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There are two common form of Herpes that affect lives. Herpes Simplex 1
(HSV-1) manifests as sores around the mouth and lips and is visibly unattractive
and extremely painful. Herpes Simplex 2 (HSV 2) appears around the genitals and
rectum and stays concentrated beneath the belt line. Herpes appears as blisters,
bumps an are tender to the touch. Herpes on the mouth causes cold sores and
sensitive red areas. If or when the blisters pop they leave painful soes. He watery
fluid contained in these blisters is a common carrier of the virus and should be
avoided. The disease can become latent after infection and cause no symptomps
while lying in wait for a trigger.

Herpes is not only a human virus but is found in all animals. Mammals,
fish, and reptiles have all been diagnosed with a form of herpes. The virus is
extremely common in the United States where it said that one out of every 6
people carry a form of the virus, according to the Center of Diseases Control. It is
not uncommon for people infected with the virus to know that they are carrying it.
Many people that carry the virus show no signs of being sick. Therefore, they do
not take appropriate precautions against the shedding of the virus.

An infected herpes patient can trigger an outbreak by experiencing stress,

sexual intercourse, illness, atigue, and sunlight. Some women claim to have
outbreaks associated with their menstrual periods. Prodrome is the effect of
feeling an outbreak before it takes place. Some people feel itching, burning and
irritation in the location that will have blisters during prodrome ttwo hours to a
couple of days prior to the outbreak. During the prodrome stage, the infected
person is contagious as they would be if they were in the middle of an outbreak.
There should be no kissing or sexual contact during prodrome to avaid shedding
the virus

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