think, one of the reasons why he plays violin
and dream to be the best violinist is to impress Aida.
3. Setting

4. Conflict

5. Plot

6. Climax
My father’s tragedy

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