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ACT I – Introduction

 Normal day in rainforest community – different animas, can have some lizards of the same species (maybe siblings
for this story - most lizards do not live together in groups)
 Main Lizard (tree runner) talks about dream about flying like other animals in the rainforest (such as macaws,
hummingbirds, hoatzin, toucans, harpy eagles, etc.)
 Friends laugh – he feels like an outcast
 Animals run through where they are, talking about destruction of home, several animals brush it off, promising this
area to be safe
 The refugee animals stay the night in the area telling stories of the destruction – main lizard dreams about how he
can save them
 His dreams include being able to fly and attack the human monsters they described
 The next morning, machines show up, beginning the destruction of the supposedly safe area
 Animals begin to flee – some animals from the area try to fight and refuse to leave (including the main lizard)
 Some of lizard’s friends are killed in the destruction, others begin to run, and some are knocked out (including lizard)
 Lizard wakes up and begins to survey destruction and see who is there and who survived. With trees out of the way,
it is easy for the remaining animals to see where the machines have gone – they have to do something
ACT II – Conflict
 Lizard organizes group out of remaining animals that want to go fight against the machines and save the animals
that escaped but remain in danger
 They begin to follow the path of the machines
 Along the way, new machines start to catch up to them
 There are humans in these machines that clean up the debris – collect the materials and they take notice of the
animals crawling through the debris – building sympathy
 After some time, the creatures begin to see the machinery as it cuts down homes and trees
 The main lizard gathers them and helps develop a plan
 Using what they have, they throw sticks into gears and attack the humans controlling the machines
 There are not enough of them fighting and the animals fail
 At night after the machines have stopped and the group of animals is recovering a jaguar comes up – the animals are
afraid – most of them are prey but the lizard does his best to defend them – finding out that the jaguar wants to
help them. She saw what they did and believes that with her on their side they would be successful
 They hatch a plan that night – shifting to morning where they attack again with surprise and a much more powerful
ally. The main lizard has a chance to fly on the back of some of the birds in order to slip into the machine to scare
and bite the humans – the humans run away and the machines stop their destruction
ACT III – Resolution
 The fighting group of animals walks into the forest that hadn’t been touched yet
 Find old family and friends that had escaped in the beginning. They take time to recover from injuries and catch up
on what has happened
 A few days later they hear machines again
 The jaguar and lizard go to see what is happening and see the machines that had come to observe them later came
back with cameras and came to clear the debris
 The humans in these machines set up signs declaring this as protected land – the animals do not understand but
seem to think they are some sort of replacement trees
 All the machines are taken away
 The animals do not understand immediately but as their forest begins to regrow and a much larger amount of time
passes without the threat of machines they feel safer
 The main lizard overhears skeptical friends from the beginning telling stories about the battle to younger new
animals in the forest and why the area is safe now.

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